(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

She'll have to pay the cost of the air ticket to Paris first before getting the bag! LOL!!!

Where IS the main Chanel shop in Paris btw? I wonder if I have even been there! LOL!!!

dino mum & linsu

hehe, my gal's birthday party will be on the 10th too!!!
chiyojade, i never went to the main shop which is at place vendome! because i keep hovering around the saint honore and rue cambon area. haha.

btw, any mummies have/use thermal pot?
i saw robinson private sale selling a set at 99 bucks, la gourmet brand.
if i cook only one bowl of porridge for baby Mia, the thermal pot will work given such little quantity? or is it just good for cooking soups?
tje, i also thought rue cambon is the main store! hahaha...until chiyojade ask me the question and i went to wiki chanel...then realize oops place vendome is the main hq.
not tried cooking using thermal pot, tot its big for baby porridge. I am using mini slow cooker (can use timer to control) and there is this "Ta Yu" black pot to cook.
Hmmm...I wonder if there'll be any French people in the Chanel store apart from the sales people. Like LV...;-P I've prob passed the main store many times but never had any reason to enter there! Will rem if I go back to that area...

It's not that far from Laduree Royale! Yummilicious!
eh LV flagship store will be opened at marina bay (or is it opened already?). it will be in glass and 'floating' on the sea. wow. I must visit this! Not to buy though...hehehe...

dunno wheeeeennnn I can afford to buy this? when the youngest one turn 2 yrs old then I can go full force on my freelance job. but then, I will have headache picking up kids from school and scheduling the meeting with client & contractor...haiz. forget about bags. Now in my mind is how to get rid of the stupid cough.

I have postponed my gynae apt that supposed to be on Tues to today because Naomi is sick. Actually I'm quite excited to know the gender of the baby.
Last night she was little bit better. But the cough is still very 'heavy' and the mucus is stuck on her throat. she lost her voice. poor thing. she was given Rinatiol for babies.
Mummies, how many days should we expect this kind of cough to last? I'm thinking to bring her back to the PD tmr if there is no improvement.
Btw, anybody want Eric Carle book : Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see? it's paper back, A4 size. $10. still new, because I'm getting another one in board book version set.
I also don't have any LV nor Chanel bags - besterries and chiyojade - I can join your club

milk bottle rejection
any babies rejecting milk bottle?
T has been rejecting his milk bottle since Tuesday. When the test touches his tightly closed lips, he will gag.
So much so that my parents will feed him a bit of cereal, mixed very dry, with the EBM in the pigeon mag mag or combi straw cup to suck, since the food is dry.
He latches on fine in the evening and early morning.

I'm wondering if T wants to say byebye to the milk bottle so early??!! Or is it just a phase?

Coolkero - when tomi went on milk strike, was it like that? How did you make him drink milk from the milk bottle again?
Yes, I wan the book, if you don't! :p Will get it from you the next time I see you?!

Hope Naomi gets well soon. I would take her to see the PD again, but I'm the kiasu sort. ;-P

I think i saw you and XY yesterday at compasspoint Macdonald.

Pigeon Y bottle 300ML
I have two bottle of the pigeon bottle, giving out for free. No worry, unused and packing in box. PM me if anyone who interested.

Yalan Auto swing machine.
HELP! anyone have the machine and currently not using? Can sell me or lend me for two week as mine need to sed for repair take two week times. Thank you.
breastfeeding - i made up my mind to completely stop bf yest. cos all the biz trips screwed up my schedule, and i can only get at most 500ml a day last week, and this week only 200 ml a day. drop so drastically so quickly. then suddenly last night, just as i was about to pack away my best friend breast pump for good, i had pang of nostalgia of those early difficult bfg days and how far i've come, and decided that emotionally i still want to bf, and cant let go of my breast pumpt. so i change my mind and decide to carry on even with this little bit of milk thats not even enuff for a single feed for 2 bbies to carry on until bb is 1 yr old. and this morning, my big aunt came. oh man! even if i dont want to move on to next stage of my life, my body is making changes without telling me !!

ok enuff of talking to myself and my breastpump.

