(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

dino mum

I just got the 18th 1215pm show for babies prom.

Thanks everyone. Gareth got first degree burns. Lucky as hbb mention the water was in the flask for around 4hrs but it was stil very hot. So Tiger does live up to its reputation!

I been takin him to pd daily past few days to check on the wound, ensure no infection, wash the wound and to redress it. Abit KS but i hope he will recover nicely from it.

When it happen i already put him under running water for 10mins but the blister still appear so my guess is tat the water mst b really hot. My mistake is that i didnt have a silverdiazin cream standby at home so its a wake up call for me to now repack and see whats missing in the first aid kit!
Hello this is FOZ, my clever little girl manage to change my password and I cannot log in so thought a new account might be easier. LOL...

HBB, still will be going to Playclub twice a week at Big Splash because I like the teacher who will be teaching there - Renu. I think I mentioned to you before, he was then an assistant teacher to Claire during my girl's time. Claire is now based in Forum, she is also very good. Probably will start Schoolhouse by the Bay when he turns 2 instead of 18 mths, as per the advice given by the PD.
Hi mummies

sylvia_80 is also yan_law jst in case no on know where this person sprung up from.

Need help desperately to find a part time cleaner to come in once or twice a week. Any recommendations? The lady whose helping me wants to stop so am in urgent need of one. I need a lady whom i can trust to leave my house keys with as i wont be at home on the days the lady comes in.

Thanks again for the help
hi friend of zoo,
have u register ur child, is there a long waiting list? btw i heard that for the price paid now they mention its not too worth it as the ratio of teacher to student is 1:10-12..
Pls share the brand/type of your favorite feeding spoons... I feed Char soupy dishes with rice or noodle, and yet to find one that I like.
i like my nuby feeding spoon. the angle is just right to feed w/o having to twist my hand too much. i hate the munchkin ones... too straight!
oh no! Have been giving C quite a bit of that cos she's been teething! Hope there is not too much side effect!!!! where did you read that from mashy?
Coolkero, welcome back..
K took the MMRV, but the chicken Pox was given to him at 13 mths together with whatever that is due.. At 15mths he took MMR and praise Jesus, he only had slight fever of 37.1. Many had said the fever only starts from the 5th day, nothing was changed except change in his napping pattern, which I cannot conclude it's due to MMR.

He w/up abt 6am, then by 9:30 or 10 he's sleepy can can nap up to 3 hours. So this means he sleeps very early as well, like 7:30pm.

Yesterday Lina cut back on the biscuits after his lunch and he took 8.5oz during the 4pm feed. And this was the first time he had to cry for milk. (he's been rejecting drinking milk esp from bottle lately).

I have the thermos foogo. It's only enough for one portion for Y but maybe 2 portions possible for JE. ;-P I liek it because it is BPA-free.

Could mummies please advise on what kinds of food to order when we are outside, instead of having to cook the food for our toddlers?
e.g. I once wanted to order porridge at Crystal Jade and the lady(aunty) told me that there was MSG inside. As is, I have a reaction to MSG, so don't want to feed it to the child. So how?

hbb told me that must start to give some salt, so once in a while, I add a drop of soy sauce in the porridge but is soy sauce more salty than salt?

Anyone babes changing sleep patterns? Is it growth spurt? If yes, then what kind of growth spurt is it? I can't seem to find anything on the net!

Y used to sleep from 7.30/8 till about 8 the next morning, and sometimes even 9am. Once Y slept at 8.45pm and woke up at 10 am! So shiok but I was out early at work that day, so I didn't benefit fro a lie-in!

