(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

re: gripe water
mummies, i checked w doc b4, he advised not to give unless baby is v colicky as it contains medicine inside. what medicine, i'm not sure cos didn't ask.

Childlife's colostrum might cause mild diarrhoea. if it happens, just give half the recommended amount.

ok, i think i've nothing better to think. was wondering to myself just now, for bpa free milk bottles, we're advised to change every 3 months. that is if we're still sterilising the bottles. then how about bpa free bowls, spoons, etc? since we don't sterilise them, should we change them as often as well, hmmmm. i realise that bon's spoons r quite scratchy, not sure if it's due to the constant washing or him biting so hard on them each time!

i didnt drink that too. in fact, i tried and hate the taste. :p

think less than $30. see the diff?

babies under 1 shd take only a quarter of a teaspoon.

the books are also avail at borders parkway.
tats madness!! GNC ripping us off ar.. hahaha.. ok i order n try.. did u try the childlife multivits b4? how u give a quarter teaspoon huh? ask my aunt measure sure get scolding.. say i mafan dun knw give wat to him eat again. haiz
no... dont want to load the kids with too much of these supplements. trying to give them the necessary vits n mineral through their daily food. so far the only thing i give my #1 are codfish oil, colostrum and the delrosa only. yet to start amanda on codfish oil.
agar agar lor... i just make sure less than half a teaspoon.
MR is well-know in my family for her "battery died" trick. DOn't know what to make of her... Sigh. Has it's pros and cons. Her battery died once when I was feeding her dinner & my sister laughed her head off at the sight of a spoon dnagling from MR's mouth.

The rattan shop is near Kalsa Indian Assocation (between Farrer park and Boon Keng MRT). I'll try to drag my lazy ass down to have a look one of these days cos I'm looking for a chair to feed MR too and I think your chair is just so lovely & retro!
have you all receive the refund from mama21 for the OOS book? I haven't. and I never received any reply from her email and hp. I'm not worry about her running away or anything but dissapointed of her way to handle the bp. and if we count the $ for OOS books that are supposed to be refunded, the books are not cheap anymore liao.

i like to buy things in box set. I almost bought the $105 set also but when I see the pictures inside and the sentences, I just can't bring myself to like it.hehehe...I grew up in enid blyton and laura ingals. Those very classic type. I bought lots of this kind of boxset from Borders when I arrived in Singapore. I had a bad habit reading on the bed. That's y I got very bad eyesight (now my power is 700!). cannot even see my hb's face when I take off my lenses at night!Apparently, dr.seuss was not published in Indo...hehehe....that time quite difficult to find an english book.


You mean this chair? Charlotte, great grandmama put her inside. LOL, she even told us to bring back this chair for her.
bamboo chair - its $58. i bot 1. so now one high chair 1 low bamboo chair. ha ha. ok mummies, i gg biz trip again tonight. catch up again. ff to miss my bbies again n talk myself to sleep at night in hotel room...
i didnt pay her yet. keep missing out my books and reconfirming again and again. anyway, i'm not going to order from her already. complain to moderator will work?
TJE, lets go to her house! but I guess it have to be night time hor, coz she's working. I have tried her mobile, but she nvr answer also. if u manage to reach her, can you remind her for me. actually I'm not really worry, because the money that's supposed to be refunded to me only $6.90. but I keep thinking that although it's such small amt but hey this is not right la....and I won't bother to write to moderator either.

First time I fall in love with Eric Carle was when 20mths old- Nigel joined Cherrie Hearts. They use eric carle in story telling and rhymes. One of it is the Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see. That was the first song/rhyme that Nigel can sing and memorize by himself. I was so amazed. Then I asked the teacher what book is that and the teacher told me it's a must have Eric carle book (with her-what -kind of mum doesn't know about eric carle-kind of look on her eyes).after that everywhere we go and see, he always sing that song and try to improvize like this. Green car green car what do you see? I see a blue papa looking at me. Blue papa blue papa what do you see? I see a pink mama looking at me. so he went on and on for everything that he sees. kekeke...and now he sings that for Naomi when we read the book together.