$4000k bags - ok i guess if we really wanted, we can always go to the shop and buy. i've actually been instigating my friend to buy just so that i can go to the chanel shop with her and talk down to the sales girls. who call them so yah yah. ha ha ha. anyway, i think if i didnt splurge on that impulse buy of a PIANO last month i might have some money set aside. but between bag and a piano, a piano brings more joy to all that a lonely bag.

i'm ranting a bit today. dunno why. maybe cos so many ppl in office gg on leave, things slowing down a bit.
there's a high tea gathering ? i'm gg on leave tom cos MIL gg vacation so i have to be home. also running errands tom - go bank, go curtain shop, go use up freebie voucher, go collect bb passport. so even then cant join you for tea. i wish i have a PA...

tje - haha, you so funny abt the wedding. when i bot the piano i had grand visions of playing for the bb, then when they grow up, we'll huddle round the piano and play xmas songs and sing and laugh. of cos, i only remember how to play twinkle twinkle and mary had little lamb. and i only 'play' the piano at most 5 times since i bot it last mth. talk abt impulse buy.

orchestra - maybe your bb inherit the music genes, just skip your generation ? ask your dad to teach bb music ? better than gg to that ulu faraway stacato place.

i'm really stalling today. havent sent out any emails, but have talked so much rubbish here. engine cannot start.
Hi guys, I have great news to share - my son is finally cleared of his UTI, we did the DMSA (a scan where a dye is injected into his blood to determine if the UTI is caused by kidney failure) and he "passed" with flying colors - no more anti-biotics and no more KKH, yippee!

I received this as a forwarded mail but like it a lot so I thought I will share it here:

Mr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-violence, in his June 9 lecture at the University of Puerto Rico , shared the following story as an example of "non-violence in parenting":

"I was 16 years old and living with my parents at the institute my grandfather had founded 18 miles outside of Durban , South Africa , in the middle of the sugar plantations. We were deep in the country and had no neighbors, so my two sisters and I would always look forward to going to town to visit friends or go to the movies.

One day, my father asked me to drive him to town for an all-day conference, and I jumped at the chance. Since I was going to town, my mother gave me a list of groceries she needed and, since I had all day in town, my father ask me to take care of several pending chores, such as getting the car serviced. When I dropped my father off that morning, he said, ' I will meet you here at 5:00 p.m. , and we will go home together. '

After hurriedly completing my chores, I went straight to the nearest movie theatre. I got so engrossed in a John Wayne double-feature that I
forgot the time. It was 5:30 before I remembered. By the time I ran to the garage and got the car and hurried to where my father was waiting
for me, it was almost 6:00.

He anxiously asked me, ' Why were you late? 'I was so ashamed of telling him I was watching a John Wayne western movie that I said, '
The car wasn't ready, so I had to wait, not realizing that he had already called the garage. When he caught me in the lie, he said: '
There's something wrong in the way I brought you up that didn't' give you the confidence to tell me the truth. In order to figure out where I went wrong with you, I'm going to walk home 18 miles and think about it.'

So, dressed in his suit and dress shoes, he began to walk home in the dark on mostly unpaved, unlit roads. I couldn't leave him, so for five-and-a-half hours I drove behind him, watching my father go through this agony for a stupid lie that I uttered. I decided then and there that I was never going to lie again.

I often think about that episode and wonder, if he had punished me the way we punish our children, whether I would have learned a lesson at all. I don't think so. I would have suffered the punishment and gone on doing the same thing. But this single non-violent action was so powerful
that it is still as if it happened yesterday.

"That is the power of non-violence."
tje - ok will try to make it for the next tea. but i kind of need advance warning so that i can take leave. and switch to bitchy gossipy mode

foz - thats good. your son had uti since the last time, ie few months back ? thats quite long. poor thing.
WHOOOO-HOOOO!!! YAY!! Veyr happy for you and Austen- the paper monster - I realised that he really, really loves paper. I know what to feed him next time! ;-P

I LOVE that story, btw.
haha, so FOZ officially have new nick now. FOC.
glad your boy is fine. so he's been in antibiotic this few mths?

bestberries, you mean as in real piano, right? not the red tiny one for babies? hahah...
My mum forced me to learn piano since I was in kindergarten, then I was learning it for about teenager age. oh dear. so long. and now the only song I can play is partially of Fur Elise. and I cannot read the note anymore. so damn useless! I guess it's just not in my blood. But I love to hear people playing piano. My brother, on the contrary, never learn piano for his whole life. then he suddenly start playing by himself. when he listen to 1 song then he quickly play it in the piano. amazing. he can't even read the note at all.

Kim, your usborne "that's not my..." series is available in that mama21 bp u know. she sms me whether want to go to her place tonight or not...but likely TJE remind me that the taxi fare for 2 ways plus the peak hour surcharge is much more than the $ that we save from buying her book.

