(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Sigh. Need an outlet to dump my grouses... Last evening was having dinner with in-laws. fast food so was using hands to eat pizza. Mil carried MR without washing her hands. Initially thought I must have missed seeing her go to the kitchen to wash her hands, and no one else seemed to notice it. But she resumed eating then wiped her hands and go carry MR again.

I don't know how to phrase and say nicely for her to wash her hands first... so I just shut up. Anyway, it was a humid evening so bath MR again after we went home.

ANyone has any idea how to put it across nicely? Or just let the husband do the talking next time it happens? Already had some incidents caused some bad feelings to linger between mil & me. Don't want to worsen it....

Friend of Zoo,

Phew, I am not that Kiasu afterall. Am now sourcing for tasty 3D cakes tat is affordable....

I guess its about right timing and not voice out immediately coz tendency she will be defensive.
Maybe you want to tell MIL what are the potential risk involve when germs/bacteria are pass on to babies by giving examples especially in our humid weather?
Apology, the earlier msg is meant for lamagier.

Hope it help:
I guess its about right timing and not voice out immediately coz tendency she will be defensive.
Maybe you want to tell MIL what are the potential risk involve when germs/bacteria are pass on to babies by giving examples especially in our humid weather?
lamagier, after u finished eating, say out that 'u r going to wash hands 1st, so that oily hands will not dirty MR"? and see if she get the hint?

anyway for me, i will say direct to my MIL. i realized tone is impt, so say in a nice way then she will feel less offended.
seriously we do not like other ppl's oily hands to touch us too right?
mayb u can 'tell' MR to wait for grandma wash hand 1st.. then grandma carry her? i use tis tactic on buay zi dong ppl
lamagier - errr, i think i must be a dirty bug here. i think its ok what. heh heh. but if you really feel that dirty hands is no-no, then i think tje & hbb's idea is good. honestly, i wish i had this store of ready answers when faced with such situations. usually i just stunned and dont know what to say, and then slap myself for not saying anything
Oh din know 7hrs straight sleep is considered sleep thru the night. Well last night Kasper managed to have a full feed at 7pm, 1230am then woke at 8am this morning. But such occasions are rare.

Candy Floss,
When's your baby's bday? I am also looking for a good 3D cake. Let me know what you managed to find ya.

May I ask who's Rachel Koh? I've accepted your fb fren request.
Same here. Reflex always too slow. Always think on the hindsight and never fast enough to response at the moment. Then do a mental self-butt kick after that.

I think handling baby after eating finger food like biscuitsis acceptable still ok. But eating oily pizza and fried chicken is a bit hard for me to accept.

hbb, tje, japa, candy floss,
Sigh, a bit hard for me to tell mil what to do. threading on egg shells around her. If you don't like the person, everything the person says will sound like a criticism directed at you. That's prob what my mil is feeling. Don't want to offend her and put the husband in tight spot. Grudges against dil hard to go away.

Wish my EQ is way better... do so admire people with good PR skills. DO they have schools for these things?
nono u dun tell ur mil wat to do.. u tell minrui to tell her LOL
its not ur EQ problem.. i feel u gotgd EQ since u know u shld thread on her.. its hr problemlar.
Hey girls.. Finally aft many days of staying quiet, I m back!!!

Din actually read all posts but scan thru.. Nothing to contribute except something Pinky Xu mentioned abt crawling.. I also heard crawl will make bb smarter cos the senses on their palm actually has something to do with brain nerves n language.. Whatever.. But since crawling is NOT a milestones like those in bb's health record book, some said it doesn't rely matter if bb I
did go thru this stage.
Oh, so most mummies have finished the preparation for 1st bday celebration. When is your baby's bday. Am I too late in planning?

Any tips or ideas to share?

My friend bought me a combi cultery set with spoon and small plastic cutter. You may consider buying that for a start.
"They" say pp with good EQ usuallly have lower IQ and vice versa. LOL!!! Not sure if there is a balance of both?

As for the MIL, I think it's better to tell her directly - not via MR. I knwo one fo my firned's can't stand it when her MIL says things like, "Tell your mummy...." so don't know how your MIL might take it?

Maybe be better to kick husband under the table every time you want him to comment something?

Or if you want to tell her, maybe say it jokingly? I like TJE's method of telling MR that grandma's going to wash hands first then carry you.
chiyojade, sadly I think i lack both the Qs leh...sigh. And kicking hubby under table only works if you guys are actually at a table...lamagier, how about something like "Oh mom, XXX (insert hubby's name here) doesn't like it when people carry Minrui without first washing their hands leh..."

