(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Enjoy your trip...

Re: Photoshoot
waiting for the editted photos to be up for lil dino to look and envy... dino must be cursing the mummy for the fully-packed Saturday and cant bring her to the PS... all the mummies and babies must be having fun at the studio...

must be a memorable experience for lamagier and hbb with the pro studio lighting, dino-dad never had the chance yet... he still didnt seem interested in studio shoot thou... haiz...

siew bak is idiot proof.. jus need a good amout of 5 spice powder n salt and oven! hiak hiak hiak
tat is 1 of the 1st thg i learn hw to make when i was over seas nxt time i tellu more =)

u starting a nov 2010 thread huh? heehee
Yeah Lamagier and hbb, have seen the pics taken by you all on fb (maybe not all yet...hehe), were so impressed! They were all very pretty!!! Bet you all had loads of fun. Also wish I could be there too...

Bought Lucius for his 3rd dose of hep b this morn. He's 8.4kg and 76cm tall now....belonging to the slimmer category like his parents.

Gina, hav a safe and fun trip! And enjoy your shopping there!

Kim, you starting the nov 2010 thread soon?
HBB & Lamagier,
Thank you very much for the shoot this afternoon! Saw the teaser shots, getting excited already
If you ladies need some help with the editing for batch of photos, HBB can pass some to me on Monday, I'll help with the touchups and what not.

it's okay, I told him I'm the one who forgot about the bag, and anyways our evening appt didn't call up, so we didn't had to rush off either. Take care & rest more! The flight of stairs was siong leh.

TJE, have a great holiday in the states! Actually, can start shopping online asap, and get them to send the stuff to your hotel!

The family has been in a semi-sleepy mode the whole night. After cooking dinner, I'm totally zonked out, didn't even wake for the night feed, luckily, dh took care of that. Will be a tiring night, need to pack my house for some viewing tml, honestly don't know where to chuck the boxes for all the baby stuff we bought in the last year.
u r welcome =)

yea ok i will ask lamagier!! if any i pass u oki =) the main thgy now is hw to convert the large batch of raw files into jpeg!!!!!
Lamagier n HBB,
thanks for the photoshoot today! must b really tiring for u both..Thanks again! we had fun thou Jav was grouchy..anw, Jav fell asleep immediately wen we were in the car.. hehe.. im sure the photos will turn out nice! =)
thank u both so much! we enjoyed the session! the sneak preview already so good.. can't wait to view the edited ones! u both could seriously think to change line..

thx! funny thou'.. the spelling in song is correct..

noted! will let u know if I needed your help
u sure your hb would be happy if u're like TJE? cleaning part is ok but the shopping part (>_<)... she shops like no tomolo hahahaha.. *peace gina peace*

thanks for jumperoo tips! IT REALLY WORKS!!! i'm so happyyyyyy... TJE, enjoy your trip &amp; erhmmm.. shopping!!!

uwaaaa.... u joking? hinting? planning?
If the files can be natively read by photoshop, you can try a batch conversion by recording your actions when you do one file, and then apply to the whole folder. Does your camera come with any software to help convert the raw files in to slighly lower res jpegs than the huge raw files? If can, just work from lower res ones, will be faster on the computer processor.
no lar! Postman is quite a chin chai guy! =p
he's v excited bout' the fotos although I think sk nana nt v co-operative lehs! Bo smileeee! Zzzzzz....

Sian, a cough's coming! Hope wun pass to shanna again!
Hey HBB and lamagier

so sorry I was unable to turn up for the photo shoot today, saw the pixs on FB and they turned out really very, very, very, very, very well. I love all the shots. I was lamenting to dh yet another lost opportunity to take some decent pixs for austen, mei yuan...

anyway, as I told HBB over sms, my aunt has cancer - we knew that a few months ago, started in one area. Today, she suddenly was unable to drink water so was rushed to A&amp;E, doctors did a scan and found that the cancer has spread all over, including the brain. She is now warded in SGH and in a semi-conscious state, was earlier baptised this evening. Death is inevitable, just a matter of when, doctors say prob these one to two days and at most one more week. dh and I just got home, but dh went back to keep the other family members company.