Lamagier, if you happen to go, please sms me, can? thanks!

cath, I will pass the book next time we meet, ok? so next Thursday, fidget?
FOZ, thank God Austen cleared all tests!!

ETirto, thanks for info o. 'this is not my..' series, I really dun mind going to her plc if it's convenient to drive there. Shall we arrange with her whn Naomi feels better?

RE: LV & chanel
Muffingirl, u mean bestberries dun hv LV? I thought I saw her with Never Full before??
I M THE ONE THAT HV NONE OF THE ABV now.. Ehh, I received 2 LV before that I dun like so I gave them away..
I think some moms I met here are high in both, eg FOZ, and I also thinks some of us also have high SQ, social quotion.

Muffingirl, I think timmy's rejection of bottle is a phase, hopefully short one cos I rmbr my greedy K has demand for milk dropped to 2oz at one point, then slow climb back to 4oz, then hover between 4&5oz, today I started giving him 6 oz and he fin all!!! Looks like I hve to retire those 4oz size Avent bottles again.

RE: clingy behavior
K's clingy behavior us getting worse, today he only wants to be held whn he is awake.. I was told that k's clinginess to me is not bcos of me babying him too much but bcos his daddy din spend enough time with him.. This evening I took my shower when he takes his evening bath so I dun get frustrated wasting time patting him to sleep.

I wrote a feedback to MOM abt their WP online service.. Bcos of the timing (0800-2200hrs), my helper's application was not able to go as smoothly and speedy as it should. The nice lady that called me back told me they hv received many feedback on this and us looking into extending.. I really dun understand if the website is already set up, why can't it run 24/7?
I am so happy I am getting my extra pairs of hand thus Monday!! Hallelujah!!!
I think some moms I met here are high in both, eg FOZ, and I also thinks some of us also have high SQ, social quotion.

Muffingirl, I think timmy's rejection of bottle is a phase, hopefully short one cos I rmbr my greedy K has demand for milk dropped to 2oz at one point, then slow climb back to 4oz, then hover between 4&5oz, today I started giving him 6 oz and he fin all!!! Looks like I hve to retire those 4oz size Avent bottles again.

RE: clingy behavior
K's clingy behavior us getting worse, today he only wants to be held whn he is awake.. I was told that k's clinginess to me is not bcos of me babying him too much but bcos his daddy din spend enough time with him.. This evening I took my shower when he takes his evening bath so I dun get frustrated wasting time patting him to sleep.

I wrote a feedback to MOM abt their WP online service.. Bcos of the timing (0800-2200hrs), my helper's application was not able to go as smoothly and speedy as it should. The nice lady that called me back told me they hv received many feedback on this and us looking into extending.. I really dun understand if the website is already set up, why can't it run 24/7?
I am so happy I am getting my extra pairs of hand thus Monday!! Hallelujah!!!


Thanks all mommies for the support and here are a couple of pictures of the little one on the huge machine while his kidneys were being scanned. Oh and glad you guys like the story on non-violent parenting as much as I did.

Etirto, yes my son has been on anti-biotics for the past couple of months, every single night at 10pm, we give him the dosage, mixed with water. I am sooooo glad we don't have to do this anymore.

Congrats Kim, on getting a new helper, I am sure she will be of great help to you and your household. However, must bear in mind sometimes with a new addition to the family, esp one from a different background, there could be some adjustments to be made, which may be uncomfortable. I am sure, though, you will ease into it
BTW I am also thinking of going to mama21's place, I was at Borders earlier and realised her pricing are much lower than retail. Also, so nice of you to say I have both Qs...haha...

Bestberries, I look forward to catching up with you at the next hi-tea!

I also don't have a chanel bag, very tempted to get one when I am in NY but TJE said only 10% less in US while it is 30% less in Europe! Sigh...
Aiyoh! So heartpain!!! :-(
I didn't see any of these!!! They didn't let me see it when Y had to scan his last time. Already I last time he had to be sedated (via IV - his hand was in a splint) for his breastfeeding jaundice and so jia lat for me.

I am SO GLAD that A is FINE now!!!! Woot! Woot again!

ETirto, OK, next week can again, Hope N gets well soon!

Hooray for an extra pair of hands! Hope the adjustment for all will be smooth. :)
FOZ, if I have time, (I'll know it before I go), and if you really, really, really want the Chanel bag, I can see if I can pop by the shop and get it for you? But must really check our schedule. France is usually not a holiday for us - rushing to see people and I have to "beg" my dh for a few days in Paris before we head out!