TJE, you got mail!
EL Chan, yes, it's me. Thanks TJE :>
3D birthday cakes normally have to order in advance. I remember the recommended ones are gladcake [email protected], http://aimummy.blogspot.com/. Pines garden there's good and bad comments about them. I've not tried any before so may not be the best person to comment. You probably want to start contacting them for more details.
EL Chan,
I ordered the cake from Gladcake in Mar. it's a 2tier cake at $200... I've bought my own Precious Moment figurines as topper/decor for the cake, in total about $300 damage...She's fully booked for Jul... As for aimummy, she's not taking any orders now when I check in Mar, to focus on her children as in her blog I think... My other alternative was Cherylshuen but her cake slightly more expensive, I think it's $250 for a 2tier cake... I didn't choose Cheryl in the end coz she's too slow in responding and her email always v short, never offer much info unlike gladcake who'll explain in detail...
My girl's theme is pink ballerina... Most of the guest will be adult so I didn't buy those kiddy stuff like party pack, balloons and stuff...
I lack in both Qs, coupled with Bo-Chup-ness... Eh... Wats that called? Keke...
Lil Gen kena kissed by waitress, cashier, etc when we r out dining at restaurant... Kena carry and pass ard like a baton by the stall-holders (zi char, drinks stalls, etc) whenever we r at coffeeshop with FIL... The daddy wasn't too pleased when the male stall-holder carry her... But the Bochap me jus continued eating only... Keke... I only intervene (okay, I should say the daddy intervene) when the person wanting to carry her is sick (coughing or v obviously sick that show in the face)... Else I will close 1 eye and it's back to world peace again... Talking about MIL, I realize it's a sure lose situation when u get the DH sandwiched between both woman or when u try to get the DH to correct his own mother... As domineering and ba dao I am to my DH, I'll never make him sandwiched between me & mil thou... Being a mummy boy for 20over years, I know I sure lose out to MIL... Shucks, he better dun read this post of me calling him a mummy boy...
Bochup is the alternative I choose to avoid war with IL... I could do that prob coz the bond between gen and me not close...
re: 1st bday celebration
we'll go on cruise w both sets of grandparents, also in a way to show our appreciation to them for helping us so much (MIL w housework, my mum bringing us homecooked dinners, etc) these past few months.

separate small celebration with other extended family members at home. cake wise my sis is getting, so i leave it to her to decide. i'm thinking of re-cycling an old banner and personalise it abit. oh sharks, got to start doing cos knowing my slowwwwww pace, i'll take a long time to finish =p

re: sleep thru the nite
bon started sleeping thru the nite since he was 3mo (usually from 10 to 10.30pm till next am, 6 to 6.30am). except for rare freak incidents (so far 3) when he woke up at 12mn, then went back to sleep at 4am, he'll sleep thru. didn't train him though, it just happened, so hubby & i are thinking we're real lucky. hopefully it will stay this way.

ya, i also feel it's better to just tell ur MIL directly.
another sale:

branded toys bazaar at united square
up to 50% off
participating brands include fisher price, graco, hasbro, thomas & frens, etc

wed 28 apr 2010
11am to 8pm
for ToysRUs star cardmembers and UOB card
members only

29 apr to 30 apr
11am to 8pm
open to public
good morning all
didn't come in for a few days. been a tiring week. whole family down with stomach flu. all start from #1, then to A, MIL & me, n finally to the daddy. was told by the PD there are so many children bugs around....esp stomach flu, HFMD. Do be aware of any sickly children. Poor gal, hungry yet keep vomitting all the food/water out.

don't know why but this bug throw A's feeding preference haywire. now she drinks water like a buffalo. But she's beginning to play with porridge. keep in mouth and once in a while spit it out. can not finish a bowl nowadays. or is it she's sick of porridge already? mummies, what other kind of food other than porridge r u all giving now?
dino mum
u got gladcakes for Gen's bday?

candy floss
i'm one who has not yet start planning. first thing is there won't be any party for her. just a dinner/lunch with our immediate family. so i just need to plan for her cake & the venue for the meal. planning to do a photoshoot for her when she turns 1. Have to be fair to #1 cos we didn't throw any party for him too. :p
Candy floss,
No need to worry. I'm not even having a party for MR. Me & the husband are very lazy bums, decided to have a nice cosy birthday party with just the 3 of us =p MR personality starting to be like her dad, so prob going to be bo chap whether we give her a party or not

