(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


maybe u need to have a food journal to recod what you have feed. then back to the basis of 4 day rule.. see what's causing the rahses.

could it be heat rash?? cos the weather these days is darn hot!

hey mummies,

thanks for the responses.

lamagier, ya exactly, he is waking up like ard 4-5am :S i am konking out at work already.

sunsweet, what is the 4 day rule? :p

oh ya, the isetan bb sale at katong and scotts starts today
Straits Times wrote that it's the EL Nino effect.

Working mummies,
same here. Waiting for knoock off time. 1 more hr to go for me =p Hee, then go my aunt's pick up MR! Miss her so much...
im bk for a break..
yes v hot but i canno t on the aircon! arghh.. i jus managed to put the bugger to bed n she sleep and then ppl upstair starts DRILLING.... Bangzzzzzzz
Haha, I was more worried that aircon would be cold like that night we were there... cos I wanna strip MR down to her diapers and take photo... Take pic of her belly meat
YES! Pls dun! can use more lighting nt? make her fairer! Wahahahaahah~
Eh, i've got nutting to bring lehs... only the cow... OH!! I think i've got 1 BIG HELLO KITTY plush toy! Can i bring that?!
winie.. we hav swim class before that.. worse... if i fall asleep thr u knw why lor
i tink somebody bringin orange but no harm brining another pair la

im suppose to brin carrot
hey mummies, not sure whether u all interested, ive this contact where is selling FM at slightly cheaper rate. think some may b able to get even cheaper one. but my area dun haf so wanna buy from this lady.

her price list as follow:

mamil 2 1.5kg $49
similac 2(nem advance) 1.8kg $65
fiso 2 1.8kg $49
enfapro 900g $35

she mentioned if able to get at least 30tins can get $1.50 off per tin.
so just checking whether ani of u are interested see can make up to 30 tins.
BTW, i stay at CCK Crescent. do travel to AMK to meet my frens once everi few weeks :)
Haha, bring bring.

I'm bring happy puff, happy melt, ABC foam mats for the waiting babies.

Got a pair of bunny ears, a lot of baby dresses, 2 pairs of wings, a few soft toys and whatever I can think of that can be used

Can bring your 60mm macro lens? I want to take close up shots of baby hands, feets etc but need a backup in case my 105mm to long, studio not big enough for me to stand far back enough =p
hahaha...dino-mum, after a long day, your ballet vs lion dance post really makes my day. it is soooo funny! I can't imagine Dino sing in 7mth getai also...hahaha.

Linsu, I just typed "naomi" then it came out a few naomi with diff pronounciation, then I asked Nigel to choose. otherwise, if there is no stacia found, you can do it like Kim, just do the spelling song. But naomi got friend-friend with Violet only after it can say her name. "I love you Naomi woof woof."

hbb, lamagier, y not u ask your hb to go to the water so that both of u can save energy

Jilian, may I ask..how much and where you bought the phil and ted?
Dino not advanced leh... maybe towards food but her motor skills damn slow... most of the lightweight babies already swaying their butt high up in the sky, mine still refuses to lift her "hippo" butt...
Eat more USA beef can get D cup?! good good... next time she gonna eat that for her 3 meals... wahahaha... and she'll thank mummy for "beefing" her boobs up... :p

y u wan Juju to have small boobs?! big big cup nice nice... auntie dino like... wear clothes lagi nice... sometimes dino-dad eat beef but when he's not wearing any charms and not eating at home thou but he seldom eat beef... so i think dino still can eat beef outside... my worse nightmare would be dino refuses to eat PORK jus like her halal dino-dad, i love PORKY!!!
wahahaha... i can't imagine Ju En putting u into an adult-version jumperoo and ask u to jump jump while stuffing the spoon with puree into your mouth... ~faintz...

if over the weekend cannot, I'm available over the weekdays night also...

get more rest yah... I get dino to perform her lion dance during our next meet-up... my MIL say its a good skill to learn, she can earn extra $$$ during the CNY period... wahahaha... :p

I am new here.

