(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

G, Choy!! U think so easy to die?! Chiyojade is right!!

But in case you can no longer take care of Ju for any reason, I will make sure K takes good care of her. K perspires lots so I will let them bath twice a day together. I am sure K will be happy to help Ju with her back rub vv.

ur knowledge v power... Next time I know who to look for liao... Keke... My colleagues r good at taking pics but not many r proficient with photo software stuff... U've elaborate what I wanna say about the background light issue, mine can never eliminate the cast shadow with the lights I'm using, not strong enough, am hoping that getting another light might help eliminate the cast shadow, any idea if that would help? If can't, then I better not buy and jus use Photoshop instead...
Dino-mum, I see from my shoots, the light is very strong, and when I stood under to direct my models, it's really very hot one, almost like the sun is on your neck. Probably some more efficient way to get the lighting for home studio. Lucky you got the space for a studio, I ever think about it before when I was preggy, since my walls are white-wash on how to set up a simple studio, but I gave up think on moving the furniture around when my back was crying for help.
my home studio is only temporary, intend to "close shop" after moving out from Changi with the arrival of #2... coz no more extra room to do that...

is ur hubby into photography? If yes, get him to help u with the setup while u "supervise"... Keke...
maybe that's one good way to announce to him when really have #2??

anyway, shall let that person announce herself.
Dino-mum, no he's not, sigh, maybe in my next house bah, putting up my place for sale too. Gotta see how it goes.

Happy Bellies
btw, just bumped into an overseas spree for HB stuff in the spree section spreeing from Luckyvitamin, but it's closing later today, http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/3664418.html?1267370936 in case there are still mummies who's interested in it after the 1st wave that we had. Feeling itchy to get the melts, but I don't want to indulge her too much in treats, she chew on the puffs now like eating sweets like that.
are the melts sweet?
now then i realise how cheap the puffs are. She finished those bought from the 1st BP. I saw it at NTUC since she has no more treats. $8.90!!! so huge diff.
my boy having milk strike. he only drank max 40ml (if lucky) &amp; refused to drink further. past 2 days he drank < 150ml/day. when solid time, he can finish everything up. Not as in i'm feeding him more. only 3 tbsp of cereals + 2 tbsp of fruit/veg puree. Is it normal to have preference towards solid than liquid now?
Aiyoh TJE, your post was so morbid n yet funny, esp the part abt finishing school and marrying Kaelem! Hope Juen gets well asap! So nice that she showed you her crawl b4 you both left for your hol.

Yay! My daughter is finally having her first tooth! She was crying n then I saw that whitish thing! I can feel the 'grooves' of the tooth so I hope it wun b too difficult 4 her as it pushes through.

I hv qn abt spinach. Shld babies b eating the chinese spinach or the ang moh baby spinach? or does it not matter?

Sam, I m also curious abt the melts.R they sweeter than the happy puffs? Thx.
BbEthan, Yuli, eh, don't know how it taste, think ETirto/Lamagier has them. Maybe they can enlighten. I remember ETirto saying that it's a bit sour, cos it's yogurt melts. I'll probably skip the spree though, cos she's been snacking a lot on the puffs when we are outside. Does your #2 share the puffs with #1? If you are ordering and need a bottle to standby, let me know, cos I still got 6 bottles around, not really regretting ordering so much now that she loves the puffs.
yup... both of them are sharing. in fact, i bought it mainly for amanda. But end up it's #1 who's gobbling up most of it. he hogs the whole bottle and only give mei mei a few at each time she begs him for some.
hi mummies,

can I check for making fruit puree, do we need to steam the fruit (e.g. pear, apple, etc.) before we blend?
The melts' taste are a bit stronger because they are a bit sour. I have tasted it - because of the yoghurt, I think.

Re: Spinach
I think you can give both, I gave puree ang moh spinach (neat) and my PD has said u can give the Chinese one - even the red one - in porridge.
I did/do. I steamed the apple with the skin, scraped it off and then blended it. I think poohbear just scrapes if off the apple though.
But I didn't steam for banana and papaya.
i'm still steaming before blending. Otherwise, they turn brown very fast. but at times i do give fresh (meaning no steaming) when i am eating myself and share with her by scrapping and feed her direct.

i give chinese spinach. ang moh spinach too ex! and i find it's harder than the chinese ones.

