(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

yes yes.. indon baby food recipe use lotsa chicken liver & beef liver (no pork cos mostly moslem haha
).. when Baby Food written for asian parents here din hv any beef recipe inside haha.. btw, i oso wanna KPO.. wat? wat? u got #3 & it's a twin???

oya, can u teach me how to program names excluded in Violet's list? how did u do for N-A-O-M-I? I tried but fail then currently using ANASTACIA hehe
and yeah, the shipment for 5 items (incl violet, vtech, camera, 2 other items ordered by hb) was about $70 (after 10% disc). Guess not much a saving
Poor vtech ball, stacia's ignoring 'him'! He rolls & dance like crazy but she just dun care! hahaha..

La giraffe
my xiao jie dun wanna jump until now.. it's been 3mths since we bought the jumperoo.. she onli jump once or twice but most of the time when we put her on it, she'll just play ard with the toys.. wasting my $$$

Is your ger on tip toed position?
Coz my fren recently adjusted the jumperoo height & her ger cld jump very well in it! Previous her feet were flat on the floor & she din jump as much...
Now abit flat at lvl 1.. we tried to adjust to lvl 2 few wks back but her feet hanging n the manual said cannot.. So adjusted back to lvl 1..maybe shud try lvl 2 again this wk..
dun worry. My xiao jie very stable sit there like "da pei gong"... put her on her tummy also like that, refuses to crawl. Lie there too long she just give up, rest her head on the floor and look at me... sigh... lazy bum
For those interested:
<adv>Abbott:Buy Now! Similac Follow-on Procalci 1.8kg at special price only @ Giant &amp; get a free Brainy Baby VCD/DVD worth $15.90 while stocks last.<no>to unsub
HBB, Sigh! My plan to not puree also failed!! I realize he now becomes lazy, only wants liquid diet!!! Hey, Will I see you tmrw? Cos your container still wz me and my book still wz u..
I also wanna go tmr... Urg... colleague changed today's meeting to tmr on wed, then today change to next week.... can't get my leave approved in time ... urg
yup, agree with TJE, that's how I got J to jump, just have to look real silly for her. Maybe ask your helper to do something else out of sight when you do this hehehe... BTW try putting a thin cushion underneath to soften the impact (I rest the jumperoo on the marble floor), for some reason, J was really vigorous with her jumping, whether she was wearing socks/booties or nails cut, she manage to jump till she scraped the skin on her tiny toe... think HBB and Jes saw the sight of that.
TJE, shaking head is better than blowing all the food out!! Wish K could be more subtle when he refused anything, or be calm and gentle when he wants something.. He will scream if he wants something, or get excited (esp when he sees his daddy and my part time cleaner/bb sitter)!! Ystd, he was so excited when he saw his daddy came home early, and he squirmed off my hands and gave me a nasty shock!!! Thank God I already have him on the change table.

Linsu, K loves the Jumperoo so much if he breaks it, I might have to buy over yours to return to my gf.

Peanut, which GIANT did you see the promo cos before CNY there was also a promo, but the stock depleted so quickly!

Mommies, does your bb react sadly to sad or slow sentimental songs? I sang to K a slow Christian song and for the third time I saw his nose turned red and eyes watery, and then down came a stream of tears.. I wonder if he really understood what was sung or 3 time of coincident?
Sam, I rmbr you mentioned about the scraping off of her skin.. Now K is jumping as if he is trying to shoot thru the roof.. But his new beau is his walker, he loves to chase the cat around the house, fearlessly!!! *fainted*
K is like a little man in a baby's body. very alert =)
Can't report sick. Colleagues like to keep reminding me I'm top of MC chart last year cos 2 weeks bed rest... Another colleague said he got email from manager... concerned about him taking 5 days of MC last year... Need to watch my back =(
Lamagier, wah!! Your company so remind me of mine previous boss too!!! How about you put in tmrw am? Meanwhile, you drop off MR at my plc before going to office? We'll wait for you.. I have 2 car seats.

BBEthan, I can imagine how funny the scene of her chasing the dog, and I am imagining how pathetic my cat would be when K starts crawling.. He'll probably let out an evil laugh cos he is already feeling the "happiness" being able to chase her in his walker!!

TJE, no leh, it;s a separate timing woh!! And # times?!?! The first time was even before he started solid... Or he thinks I am sad? Cos this boy of mine will cry when I am angry with hb..

Bestberries, I sang 世上只有妈妈好 and ended up crying myself!! Kwakwakwa...
MR at my aunt's =( Was telling the husband I miss MR so much cos wed din go bring her home... had a dinner date with my girlfriends... been telling him wistfully I wanna take emergency leave and spend the day with her... Urg... self-discipline...