My child refuses to crawl. She will lie on her tummy, struggle around and only manage to turn in circles.

I had read somewhere that it is ok if babies cannot crawl.
They can learn walking without knowing how to crawl. Is that true???
Bear Bear,
My girl also dunno how to crawl, refuses to lift her butt... mine is a lightweight baby... i think it really depends on individual, some r advanced in motor skills, others in vocal/communication...

wah... on promo was $1,199?! ~faintz...
Woah, just seen pics of your high tea gathering over HBB fb, and now u women are discussing abt photo shoot tmr... Cool! Jul mummies are happening. Cheers! Do post lots of the cover-page photos for me to drool on.

Although I didn't join in the fun, but can gan ruan abit of the mood ;P feels good too
Bear Bear,

My girl just turned 7 mths today and also cannot crawl yet...she's very lazy...think her bum too big and heavy....when I put her on her tummy, she will try to inch forward towards what she wants but only for like a few mins. After that she will just roll to her side and rest....she rolls around to get to where she wants to go. Some babies do not go thru the crawling stage but goes straight to walking. The only thing good about crawling is that it strengthens the upper body and limbs and it improves on cognitive thinking. So I am desperately trying to entice her to crawl!
Dino-mum: Yah that's exactly what I said to the sales girl as well. I lusted over the stroller for a couple of months and finally hb got sick and tired of me going on and on about it so he bought it for the kids.
U v persistent about the stroller leh... keke... i could only do that for Gucci bags... :p

I wanna go high tea also!!! next one I die die must keng MC...
Dino-mum: I don't really like shoes, clothes or handbags so I guess hb was quite happy to indulge me this once. All I kept asking him was, "do you think its worth getting, will the kids like it? is it useful? is it too big?" and showing him review after review.
Very nice meeting some of the mommies for the very first time - you know who you are.

Ally, alexis thank you for the lovely sticker you gave her

Good night everyone, been a long day, gonna crash now...have a super duper wonderful weekend!
dino-dad will be v happy if i'm like u, dun like material stuff, takes good care of the 2 kids... that would save him lots of $$$ and more time for himself... if i could be like HBB, knows how to cook/bake, he'll be over the moon... if i could be like TJE, good at cleaning up esp the toilets, he'll feel like machiam strike TOTO liao... kekeke...
FOZ: Ally says you're welcome! it was great meeting you guys as well. Sorry we had to leave early but I knew Ally was heading towards having a melt down. She didn't take her usual nap and was getting hungry, bad combination all around.

Dino-mum: dino dad should be happy enough that you bore him a little dino. make sure you keng and take MC the next time we have high tea ok?
Chiyojade, guess what? K's aircon leaking this evening... I think our boys so similar, even their equipments also behave strangely same same!!

RE: Botanic Garden
I forgot to call my friend whom I should arrange for breakfast picnic tmrw at West Coast Park (nvr been there before..), so I think tmrw we'll go Botanic Gardens.
hi mummies - hope u had a great high tea. i cldnt make it but at least i had a client lunch at ritz so that sort of made my day. and i met my friends for coffee after dinner so i feel more normal. just found out 1 of my friend, high flyer stock broker kind quit her job to focus on getting preggers. whoa.
lamagier yes im bringing macro....

etirto...i dn intend to get wet tml hahaaa

dino mum
oh pls... my dh wish i go bk to work...he say financiallyl we will be many times better if i go bk to work...bt i refuse hahahaaa...
hbb, Mia is still pooing 4 times today!
yesterday worse 5 times. but not very watery type.
and now got bad nappy rash...sigh.
dun know what's wrong!?

see fm fb mummies having a great time at the high tea.
jio me next time ok...must follow dino mum to keng mc...me luvs high tea alot haha.
Melissa: The four day rule is basically give her ONE food for four days. This is to 1) check for allergies and 2) to get her tummy used to the new foods. It doesn't matter what you introduce - can be so-called least allergenic items like rice and such. Mummies abroad are advised to continue this four-day rule even until babies reach toddlerhood.