Haha, I go with FOZ. No link between IQ & EQ. I'm sadly lacking in both =(
so MR's going to one cool gal huh?
my gal's becoming more like a spitfire ball. gets angry when we say she's notti or not pretty, force her water, take away her things, etc. n she gives those spiteful cries. vain. LOL
Haha, bo chap = cool? At least you can be reassured A can stand up for herself. I somehow get a feeling MR will be "like that lor... what to do..." type of person.
Maybe that why she does ok in her swim class... Pure bo chap.
at least it's a calm type of personality. Just teach her and she'll learn n accept. Good mah.
I can forsee i'm going to have a hard time bringing her up giving that kind of personality. haha... she stands up for herself and fight with me??

btw u need me to help you collect yr happy baby stuff?
Lamagier, *hi5* I am also has no plan for K's first year except our trip back to USA. I read from my SIL that my MIL is really going to town inviting people for a "Family Reunion" (I think she also needs to go for English class, cos her Family apparently incl her friends and neighbors *fainted*.
1st BD

Kekeke...me also one of those lazy mothers who haven't thought of anything...prob just book function room cater and invite a few friends and immediate family...can't even decide on team cos C hasn't shown any indication of what she likes (at the moment may be Barney) but still not confirm.....

Talking abt bad temper think C has inherited both my quick temper and my husband's bad temper so good luck to both of us!!!
Oh, you collecting from her?
Can help me collect melts then? I got 2 strawberry & 2 mixed berries. Thanks!!!!!!!

Your mil is very sweet, plans reunion. But I think sometimes can get overwhelming esp when the party gets so huge!!!
I think the grandparents are more excited to look forward to his 1st bday instead of the parents...my parents has been chasing me what is the plan. Gosh!!! :D

Notice that some mummies here also face fussy eater babies like me..recently I changed the milk bottle to pigeon with the standard size bottle with "L" tits and see slight improvement. you may wish to give it a try. ;)
lamagier, I'm like Dino-mum, more on bochap type. in church also Naomi has been passed around and kissed by hundreds of kids (with Nigel guarding on her side anxiously). he will scold people if he doesn't want them to carry her. he's over-protective then me. hahah...btw, sometimes, whatever you say, even though you have try your very best to say it nicely, they would still accept it negatively. unless it's your hb is the one who say it. so if really want to avoid further conflict, just turn a blind eye. unless it's really serious like for example after she cleans her nose then she touch MR. pizza is not virus. hehehe...luckily my in law are those very understanding type. my hb said out of 5 daughter in law that they have, I'm their fave.hehehe...

poohbear/kim, I also haven't really plan for the first bday yet. since Dino and Naomi having bday 1 day apart, if she celebrate on sat, then we'll celebrate on sun lor...It's more for adult party anyway, so afterall just a bday cake and bit of deco.

Naomi is down with fever last night. me and my hb didn't sleep at all since she keeps crying. given nose drops and cough syrup also no use. this is the worse so far for her. surprisingly, in between the cries, she still manage to gave us cheeky smile when we carry her. she prefer to be carried so that she can breath better, I guess. Today, she cannot sleep, cannot eat. luckily can still drink bit of milk. can see her cheeks are not so chubby anymore. hiks hiks...

Anybody knows that there is branded sale this coming Thurs at the changi crown prince hotel? it's for ferragamo, chloe, jimmy choo and the gank. 70% off.
dino mum - why you say your bond with bb not close? i have lingering doubt whether my bond with bb is stronger than her bond with helper... i hope not

actually i got try to rehearse what tje and hbb sugg yesterday in my head. but i think no matter how i try, it will turn out to sound sarcastic
my mum takes care of my boy when i am at work. 99,9% of the time, he chooses my mum over me, i also felt dejected that my bond with him isnt strong. However, when i went on holis last wk, my mum took care of him day & night but boy kept waking up at night then. According to my mum, he was looking for me, make me feel real good. Guess nothing can replace motherly bond
Re: 1st Bday Party
I haven't decided if we're gonna throw a party for her... Umm, haven't even decided if we gonna stay here or go back to S'pore in Jul. DH and I are not good with organizing party and stuff, in fact we've never organized one! Oops, my #1's first party was organized by a friend, at her house, all we did was juz showed up! Ok, now I need to find a friend to "help" me with that, haha...
yup... I ordered from Gladcakes jus before she posted in her blog that her booking is full for Jul... Passed my PM figurines to her le... Waiting for Jul to come...

