(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

2 days of no pc time...

Thanks mommies for additional info.
Lamagier, thanks for the link.
BBEthan, what dimension u got? Initially I wanted to get the largest (LG Prime 2500*1400*15mm), then when I measuresd my carpet, it's longest side was only 2300. I also take the design into consideration, I was telling CHiyojade that I like those that does not hv repeated prints like the world map or this limited ed of Jurassic sealand.
TJE, hahaha... Ya, I am considering the LG Prime.
Mashy, I intend to place it over my carpet, I think the 15mm should be good enough right? cos the 18,, dun hv 2500*1400mm size.

To be very honest, if I had know about this playmat, I wouldn't have ask for the playpen, cos K really hates being inside and it's small!! I really dunno how bb can sleep inside, I am breaking my back picking K everytime he cries for rescue.

Mashy, USS? USA? HAve a great time!!

ETirto, JEEP?! The car for boys izit?

The part that attached (sometimes very) strongly to the yolk is call chalaza, it should post no harm to baby if usable to separate them (cos there actually should be 1 on each side) from the yolk.

Sam, I am like you, I like my privacy, esp when I need to yell at hb for being stupid (LOLs)..
Seriously, if one has to have helper to help-out, then gotta be prep that standard has to be compromized; like whn one wants to leave bb to sitter, gotta close an eye for somethings that may not be "right" to us, e.g. bath before feed or feed then wait for digestion time then bath.. cos if u feed before bath, then u need not worry so much about the mess, but that means u gotta wait at least 30mins before bathing the kid etc..
HBB, u can create a check list of things for her to accomplish when you need to go out. Then again, why not give her the trust that she will have the initiative to do things?

How much is this?
My goodness, I dunno if I am such a bad mom, I am really bad at kid's toys!!!

I bought a DVD call Hand Language, I think it's useful for beginner like me. I was told the US version is diff fr others.. Sigh! Y must they always be diff de?

HBB, may be Edna mean "eat".

Woah.. still havent finish reading the rrest of the posts.. must go out now.. catch up again!

WOAHHHH! It's been a tiring week for me since last Fri! My dad, my sis & her 2 rascals were here for holiday & just back yesterday. Stacia's so happy & love to play with gor gor cos he's more expressive (in other word, NOTTIE!).. with jie jie, so so nia.. When they just arrived, I was at the offc (looking at my cameras), these 2 rascals went up to my hse (leaving the mama & ah gong with luggages downstairs) & went straight for stacia.. They took turn to carry her, one after another repeatedly (my heart wanna jump out!) cos my maid was also helping with the luggages.. To my surprise, she din cry at all!!! Since she starts recognising familiar faces, this is basically the 1st time she met them again (the last time she was only about 2mo).. she din cry also when she saw my sis & my dad who she met 1st time too! It's like she knows that we r family hehe.. *singing* WE ARE FAMILY, GET UP EVERYBODY AND SING..

i bought my 6-panel haenim playyard for onli $180 from cheong choon.. cheapest around when I searched last time.. dunno now thou.. USS (Universal Studio) -> right mashy?! Cos my sis & the gang just went there hahaa..
if only our babies r bigger, we could go there all together.. how fun!!!
Does the 6-panel play yard take up a lot of space when you got it? Cos I'm not planning to have #2 so soon now, so will most likely pack away when J is done with it, my spare room is becoming a storage room at this rate that I'm buying stuff for J. Plus I'm wondering if it's a headache to clean the panels, like giving me more stuff to do, headache.
I got curious about the Sign Language, since I did pick up a book on Baby Signs, by Linda Acredolo, but that books has been reviewed by some parents as rubbish in the sense that they encourage baby's interpretation of sign language that is communicated between the parent-child, hence limited in a sense that it might not be understood between peers as the official representation of signing. But there are resources online for baby signing, Signing with Baby, http://signingbaby.com/, with a link to a photo gallery of common signs, and they also have a link to ASL Browser, http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm. That has quicktime videos to the signs.
Is the seat secure?? I would really hesitate putting Y in that. He can slip/fall out of the Bumbo...arches his back and dunno how but he gets out, so am a bit worried!

sign language,
Yes, the American signing is different from local one. Very complicating!

Hi,hope you are OK?
Chiyojade: The seat has shoulder straps which you can tighten so it prevents them from falling out. So far both monkeys have been alright. I use the American Sign with the children, since we're only signing key words I just decided to go with ASL.