Anyway, Y is now still sleeping at 8, but it's getting more diff, so he tends of sleep at 8/8.15 and then wakes up at 9.30pm and doesn't go back till 11pm! And again in the middle of the night! Twice! And then wakes up at early 7 plus am.
His nap times have changed from two naps (morning and afternoon) to one nap from about noon to 2 plus/3. Then by 7+pm he is super tired, but refuses to sleep. Arghs!
we are also using the thermos foogo jar. good for 1 meal too. but the prob is when we eat out, she'll not want to eat her porridge. cos she wants our table food. i tried bringing out rice in the food jar with some dishes inside & another one with soup. just need to add some soup into the rice, and she thinks it's something new.

we are letting her eat outside food too. but problem is she hardly finish her usual meal portion. in most cases, she ends up eating a few mouthful of the noodles/rice ordered + mouths of meat/fish/dishes we ordered.

for porridge, you can try asking the person not to add salt/msg in it. when it's served, just add a bit of soya sauce on our own instead. in this way, can control amt of seasoning added in.

re nap
same here... she's skipping naps now. on weekends, she'll take just 1 nap at around 1/2pm for abt 2-3hrs. then will play all the way. same thing... at abt 8pm, she'll be very tired already. if we are outside, we will make her walk and run so that she's distracted from her sleepiness. and usually when we are home at 9/10pm, she'll knock out immediately.
TJE, I also dunno want I am saying, anyway all I know is the nurse told me it's MMRV, but I was told he will get 2 jabs at 13 months, of which one is the chicken pox. Then at 15mths, he only has a jab--MMR.

RE: Sleep
K had shed one of his nap since I can't remember when. I only rmbr his usual nap of 10am slowly became 11am, but nap duration increased by about 45mins, good days until 2pm. Then he doesn't zzz anymore until 8 or 8:30pm. I figured it's about 5-6 hrs of being awake before he gets tired.
Recently after the MMR (last monday), he's been napping earlier and longer. Can display tiredness from as early as 9:30am, if uninterrupted, he can continue to sleep until 1pm or longer. On Wed, he KOed on our way to play school, mere 30mins. After school, unlike usual, he did not sleep. Then he went to nap from 12:20 till 3pm.

Lina said the boy is growing... somehow ppl believe the kid grows as he is sleeping and the longer he sleeps the bigger he is growing, true?
JE has juz started her solids, gif her and yourself more time. It's a very frustrating process esp when u spent time preparing and the child simply refuses to eat or even try. For whatever reasons they won't eat, I dunno cos I hv a nutcase here too.

Char decided that she doesn't want to sleep in her crib recently, no matter how tired. She wld sleep wif me holding her but not in the crib. When I left her to nap/cry earlier, she chose to hurt herself, now she has 2 self-inflicted bruises on the forehead

So, dun beat yourself up for JE's unusual eating habit, she will come ard soon. Speedy recovery to u!
TJE, don't be too hard on yourself, especially if you came to that because of what others said to you!!

I used to think "did I do wrong", "is there really another better way?" when I hear comments like these from some old time moms commented. What makes me mad is hearing from some who don't have children but they think their occasional baby-sitting experience can equate to being a mom!

Can you imagine some even have to "substantiate" they point by pulling other people in, like, "even so and so felt the same way.."

I have decided that at their wedding day, I will bless them with the advice: I wish for a new addition to your family soon and just remember, when you became a parent that, your child is not their child and they are not your child's parents"
Yes! Even for their wedding, I am going to wish them this, then I shall write the same when they have their baby shower and full month party..

And for those old-timer moms, I will wait for their kids to get married and write that down for them. And if they ever become like me when tending to their grandchildren, I am going to remind them of what they said to me! **fuming**
dun b hard on urself.. JE is different, she jus started her semi solid. i know u need to stick to the routine to encourage her to eat. try to use ur happy self to distract her, i know its tough esp when u r sick n nobody help u out.
i know hw u feel when u say u harbour the tot of strnagling her..when i am down n out i tot jus throw E out of window n forget bout it... but i dun wan to go to JAIL!!!! =S

i dun tink in places liek crystal jade u can ask them to omit msg becos when the cook the porridge they already add the msg to the base.

diff brand of soy sauce is diff saltiness.. u need to trial n error a bit to get the correct saltiness u wan. if ur bottle of soy sauce is more salty jus add lesser. no need chg brand =)
Hope you get better soon. Take a deep breathe, go one corner and scream into a pillow or punch it around, frustration to drain away first then go back to JE.

