(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Looks all fired up today despite a rainy day!

love your story! And I think too that the same content spoken differently also bring about different results. We should all learn to have a higher eq.

ok, I'm an outsider and shouldn't be meddling in your squabbles. I'm also a frank and direct person and have offended many people in my words.

Gina and the rest aren't happy not just becoz of the hfmd. It's accumulated. Apparently u have attended gatherings/open your house while nursing a cough and u also brought along a sick Naomi in many instances. It spread to the other kids and now they are unhappy coz u spread the germs. Yes, so the isuue is there were kids who got sick from u and Naomi. Not from hfmd but from other coughs and flu. Ok, I've said it. I hope all of you forgive each other and be nice again. Etirto, just dun meet them when u or Naomi is sick. Our forum should be to make friends and encourage each other right?

Let's be happy again! Be nice everyone.
lamagier i almost bought the lyra giotto play clay for edna last week.. v fun! its oil free... cool to touch.. and can reuse n reuse all over again even aft its harden! too bad edna doesnt like to touch it...
u shld consider buying if minmin promise dun mouth it!!!!
My EQ low and I avoid confrontations. Shall steer conversation towards my current craze ~ Crayola =p

kidz galore price is much cheaper than shops. I got the 12 stick ultra-smooth crayon from the arts shop at harbourfront for $20. Kidz Galore selling for $14. Heart pain.

And I sent them email to ask about the 475ml paint. They do sell it even though not posted on the blog. I got for $5.90. Kidz galore selling for $4.80 (though out of stock at the moment)

MR eats everything. I got play dough, but don't dare to let her play with it after she ate crayola paint 2 weeks ago... She was innocently looking at the paint on her fingers then put them in her mouth before I could reach over & stop her. Sigh.
Lamagier, thanks for your concern!...at least somebody here care about it.

Mashy, not that I can remember off that I attended gathering/open house while me or naomi is sick...(I only recalled that naomi was sick for twice or so, the cough on her 10th mth and this time: hmfd). I have purposely cancelled the playdate if naomi is sick, some who hang up regularly with me like KK and chiyojade should have receive the email/sms notice. but anyway, thanks for saying it and be direct.

Btw, I got additional 20% disc promo code for Leapfrog, applicable for tag book. u interested? my shipment going out end of this week, can't wait till next wk because I'm due next week. so if you have other parcel in your vpost account then we can combine.

Apart from this, anybody know whether it's true that this year chinese garden doesn't have latern festival? has anybody go to the one in clarke q?

I've a shipment going vpost now actually. But I don't have anything to get from leapfrog. If u wanna tag along, we'll need to work out the cost. I'm not very sure about the vpost charges for different packages coz I have only done single shipment. Pm me.
Hi mummies who are preggie again,

I've a voucher to let go. Its for a 60 mins pre or post-natal aromatherapy massage at Raffles Aesthetics, Raffles Hospital, valued at $120. Expiring 3 Oct. I have no use for it cos I'm not preggie again..yet. So can let go at a special price. Interested mummies can pm me. Cheers
Lamagier: the bigger bottle of paint is worth buying. It's easily washable as well. But I still don't let the children paint outside. Painting is restricted to the bathroom and its walls. They paint in their birthday suits so after that I can hose everyone off. This afternoon I found Max eating one of Ally's crayons, luckily its non- toxic....
FOZ, love your post!!!
Gina, I am sure you appreciate bible stories like this too.. ;)

RE: Marine Omega
Pinky, Marine Omega is not fish oil, it's krill oil, food for the whale.
BBEthan, I know it's available online from USA, I got mine from Nuskin. I signed up when I was pregnant cos I needed the marine omega for "Yoda". It's $74 for 120 capsules. I am sure it's alot more expensive than the normal fish oil but as I reseached on "EPA", "Marine Omega", "Krill Oil", I found that MO is 80% more potent than fish oil and great for those with cholesterol problems.

