(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Yeah elsa, foc makes me sounds a little...inexpensive! LOL! Thanks TJE for "standing up" for me

But I have to forgive elsa, I tua her on today fidgets outing - so sorry elsa, I will make you a nice pecan pie to make up for it - soon! And no, didnt know flitflops come in kids size now, will check it out - aiyah, spend $ again, don't forget I have no income now leh...

Lamagier, when is your sis's wedding? MR will look soooo cute in a flower girl dress. Wonder if #2 will get to be a page boy...most people I know are married...

Echan, I have intro cooked egg yolk to baby after PD gave me the go-ahead. He likes it. I have also stopped night feeds for a couple of months now, I think since he turned 8 months old. Mine is a end-June baby...

welcome. yr boy is using yaolan to sleep at night too? i also stopped giving after i see that she can go without milk at night when she was 2 mths old. when she cries, i just rock her n she goes back to sleep.

does the pills hv so much effects? i spoke to my gynae n he suggests that after i was found not suitable for IUCD. he told me the pills now doesnt hv so much side effects anymore. wonder how many types are there?
Wah, finally back. Been MIA for quite a long time. Many things have happened during this time, was busy with work, started a little biz, etc....

Only managed to read today posting.
Welcome el chan

I didn't meetup with the group often but I stay at redhill, so we are pretty close! Infact, a few people here stay around this region-central south??!?
Seems like your little one and mine are similar. Little weight gain although solid is introduced. I kinda stop worrying and convinced myself that as long as baby is healthy and happy, I should feel contented.
Hee. My niece and nephew are flower grl & page boy. I showed my youngest sis photo of MR in the arty dress and she's now toying with the idea of putting MR in a little wagon and let my nephew drag her down the asle...
EL chan
I've already ordered the books few days back.. ordered fr amazon (free shipping) but shipped by vpost to spore which has yet to get back on how much the shipment costs.. Should be ok cos' we're ordering quite a few but not too many..
EL Chan's link is the one I was telling you about today! I got his socks from there! :)
They sold that same one at Mothers Work at Great World City.
hahah...FOC! sorry. I really feel like living on the blur cloudy world nowadays. Btw, you can join us next time. Fidget has nice place for babies. I can't wait till they turn 1 yr old and can slide in the mini slide at the Mini Fidget. Naomi was so happy that she can climb without me stopping her. but she fall down from the top of the 'hill' and landed on her head. on the padded area off course. the cries was merely from shock. apparently she was over confident, standing infront of the mirror, kissing herself and lost her balance. hehehe...who want to go next week? it's free for our babies age!

Chiyojade, will bookmark this link and will get the boy sock if I get the boy. hehehe

Correction. I was not on Birth Control pill before. But I know some pills can control or can be the cause of this kind of hormonal imbalance thingy.

Mummies, what time does your babies wake up in the morning? N wakes up at 5.30am! such an early riser. which makes me sleep 5-6hours a night and make my morning sickness worse.
hello mummies, been really a while since i posted something...will ocasionally read posts and then will need to attend to somthing..

Just had my son's 9 mth assesment last sat..hmm looks like he is on the heavy weight side..haha..10.8 kg...super tired after carrying for a while..

poorbear and lamagier, u guys r not alone..my son is not crawling yet too..only will roll and flip over like even do multiple flips..my super king size bed is not even enuff for this fella..
Hi Sab Sab,

Will PM you my email. Thanks!


Now I am depress...just paid $85+ for the set....sigh.....

My girl wakes up anytime between 6-630am and now with her consistent resistent to sleep in the day, I am clogging very few hours of sleep too...sigh....

Am worried cos just heard from my OT friend that one of her client is a 3 yr old boy who did not crawl and now is slower in his development and they now make him learn to crawl at the age of 3!!!!
oh dear poohbear, dun scare me! but heard from my mum that my nephews din crawl n started to walk direct after they learn to sit up..so lets hope our lil ones belong to that category!

mashy, thanks for that info!after reading all ur post i badly wanted to get a set too..let me go down today to novena sq..
aiya, today last day huh? too late liao. which mph is that? I'm at home for the whole day le...