Long day! Looking after two children plus one big baby is super tiring
That day, I left him in the bumbo and went to wash his bottle and then next thing I heard was boom! And he was on the floor - first time it happened!!! Although I didn't have the foam mat below, I did have a quilt and he only cried like "waaah" and then stopped. I didn't react, but I did carry him for a cuddle...though am sure that cuddle was for me to assuage my "guilt"!!!!

Jillian - who are the children? dh and A or pork and sister? Hahahahahahaha! Better not say any mroe, after that cannot have playdates with you! LOL!!!!!
Hbb: yes asleep but can't relax just yet cos the house is in a mess!

Chiyojade: all 3 are the children, dh included! Now that he is out of action, he is being such a pain in my backside cos he moans and groans like the world is ending. Now I understand why women are chosen to bear the children. If we left it up to the men, the whole human race would be extinct.
I've got the 2100x1400x15mm one. Think the largest is 2300x1400x15mm right? I remembered SSW telling me 20cm is not much of a diff, that's why i got it as they were having promo for the 2100mm then.

Go for LG Prime... don't even need to consider Parklon lah. Personally i find 15mm LG Prime is very good already.
Re: Haenim play-yard

i got mine from koreacraze. u can check the bp thread for more info, she's always there. think i paid $175 for 6 panels.

silly qn here mummies, if say baby is not allergic to one type of green veg, yin choy (chinese spinach), does it mean we can safely feed other greens (eg, broccoli, xiao bai cai) etc without following the 4-day rule?

i am thinking of feeding a new type of green veg to baby tomorrow, but it's the 3rd day he's on fish, so i don't know if it's such a good idea.
no.. not allergic to 1 type of green doenst mean all clear.. cos might b allergic to green peas? or etc...

i tink if 2 days on fish nothg wrogn shld b ok liao cos fish reaction usualy come v fast but if u wan play safe jus wait another day? usualy i giv edna onli 2 days to react hehe
yup.. it takes quite a lot of space n makes my already small living rm, smaller..
but good thing is, I could dump most of the toys in.. the kick n whirl, baby grand piano, violet, vtech ball, caterpillar, etc.. all in & still got some space for her to roam about.. now my headache is the jumperoo! Took so much of space! I feel like selling it but if got #2, how? My whole hse like a carnival now.. Anyway, I'm still undecided abt having #2 or not hehe..

u got it quite cheap! she sold it for more than $180 half a yr ago!
Have #2!!! Then she has sibling! :)

I have question to ask you re couple time:
In the first place, do you hv couple time?

dh and I are so swamped with work that we hardly have time for ourselves when bb is in bed,because that is when we catch up with work. I once asked my mum to babysit while we went for Avatar and I was like, OK, collect tickets, watch film, after that quickly grab dinner, buy dinner back for parents and get bb.

Avatar is quite a long film so I felt GUILTY for letting them look after him when it was a Sunday - they look after him twice a week when we are at work, about 7h each time and am going to increase it by one more day for another 2 hours.

I felt like I'm the mum, we are the parents, so We should look after him. The only time I call babysitter is when we're at work or I have done it twice, when I go out for tea. Other than that, it's us. And we are already spending so much on p/t cleaner/babysitter!!! More than a live-in help!!!

It's just that I feel bad bothering my parents or others if we go out just the two of us. Do you all feel that too? I want that couple time, BUT...

It would be so nice to have a meal together and not taking turns to eat or rushing through the food, etc and having an adult conversation.

So how to solve this problem?!
this one i realy tink a live in help might b able to solve... when wan couple time..send the helper plus bb to sibling/parents house... can?
ok i admit i cant! i scare my parents or sis spoil market w my helper then helper go on strike! LOL
see lar.. i cant hav helper lar!
Loshita!! Finally!! Welcome back!

I used to soak the new grain rice overnight and break before I cooked. But these days I just wash and cook, then use to whisk I got from Daiso to stir, it'll break the grain but wont be as smooth as the mashed ones. K is taking porridge mixed with rice cereal now.. Yahoo!!
Muffingirl, new grain rice is easily cook and softer. It is not as good for making rice for adult cos I find it too soft (not texture) if I put too much water, and under cooked if I rediced the water.