Hahaha, works for me when MR drives me nuts when she wakes every other hour in the middle of the night, especially if I'm working the next day. Now I'm starting to sound like a pyscho
Yeah, we all have those days! No thing you did caused that. Think of all those people in Indonesia now. Did they do anything to cause all that trouble on themselves? What about all those in the twin towers in NYC? etc. Tell yourself one day you'll look back on this and laugh.

I took Y to Loewen Gardens for the free storytelling/ stuff y'day and he went up to a few toddlers his age and tried to kiss them to say hello, but he GRABBED their clothes and I had to keep grabbing him away from the kids. Then didn't want to sleep at night, woke up, wanted to watch youtube of a peacock calling away.

Today, after pooing, didn't want to be changed. Stiffened his body and screamed when was carried to changing area.

Have my terrible twos started??! TOOO early! Arghs.

OK to the salt content, will give more salt now and yes, hbb, cannot tell Crystal Jade not to remove MSG! ;-P

TJE, can you pls email or FB me the chart? Tks. BTW, a recent study said sleep more = lose weight! ;-D

Think I'll take Y for one of his jabs next week....
im too chicken to giv edna her mmr n chicken pox now !! i will die!!!!
jus brought her to town... end up i went into ZERO shop! onli managed to eat a bowl of noodle n send watch for service. she make so much noise tat i jus board the train n head home.. even in train i feel like tapping her mouth!!!!
My girl's genital area has lotsa red little spots, thats the first time I saw that thou... Anyone knows wat is it?
My MIL told us that she poo 3 times today, could it be that she poo too much thus resulting in the angry red spots? Kinda worried and wanted to bring her to PD tomolo but hubby say to monitor for a couple of days first... She's not cranky nor trying to scratch her down under thou... At the moment hubby applied desitin... haiz...
Sounds like rash to me cos Amanda always hv it. Wash with water n keep dry. Monitor n see. Usually gone in a day or 2.

Her pd also suggest feminine wash for a few days to keep genital clean.
Think u r right... When I checked again this morning, it was gone... Hengz!!!

Think K's sleeping timing/pattern v similar to dino's... As usual, she sleeps early (latest by 9pm if she nap for 3 hrs in the day) and wake up early (latest by 7pm if I'm lucky and earliest at 5plus)... I've heard of the myth that "the kid grows as he is sleeping and the longer he sleeps the bigger he is growing" from the elders esp from my MIL, thats y she always said dino is still so skinny coz she dun sleep much in the day... maybe thats true?

Re: Sleeping pattern
Dino's sleeping timing more or less the same since young jus that she doesn't need to nap twice in the day and could endure the entire day with just 30mins of nap in the noon... She doesnt get cranky thou, she usually sleep 30mins-1hr in the day during the weekends coz we're out the whole day bringing her to playground, etc... But she still wakes up twice at night for milk thou...

Re: Boys & Maids
We went to the playground again today (Gogo-Bambini)... Again, dino is bullied by older boys (coincidently, its the caucasian boys again)... My idiotic hubby jus let the boys throw the coloured balls at my girl while my girl jus goondu sit there w/o crying/whining when kena hit in the face... I was a distance away and the boy walked away by the time I walked over... Not the first time such things have happened thou... The boys are at least 2-4 yrs older than dino and i cant believe y the boys r so #@*^#@ when my girl did not even provoke or get in their way... the hubby still dare to tell me that 1 of the caucasian boys purposely u-turn back, walked towards her and pushed her to the floor on one of the sat when I was working when he brought her to playground alone... I was damn pissed off when I heard this coz I knew the hubby will do nothing... I guess I'm being over-protective when i see my girl kena bullied by older kids... many times i followed them behind to make sure no one touches the girl... I think I'll "screw" the parent/maid off if i managed to identify them among the crowds... I jus told off 1 maid today at the playground for standing in the middle of one of the obstacles changing the clothes of her lil owner, ended up the kiddos had to jump off mid-way jus to avoid bumping into her and the girl... so damn dangerous, i make her move aside else her girl sure kena kicked in the face... Mummies who often bring ur kiddos to such playgrounds, pls keep a lookout constantly over the maid and ur kiddos, sometimes can't stand the way they do things, so dangerous for the young fellos...
Can share some ideas where u bring little dino on weekends? I totally lost ideas n creativity on this oredi! But i feel very guilty if i dont take gareth out as weekends are the only days he get out of the house. So i do try my best to take him out even if its jst to the mall for a walk.