Naomi gave me a surprise. she WALKed 3 steps. and she was giggling. apparently she was standing with her back rest on the baby cot and walk to me.
Just now my gal refused to nap, so I just grabbed her and rushed to Novena Square to get the book set.
Bought the Usborne children book collections too.


wow! That's so fast!

it's just a little corner, not a store. And it's at Novena Square Atrium.

how come u gotta work so long hours?
You must be so proud of Naomi! She was so steady yesterday standing up at the top of the steps without support, just knew that she would take her first steps any time soon.
ELchan, hi....my tomi also 21 july baby. do u have facebook? wat's ur email? wanna see your kasper. my tomi on milk strike since 4 months old, mostly dreamfeed nowadays. i dun mind night feed as long as he drinks...hehehe. i'm turning into zombie wif 3-4 hours sleep, cos when he wake up for nite feed, i cant go back to sleep and gotta wake up 6am anyway for my #1 to go school, looking forward for our kids to be independent and get ready and go school by themselves, it's so tough getting up in the morning.
I freelance lah... but I can't complain. I don't work on Mondays. :) But end of the week is bad for me!

Eh! Remember I told you y'day that I think she will walk v soon and you said N(the korkor) was also like that!!? Like brother, like sister (and like...younger brother? LOL!!!) She was already standing steadily without support y'day!! Waaah!! Yay Naomi!
no we din get the full retail price.. ours was discounted from the U/P of $99! we paid about the same as poohbear! but 59+ is dirt cheap!
aaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhhhhhh - Note to self: Must read thread more religiously - now I miss the Dr Seuss set!!!! Mashy, in the unlikely event you buy 2 sets, I will take one off you!

Naomi, way to go! Mine seem to enjoy crawling so much that I doubt he is going to start walking anytime soon. Fidgets sounds good, I will check it out tomorrow since I am going Staccato for #1's class. #2 wakes every morning abt 6+am and since I am still typing away now, you know I don't get a lot of shut-eye either
Hee mummies me got hold of da sale yest n got da set at $59.. U gotta buy 3 books to enjoy da 30% disc la.. Thank god I was on leave yest n thanks to mashy for sharing da news!!

I have something similar to that but I feel it was a waste of money cos the last time my elder one only started spinning round and round on the spot instead of walking and it became quite tiring for the person holding it cos you have to maintain their balance for them....in the end she learned to walk herself much faster by holding on to things and learning to balance herself

3 books are for the 30% discount, but the Dr Suess book set no need 3 books. Just need 1 book min $10 nett can already. I just grabbed a Usborne children's book collection with 20% discount. :p It was actually a stroke of luck that I saw the promo yesterday. I was looking at the MPH website to see if I can check how much is the Dr Suess book set. Then got lucky.

I wish I could buy more for the gals here but it was cash payment only. Lucky i had enough to buy the ones I wanted, else gotta lug my gal to the atm and draw money.
aiyo, i also missed getting the good deal for Dr Seuss book set =( anyway, mummies, i saw the book set yday at harris great world city, popular card members get 10% off. 4 seasons mart is having promo on some items as well, can check it out.

hello EL chan, me residing near queenstown mrt stn, we're near =)
Actually for those who missed out on the Dr Suess book set, don't be sad lah. Coz the books are still a bit too 'chim' for the babies at this point. There may be better deals in future so no need to rush out and get the 1st set u see. I bought this for my 4yr old son although i think 2 yrs old may be a good time to start. The words in these books in the set are a bit small for them now. The bigger board books may be better for them. I have the Cat in the Hat in cloth book version and the Dr Suess's ABC in board book version which are better suited for our little babies. I got them at book fairs at a hugely discounted price. So i think u may wanna look at other versions instead to suit their age group.
You have a diff set of problems altg. Kasper has porridge ard 5pm, then he craves for his milk ard 830-9pm b4 he can sleep. Would usu wake between 12-1am for a feed and this would last him 4-5hrs. I shouldn't be complaining right? At least he holds his own bottle and drops it once he finishes.
Waking pattern is irregular, normally between 7-8am but he slept till 1030am today;-)

My email is [email protected]

Who else staying around Redhill, Queenstown, Tiong Bahru, next time we can pool together if ordering stuff online. Anyone ordered Happy Baby cereals, puffs and melts before? Any good spree'ers you know of or which items are good to buy?
hi mummies

sorry to disturb the thread.