RE: High Chair
We need a agency to police the safety of high chairs used by rstn, esp report their continual use of broken ones!! And I think besides checking the hygiene practice of the rstn/eatery by the healthy & environment dept, these dept should also look into the cleanliness of these high chairs, the danger areas are the buckles where sometimes food are trapped, and the straps are sticky. Some Ikea high chairs are not mean for heavy usage like in a rstn/eatery. So they should be banned from such use unless they tag a "life span" for every establishment to limit the length of use, say mandatory to change every one or two years..

Jillian, (ME TOO!!) I like this P&T bb seat, My few concerns are the fact that bb is too close to the table and can easily grab (hot) food from the table, and if the heavy baby cause the lighter table to flip over towards him/her..

Chiyojade, it's the guilt that is making you feel that way. This was what I was told and I felt slightly better:
1. Whn grandparents bb sit for us, it's their happiest time cos they have the bb to themselves!
2. Grandparents also our parents will love us enough to bb sit.
3. Dont fall into the danger zone of investing too much of our time (lives) to the babies. My pastor once said, the mom is the factory, the dad is the supplier, and the bb is the product. Supplier and factory has to focus on their "working" relationship and not just the product, becos when the product is exported, then there will be left with nothing between the factory and the supplier.

J&I are also guilty of having very little quality couple time, one gf told me after #2 it may get worse. So both hb & us MUST make a point to work on the couple time.

Personally, I think when the bb is young, they really need us alot, so we can sacrifice more of our time, but as they grow older, we need to get this back fr them and give it to our partner.
One very good advice I got was, do something together where you have a chance to exchange your thoughts. I used to think, ok, now that the bb is zzz, I can sit by J's side to watch TV. NO!!! Watching TV is the worst thing cos in any setting, when the TV is turned on, the conversation decreases. And yes, for J, when he watches TV, he gets fed-up if I make a comment of the show or ask qn!

These days he helps in the house work more than before, but we need to improve on the quality.

Guess what Chiyojade? The BBQ I went last night? The one that invites me and her friend were in JG yesterday too! And they were in the same class as Zoey & Adam!!!
And, and I bumped into a lady from UK, her son is also born in Jul13.. She had just moved here 5mths ago with her hb & 2 sons (#1 is already 5yo)
hi gals

had a tiring day yesterday at universal studios. my boy had fun, but my gal didn't coz she's too young. end up sleeping under the sweltering heat most of the time.

Something funny at USS yesterday:

My boy was very excited when he saw the memorabilia at 'The Mummy'.

'Mummy, there's your name!'.
Re: high chair

went to this restaurant n there was this guy (big adult) who sat on the high chair! told him it's a baby chair and he said yah he knows! he actually thot it was funny. idiot!
I feel great nowadays cos' when I carry stacia, she only wants me hahaha.. nobody can take her away from me!
Not popo, not teteh..

Have a wonderful weekend all!
Hi mummies, check with you, is it ok to feed red snapper to baby? I couldn't find fresh enough cod fish at cold storage the other day so I bought red snapper slice. Smells very fishy to me but XY seems to like it.
Hi mashy, if I'm not wrong, all cod fish that we get is thawed one. We can't get "fresh" ones. What I meant was the colour was already slightly black and not very white so I don't like to buy those. I find that the selection at sengkang cold storage is always very bad. Those at bugis cold storage and jason's very very white.
I guess i had mummy's guilt initially, but these days I sometimes only go pick MR after I have dinner with the husband. Cos after a while, I kinda feel guilty cos the husband was increasingly looking downcast cos feeling neglected. So I make it a point to have a date nite once a week. But I guess it's easier for me cos I pay my aunt and I know she is 100% capable of looking after her and wouldn't spoil her rotten (haha, cos my aunt would have to share the consequences with me)

Your son so cute =)

EH, initally I was also very happy MR wants me only when she cries. After a while it got tiring =p Husband sit there surf net while I have to hold on to crying baby...
snapper is fine for babies. thr is no fresh cod in Sg.cos they originated from too faraway place.even those 'fresh' one u see r actualy speed frozen otw here... cod r actualy nt so gd for bb cos of mercury lvl
hbb, mercury level high huh? But I only know cod fish lor. Never go market. Only can depend on cold storage. Wonder why the NTUC at my place so sucks in terms of variety and freshness. The cold storage at compasspoint not so good either but still better than that NTUC. I love bugis cs but specially go there buy so silly.
Speaking of frozen. Airpork is from Aust right? I'm curious how can they be fresh if from Aust? Just bought some pork ribs at cs the other day and the counter lady told me it's "fresh". Quite expensive (to me) but tastes much better than the frozen Porkee ones and much more flesh. I realised I'm so silly never discover this earlier. Been using frozen Porkee ribs for few times already. I'm new to pork rib soup pls bear with me. Only cook chicken soup in the past.
cod n salmon r v high in mercury. ngor hee aka threadfin is ok also but when gt cough dun gotta avoid cos it causes phlegm according to tcm

snapper is good..