Life is so fragile.

Kim, congratulations is in order huh? I am so pleased for you!
TJE, your words bring tears to my eyes.You know la...I'm so emotional these days. Enjoy your trip and since you're GOING there already, make the most of it. Don't forget bring CONDOM
linsu..u noe im v impress w u n ur nursery songs esp e chinese ones! well done!

so sorry to hear bout ur aunt..i hope she is not in too much of pain....sigh....

sorry i cant help but laugh at wat u remind LOL
winnie.. no leh shanna shot also look gd...must trust lamagier magic camera mah! hahhaaa

sam no potoshop cannot convert! so gotta use nikon one and it takes 2585534439 years to do it esp my pc is 6 yr old!
Sounds like you girls and your lil ones had a great time at the shoot
Hope to see the photos soon

Congrats in due?

Sorry to hear about your aunt. It's always painful knowing you are abt to lose someone no matter how prepared you are. Take care yah?
yes! Agree with hbb! Ur 妹妹背着洋娃娃 (is this the title?) very nice!!! My hubby also said u sang it v nice! ^^

sorry to hear bout that. I've also lost my ah yi to cancer few days before cny. Same case, the cancer spreaded v fast! Fought the battle hard for 3 yrs. =(
FOZ, Gina, winnie_mummy,
SO sorry to hear that. it's always hard to lose someone even if they are suffering and it's prob better to let them go. What a monk told me a story of him going to a fantastic rock concert when he was young. Instead of lamenting how the concert came to and end, it's better to think of how great the concert was and how much he enjoyed himself during the concert and appreciate the experience

I used Irfan View to convert NEF to raw cos the NIkon software need to buy and I'm too cheap. But the jpeg size are all less than 1.5meg, so not sure if they will still be good for blowing up beyong 4R.

My camera think had a speck of dust or something. There's a crescent shape mark if photo was taken from certain angle. the only solution I can think of is to start to copy pixel and pasting them and try to get the tone to look gradual....
Try to save as Tif for a print set, resolution don't go any lower than 150-300dpi, that's when print sharpness will start to show depending the image composition. For the jpegs, they are just for viewing purposes, can be small lar, when you convert to jpeg, usually screen resolution is set at 72dpi (depending on monitors these days), you would have already lost alot of print resolution already.
you .......???

sorry to hear abt your aunt.. glad to know she's baptised now.. hope to see u soon in next gathering..

it's nice to meet u for 1st time yesterday.. Y is such an adorable baby.. my hubby was teasing him from afar &amp; he said he's so friendly that he could smile back at him.. not once! a few times hahaha..

M is so "MANNN" now.. he looks more &amp; more like you..

haha.. *blush blush* thx! but i only know that one &amp; the "da xiang" song hhehehe.. gotta learn more chinese nursery songs &amp; keep stacia entertained.. was so blank sometimes that I often ask teteh what else to sing???
By the way, the husband is actually quite shy one (just ask HBB &amp; her husband). But dunno why punggol na-na see him only will start to cry.
If we have shoot out again, I'll keep the husband at home.... or hid him in my back pocket. I have a big enough arse =p
not the husband's fault lar! it's my useless ger! lol!!!! but we realized she's scared of tall, skinny &amp; dark guys! but ur hb nt dark lehs! LOL!!!

oh, is SK nana! Edna = PG nana! LOLz!
Foz, i feel so sad for you about your aunt. The feeling muz be terrible when death is so close to us yet we can't do anything much. Try to be strong and stay with your relatives. My friend's mum is also still fighting against cancer now. Haiz...life is jus so short and fragile that we shd cherish everyday we hav!
got my SK and PG mixed up!