RE: Quiting jobs, SAHM, "Necessities"
I always feel life is full of choices, and it's our needs & expectations (of life) that determined which choice. Likewise the necessities. To be put it crudely, sometimes I asked myself, if some parents can use a $99 "lucky Baby" stroller, why then did I insisted one that costs $800? There are baby carriers that cost a little as $80, why then must I have a Baby Bjorn and then eventually bought a second one from Combi? I see many less well-to-do family using no brand bottles and teats, but I have from the most reasonably priced Pigeon to Avent to Medela to Playtex to Dr. Brown. Things that are necessary for me may not be necessary for others, e.g. I preached the goodness of cordyceps, but you may not believe in Chinese herb, I preached Marine Omega, but you may not be willing to pay that kind of price..
Etirto, for my household, anything to do with safety, hygiene and health is not necessary but MANDAToRY. I am glad for this I have agreement with J.
Come to think about it, I only started feeling ok getting money from hb after we learnt that my brother-in-law gets a certain amount of "allowance" from my sis-in-law and she proudly claims "no one can question how he spent it".. It's like a hint to my MIL... Sigh! Different fate!!

Anyway, yesterday, I went to the Better Toy Store. Thanks to HBB for the info, now it's my favorite toy store.

Neighbor's boy had happily shared his when we were out walking in the morning, so I decided to go check it at ELC until HBB tole me about TBTS. I ended up buy him a push cart with building blocks and a push along rattle.

I think I am still far behind the paints and crayons... better pull up my socks here..

Now my new concern: I think K is teething again, his last 4 molars.. Typical symptoms like his previous teething- increase in salivation, drop in milk consumption. Few new symptoms, keeps putting thing into his mouth however not to the back, keeps wanting to bite, rusk is the best but I suspect that causes him to eat less during the proper meal sometimes..

Thank God, like the last time, he has no fever. The reason he was cranky last night (longest ever) was because he was overly tired and hungry (he skipped his 4pm milk yesterday).

Have a great weekend!
haha glad u like tat place! tat store toys are really better rite? lol
i did not know of that place until asami brought me there aft sch 1 day muahhaa its my fav too!!!! looks like 'yoda' got more toys at home now!!!

i agree tat diff ppl got diff level of expectation in life hehe...

your boy gg to have full set of teeth already!!!!

edna was down w runny nose n block nose... cried for 2 nights... 1st nite was terrible!!! dh keep doing tuina for her and after she pooed the nxt day most if not all the sticky mucus was pass out of her body she seems better... thou he was paranoid and was afraid she was running a fever!! i keep telling him she hasnt got a fever! my god daughter n my nephew also fever! many of edna's friend all caught the flu bug too!!!! just be careful when we go out... apparently got this virus out that which is much more potent than the fever w flu kind.. comes in form of flu and cough no fever one.. be very very careful!!!!!

hope all our kids stay healthy!!!!!

my gal is also down with flu and cough. No fever too and pd said there's this nasty virus going around and children are getting bronchitis everywhere. So now my gal classified as pre bronchitis. Sigh. She vomited all over the bed in the middle of the night.

How do u do the tuina? Can demo and post it?
prebronchitis sounds nasty!!!! i cannot imagine if the real thing comes..hope she gets better soon

its very hard to take pic n demo cos alot of 'steps' involve. dh is the one who do it for her as he got 'lighter touch' compared to me who use a bit more pressure. he lightly toucher her acupoint like on the side of her feet and her back and a bit on her temple.
it looks like just skin bonding but its actualy tuina...

actualy we been going tuina so ever often for her flu n etc last time that he knows how to do it already . almost went for the course but no time. might want to go soon. gt this meridian 101 course for tuina for kids i think.