I have called bookabura and they have green egg and ham. die die will buy it later. although I don't like it. who know the kids will, right? since so many ppl recommend this book, I don't want in future my kids 'complained' to their kids saying that their parents never buy this book for them. hehehe...Chiyojade, so we start dr seuss at our baby age???

Popular sell plastic cover for books (ready stick on), mummies may want to protect the precious books so that it can last longer.
Etirto, so sweet of Nigel! TJE, I don't mind going to mama21's place to check out the books. We can treat it as a mommy/baby outing. When I first read green eggs and ham, I thought what nonsense and rubbish am I reading to my child but she loves it and I read it a couple more times and like the rhyming. I went to wiki and tried to understand a little more about Seuss's style. As for eric carle, we received his hungry caterpillar book as a present. Has been beating myself up for not bringing #1 to the play, which was then showing.

Bestberry, where are you off to this time round?
Retro Chair:
I love my retro baby chair.
Retro looking
Brings back memories. (not really a pro - but I'm sentimental!)
Can double up as a stool
Baby is NOT secure. They can get out of it - as they are all starting to stand now, so must keep an eye on them.
Difficult to clean! I do not allow Yann to feed himself with this chair because everything can get stuck and once, I even used toothpicks to clean between the joints. So I have to feed him.

Unfortunately, my other high chair is an antique piece, so I will NOT allow him to feed him on that, so I guess he will have to grandma's to mess himself up! Hahahahahaha.

If you get the chair, please pass me exact addy, can? I want to ask about the dining chairs - I was given those, and it would be a pity to throw them away. I can't think of what fabric to upholster them with, should it come to that!

Dr Seuss is good, but actually, we can read ANYTHING to them: signs, posters, etc. If Naomi can sit through Eric Carle's Hungry Caterpillar, Dr Seuss will be a breeze in the park. Brown Bear Brown Bear is good because of the repetition. Anything with repetition and rhymes interest them.

A very popular book is Goodnight Moon. I have that and Yann is quite OK with that although I wasn't very impressed with it in the first place. I don't know where that book is now though - either at my place or my mum's place. ;-P

Bestberries - have a SAFE trip.

TJE - where does mama21 live? If not too inconvenient, I may want to go and take a look. BUT I didn't order anything from her so she might give priority to her customers - which is fair.
mama21's place somewhere near Ang Mo Kio.

I'll pop over to the rattan shop on Wed and let you know the address.

Urg. Had a horrid claypot rice lunch, felt sick and threw up my lunch. My company seriously needs to review the canteen operator. They should have a food court at where I work, Kopitiam, Koufu, anything.... I miss my maternity leave, when I could do get some decent lunch with baby in tow. SIgh... Feeling pukey again
Thanks for the picture! Charlotte looks adorable in it.

I went to check my baby photos for the one I was in... Mine is more like rattan, rather than bamboo, the backrest can be hung over a chair to secure in position. I don't think I will get it myself because j sometimes gets restless and wants to get out of her chair or even the stroller, so I need harness that I can tighten her in...

I collected my books last sat night from her mother who said mama21 is busy and she had instructed the mother to show the excess stock that she has. They were mostly the Usborne books, no board books. I didn't take any replacement for my OOS books, will send her my acct number later for the refund. It won't be fair to other buyers who are placing order for those books and probably the reason why she can't keep track of the stock because people have taken the books they saw as replacement. If you want the address, I can sms it to you later.
sam, thanks. that's what I thought. she just give to whoever collect first regardless who has place the order. oh, if there is no board book left then forget about it.
I managed to get the last pc of green egg and ham from bookabura. apparently all dr seuss books are on sale. $6 each. but it's paper back. I tried to read the Cat in the Hat to Nigel. I guess he's over-aged. He simply said, I don't like this mama, what's the story? (because there is no story line!). half way, he run away. well may be I will try with naomi next time. 2 of my gf recommended me the green egg and ham, also the one fish two fish, they said, that's the only book that the kids can 'read' (they memorize) it when they're 2 yrs old. so I just stand by la...