Eh, the husband not skinny. he's has a balloning mid-section wor

Hahahaha, SK nana must love santa. Stout, chubby and fair!
any mommies went to photoshoot yesterday woke up wif pain in calves &amp; lower thigh? the staircase exercise killing me hahaha.. zhen mei yong!
thanks hbb n lamagier for the effort and time yesterday. my gal not cooperative... crying most of the time. don't can get nice shots out of it or not.

seriously it's no joke climbing up that flight of stairs!!!

if so, congrats in advance!
then u will be like me....2 kids 18mths apart.
of coz I trust u &amp; lamagier! I dun trust my ger! Lol!
By the way, I get postman to deliver the HB cereal to u coming week! I've gt 2 unopened tins. ^^ And cfm, green cover de!

lol! Sounds v like my dh thou he nt v fair... But short &amp; stout... Hmmm... Lol!
must thanx w hubbies who look aft the babies whn lamagier n i goes snappin camera away else v hard to manage! so nxt rnd my dh still gotta tag along!!

winnie nvm la i pick lor else he tink i really take him as postman! hahaha
Sorry to hear abt your loss, hugz....

Have a wonderful trip and happy shopping!!... Umm, never mind abt packing the condom, can check out the diff varieties in SF, ;p

Woohoo, congrats!! How exciting!!

I'm back in Shanghai... Typing along with fireworks and crackers echoing all ard us... 元宵节快乐!
OMG!!!! Fainted.....

NOT ME LAH!!! SOME ONE HERE IS!! But currently P&amp;C.. I initially post d qn to her, then I think may be she want to keep it hush hush... That's also why I post the double decker stroller..

I will post before I go get my babies out of the freezer so all of you can pray for me
Hi all thanks for the kind words and thoughts. We took #1 to SGH to say goodbye to our aunt. As we arrived, the nurse appeared to change her diaper. #1 asked me why she needed diapers though she is an adult. I explained. After that, we told her to say hi to our aunt though she could not respond. Later, my daughter told me she felt sad because Auntie A is sick, she wished Auntie A would get well so she could talk to her. I suggested praying for Auntie A and my daughter clasped her hands, closed her eyes and went "Dear Lord Jesus, please help Auntie A not be sick, please let her be able to do wee wee by herself, please wake her up so we can talk to her. In Jesus's name we pray, amen."

So sweet, isn't it?

TJE, sorry to hear Ju en is not well. Have she taken any meds? What is she down with? And if I can manage to get some time, I can go to get the stuff from your mom else no worries. We will meet up when you are back from US.

Kim, you created a mini-storm, albeit a good one

Good night, everyone, sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite!
foz, (hugs)
Will keep your family and your aunt in prayers. I hope she is not in pain. Your daughter is not only very cute but caring. :)

This is a good reminder to us that, like TJE says, life is fragile. We must treasure every moment. :-D

Linsu, Stacia is so cute in her CNY outfit! Two pony tails!!! Your post about who the cry baby was cracked me up! :-D

TJE, hope Ju En gets better asap, so it won't be so worrying for you!
wahahaha... Nasi Lemak flavour condoms?!! That's a good one, TJE... Ju En is not in her usual self yesterday, hope she's feeling ok soonest...

HBB &amp; lamagier,
Maybe u can try Adobe Bridge to convert (NEF file) RAW to JPEG... Since lamagier already have Photoshop CS2, can use the Adobe Bridge in CS2 to batch convert NEF to JPEG... If you using Adobe Bridge in CS2, you can go to: Tools/Photoshop/Image Processor, and convert to jpegs, it will allow you to convert all the files in a certain folder. hope the info helps thou...
how is juen now? hope she is better
i understand hw u worry if ur mumc an cope w 3 babies...
nasilemak flavour condom? how bout Laksa? hot n fiery LOL
dino mum.. i jus mamaged to convert 100 potos. aft an hour or 2 LOL
more to go! tink tomolo thenc ontinue.. leave pc on while i goout.. my pc old liao.. v slow...
i have another avid follower of the forum at home also... keke... that one is the advisor, hahaha... I went for CS course years back at CSC but kinda forget most of the things taught le... hoping to attend CS4 this year thou, hope my boss approve my course application thou...