K seems to be very sensitive boy =) Lotsa girls will be clamouring for him when he's older
Bbethan: at least Amanda chases the dog, Max tries to chew on our dog! He crawls over, climbs up and then tries to chew her. He's lucky that she's so good about it, just lies there and does nothing. But now I keep them apart for their own safety. Don't want an accident to happen and I can't blame her if he hurts her and she snaps at him.
ya... though the dog is quite ok with her... usually just walk away, really scared one day she's fed up n snap at her.

hugz hugz
must wash her mouth after that.... else stinko!!!
TJE, how to sing Chia-zham? {{{Hugs}}}

Peanut, then I think probably all Giant is having the deal.. I wil check Vivo tmrw and sweep up all!!! *Roar*
same same... I never puree dino's porridge also... think she has a T-rex tummy, eating non-stop and preying at our food... I can't forget K's deep and super man-ly voice during last swim lesson... me &amp; TJE thought it was one of the daddies' voice... keke... 我问天 is dino's regular songs... she listens to Hokkien songs during weekdays at MIL... Think she can go sing at 7th month getai in future liao... :p

jus in case u happen to pass by Changi area, I can get the dino-dad to help u program name into Violet... The LP connect is already installed in our laptop...

i think i saw a pot at HFC, at the store jus beside Mothercare... maybe u wanna take a look if u happened to be there, it looks big enough to accommodate the lil one for their photoshoot...
my side also have to watch our back if exceed 5 days MC a year, coz the boss will issue a "love letter" the moment it reaches 6 days MC... More than that, we gonna kiss bye bye to our $$$... i had to maintain less than 5 days MC thru out my pregnancy...

the dino-dad had been teaching lion dance to dino... dino-dad has gotten the lion head, drum and stuff for her and showing her videos of lion dance in youtube every weekend... think i'll go crazy if she pick up lion dance... i wan her to pick up ballet!!! urgh... now she move her hands up and down, kicking her legs high up in the air when daddy mimick the sound of lion dance drum... ~faintz...
tml i cant go !! nxt week i can if its btw tues-thurs!!!
sorry i hog ur book for so long =(

talkin bout dogs.. edna's eyes was chasing chiyojade's dog yesterday... chase w mouth wide open... she prob find it amusing.. i told dh bout it.. today he pick us.. he say he got her a dog!!!!!! ok.. a toy dog.. can move n bark.. white one..LOL
and edna is not tat interested in it! prob she knows its not real?!?!?!
Cutie Edna can come and chase him with her eyes anytime!

If we ever go somewhere like a park/Botanic Gardens when it's not too hot(!!!!) I'll bring him and she can be mesmerized again! And lamagier will join us if it's a park, right? :-D

Yeah...now when Y is with Z, I watch him like a hawk and make sure Y doesn't pull his fur, or else Z may snap at him.

Hey, I just realised I've got a "Y" &amp; "Z", so next one must be "X"? LOL!!
I wan Dino to have BIG cups but also hope that she could learn ballet also... So that she can be more feminine instead of learning lion dance... If die die have to choose between the 2, I would still choose BIG cup!!! She seems to inherit Dino-dad's big boobs genes, can see her clevage when she wear tube top, heng sia she never inherit my genes else she gonna go thru water parade daily... Not downing water but papaya milk.... :p
Dino mum, ur little Dino v advanced!! I like!!
I still dun encourage ballet or gymnastic, later become stout like aunty Kim. Though posture is good 抬头挺胸!!! 前凸后翘!!
But the way I c, Dino prob slander like mom, so u may want to feed more USA beef cos I see many Asia in USA all v big boobs!! Think too much hormones in the meat there. Will at least get a D cup!! Then she can always say, "saya (I) D-cup!!" lols
Stress of being a parent - Quick Survey - help a grad student

Thank you to those who have completed my survey! I have until March 1 to get a few more responses so I can begin my research project. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
Good morning, mommies! My father-in-law emailed me this morning the following (s/n 6 is so true!):

A simple philosophy of life!!!


1) No point using limited life to chase unlimited money

2) No point earning so much money if you can't live to spend it.

3) Money is not yours until you spend it.

4) When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth/money. But when you are old, you use your money to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.

5) How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.

6) No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.

Have a beautiful day!
Hbb: Edna can come over to our place and chase our retriever anytime.

Foz:thanks for you note, how true.

TJE: can you imagine all of us in a nursing home and our kids putting us on a bumper playmat to "play" with each other? And asking us to do stupid things like clap our hands or make silly faces like what we're doing to them now? And discussing which brand of adult diaper is the best?

As long as no one tries to feed me EBM I'm happy already.
The husband was laughing out loud when I told him Max went to bite dog.