how much spinach do u use to get 1 cube? just add water to steam n blend?
Enjoy yr trip!!
Btw, ask yr ma or whoever is taking of juen to let her sleep with her head elevated and put on some vicks. will soothe her a bit. hope she's well by the time u r back.
i heard the chinese spinach higher in nitrate so i gave the ang moh one but yesterday just went to buy the bayam for edna.. so ok to mix bah =)

i hope juen is better today... when edna gt block nose i try to press lightly the 2 side of her nose gently 20 times each time.. this is suppose to help w block nose =)

sam thanx... =)
btw yes ia gree joie is eating alot of puffs LOL
im itching to order the cereals.. but seriously i tink if i buy myself fr them will it b gd? since i realy need ALOT
hey Gina, u still here? bring the condom for goodness sake. nasi lemak or laksa or wadever. you won't have time to go out and buy the condom when the time is right. kekeke..

Gals, here I'm announcing....I'm the ONE who just got PREGNANT in a shocking way. hehehe Well, I supposed to get a ligation done when I had c-sect but the doctor 'forgot' to cut the tube.hehehe...so stupid right. I've been having stomach discomfort (vomitting etc) for days, and went to a GP and diagnosed as gastric flu. One of my gf suspected that I'm pregnant then ask me to buy the instant test kit. Damn. I'm really positive. When I called the clinic and ask about the ligation, apparently there is no record that a ligation has been done to me!!! I supposed to sign a written consent before I was rolled into the operating theatre. Who knows??? with the contractions and all, who will remember such thing. But they're right in a way, because this kind of big thing cannot be done via verbal instruction. At the end of the operation, I supposed to received a cert. And stupid me and my hb just hantam, we even have thrown away our condom stock when we move in Dec. Luckily I didn't get pregnant before Naomi turns 6 mths. OMG! Gals, please pray for me as I still feeling very depressed and shock...when I deliver in Sept 2010, Naomi will only be 14mths old! I feel so miserable and I need to get my activities keep going on or I will fall into depression. Both of my pregnancies are very very hard with the PUPP and the pubic bone pains, that's y I decided to have the ligation done. My hb said that it's gift from God afterall and we must be gratefull for that. But gosh, to have to start all over again and to have 3 kids are never enter my mind at all.
Kim &amp; Cat, you better get preggie faster! heheh...so we can go through it together...

Jilian/Kim, I have checked out the p&amp;t yesterday at motherworks. To have used to my compact mac laren, it seems very complicated to operate that. the saleslady told me that I have to take out one of the seat before I fold. I was thinking wahlau..so difficult ah?? If you need the reclined seat at the bottom, got to exchange the top seat with the bottom seat. and I have to pay extra for the seat otherwise the price is only for single stroller. so conclusion is I won't buy that as if I can afford the $1199. May be I will buy a smaller mac laren and just bring 1 baby out if I go out by myself. bo bian lor...
wow...congrats to you.
how many wks r u in now?
to be honest, i'll be feeling v v confused and very upset with my gynae if i'm in yr state. i think it's really a gift from God. I'm not a christian but a friend ever told me "God has his plans and will provide for what he planned". Don't think too much. Who knows?? maybe this preg will be a breeze.
etirto, congrats!
to handle 3 kids is not easy, but i believe mummies for the sake of our precious lil ones, can do it!
take good care of yrself.
Etirto: Congrats again! I know you're still in shock at the moment though but you have the rest of us here supporting you.

As for the stroller, there is no need to take out the extra seat to fold, unless she showed you a different model from the Vibe. I agree its a pretty big stroller and takes getting used to. For the first few months you'll be able to go out with a Maclaren and a baby bjorn, no problem. Problem starts when baby gets too heavy and your back starts aching from carrying him/her in the carrier. Do you have a buggy board? You can attach that to your maclaren, Naomi can sit in the stroller, Nigel can stand behind. But you must warn him not to get on it if Naomi isn't in the stroller cos it can topple over.
Etirto, congrats! Dun be upset over it as I believe all these are fated. If it comes, it comes...so jus accept graciously k since having a bb is really a blessing. My sis also requested to do ligation after her 2nd c-sect delivery but her gynae refused to do it for her. Haiz...so she's still taking precautions of cox.