they even have course for it? Wow! Too bad my gal will move all over. Hard to keep still for me to learn something from the course. We've been going right brilliance classes and it included a massage session. She never keeps still for the massage. At home then she ok. Sigh.
BTS has taken quite a lot of money from me already! LOL! I dare not step in there, but now am a lot stronger! Like kk, I also believe that we also have choices.
If you can afford it and like it/want it/need it, why not? If you can't, well there are many who do without and they are not any worse. :p

Want to ask if your babies are throwing tantrums? When mine sometimes cannot get what he wants, he throws a hissy fit! As he is the only child at home, I sometimes, purposely take the toy he wants to play with, so that he learns how to share and then he'll scream and kick his feet! Arghs!
But then I was also told that they only learn to share much older, so never mind, give in....? How? Any advice?
I did try the distracting bit and that works as well, but can't always distract, right?
edna wun sit still for the tuina anymore she even CRY her lungs out the last 2 times we went tat y we stop going. at home we do it while she have her last feed.

chiyojade. edna will throw tantrum too. like tje... i ignore her at home and tell her she cant have it.. i will offer her sth else instead

i try to keep thgs out of her way esp her fav stuff... i dun wan to say too much no to her least she pick up the NO NO NO habit n say no to me instead in future also! haizzz cannot smack her too much(else she copy) cannot say no... how to discipline them?!?!?!?!
RE: Tantrum
K just did something he never did before--having the longest angry cry, last night. I took him to TBtS, he rejected his milk at 4pm, then was tired and fell asleep at 6pm. He had to be hungry, so I thought just let him sleep for a while to have enough energy to take his dinner before bed (again). Therefore I did not make him really comfortable. MISTAKE!!! He got up at 7pm and cried until almost 8pm!!! The first 30mins was real hardcore angry cry, the last perhaps 20mins was just cry for the sake of crying. he did stop for a couple of minute before he remembered 'he was supposed to cry' and then continue..

I think if there was a camera, you will find it so funny, cos I am like, patting his back and butt, then cuddled him, then rock him, even did the "shhhhh.. shhhhhh" we used to discussed when our babies were merely 2-3mths old. Then I stood up and rock him in my arm, then put him on my chest tummy down and I reclined on the pillows stacked up, then back to rocking him...

Finally I decided to take him for a bath, the air-con was on but he was perspiring.. When he saw the bathtub filled with water, he stopped. His eyes were puffed and eye still teary. So J put him in a bath for the longest time...

This afternoon, he rejected the 4pm milk again. And we were out pretty late, so instead of "making the same mistake" like last night, I just put him in his cot after we got home. Then got 2 towels to wipe him, changes and put his PJ. And gave him a dream feed of 6oz of 2 parts fm and 1 part cereal.

Chiyojade, yes, they only share when they get older. K doesn't know how to share, but he is very willing when I told him to "give". I hope he continues to do that.

I found something shocking yesterday morning too! I told him in Mandarin to bring me a book, he ignored that. Then when I told him in English, he promptly went and got the book!!! Other than this, I ahve yet to discover what else doe he not know in Mandarin.

This was what I found while I was searching for an old email: Some of you may have read this before.

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amen.

God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping, then drove home to put away the groceries, paid the bills and balanced the checkbook. He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.

Then it was already 1 P.M. And he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.

Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework. Then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing. At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. At 9 P.M., he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said,"Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were. You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant last night."

Note: this is very much American context, imagine some of us who do not have cars at our disposals for errants, dish washers, and still having to place the clothes nicely on the "bamboo poles".. Then again, domestic help are cheap here (exp Filipino)
That is sooo funny!! I was expecting the usual moral at the end (which of course came through) but then it had that twist - I burst out laughing!

And I'm sorry, but when I read the part about K crying because he was "supposed to cry", I did find it funny; though I can imagine if I were in your shoes, that won't be funny at all!