What you can do is keep a food journal and stick it somewhere near the fridge OR keep a blog (that's what I do). You can track what you feed her, how you made it, what you have fed it with and how her response is towards it. That way, you'll know if she has a favourite food or not.
Hi All Mummies,

I'm a March Mummies. Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you
Thanks to all mummies who came to the shootout today =) Hope it wasn't too much of a hassle trying to find a parking lot
Will prob take a few days to edit and to pass photos to HBB who will help to burn them to DVD.
lamagier, we're the one who supposed to thank you and Joanna. Sam, sorry for waiting for me to bring the forgotten paper bag. Hope your hb's ok about it. Naomi must be so tired posing infront of the camera...hahah..,it's the first time she's straight away KO in the car although she has just woken up from her nap before the shoot.

Jilian, I know that brand is about 1K. is there any other brand have double decker ones? My gf has one, she said she will lend it to me but her boys are still young and I think she will still need it. From what I see from her, it's pretty difficult to manuever where comes to bump and something like that. even to keep going straight, really need a steady hand and must push with both hand, right? May be I will buy the second hand one instead. No way I will spend that much for a stroller. Or I will just do with my maclaren and bjorn.
Afraid first time we both attempting to do studio shoots, later not nice waste all of you guy's time, effort and money
etirto... no problem..u r welcome=)

jus like lamagier says...i aso scare im nt up to standard la... hope u girls like e pic! will help lamagier out the nxt 2 weeks sorting n editing...i gt an idea which r e ones can do canvas print liao! hope can print 1 nxt week n bring to playdate to show u girls!

thanx for ur effort!u put in loads of effort in everythg! thank ur dh for lugging the thg ard too!

tje.. enjoy ur trip n happy shoppin =)
Etirto: The P & T is the only double deck stroller that I know of. I can push it easily with 1 hand, the only thing about it is its quite hard to close. Takes a bit of getting used to. I posted a review of the stroller on my blog if you're interested.

Tje: have a good trip, enjoy your shopping
hbb, lamagier,
Am sure you are BOTH up to standard and MORE!!! Thank you very much for everything....and even then, "Thank you" doesn't seem to hold enough weight for what you've done for us...there's so much work involved...big hugs!!!
hbb, I hope you finish or have finished (?) your cupcakes!

TJE, I wonder how heavy the luggage will be when you get back...LOL!!!! Have a good trip. Enjoy yourselves.

The AC guy came yesterday! PHEW! So last night was very good. I hope I won't have to call him often! Y's room's AC was dripping on Wed morning, then at night, it was like a waterfall!!
Your welcome. Just hope the shot didn't cause you to be late for sharon's class and that you guys enjoyed yourselves =) Most important thing is everyone enjoyed themselves and the photos turn out ok

Hope your cuppies turn out well!

Hope you'll enjoy your trip.
Re: double decker stroller
Is "Vibe" also P&T's? I saw in this mth's Motherhood. It's also avail in Motherswork. It's selling at $1499.

Chiyojade, I have yet to call my aircon svc man to set up a maint chk & svc.. Think K is happy cos he gets to zzz wz us. I won't dare to turn on his ac cos if it bcomes waterfall then his chest would be ruined.

G, we already missing u..
ok lar im so use to baking at such wee hours... been doing it for weeks/months/years.. aft tonite i will get 1 week off before thgs go CRAZY AGAIN
and yes im baking now... later gotta decor LOL
Kim: yes the Vibe is from Phil and Teds. That's their latest model which was on promotion at Motherswork.

Hbb: will have to get you to teach me how to cook. Do you know how to make siew bak ( roast pork)? its one of my all time FAVOURITES!

Mellissa, u can get a food chart from your PD to know diff food u can intro n how allergic they can be.

Anyone starting 2010 Nov MTB thread??