I have a few colleagues who have 3 children of very small age gaps too and they are able to handle them well esp since you are a SAHM.....i'm sure you can do it! Take gd care
tat stroller u posted was my 1st choice initialy i tink i saw it at baby hypermart (unless its a diff brand?) was tempted to buy leh thou i onli wan 1 child haa cos the bottom part can put my grocery!!!!
but the closing part puts mi off.. if u can show mi hw to close it w/o dismantling them i will buy manz!
is there any reason why yr sis's gynae refuse to do it for her?

mummies who have stop bf or already on the way to stop, how long does it take for yr menses to return? when do u all totally stop expressing?
etirto - congrats ! its a good thing that your gynae didnt do it ! such a blessing, take care and hope your 3rd pregnancy is a breeze

kim - do update !!
Etirto, Congrats *wink wink*
I dun intend to get bb out of freezer so soon, I though to do it after K turns 1.. So lets wait for Cat.. Oh no!! That means my babi(es) will not be born until 2011 hmmm.. *thinkin.. thinkin..*

Don't be depressed, it's a joy!! God's intention was for us to be fruitful &amp; multiply!! Will keep you in our prayers. Now, I think u can forget about the Sept '10 thread, u can get lots of support fr here.. I am sure those Jul '09 moms with twins, or those with #1 &amp; #2 born very closely can offer excellent advice too!! Only diff is, your bb are at diff milestones.

Etirto, other alternatives are:
1. while bb is young is to take him/her in Bjorn, and hv Naomi in stroller.
2. take helper along, 2 MaClarens. (easy to move around than those twin stroller). My gf with twins bought a mountain buggy before babies were born, then eventually got a Capella cos Mt buggy was so huge &amp; difficult to maneuver, and occupied lots of space in her SUV.
3. U NEED TO DRIVE!! My friend with twins drives them everywhere, usually with helper. so you need not worry about strollers, diaper bags, shopping bags.
God bless this pregnancy, no PUPP, it shall all be safe, comfortable, pleasant, painless, peaceful pregnancy!

Gina, suppose by now u are in the air. Ok, I promise I only let them bath together until they are 10 years old. Then they can choose to bath again after they are 21. If you can turn in your grave, you can check on them whenever you not tied up in the FORUM FROM THE OTHER SIDE so they know they are being watched all the time..

Anyway, I want to see you back safely.

RE: Melt
Sam, the melt you are talking about is a yogurt melt right? K loves it when Elsa offered to us. I am thinking if anyone ordering, I will tag along with the order, do you have details on the flavor and package size?
gina - haha actually you're quite a funny writer. your story makes me laugh, tho its supposed to be sad one. have a safe trip !

kim - until 10 yrs old ?!!
actually i think i'm still high on the mothering hormones. see 2 friends and 3 colleagues popping in the next few months, 2 friends gg to start planning for bb, so total 7 ppl i know doing bb associated stuff...
CONGRATZ!!! *tokcerrrr* (sorry all, for this time, let me use indon okie? hehehe..) Your hubby is right! It's a blessing! Some ppl want also cannot.. so cheer up &amp; take good care of yourself &amp; baby(ies???) hehe..

YOU MUST COME BACK!!! who will organize high tea if not??? and it's my 1st time joining after all.. hahaha..

yes yes.. i wan rabbit too but dragon also fine
hb said start 'machine' end of this yr.. but the other part of me still thinking whether I could handle well or not..
Congrats! oh dear, what a mixed up. I do hope you will be able to ease through this pregnancy. remembered you much pain you were in from your pelvic pain and pupp. DOn't worry, we have a very strong support group here.

Re: Mastitis
Me feeling mastitis coming back again. boobs pain. Took leave and went GP to get antibiotics.. crossing my fingers and hope won't get high fever tonight. Sob sob. Carry MR in my arms and she presses on my boobs. Pain....
Anyway, the part-time doc at the clinic said she just returned from her maternity leave and she has 6 kids.... Asked her how she managed and she said to take it one day at a time...

Re: Yoghurt melt
I got the Happy baby melts. Strawberry and mixed berries flavour leaves a bit of a sour taste. The mango banana one not so much. The yoghurt metls melts in the mouth better than the Happy puffs. I love the melts but darn expensive for me to eat =p Leave it for MR

Congrats! Can imagine your shock cos my #2 came as a shock to me as I wasn't prepared for #2 and I was actually quite depress and angry for quite awhile that even during the pregnancy I din really take care. Thank goodess C is all well and healthy when she was born. But now looking at C, am glad the "accident" happened cos she is bringing me so much joy whenever I see her and I am glad I din do anything stupid and thank god for granting her to me....of course now I am taking extra precuation never to have that can of shock again cos I think I will definitely go into clinical depression! Take care of yourself and your baby! We're all here to support you and am sure your new thread mothers will too

Enjoy your trip and don't think so much
Wish I can just take off without my kids for a nice holiday in USA
Go mad shopping!