What my husband tries to do is when I say the word to Y, he says it in his language as well, to reinforce it, but don't worry too much about this. Many studies have shown that bilingual kids (am hoping mine'll be bilingual) talk much later and are slower when they start but then they'll eventually take off. A friend of mine once complained that they could not have a proper dinner conversation because her 3 kids preferred to speak in English and she wasn't speaking to them in English, only their dad; so at the dinner table, they would tell their father about the day (when he was around) and she felt left out but she persisted and now there is no problem for them to communicate. :)

BTW, did you get your stuff from Sharon's?
Chiyojade, actually, I also found it funny... when he stopped and then continued with that "fake" cry. Can actually tell the tears were the "residual" tears from the real crying before..
KK - then TJE will be too happy - cos she will also grow younger and younger & look younger and younger. And before you know it - she will be 21 again!!

Tantrums: Tell me about it, Max stamps his feet when he wants something! Don't remember my #1 ever pulling that sort of stunt with me.

Chiyojade: They do learn to share as they get older, but its always good to reinforce good habits when he's with kids his own age. Now A and M fight like cats and dogs. She takes something and suddenly, he MUST have it as well. It's so tiring to pull them apart and tell him over and over again not to snatch/grab. At the end of the day, sometimes I really want to close one eye and ignore it but its the consistency that teaches them right from wrong behaviour so just have to stick to it and hope this phase passes quickly!
I'm glad that my supposed chia zha bor didn't throw tantrum on us thou... She seems to understand wat we say whether in Hokkien, English or Chinese... She loves kiddy rides and would never fail to lead us towards the kiddy ride at shopping mall... Before giving her coin to sit in the ride, we usually told her "only 1 time and after that u gonna leave k?", she will look at us, and gesture 1 and nod her head. After which she would take the coin from us and insert to the machine herself... Once the ride end, she won't pester us for another one and will ask us to carry her out...
So far she never throw tantrum nor cry for more than 3 mins unless she falls hard on the floor... V pleased with her and hope it continues this way... I thought she's the ferocious type but I guess I'm wrong thou... After bringing her to playground and etc, I observe that she's usually willing to play with other kids or share toys, it's only when ppl provoke her then she'll turn nasty... At least I can be assured at the moment, she won't out of no reason pick a fight with other kids in class... Keke...
Tantrum - my little giant throws tantrums too when he can't get what he wants. He does his cry & wrinkles up his face. And if you ignore him and walk away (at home), his crying stops and he opens his eyes. Then when you look at him again - he will suddenly open his mouth and whine again (but forgets to wrinkle up his face)...as if I turned around and caught him in the act of NOT crying!!!
Tantrum - at this age, it's still easier to distract. Distract their attention to something more interesting...when they're getting older, it's more difficult to distract!

KK, I think yours is more like teething rather than tantrum. Molar is the most painfull one I guess.
Yes, they start to understand our conversation. Whenever we go out, I will try to tell her name of things. Simple one, like Dog, cat, tree, etc. Then try to ask: where is dog? which one is a car?

Dino-mum, your lil dino is very well behaved! Naomi is getting very cheeky nowadays. when she knows that she's doing something that she's not suppose to, like climbing the tv console, or throw things to the floor, she will pause first and see my reaction while giving me cheeky smile. then I will 'pretend' to scold her and say NO with the stern voice. Sometime it works.

Chiyojade, now they are still too young to share...when they start nursery, then they will learn how to share. Even till 4yrs old now, sometime Nigel still doesn't want to share his thing, and even worse, can argue & want to hijack the computer to play, by telling me "mama, but you said we must share our toy! why I cannot share your computer?" tsk tsk...
But the good thing is, he can give away to his sister, when his sister snatch something from him, he would let her be. If the thing happen to be his fave toy and he doesn't want to share, Naomi will scream and said "Nigel!" with the same tone as mine. hehehe :> then usually he will give it away.
TJE, Dino Mum, your girls did not kissed each other by accident and got SWITCHED I hope? But I think seriously, this is a phase, all shall be well for our babies!!

ETirto, ya, he is more gu-niang these few days, I dunno if it's because I am around more, off the whole of Fri-Sun. He's been v sticky. and manja!