Borders have 20% coupon till this wednesday. but looking at the array of books there gave me a headache. so messy and dis-organize. in the end didn't get a single thing. the price is more expensive then other bookshop.
btw, Nigel said the writer of dr seuss book was so lazy, because he only put 2 or 3 colors in the picture. "can I color the rest of the whites one, mama?" hahaha....I think my dr seuss books will be a coloring book for him.
Get well soon. Hope it'll pass after today!

Nigel is sooooo funny!!!!!!! I laughed aloud when I read his comments!!! If he likes colours, then very good! Good emotional background! :)

Borders: I don't like the kids' section at Borders. I think the parents treat the place either like a library or like a babysitting area(i.e. leave their kids there while they go and shop elsewhere!) Super messy, books in terrible condition - esp the books for babies/toddlers.
The good thing is when Borders has their buy 2 get 1 free book - but then again, not for babies'/toddlers' books as the condition is v bad.

Kinokuniya is waaaay better.

Another good place for books is Sunny Bookshop at Far East Plaza. But for older children, at least in Pri School. Excellent condition and you can rent them. If you don't like the book, you can return it and get some money. And the staff know their stuff. Only thing is that you have to know what you want. It can be quite overwhelming.

Thanks for letting us know about mama21's books. If its' Usborne books, then am not really interested...
I'm a fan of Sunny Bookshop too! Was so glad when they decided to open on weekend! Though haven't been there in a while. Yup yup, staff there knows their stuff.
I once offered them books for free to clear my room, they declined without even asking what tittles i have, said their warehouse was full
Resisting sleep

Any babies here going through or went through the phase of resisting sleep? My C has been resisting all her naps in the day and when try to put her to sleep no matter how tried she is she will resist and scream and cry for very long till she is totally exhausted and falls asleep...very stressful and exhuasting putting her to sleep....is this normal?

Also is my C the only one who is still not crawling? Think she is never going to crawl....Jia lat!

ya, my gal was like that a little while back. Now that she's sick, she's less resistant. I'm thinking it might be her teething, that's why she didn't wanna nap. 2 upper teeth just came out a few days ago.

how old is your C now? My boy started crawling only at 8mths. Anyway, some kids skipped crawling altogether. If u look at the health book, it's not even listed as one of the milestones. So it prob means that it's not that important.

mine is the other way round...she was ok until she fell sick and since then even though she recovered she started this phase of resisting sleep and screaming....

C is coming to 9 mths next week....still waiting for her to crawl but maybe yah she won't at all. Sigh...would like her to crawl cos it is suppose to be good for her upper limbs and for developing her cognitively but guess can't be forced...
Hi-five. My fat girl is hopeless at crawling too. At most drag her tummy along the playmat. Once out of playmat she just flail her limbs and cries till we go rescue her... AT first thought Happy puffs lure would kick start her crawling. A week on already she's still no where close to crawling
Y is still commando crawling and he doesn't get up on his knees. Today, we took off his top and realised that he can't crawl without his top because his TUMMY causes friction with the floor, so while he inched his way around, we could hear the squeaky movements of his tummy rubbing the against the floor. Oh! And of course husband ran and grabbed the camera to film it! LOL!!!!

2 of my cousins never crawled and ended up in the gifted programme - if you are worried about cognitive development!
I "hate" stepping into bookshops. Do you know Rachel (the v tomboyish one) at Sunny? I think that every time she sees me/saw me - well, I don't go there so often now - I'm sure the "cash register" in her head goes "Ch-CHING!" And then if I take only 2 books, she'll say, "This one very good. You'll like it (she knows my taste) and then I'll end up with at least 4 books. If I do buy only two, she and another lady will say something like, "Wah...you very strong today" (no temptation) hahahahahahahaha.