Soy sauce
Can try Kikkoman less salt. 43% less salt. I use this to marinate the pork, beef or chix for gareth porridge and to add extra in the porridge if it gets bland after adding in water. I take this out wif me wen i bring gareth out to add in to his porridge.

Outside eating
I either take plain white porridge out wif my kikkoman sauce and if chinese rest i tends to order stirfry chix or pork slice so he can share the food. if western then its the plain kids meal of spaghetti bolognaise which i will cut into bits b4 giving him. Jap rest i always only order udon for gareth oso cutting into bite size n he will slurp up the whole bowl.

His burn area is healing nicely and everything peeled off. So wondering if i can start applying the rose hip oil as suggested by hbb now? Pls advise.
yes u can apply the rose hip oil already.. jus use a drop or 2 will do..got a weird fishy smell to some ppl but its normal... im sure ur boy skin will b nice nice again v soon. kids skin heal very fast!!!!
Re: Sleeping Issues
*Sigh* juz left Char crying in her room again
This is the 9th nite running, I don't know what to do. She used to fall asleep within 10 mins of music and rocking, and I could put her into the crib and won't see her till the next morning. But lately, she's completely changed, juz refusing to sleep (and nap) without being held. On some nites she would sleep after crying for 10 mins, on others she would go on for very long!! Even if she fell asleep, she would be up in a couple of hours crying, or rather screaming! Then we'll go get her to sleep in our room cos we din want her to wake her sister up. Arghhh... I don't know what to do? Both DH and I don't like co-sleeping with her cos she's a kicker and early riser @_@ Any advice?
Tje, I can understand when your gal refuse to eat. Hope you get well soon.

KK, ya sometime ppl who say easy than do. I am more angry for those who already a parent and they talk like nobody business.

Dino mum,
Same here, i took my gal to fidglet and peek a boo to play. There was a boy pulled her collar, hit her hand and push her down. She did not cry, but look afaid and ask me to carry her. I was shocked that why this boy did that to her, and this mum saw what her son did to my gal, she pulled him away and walked off, without apologise to me. last sat she got bullied again by a boy too. I think we just don't want our kid to get bullied as they are still so young and their dun know how to defend.
Hi all,
Confinement month has been a breeze for me. My hb was taking leave for 3 weeks and he's very hands on with the kids. I don't have confinement nanny but only rely on my maid to cook the confinement food. There are times when I frustated, tired and almost want to ask doc prescription for 'happy pill', and feel like throwing all the milk bottles and the pump out from the window...but after Nathan give me his- Lee Min Ho- smile, I'm ok all over again. I try to tell myself to be positive and feel contented on what you have. Simple things like welcoming hb from work at 7pm with bubble tea on hand, is enough to make my day!
well, staying at home with 3 kids is really no joke. Although I have maid. Good thing is I shed the first 8kg already! The things that keep me insane are online shopping and numerous lunch dates and visits by girlfriends. Also, waiting for the brown uniform man (UPS!) get me excited. hehehe...

Silvia, I think I have missed out your post about Gareth. Hope he's fine now!
There are a few places to bring our little one but with lots of bugs around, try to bring to outdoor.
1. Jacob ballast Children Garden: got waterplay, just some little fountains, suitable for their age and playground for bigger toddler.
2. Science Centre, the ground in the waterplay area is padded.
3. Vivocity playground
4. Sentosa- Pahlawan beach area
5. Singapore Zoo
6. West coast Park, the sandy area where the playground is.
7. Botanic garden
where else?
Indoor: Fidget, Gogo Bambini, and even those free ones like the one in Paragon, or Jushinjung restaurant.