It would be quite an experience for me to buy it for you though! I have never bought anything that needed to claim VAT!! My purchases always too small(read: cheap)! LOL!!!
Oooooh! Quick save up and buy the Birkin!!!!! I want to go to the store and buy it and pretend it's mine!!! So exciting!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!! Will never in my life be able to afford something like that so can I live vicariously though you? ;-P

Aiyah....I should have known you last year when I knew someone who was selling hers. Her husband bought it and she didn't like it and in the end, after quite some time, she found a buyer and donated part of the sale of the bag to her church.

LaDuree I think I can manage! The box/packaging's also so pwetty! But I'd rather not go at all.
ETirto, sprinkle some baby dust on me! :)
the shipment cost charged already! UOB has 10% discount so it'll be only around S$2-2.50/item. I'll give u the exact calculation once shipment arrived cos some of our orders r board book set.
sprinkle sprinkle...to you Chiyojade...
don't keep thinking, JUST DO IT. hahah...when you never think about it, it tends to 'happen'. Oh ya, if you can try the ovulation kit. My gf bought that and quite accurate, she said no need to waste time. hehehe...

I'm quite happy today. had the first 8 hours un-interrupted sleep in 2 yrs last night. I asked my helper to sleep with naomi in her room so that I could rest as I don't feel well myself and start coughing. OMG it felt so good. felt like being under GA. woke up at 6am and saw Naomi is smiling happily already! she got back to her oldself. When I had my breakfast, she secretly go to the shoe rack and opened the door, AND took one of my sandal and happily chew on it. Dunno how long she's been doing that.
She still coughing and the runnie get very thick now. She got hoarse sexy voice now.

TJE, OMG Birkin!!!?? You better buy a house first before you do that. Honestly, if Chanel and Birkin are the same price, Chanel design is WAAAY much better, I think. People buy Birkin is only for status. It's not because it's pretty. that's what I think. May be when I'm older and I can live in big bungalow with 3 maids and 1 ahmad driving me around in lamborgini then I will think differently. hehehe...
Linsu. YAY. thanks! we should have ordered more hor...hehehe...please keep for me first until the next meet up. email me the amount and I will tt to you.

FOC. I'm so glad your boy is UTI free already. must be so tough to have to give the antibiotics everyday! thanks God! one of my gf's son born with some kidney problems, so starts from newborn, no matter how they take care of him, he will have UTI, so he got to be on antibiotics everyday till he's old enough to do the operation (which is about 1 yr old). so poor thing!
Wow been missing out so much!
FOZ: Glad to know that Austen is UTI free. It must be such a huge relief for you.

Kim: I personally feel that some kids are just velcro babies. Ally was like that, she had to be with me or my mom all the time. It lasted for a couple of months but it was really tiring. Hopefully when your helper arrives, you'll be able to have more "Me" time.
hi ladies,

I just finished a session with my friend who is a pysiotherapist to help me check on C cos I was a bit concern that she can't crawl yet at 9mths and it turns out my concerns are not unfounded. My friend found a few problems with her, mainly that her muscles at certain areas are very weak and plus potentially she is flat footed so all these may contribute to her development delay physically...she recommended this set of physical activities I have to do with her everyday at least 3 times a day. Tried doing with C just now and it really breaks my heart to see her cry to hard cos I think it is really difficult and maybe even painful for her to do them....am really depress to hear all these as I had no problem with no 1 who walked at 10/1/2 mths and is an agile monkey....sometimes I really find motherhood very stressful and wonder how I can carry on for these 2 girls for the rest of my life...had always been stress abt no 1 and her learning ability and now I have to worry abt C's developmental abilties....what a depressing friday it is for me today.....