Now he is maja-ing Lina..
Hi mummies,
Anyone interested in buying my Pediped Jenna Pink Flex size EU21 (For around 2 years old)? Selling for S$40.
I bought size EU23, but the shoes in the box ended up to be EU21. And it's too much of a hassle to try to rturn them
Few days din check this thread & was about to 'lodge complaint' on tantrum but only to find out a lot of babies also in this phase..
phew! I thot my xiaojie has turned monster.. a lot of "dramas" too.. fake whining & crying.. haiz!

agree that we shouldn't say too much "NO".. My sis once told me not to keep saying no to S but put it in a positive way.. I find it v hard lor hehe.. I'll only realise when I've said it out then work my brain backwards on how I should put it..

yes! S has been so clingy & manja too (especially during the weekend)! I suspect it's her 6th tooth cutting out cos' her saliva is all over the place & dripping like nobody biz.. If she saw me during her meal time (normally dinner), she wouldn't want to sit still in her highchair & finish her meal.. My helper said lunch time she's fine when I wasn't around.. Last nite, when she's half-awake but still closing her eyes, she knew I was lying next to her & she'd purposely move/throw herself right exactly next to me & I'd pat her.. once I stopped the patting, she'd move to another direction (facing me) & slowly "toutou" opened her lids & peep! It happened again & again & again until I've gotten it & ignored her.. but then she'd just really scream/cry. She reminded me of myself when I was young. I wouldn't let my mom faced my dad while sleeping & made her hold my hands & slept facing me whole night (well, at least when I was aware). It continued until I was abt 6-7yo! I hope this time is not my retribution.. :p

Gen's really behaving like a big girl now.. very good!

As I'm typing, my mom called me & told me that she's bringing S to ntuc now cos' she's screaming the whole house down.. I'm wondering if they're too bored at home?

a change of env like going to the supermarket will distract the kid..

well soon they can attend playgroup, so they won't be bored anymore.
wat u can do is instead of saying no... u say: S, how bout this? u wan this???
i try to use this method on edna
lesser no... hehe.. today i gave her a no in front of her godma and her godma say i v gentle w my no..muhahaaa so i told her the reason why... LOL

ehh ur S and edna same lar.. edna is tekan queen at home oki.. jus now we tested her.. i lie down..she cry i sit up she stop.. repeat many times ... same result. ask the daddy to lie down..she bo chap!!! the moment i die down she cry again!!!!!!!!!
Phew. I know this is not very nice, but I DO feel better that my little one is not the only one throwing tantrums. Mine can point his index finger and say "No, No". When he did that the first time, I really STOPPED myself because he obviously picked it up from me, so I have tried the distraction method, but I DO resort to "No" sometimes, especially when he throws his MagMag bottle from the dining chair. If he's in one of his moods, he'll throw the bottle and then say, "No, no". And of course, I'm controlling not smiling and laughing because it's so cute! LOL!

Need Discipline help:
Anyway, today, I was eating a curry puff on a low chair and he wanted some (those of you who know him well enough how know how much he loves food) but of course I didn't let him have any, so he crawled towards me, pulled himself up and whined because he wanted it, and I ignored him and he BIT me!!!!!!!! I immediately gave him a light smack him at the corner of his mouth and said, "No" very sternly. But of course, I felt bad about "hitting" him...any other ideas???? Like I said, those who know him, know that once he sees people eating, he'll want some as well, even if he's just eaten. How do I stop him from biting? I reckon he was either
1) taking revenge OR
2) asserting his power (I started to read a book on discipline, but they don't have this thing about greedy babies!)
And it isn't the first time he's biting, but it IS the first time I smacked him, because the other times of telling him not to do that sternly, trying to explain, or give him a toy as distraction doesn't work.