Have a few new items to let go off...




thanks n nice day. pls pm me for more details
The rattan shop near my place is Mint Garden. There's a signboard outside that says they do customize furnitures. Tel 62923212 located at the 2 story shophouses next to Singapore Kalsa Asociation

By the way, I took MR to MacRitchie tree top walk yesterday. I wanted baby carrier and the husband wanted stroller. SO we ended up bringing both. The thing is, we could use the stroller on both the motor way & the forest path (we did forest on the way in and motor way on the way out) from venus drive to the ranger station,. Th hard part was negotiating long flight of steps after the tree top walk. It's one way only so we couldn't back track. MR did her magical sleep thing immediately after we stepped off the bridge. So I had her in the baby carrier and the husband had to fold up the stroller and lug it up the stairs... And I have aching calves and back now.... great workout
good morning mummies,

Just to share something with you girl.

I and my dh attend Shichida parent course, for what they say every bb should not skip a stage of their development. Like what bless09 and poohbear say, will affect thier learning development.

Egg and Chesse:
Sat when to my PD there and ask for some advise, my Pd recommended to intro egg and chesse when bb is one year old.

Dun noe if I am too kiasu, anyone started to plan for 1st birthday? Care to share?

Being a first time mummy, dun noe where to start from. :p

Really amazing, how did you teach kasper to drink and hold his milk bottle. Wuld like to learn some tips too coz my baby feeding time is very long... :D
elchan, after the dinner at 5pm, try giving one milk feed at 7.30pm then another one at 10.30 pm.
u try for few days and see if kasper still wake up in the night for milk?
else if he wakes up, what u can do it instead of giving full feed, cut the feed to 3/4 or half. then gradually reduce as it goes, until u do not give. apparently, baby waking up for milk in the night is like a 'habit'.
mashy, is the usborne book comes in set also?

Re: walking.
Nigel started walking when he was 11 mths. The funny thing was, he started from RUN first, after he master the run, then he walks. May be running is easier to balance. he would dash across from wall to wall in his full speed. But Naomi seems to be more careful in her action. I don't want them to be able to walk too soon actually. Difficult to chase after them as they're more prone to falling down etc.

Btw, Naomi has her first cough medicine. Brought her to PD this morning due to cough and runny nose. Apparently she got it from her brother. Given nose drop also. She was so damn notti in the clinic. Snatched the doctor's specs, grabbed the stetoscope, made a mess on the table by crawling all over. The doc told me I shouldn't be worried if she's still this active. She seems can't be bothered with her cough and runny nose. Glad to hear that.
I think some of you have added me in fb? I have accepted coolkero. Pls just indicate your SMH nick when adding me just so I know who you are ya?

I saw Coolkero's july forum gathering, wow, so many of you, hope I can join the next time. Some of the photos were dated Nov09 and Jan10, gosh Kasper is not as big even now. What do you feed Tomi ar, Kasper is tiny next to Tomi I bet.

Candy Floss,
Haha similar sentiments. I am also thinking about Kasper's 1st bday party. First time Mummy too.

Holding his milk bottle
I think he began holding his bottle steadily about 2 weeks ago only. Didn't really teach, but just kept trying for many months by putting both his hands to the bottle. Now he pretty much automatically holds it himself as soon as I put the teat into his mouth, especially when he is really hungry. Its so much more convenient because I can go take a shower and do whatever I need to while he is drinking, and in the nights I can just give him his milk then I go back to sleep immediately, he would usually finish his milk and fall asleep again;-)
Holding his bottle
Hi echan, I added you in FB too, but didnt indicate my nick - oops!

Etirto, glad naomi is still active despite being unwell - sure the pd is used to kids doing what naomi did, no worries.

Candyfloss, nope, not kiasu at all, many people planned wayyyy ahead, in fact, a mom i know whose kid is a sept baby booked the baker last year!
holding bottle - hee hee, my bb doing it too. and they're taking less at night feeds now. any bbies sleep through yet ? from what time to what time ? i heard that sleeping through for bbies actually means only abt 7 hours consecutive non-stop sleep.

walking - my bb loves to cruise, i.e. walking while holding on to support. sometimes when we carry she'll kick kick kick her legs in attempt to get down on the floor. i'm def encouraging walking. cant be carrying bb around till they're 2 yrs old. i see some neighbours' maids carry till bb (actually, toddler) is 3 yrs ! backbreaking work !

books - aiya, i knew there's a reason i shld read the posts regularly. just missed mashy's post on MPH. thanks for sharing anyway mashy.

facebook - please dont be offended if i didnt accept your fb request. i've deleted several request. cos i dont update it anyway.