the ntuc at ur side a bit small IMO.. thou open 24 hours .. soemtimes i wonder wat for operate 24 hours when variety is limited!!! CS at bugis is good but i tell u.. i prefer carrefour! got more thg to buy LOL
actualy im ok w porkee leh in fact i convert fr air pork to porkee! but depends lar.. i see which one on offer then i buy..typical AUNTIE LOL
cos my dh duno the difference it ink cos everythg to him is OK LOR, not bad lor, soso lor... yesterday chicken soup.. he say no much taste...zzzz
Your son is so cute! So funny!!!! :p

Mummy's guilt: OK, so it IS mummy's guilt then....hehheh, so am not alone in this.

hbb, your NTUC is 24h? Hmmm just wondering,,,are the prices ther emore ex than other NTUC's? Because I know the CS that is 24h is more ex than others...

My LG mat got delivered today. Plus I got a free picnic mat, which, I must say, I'm quite impressed with! It's quite big and also padded. I haven't opened the LG mat yet though. Doing so tomorrow.
no not the ntuc at my place. bt the one at hougang n buangkom are 24 hour i tink price r the same but weirdly this 2 ntuc are smaller!
HBB, ya very small but extremely useful when late at night want to eat snacks. There was once I even went down at 11pm+ and managed to buy a slice of pumpkin for XY's next day lunch. LOL.
Your hubby finds the soup bland? So much good ingredients leh. But then mine too will complain my cooking no taste. To me already very good taste lor how can compare to outside food where they overload with salt and MSG right?

Chiyojade, the price is the same

Think only smaller branch can afford to be 24hour cuz so big store open 24hour very hard to maintain. Even the 24hour CS at HV also small one.
Re: Seimpi
The husband was pretty irritated today. Irony that they did not want to open a preview talk when Sam tried to organize one, then today's talk was a very bad mix of infants, toddlers and a five year old. And the presenter said they were not informed about the wide age gaps! Dh who was waiting outside the class said 2 set of parents of the older kids left early and were complaining loudly about what a waste of their time... Was acually interested in signing up before this, but the husband is against it after today's talk
he preview the talk about everything. but the demo they give I guess was supposed to be targeting at particular age group. Ended up they did a few execise, one for each age group. So the babies couldn't really participate in the later demo while th earlier ones for babies were boring for the older kids.

Yah. Their admin needs more organization. I didn't get sms from them, ended up book a slot thru a sms sam forwarded to me. They didn't reply me so thot they dropped me. Then suddenly got an sms from them last nite reminding me about today's talk. Wasn't very impressed....
lamagier, that time i called seimpi for today's slot. was told 'tenatively ok' but can only confirm at later date. So i waited. They only replied TODAY at 8am+ that my slot is confirmed. worst than you right? haha.
anyway i cant attend cos my boy having fever.
after hearing what you said, lucky i didnt go. waste of time. :p
RE: Siempi
BIG THANKS to Sam for the effort in organizing this.
I agree with Lamagier about the mess. I know the mom with the older kid who already voiced out her displeasure about how this preview was mixed with younger kids like our.
Although having the older kid sort-of benefit (not very much) us to have a bit of insights of what our ids would be taught at the more advance classes.
Parents with older kids are NOT interested in what is taught to ours.

I am not pleased (and I did feedback to them) that I was not being informed that my preview was changed to today w/o prior notice cos remember I simply reply to their sms for 2 seats then only to find out my date was apr4. I could still go on the 4th, but of course prefer today if most of us would be there. I did not pack enough food for K. Worse was he rejected his am milk, so his first cereal was at 9:30 instead of 11!! I walked the whole of Marina Sq just to get him some decent plain porridge, and managed to make him "tong" until we got home..
They said they sent sms about the change which I did not receive..

Thanks Lamagier for the new toy!! K loves it and held it until he fell asleep in the car..

Long day, go shower now!

Chiyojade, I saw the picnic mat promo, but already all fully redeemed, now SSW is giving away the cushion mat. I would love the picnic mat so I can go picnic more often...