Noelle, I think the sleeping issue is caused by teething....my gal just cut her bottom molars and now the 4 top mollars together. That's cause her sleeping pattern and eating changed. But she still manage to keep her morning nap as I always bring her out to play or ride in her car to tire her out.
I also just got the hyland teething tablet ordered from US. After the recall, I tried to email the merchant for a refund but being refused and ask to dispose the item away. Damn. Waste my money!

pinky, if you want to go fidget on weekdays, avoid to go after 3pm, this is the time when kids from international school crowd the place. On weekends is usually morning crowd. If that kind of thing happen, approach the staff to pull away the kid because the older kids are not supposed to go into the little fidget area. if that also fail then talk to the parents.
RE: Suggestions of places
- Hort Park
- Marina Barrage
- Helix bridge
- Northpoint playground inside the mall
- Mt Faber
- Changi Airport, T3
- Hay Dairies
- Qian Hu
- Sunset Grill & Pub (Seletar)- can see sunset too!
Yes there is still a waiting list for JG but since my son is a current student, we get priority. Don't think the ratio has been revised as you have been told, still 3 teachers to a max of 18 students per class. Anyhow, you can go for a trail or hol program to find out more if you are keen.

I am also upset when I heard how the 2 older boys bullied G, I would tell them off or at least go "hey stop that!". I will also alert their caregivers to the fact that their charges are misbehaving even if it's not my kid they are bullying. Maybe you can speak to caregiver which in this case is your dh to intervene next time if it gets our of hand. I hate bullys!

Suggestions of places (we recently went to most of the mentioned)
- Fire station (every Sat, 9 to 11am open house)
- Museums (SAM, Natl Museum, Peranakan Museum, etc)
- Bum boat ride along Singapore River
- Farmart (can feed rabbits, goats, look at birds, do some prawning, buy some exotic meat like crocodile meat, in CCK)
- McDonald's Open Kitchen
- Wild wild wet or equivalent water park
- Bottle Tree Park
- Gallop Stables for horse riding (Pasir Ris)

We just went Universal Studios last Friday and it was great, my 2 little monsters had a lot of fun, they went on the carousel, the ferris wheel and the spinning giant cups. We also caught the 4D (shrek) and donkey show and my older one even went on a junior roller-coaster (nah, she was not scared). We saw street performances and my 16 mth-old son tried to do break-dancing!

Sounds like you have a great first month and congratulations on losing 8kg! wow! Good job...

Poor you! That must be frustrating and super tiring. Is it coz of teething or change in schedule or something else altogether? Does she sleep with the sibling? My girl used to have night terrors and we gotta sleep with her else she will wake up crying. Lasted for quite a while unfortunately...hope the situation improves for you soon.

Feeling better?
More or less the places which we brought Dino to are mentioned by Etirto, Candy Floss & Inkling.

USS was fun... We loved the stay at Festive Hotel too... Dino only nap 30mins that day coz she's too excited and roam ard the area non-stop... She loves the Treasure Hunter ride most...

Inkling & Pinky
As for the bullying, I was kinda pissed off but there r too many ppl during the weekends, I had a hard time trying to identify the caregiver since the boys r at least 4yo and the caregiver (their caucasian parents) will not be at the playground, they r usually seated at the cafe chatting away with other caucasian parents not knowing wat their boys did...
I'm super pissed off when these boys/girls who r at least 5yrs old went over to the babies/toddlers area (meant only for those below 3yo) and started to jump into the ball pits from the platform... I was so mad coz there r babies & toddlers inside the ball pit and these older kiddos might just crush into one of the lil ones in the pit, i can't imagine the consequences, so inconsiderate so dangerous... Many parents quickly grab their young ones away but none reprimanded the kids... I was so mad that I followed them and wanted to find out who their caregiver is, but these kids were too fast for this old auntie, I lost sight of them after they went into the main playground at Fidgets... Dunno y but those kiddos which we encountered r usually caucasians... haiz...
Inkling, thanks! hehehe...too many things to do with too little time. but in between I still manage to sneak out for lunches with some gf and on weekend I never eat the confinement food. so sian. I asked my hb to bring me out to have my fave gal bi tang. yumm...