Sorry for ranting....just feel so miserable....
should tell yourself at least u went to check instead of thinking it's normal. I believe with the early discovery of the prob, it'll make things better in the future. think positive and cheer up!
poohbear75, dun feel bad n pressured, my tomi also cannot crawl, but i'm not worried at all cos my #1 totally skip crawling cos my mil insist no crawling as the marble floor is hard and it didnt dawn on me to get a playmat, and #1 walked at 14 months, she is doing alright now. i just bought LG playmat after many mommies have good reviews, hope he'll learn how to crawl n the mat is a good area for playtime. kudos to forum mommies n sharing their experiences.
btw can i ask mommies about porridge, now at 9 months, do u let your babies eat the meat in porridge? or throw away? do u give porridge everyday???

can share baby routine now our babies enter 9-10 months...thanks
my baby routine:
6:30pm sleep wif dreamfeed
1-3am nitefeed
5am wake up and play
7am nap wif dreamfeed
9:30am fruit puree, shower
11:30am short nap
12:30pm porridge
4pm porridge

so 3x milk and 3x solid...izit too much or too little for 9 months old baby??
FOZ, so happy to know that Austen is ok now

Poohbear75, glad you trusted your instincts and had it checked out. Early detection and exercising will definitely help her. 加油!!

think you're worrying too much. Don't feel so stressed by their developments. All children develop at a different pace and it doesn't mean that they are more inferior. Crawling is not so important if not it would have been stated in the healthbook as one of the milestones.

My boy started talking only at 2.5yrs old. Imagine that. He didn't speak a word. Not even a papa or mama before that. If going by the normal texts and development milestones of other kids, he's way behind coz most can talk rather well when they're 2 already. When he first started going to school at 2yrs old, he still didn't talk and all his classmates were already talking very well, with some even in full sentences. Needless to say, i was worried.

He's now 4yrs old. Altho he still can't pronounce some words correctly, he's speaking in full sentences. His vocab and reading skills have surpassed many other kids who started talking very early. Looking back, I think i've worried unnecessarily.
Char doesn't like porridge very much, so she takes that every other day. Rice and oat cereals are still her main staple foods. If I want to give her the meat in the porridge, I only add it (finely minced) 10-15 mins before turning off the flame so it's not too tough. I don't give her those that had been cooked for very long.

Char's routine:
6 am: Wake up/BF
8:15 am: Small snack (Steamed veg pcs or bread)
9 am: BF/Nap
10:30 am: Wake up
11:30 am: Lunch (Veg/fruit puree + cereal & puff)
12:30 pm: Shower
1:30 pm: BF/Nap
3 pm: Wake up
4 pm: BF
5:30 pm: Dinner
6:50 pm: Bedtime routine (wipe down/PJs/Books/BF)
7: 30 pm: Bedtime
thanks noelle, do u give just white rice? izit the normal white rice we eat? how much do u give? my boy seems to like white rice too, i give a little whenever he sits wif us for dinner. =p

i also give 3 solids (breakfast/lunch/dinner), 1 supper (snack - puff/cheese), 2-3 FM (depending on whether she naps more or less) and night/morn BM.
Coolkero, I meant rice cereal... Haven't given her rice yet, probably too grainy for her, still bo-gay thou I can see the bottom 2 cutting out, finally!!
poohbear. it breaks my heart to hear your baby got to do 'training' and crying. don't worry too much. they always can skip crawling and walk. some babies will walk to talk earlier. either one.
Pinky, Lynn, Coolkero, Noelle, Mashy, ETirto, thanks for sharing your experiences and your encouragment. Will definitely try not to stress myself too much as it will not help C at all. Will just have to stay strong, focus and positive to help her get back on track.

FOZ, glad to hear Austen is well again... we all just pray for healthy normal kids!
RE: Feeding
Wow, I see that some of the bbs here are feeding quite abit of milk still.. Makes me worried about K's milk intake..
K only takes 2 milk feed and only came back to 6oz/feed since 2 days ago... His demand was about 7oz, then drop to 5 then 4 then even as low as 2oz/feed (but that time he still has a dream feed, so 3 milk/day).

Coolkero, I used to mince the pork twice (butcher can do that for you), so they are finer than what;s meant for us. Since yesterday, I started giving him sliced lean pork, and after cooking, I use the laddle to mash and give him in a chunk of about your last finger nail. I told him to chew and he did..

Noelle, I can see that K and Char's is very different. K w/up at 7 or 7:30 these days, then the days is typically this:
books, play
9/9:30 poo, bath
10+ nap
whatever time he wakes up (11:30 or 12 or even 1300)--lunch (porridge)
poo, bath if too messy
play, songs
4pm- FM, nap
usually wakes up about 6pm
7/7:30 Dinner (if I am lazy, I give rice cereal with veg puree, meat/fish.
8pm- (if too much fibre, he'll poo again), bath
9:30 sleep.

I cant do anything before his sleep cos it gets him excited instead of winding him down.

Ok, I better go back to my contract and chores.