Books with very little colours and very little strokes: Look at Picasso and Matisse, a few strokes on the paper( I once counted one of Matisse's drawings and there were only 8 strokes!) and their works sell for millions. Pah, so unfair. LOL!
Hahaha, I don't know them that well for them to recommend books without me asking. Wah... you sure are a vorcious reader!!!
any babies here starting to reject cereals but eat porridge happily?? Mia is!
But i am still insistent to feed her cereal! Haha..cos during busy days it's easier to make. This is becoming such a headache!
Hi I am July 09 mum and totally new to this thread. Looking for board books for baby Kasper, looks like he joins the club of book chewers and everything else.

Linsu, have you ordered the caterpilla board book? Is it really worth it even after splitting shipping costs? Let me know ya? Also if you or anyone here plan to buy more board books, what's good?

Cereals and snacks
Kasper is quite an eater, he gobbles everything we offer him. Quite easy to feed him, downs his milk, porridge, cereal, snacks in a jiffy! Phew! Seems like a bottomless pit. But he weighs in only at 25th percentile. Had his 9mth development assessment today only 8kgs. BTW does anyone order from the overseas sprees for Happy Baby cereal, puffs, melts etc. Any good? Which spreer do you recommend? Saw your complaints about Mama21, I wear stay clear.

Do you do meetups sometimes? Is there a Norhtern, western, eastern or southern camp?
Hi EL Chan and welcome to the thread.

I ordered from jennifur but I think it's not worth it as the puffs are more ex than Vitakids. Not sure about the melts though...can't remember the price.

So where do you live? N? S? E? W?
When is Kasper's b'day? :)
Hello echan, welcome ("wave"!), you will find that this is a very addictive forum

Agree with TJE - a number of us do meet up very often, with or without babies. Don't listen to that TJE about being fat though, she has a gorgeous figure. Kasper is pronounced as Casper? What a cute name, I like!

Re books, as chiyojade said before, you can read anything to your child. Announcements, warning signs, ingredients on food packets, newspapers, etc. Personally, I like books by Leo Lionni, Seuss, Eric Dale.
My melts ended up to be around $7.40. Sigh. ANy savings from ordering got eaten up by shipping. I would advise to stop odering overseas (unless the BP specified shipping cost already included) for a while since freight going up cos of the Iceland volcano and crude prices going up too.

Shucks. I have a Muckin Mozart magic cube on the way. Just hope the freight was before the flight disruption...

Me & Minrui are the ones who inhale air and still get fat lor. I don't understand how she packs on all the weight when she eats less than Edna or my niece...
Hi EL Chan, welcome!

Sometimes when there are BPs going on books, the prices are pretty reasonable. I just bought a set of Eric Carle mini library (5 hardcover books) from popular at about $25+ and the hungry caterpillar from BP at about $14.50
lamagier, no other interesting bp hor? heheh...aiya so boring le...so long no shopping. I mean the real shopping. Last time orchard is my second home. now barely got energy to move my butt out. Btw, metro tmr got 20% as usual. but nothing particular to buy....

TJE r u by any chance taking birth control pill? you may want to check with your gynae about the hormone inbalance thingy. Before I pregnant with N, I realy got problem with that. I exercise 3 times a week but still gain weight and break out all over my face.
TJE, Etirto,

Birth control pill.

I dun have the problem as you mentioned above. After i take the birth control pill i have no acne and no weight gain but i have headache more often. I think is depend on indivual and the brand of pill you take as you girls know that market have so many type of birth control pill.

Like what Etirto say, seek for gynae advise first.
Yah, not much interesting ones. But I went buy a party dress for MR for my sister's wedding. Hee, I squander money buying lotsa baby stuff...

Recently realize I need to buy clothes for myself too. My wardrobe getting outdated and my clothing style kinda change after having MR.
"wave" everyone. Thanks for your warm welcome.