Can't wait to go USS. Next mth we're going. our dear friend treat us for the ticket. how nice.
Oh ya, Bottle tree park is so much fun! we may go there again this weekend. Got to go together with several other kids, then it's fun. Naomi would got so excited chasing those little fish.
Mac Donald at Queensway also got small playground. But may be more suitable for bigger kids.

Anybody can recommend bouncy castle for rent? I have promised my boy to celebrate his big 5 next mth.
I now can understand how you feel when you post about N climbing all over the place. I went to the kitchen to wash a plate and when I went to the living room, MR was sitting on top of the dinning table waving to me. Scared the daylights out of me. She's trying to climb everything, including me. Very tiring trying to keep up with her.
Char is teething (her 5th tooth finally popped) and going thru separation anxiety (I think!). The 2 gals sleep separately in their own rooms, but we're thinking abt putting them together in the same room soon. Do u think it's a bad idea to do it now? Was planning to do it after #1 gets completely potty trained (ie no diaper at nite) but that is going nowhere (another issue). Will probably put a p'Nplay in #1's room this Fri to try, hope to get Char to sleep thru soon cos DH is going on loooong biz trip later this mth. Or shanghai may juz hv another giant panda soon!
My daughter loves sleeping in the same room as her brother so I let it be though at times, they do wake each other up but surprisingly, she is understanding and even tried to pat him back to sleep or said things like "it is ok, don't cry, go to bed now" and so on. Siblings who share a room will probably develop a closer bond, don't think that is a bad thing
If hubby going on a long biz trip, why not take the opportunity to come back here to stay with your folks? That way, you get help and the girls get to spend more time with their grandparents? You also get to spend some time with us :p
MR is sooo scary! My heart would have skipped a beat - or maybe many beats!!!

dino-mum, I know what you mean! I think us Asian parents more protective. Sometimes, the Caucasians are either very protective or bochap. When I told some Caucasian friends that Yann had hfmd, most of them where like, well, that's life. The Asian ones were like, "Oh no!!!!" which is more how I reacted!

Haven't seen you in ages! Glad to hear that confinement went well! :-D Woot!

Took my boy for MMR today, hope all will be well!! Does every child get fever with MMR?
Hello mummies - I'm back from my weeklong holiday in Msia with bbies. It was super tiring. i was 70% awake 24 hours a day, cos getting used to bbies and making them get used to me. all in all, it turned out better than i thot. i thot i'll cut short my holiday to 3 days cos MIL not around to help. but HA HA, i did it all by myself (with hb & 1 helper). i'm actually quite proud of myself. so hao lian

tje - i started smacking my bb on the legs when she refuse to sleep at night. it worked for the first 2 times, then after that, her father heart pain and took over. so she still doesnt get the idea of discipline. hope ur bb is eating better now ? try to get more rest urself
Inkling, Thanks. just managed to get from toys4rent.com.sg. Much cheaper then the other 2 website. I'll gonna get the huge one. N will have 50 of his friend coming. Altogether we will have 100 guest!

Any mummies keen to go for the holiday program by JG? Its a 5 day program cost at $330 but if we get 4 mummies to sign up it be at 20%. Or citibank card holders get 10% straight off.

Also any idea where to get rosehip oil? Been trying to find but cant seems to find it anywhere. Thanks
I was actually eyeing the JG holiday program too. But I took leave 12th-22th Nov as my babysitter is going on holiday and the JG hol prog only starts after that... Not allowed to take any more leave.... sigh....

I got bored and went to google for rose hip oil.

Apparently can get from Watson's. There is this brand called Rosa E, which is a combination of rosehip oil, grapeseed oil and Vitamin E.

tan tock seng hospital pharmacy
It's starting 22nd Nov, for 3 weeks.
Each holiday programs runs for 1 week, 5 consecutive days. So there's 3 sessions in all, each with a different theme. Can go to ther website to download the program