U all do the editting first then convert to JPEG?
no i cant even open the raw file in my cs2!!!! dun ask mi why becos im a software idiot i onli know hw to do certain thg onli..
and i forgot some of the important parts on hw to make the bkgrd all white
throw ur questions at the avid follower next sat, kekeke... as for the bkground all white, we have this problem during the last PS at my home also... coz we only have 2 studio lights and no third light to shoot at the backdrop, all the photos taken have that off-white kinda shadow overcasting certain portion of the pure white backdrop... did the studio staff help u all with the set-up of the studio lights? eh, coz wont have such issue of having to use photoshop to make the bkground all white (in sync) with pro. lighting studio set-up if the studio staff adjusted the backdrop light properly... and also, provided no one stand in the way of the lights thou...
dino-dad editted the prev PS pics one by one (omitting "extra" items in the pics and making the bkground all white) coz he dun how to do it in batch... so can understand how siong it is to edit the photos...
apparently in real studio they do hav the same prob also becos of the floor angle
at least this is wat it ot lar cos when i went for a photo shoot last time... they guy also say its normal.. jus need to click it away and he did it w ease.. and he taughtme (but i forgot how to since i am a tech idiot)

yes the guys at the studio did help us w the lightings n etc
kaoz... if like that, i better dun bother to buy another studio light for the backdrop... I thought its becoz i dun have backdrop light thats y causing this off-white problem during the prev PS... luckily u tell me if not i'll be wasting $$$ again...

my colleague told me i dun have backdrop light thats y my pics turn out not that ideal for a studio shoot, i keep thinking about that and had considered buying 1 before taking dino's photo for her 1 year birthday invitation... the photos he took for his son dun have that problem thou (w/o editting his bkground), like me he's using a home-based studio...
if it's too slow, maybe gotta surrender your com to the software already. If you are using PS to work on the files, try to play with the performance settings, depending much ram you can give to the program, you just about might not be able to do much of anything else. I kinda give up on Photoshop for more than a year already because it slows down my productivity alot with heavy edits like multiple layers involved for painting. If you are pretty pro with PS and don't do much painting, I suggest using Fireworks, it can read the PSD files, and execute quite a wide range of image edits, and with better file efficiency, just that file formats that it can open is more limited.

Software aside. What I saw during professional photoshots that I've worked on, is that they really restrict the camera to a tripod, much like the one that was standing at the corner of the studio that day beside the folded chairs. And the lighting was pretty strong on the sides to eliminate cast shadows, but bright and hot, most like to cause more meltdowns from the babies than the lights we had. I guess just make do with what we have. I'm kinda scared to go further into photography cos I can just remember spending hugely on equipment from sec to uni, and the materials cost for processing, lost a few clothes to the chemicals in the darkroom too
. Damn, I still got some photo developing paper tucked away, don't know still can use a not, can't expose to light anyways.
Don't be morbid! More pp die from road accidents than on holiday. Ju En will get better soon, OK? You will carry her smell every day with you and buy loads of nice stuff for her and you will enjoy couple time tog with your dh.

Hope the PD will tell you tt it's nothing serious!!! Try the baby vicks on her feet? with socks? Will pray esp for her and you tonight. Hugs.

Ju En gonna be fine, I think maybe she knows mummy going on long trip soon and she misses mummy too much le... She'll be back to her usual self, ever smiling away once u're back with so many many pretty stuff for her... Bring her pillow or bolster rather than Leap, got more of Juju's smell mah... Once I caught Dino-dad sniffing dino's mini bolster in the morning and in deep thoughts while waiting for me to wake up for work, his love for Dino far superseded mine... Think u'll be like him also...