Hi-5 to u... my lil dino is a chilli-padi at times too... she bangs the table with her fist when we r slow in feeding her... gave her ah-ma a slap on her face when she's slow in carrying her out from the stroller... Pull my hair and keep laughing away whenever i yell out in pain...
but she's a darling in the neighbourhood, super friendly and smiley to all the aunties & uncles (chinese, malay, indian, etc)... i only hope she's not so sadist at times and be gentle to me thou...

yes, i agree the grandparents r more eager about their precious lil grandchild's 1st b'day esp so when its their first grandchild...

both of us, sama sama... keke.. bochap type... many times the elders like the MIL dun like the DIL to tell them wat to do, maybe they think that they're much experienced in terms of bringing up babies/kids than us... so no matter how nice we "package" our thoughts across, high chance they might misinterpret it (think we trying to teach them "the old bird" wat to do) and will start to complain to the DH... Luckily like u, I've a v understanding MIL... coupled with my bochap-ness = world peace... :p
btw, Gen's party is on 10 Jul (Sat)... Block this date wor...

Is Naomi feeling better now? dun overtire urself, get ur helper & dh to take care of her while u get more rest esp since u have a lil one in u...

many mummies knows my bond with Gen is not close... Many factors contributing:
1) Hoped for a boy but turn out to be a girl (guess she sense it also while i'm preggy)
2) seldom get to see her, 1 hour every 2 days during weekdays and only bring home on fri night...
3) I dun take care of her during the weekend also... the daddy is the one feeding her milk & solids, changing her diapers, bathing her, patting her to sleep, etc... i never changed her soiled diapers for more than 5 mths le... I run out of the room whenever she poo, the daddy usually clear the mess...
She's v close to her daddy... she shows her preference v clearly when both of us stood in front of her, she "throw" herself to the daddy with arms wide open everytime... I dun complain about it since i deserve it for not taking care of her... i would rather she be a "plaster" to her daddy instead of me... okay, unhealthy thinking...
Dino-mum, I intend to have her party on Sun 11 Jul. I blocked 10Jul already. kekeke...another thing to prepare is: how about some toys for the babies? my gf rented some little tikes toys for her gal 1st bady. (e.g small rides, and stuff like that). I borrowed a mini little slide from my gf last time for Nigel 1st bday. I prepared some ABC foam on the floor for the babies to sit. End up only he himself using the slide as the rest of the 1yr old friend couldn't play slide yet. so tempted to rent from Bounchy castle, but again, it will be more for older kids then. How to keep the babies entertained?
FOZ. I'm very tempted to go but naomi is sick and it's so damn far away. beside my budget this year is only for giving birth. hahah...not much project going on = no$$! if I go, sure I will spend. May be 1 or 2 pair of shoes...kekeke...so I tell myself like TJE told me: stop buying 'rubbish' branded item and save the $ for Chanel. looking at my amount of rubbish collection, I should have bought a Chanel instead.
chanel - honestly i dont know how ppl afford it. had lunch with ex-secy the other day and she has a chanel, several LV and KS.

dino mum - guess if you're fine with it then its ok. for me, i'm not fine, so always "fighting" for ownership / carrying-ship of bb.
hi-5! stacia's party will be on the 10th too! We'll go back to Jkt to celebrate with families, relatives & closed friends.. actually I can't decide whether to hv it on the 3rd or 10th (the actual day is 6th) cos I want it to be on a Saturday.. ppl here say celebrate earlier (cos pantang) then ppl there say must celebrate later (cos pantang also!!!) hahaha.. so since we'll be there, we follow the law there laaa..

agree that 1st bday bash is not meant for the baby(ies).. most of the kids in my guest list are older kids so it's easier for me hehe.. I'm engaging an EO for decor, MC, games, etc.. cos it's very hard for me to plan it myself whilst I'm stationed here.. For older kids, they hv activities like cupcakes painting, mug painting, body/face painting, glitter tattoo, etc.. I think for babies, could rent those mini ball pools & "dump" them inside to "fight" together.. some toys to be placed at playmat/ABC foam area will be great for babies too..
Re: bags
I want a Chanel too! =P well, will be next yr resolution i hope.. this yr though i'm not giving birth, my savings also draining dunno where le.. hahaha.. buying things all for baby.. sometimes I ask myself, do I really need to give her that much?! DO WE?!