On the contrary, I've always battled with weight since a child. Then I started exercising frantically when I started Uni and for over 10yrs I can say I was a gym rat as I would hit the gym at 6am and workout for 2hrs, shower then go to office. At least I conquered 2 half marathons and a mini triathlon. Tried all kinds of diets, but had a sweet tooth lar...but I stopped exercising totally when I got preg, and breastfeeding for 8mths has shrunk me to pre-pregnancy weight.

I stay at Tiong Bahru. Stopped work to look after Kasper (sounds like the friendly ghost Casper), but may soon return to the workforce, single income is tough with just one child, not to mention 2 (we plan to have 2).

Ya agree with chiyojade about reading everything and anything to them. A friend said this " Einstein never had expensive books and toys", so true right? Its we as parents and stuck in this pressure cooker system and kiasuism hence we spend so much and deprive the poor child of a fun and enjoyable childhood... sigh.

I saw a shop at United Sq selling the Happy Baby range of puffs, melts and cereals. The melts were out of stock, but the puffs were selling at $7.50 only. Buying at the spree not much savings , even tho Jenifur's Batch 1 puffs ended up costing $6.51 I think. For all that hassel and waiting.

Actually I getting the hang of online shopping. More of the BP shopping in SMH. Love the GAP PJs from quite a few like ST Shoppe, Twinkle Tots, Gingerwinkie, Qoorie.... very competitive, think they slashing each others prices. I buy 3T and 4T for Kasper (oh ya, his bday coming up 21 July). Any of you celebrated on planning 1yr old parties for your precious ones? Thot of ordering a nice nice cake for him, went to a friend's cake shop yesterday and saw that those nice 3D cakes with lots of icing going $120-150 for 2-2.5kgs and will feed only 30pax. Better take lots of photos cos icing will be thrown away, cant eat all that SUGAR!! I still like Lana's choc fudge cake, my 1yo bday pic had this black looking lana cake.

Any of you buy Fitflops from Halo BP? I paid already, but realise she very unresponsive compared to Girl from Mars, should have ordered from that BP instead. Wonder how come pple order from VS spree (Like Mango's), end up more ex, around $12 more after shipping.

I guess Kasper is easy on food, just like Mummy *wink*wink* eat everything. Even sour oranges, ha ha. he loves his food, maybe i should be thankful he doesn't put on weight easily otherwise he will get obese easily.

Resisting sleep
I resort to using the traditional yaolan to make Kasper sleep longer. He will wake around 7-8am, then 3hrs later takes a 2hr nap, then mid afternoon try to sleep again for another 2hrs on a good day. Some days only sleeps 1hr during the day. Then I put him to bed around 9pm, he wakes for 2 feeds around 4-6hrly intervals. Good thing he sleeps again after hhis feeds. Any of you managed to do away with night feeds totally? Can share your secret recipe with me?
EL Chan,
Another 21th July baby!!! Changed my belief that 21st July babies are all heavy weight champs (at least for mine & coolkero's)

Weaned my girl off nite feeds by not giving her milk at nite. If she cries, pick her up and sooth her back to sleep. Takes some time for her to get used to it though. But she has her last milk feed late, about 10.30pm
El chan, I prefer to order myself from overseas, actually. but some of the bp price is really good. but it's more hassle (some OOS items, etc) and takes longer to get your item. Yeah, I saw the fitflop BP is really tempting. I got 2 pairs that I ordered myself from Victorias secret during the 20% sale. safe the hassle.

FOC, btw, do u know the fitflop comes with kids size now? OMG it's so CUTE. especially for 2-3yrs (and above) old gal. it's so bling. suitable for Alexis. kekeke...I wonder how much is it tough....
no amt of soothing will comfort my boy exceapt a full milk feed. At least he can hold the bottle himself now.
Since his last weight assessment that was at 4mths, he put on 800gm and 8cm in 5 mths, so little right?

Has anyone introduced egg yolk to your babies?

El chan,
Oh, then maybe no choice but to continue feeding. My colleague says his 20month old still need night feed too. Unable to wean off. Just have to wait till they are older and consumes enough calories during the day to last them through the night I guess