Chiyojade, HBB,
Haha, on =) Let me know when to go Botanics in advance so I can go try clear schedule! Haha, but pref not in the future 2 weeks. Will be suffering from shutterbug sickness, locking DSLR away... Covered my company's luncheon on tue and tmr got baby shoot out.... Muahahahaha
e oldies playdate makes me laugh! muhahaa...
cn discuss wat sort of dentures gd ...LOL

lamagier...wun b so soon la...i already gt phobiz...n im freakin tired...doze off while pumpin milk jus nw...

jillian..scarli whn edna cn walk she sit on ur
retriever hlee
Take care ah. Get snatches of rest while you can... think flu bug still flying around. And watch your stomach. Fatigue one of gastric flu symptoms.
re oldies playdates
i really have a good laugh at this.
but seriously we cannot blame them if they really put us in nursing home when we are old and needs to depend on them. some time back, i was also thinking n feeling real bad that i send my son off to childcare full day at the age of 18mths. other kids of this age or even at our time, we are at home playing n do not hv to go thru such separation anxiety. so the morale of the story is to prepare financially n physically for retirement so that we hv our own house and don't have to depends on children??
then again, we are spending all our time and money on our kids, sometimes i wonder how much savings we have left on our old ages n how much energy/health left when we are old.

hmmm.... ok... enuf of such thots on a friday. TGIF!! looking forward to tmrw.

'dua pek gong' hahahahaha :D both lazy gals!!!

I'll try your tips cos' it's my Sat off tomolo.. YAYYYY!!! Argh, can't wait to just go back now &amp; jump with her! Just called teteh &amp; told her to put stacia there &amp; jump with her.. she said why don't I tell her earlier if that could make stacia jump? hehehe..

I'll ask everyone in the house to jump incl Popo &amp; my helper hahahahaha.. but I think my poor neighbour downstairs will complain cos I also dun like when upstairs making noise..

WOW! that's really amazing! God is touching him? For stacia, she loves the Praise Baby Collection (Born To Worship)! The moment I play the CD or I sing it to her, she'll stop whatever things she's in midst with, turn to the sound/me &amp; staring at me for a longggg time.. unlike other songs! I dunno if she really loves this song or she finds it familiar cos' I kept playing this CD during my contraction/waiting time before delivery.. the song that welcome her to this world hehehhe
As for jumperoo, I hope I din hv to sell it cos I myself love it so muchhh.. maybe we could keep it for our oldies playdates in the future.. training all of us to keep our strong bones/legs..

Ok ok thanks in advance for the offer! I'll ask hb to try again over this weekend &amp; if really cannot, I'll contact u to arrange if I could go down
I'll def put stacia in ballet class too cos' I find I benefited fr it a lot somehow in my learning path previously (the discipline, etc).. it's something like music which will help ones to pick up faster in other learning areas.. so ballet &amp; piano classes will be 2 of the top list hehe.. she wun hv to master it if she din like it..

that's very TRUE! It makes me wanna shut down my computer &amp; just go back home now to jump jump!

Re: cat/dog
Hmm.. looks like she'll be chasing Teteh instead hehehee.. my helper told me this already before that she'd anticipate when this day comes.. hahahaa.. :D
haha... definitely not frozen ebm.
last night i was looking at my frozen stash of ebm in the freezer and wondering what to do with them cos they are "expiring" and my notti girl doesn't want to drink. thinking of ways to get her to drink the balance as planning to close down my factory. so i tried dream feeding her with it as usually she'll gulp down her FM within 5 minutes in her drowsy state. who knows in her drowsy state, she can still reject it. refuse to drink n rather sleep on. made FM and she gulp down everything. seems like i can confirm just throw all the packets into her bathtub liao.
actualy ya know.. i told my dh .. we dun need edna to look aft us when we get old.. i dun mind staying in a nursing home.. bunk in w my dh... edna can visit us whn she is free.. at least no liability for her in sense of time. leave us to the caregiver while she hav hr tiem for her own family n career... my mum say im mad to tink that way LOL

but of cos i tink in this way becos of my own family situation... not everyone is like me =)

im sleepy la haa i need to drink some tea =p
tomolo sure gotta drink teh ping all the way manz...

nw im gg to put edna nxt to the kitchen n make her OJT watch hw i make cakes.. keep finger x that she wun fuss else she is gg bk to bed!
who knows... next time the govt will talk abt eldercare centre and subsidy. actually i was also telling dh next time when the children grows up, they have their own life. don't want to live with them while we enjoy our golden years. must really go into some financial planning soon to achieve that.

edna really fortunate to have a mother who can cook n bake so well. can imagine a couple years down the road, she standing beside you on a stool and helping u mould the dough.
I was just telling the husband yesterday about how my ex Jap boss once lamented that he started work at 18, worked for 15 years already and still have another 30-35years to go before retirement. Half his life ahead to slog... cos him being typ Jap man (wife cannot work aft she marries him), has to provide for wife and 2 kids...
a brutal dose of honesty - in abt 10 years some of us will have to take care of our aged parents, and will be having real discussions abt medical bills, nurses and adult diapers

foz - i like your list. esp no. 5. it puts things in perspective when i feel snowed under at work
hi mummies,
sorry to crash in on the conversations.

My boy is also a Jul 09 baby and I have started him on solids. However, he has been having rashes and I am not sure what is causing them. Not sure if any of you have encountered the same problems?

Also, does your bb wake up in the middle of the night when teething?
my gal had rashes only when I fed her fish &amp; eggyolk. U probably need to recall what u've fed him. The rashes could appear straight after feeding or few hours after the meal.

zzzzzzz... so sleepy after (full) lunch...
5.30 come soon plsss..