I dun steam any of my fruits. I just give to C directly. So far I have tried apple, banana and papaya...me lazy mum.....I just make sure the fruits are fresh and properly cleaned before I give C.
Etirto, congrats! I tot every pregnancy is unique?! Ok, this one shall give you radiant complexion, beautiful and smooth as silk tummy condition, elastic bones that would accomodate the little one growing without any pain. All shall be well!
gina - i'll def join the next high tea. missing out on so much.

lamagier - oh no, poor thing. still gg to continue bf ? admire your determination. hope it goes away by itself soon
eh... just came into my mind... have u checked wif yr gynae if those med u took for the "presumed" gastric flu has any effect on yr baby?

oh dear... hopes the pain subsides soon. Bf woes

Re hi tea
can i self invite for the next one if it's on weekdays? kekeke... i need time away from the kids and pamper myself. Prob is no kakis. Oh btw, if considering equinox, do let me know n i see if can get discount
but not too sure got hi tea on weekdays.
Congrats! you are "triple-ly" blessed

You will realize you have additional strength, patience, wisdom, love by the grace of God.

Enjoy your hols! Have a safe and great trip!

oh no, i think you could have overworked on Sat
When i rush here and there and dont drink enough water, I tend to have clogged ducts. Rest well, drink more water and massage like crazy!

yes, Matt is getting more mannnn! my gal said he looked like a 5-yr old. eh, but looking more like me means I also manly?? hehehee
aiyooo.. i already scared u'll say this b4 posting hahaha.. u really did! but that's not what i meant lahh.. 'man' comes fr his attitude &amp; the way he smiles..

ohhh..take care! u need the maiya sanza drink again!
Gong xi gong xi... Do get plenty of rest yah... need our help jus give us a buzz... ;)

get well soon yah... i also took urgent leave today and rest at home... i miss my pregnancy... i miss not having menses for that 10mths... urgh... i dun mind getting pregnant again but dino-dad afraid of handling >2 lil dinos all by himself...

maybe in time to come, ur hubby will be hooked to photography jus like my dino-dad? keke... he was not into DSLR prev but i got him one then he LL got to learn, soon after he was hooked...
we prefer to take photos of toddlers than babies like my dino who cant seem to stop moving her legs... we had fun taking pics of my friend's toddler few mths back, he loves to pose for the camera... get a home-based studio at ur new home and take nice pics of Joie esp since u already have experience with photo-editting and photography... the one i got was quite cheap at appro. $500 (stands, backdrop, transmitter, etc) and the lights are not too strong for the babies...

u have any good recommendation for birthday cake? I'm looking for a 2 tier cake for 20-25 pax, budget not exceeding $300... I've contacted aimummy but she's not taking in any orders with immediate effect till next year, sighz...

Dino-dad dun like Patissier's design in their website, he loves those in Cherylshuen's blog... is there any recommendation for cakes like those shown in cherylshuen &amp; aimummy?
is been a super long time i log in here

how all the bb getting on?? weather is very hot.... anyone started giving their bb FM?? plsnning to intro FM to my boy le...

babycare @ expo coming up... anyone gg?
BIG congrats to u!!!!! I think it's pretty nice to haf 3 kids at home. Went to a ex-colleague's plc on sat, she had 3 kids, gap of 1 yr old between each of them. V v v v noisy I wld say but the mummy cld b left to do her own stuff coz the 3 kids self entertained themselves! Lol! May u be blessed with a smooth pregnancy &amp; delivery! Do update us, it's so exciting!

I've finally returned to my pre preggy weight, so like TJE, I wanna rest &amp; enjoy the jeans 1st... Hahaha!

Dino mum
I took MC today, hate to take MC on a mon coz seems very much like a fake one. Am having a terrible sore throat, flu &amp; cough. Yucks!
drink lotsa H20 and get well soonest...
I'm getting dizziness coz of anaemia again... haiz... called up my male boss and told him that its my day of the month again... blood loss excessive and making me dizzy, think i'll collapse mid-way in my journey to work...

i wishes to go to babycare fair but will at BKK during that weekend, gonna miss that...

Me also urgent half day leave bcos of bad headache. Bad weather I guess.

I'm going to taka baby fair next week, duno taka cc has additional discount or not. is the Babycare at expo Better?