BTW, I also want to sell my Pediped Sam Navy, BNIB. Etirto, remember you got them for me? When I took him to see the inlaws, over there, the shoes for this age are hard-soled and have a grip on the ankle and have an arch inside - their concept is totally different from what they say here and in the US. Everyone kept telling me that he wouldn't walk in the shoes he had (soft soled ones) KK, he was wearing the ones you passed me that were too small for K.
So I took him to the shoe shop to try and true enough, he was much more comfortable with the hard soled leather and was more confident in walking. He still isn't confident enough to walk yet, but we saw the huge difference with the soft soled and the hard soled shoe, so I don't know what to do - alternate between hard and the Pediped soft soled which I haven't used yet? But the pediped has no arch and I wonder if that can result in him being flat footed? Genes probably play a part in that but I am flat footed and if that can help him have even a small arch, I'm thinking why not...? Any ideas?
yea true.. even a simple walk downstairs at the void deck could make her happy.. for a while.. hehehe.. Talking abt playgroup, any mommies here know from what age does the school bus service start?

hehehe tekan queen.. ok, I'll your method next time.. btw, how's the red scuttle bug? still her fav?
actualyt he scuttle bug a bit too big for her!!! she love it but get stuck somehow but xavier will come n fight w her for it muahahaaa
MR went thru a phase when she hit me & the husband. I held MR by her shoudlers, look her very sternly in the eye and very seriously told her she's not to hit, and made sure she made eye contact and that she sees I'm angry and gets uncomfortable. Did that a few times. (Though she will try to pout and bring on the tears) Seemed to work on her.

MR likes to go for the rubbish bin =p I tried slap on the hand, normal scolding, just plain carrying her away when she heads for the bin. Doesn't work. Need to try my serious look on her again
greedy babies - mine too. last night my neice gave her a piece of roche. i scolded the neice and maid of cos. sigh... the bb is so greedy.
Lamagier. MR likes the rubbish bin? hehehe...Naomi too! I guess, it's very interesting to them since so many things inside. One time she toppled all the contents out and she climb in, trying to be a rubbish herself. Nowadays, I try to distract her by using something similar, like I have a smaller 'bin' kind to hold all my hairclips and stuff like that. she will be very busy taking things in and out from that bin for a few minutes.

Chiyojade, the Flex series have the moulded -arched inner sole, right? so I guess it can 'grip' their feet better then the soft sole ones? And if I'm not wrong, you did order the Flex one instead of the soft sole. The shoes will get worn off very fast before they can give them flat feet...:> even it has any effect on that...(max 6mths?).
Yah, the silly girl like rubbish bin & climbing around the plastic bench-table set the husband got her. Not such a serial climber like your girl though =p

My nephew started taking the school bus when he about 3years old. Think they start the service for childcare centers, so prob min age is 18months. But my sister was worried about leaving such young children to the bus attendent, so only let him take the school bus when he was older
I came back fr offc one day & suddenly S pointed at rubbish bin & said "Yiiiiii..." then teteh told me she taught her so cos she kept going to kitchen & wanna mess the rubbish bin.. dunno if it's a good thing or not cos last nite when I came home, my mom told me S saw a tiny screw on the floor (thanks to hb!!!) & she also said "Yiiiiiii...." Luckily she nvr ate it cos nobody knows until she made that noise! I notice she's abit freak like me kekeke.. I can't stand to see a tiny little dot of dust/dirt on the floor, bedsheet, etc & will keep cleaning/throwing it away.. & I did that v often during my pregnancy too

yeah, I actually also worry but for working parents like us, we're left with no choice.. It's still better than letting her take cab alone with teteh.. I hope I could find better solution on this before the schooling days start..
its a gd thg!!! she knows its yiii cannot touch!!!! good! edna will usu pick it up and then pass to mi ... yes my hse also gt screws on the floor sometimes thanx to my hubby(why will mummy play w screws rite?) he will drop n dun realise... duhz

A friend of mine thinking of ordering confinement catering. Mothers who have tried ordering them, do you have any comments of anything to look out for?
