(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

bbethan..i took yomeishu...din hv e freasher effect nxt day...shall try dom as u suggested...mayb i need half a bottle each time hahaaaa

maybe must take long term to see the effect.
i was taking it the first few mths n feel quite energetic. don't need coffee. lately stop taking it cos body a bit heaty. can feel the tiredness. now relying a lot on coffee instead. feel so different. don't know if it's just psychological. anyway no harm since dom does more good to our body than coffee. sometimes i'm worried amanda gets intoxicated with all the caffeine i'm taking.
poohbear & koko,
Nice to meet both of you yesterday. I enjoyed Sharon's swim class. Not so sure about my gal though. She stoned throughout the class until the time that only Sharon and the both of us were left in the pool then she started smiling & kick a little...She always warm up only when it's time to go home...

Can I join in the gathering at your place tmr?

Is there alcohol content in DOM? Do you have to wait like a few hours before you can latch your baby?
Lagirafe: It was nice meeting you too. I enjoyed her class too so now its a matter of timing.

Mummies who started babies on porridge...when did you all start giving your babies porridge?? What do you cook with the porridge?
I started my gal on porridge when she's about 7 months. Initially I dump all the ingredients like carrots or potato together with some minced pork into the slow cooker. Now I prepare some veg stock and I used the stock to cook the rice. For the minced meat, I'll only add into the slow cooker minutes before serving. Then I separately pureed some veg and will only mix into the bowl of porridge when she wants to eat.
wah missed the thread for a few days...so what's the topic now...

tips to fatique:
eat Women's Mega multivit every morning. and do your exercise AND shopping regularly. kekeek....

I'm very tired too. Running a few apt in a day. my hb complained that I have too many apt/activities in the daytime, then by the time he comes home from work, KO already. too tired. Actually Naomi has been able to sleep through the night since her 2 teeth came out. but it's me who cannot sleep through the night now. I guess the mind is 'over-actived' and refused to shut down.

Btw, Naomi has trouble of falling asleop now. she will flip and crawl and climb up to stand. with the eyes close. then she will realize that she's sleepy and need to sleep. when I put her back, she do it again. haiz haiz
Linsu, I started on pork and chicken first and my pd said on 9mths then give fish. may be you can hold on first on the fishy part.
Koko, I started Regis on porridge a few days before 6th month as adviced by Pd due to his low milk intake. 2 semi-solid meals per day: cereal and porridge.

For porridge, I would vary between chicken/beef/fish with carrots/pumpkin and spinach. I use a mini rice cooker to cook, simply put everything in except spinach which I would add during the last 2 mins before the porridge is ready.
1. I started taking the nite b4 my wedding, even for the first time, it helped me stayed awake till 2am the next day.
2. Yes it has alcohol, and pretty high. But i had to drink half a bottle before I became high.
3. According to the article published in Readers' Digest in Oct. '09, alcohol, chili, gassy food does not affect the bm at all, but to play safe, express before consumption, then wait 2-4hrs before latching or express.
I m sleepless at this time.. K is a gd boy, took his cereal @8pm n KOed till 5 before he called for milk (last night I din gv him the 11pm dream feed), aft which, he went back to bed.. and slept in his bed.. Now mommy is having trouble going back to sleep, and wonder if he's weaned off fr our bed..
Kim, me too....just fed my gal at 5am. Now pumping my milk. But usually i don't go back to sleep coz i will hv to start preparing for the day before she wakes up & keeps me occupied...
Kim n LaGirafe,
tot i was the oni one awake at 5am tossing n turning in bed... till i felt hungry n got up n started preparing porridge n do some stuff.. but i noe wen he wakes up ltr i'll start feeling sleepy..
naomi.. a sleepwalkerrr??? hehehehe...
thanks for info on fishy fishy.. ur PD is right cos when i gave pork, she's completely ok with it! yesterday, we tried to give eggyolk (since can't give fish).. guess wat?! rashes all over againnn!!! i feel so heartpainnn.. dunno if it's the still effect of fish or the eggyolk itself ( but it comes straight away after feeding).. so better dun take the risk.. will stop fish til 9mth & eggyolk til 8 or 8.5mth.. i'll give chicken like wat ur PD advised for now since a few recipe books also hv lotsa chicken in their recipes for this stage.. btw, do u know if beef is also a no no for now? thanks for sharing anyway!
think u hv to be real careful in introducing new food to stacia. seems like she gets food allergy real easy.
why is beef a no no? thot it's a gd source of iron. i haven't introduce this to even my #1 yet.
for beef, i just wanna make sure, that's y ask etirto for confirmation hehe
cos previously all foods r fine.. but when come to fish & eggyolk, she can't take it..
Linsu: stacia sounds like she has quite a few food allergies. Have to be careful when it comes to taking her MMR jab later.

Bbethan: Ethan doesn't take beef? Ally has inherited our love for meat, but she's very picky about the type of beef. If its not a good cut, she won't eat it! Best way to introduce it is to mix into pasta sauce, kills the beefy smell
mummies here are adventurous with food.

my gal only took pork and chicken stock.. not taken meat puree yet..

maybe I should start it in march..

Will meat puree's texture be weird after freezing? I tot of pre-prepare the meat puree in advance and freeze it like the stock.
i think better dun cook first & keep.. what i did, i store the minced/chopped meat in small portion (enuf for 1 feed each).. then i used the either vege stock or pork stock to cook it with other vege i want to give.. quite fast i find.. it'll take longer if i use white rice grain but if using your powdered brown rice, it's so convenient! Last nite i cooked potato, carrot, tomato & minced pork (in vege stock).. then add a cube of cheese, blend/sieve it.. chop chop & yummie! like croquette.. stacia likes (actually me & my mom also like)!

then u feed the meat puree right? so you puree the minece meat after cooking? I'll cos even mincing b4 cooking is not as fine as mincing after cooking.

In the morning I dun think I got time to boil stock + puree the meat/ veg for her porridge.. cos now i have to wake #1 up for her school cos she refuse to listen to her grandparents who use to prep her for school every morning.

Futhermore we only need a little stock for her 2 meals.. abt 180 ml.. so little difficult to cook..
COuld you bring the cow on sat? I think FOZ's one would be too bulky. Haha, unless it decides to walk there by itself

Reminder to other mummies on sat:
bring cute clothes for you lil ones to change into.
bring toys & props.
I got wings and a few plush toys only =( HBB got basket and Jes got bath tub.
Just an idea. If wan family shoots, can try to coordinate clohes & colours =)

I will be bring jig saw ABC foam mat so babies can sit, crawl around and play =) And Happy Puffs to keep lil ones entertain
yup doesn't matter if still lumpy cos i still blend & sieve sometimes (depending on texture).. the stock i prepared in advance & freeze.. yeah, it's not workable if u're giving only fresh one
but i think frozen stock better than frozen cooked meat, no?

i'll bring a hand-clap for each baby (can use for group photo).. been cracking my head for ideas & asked my colleague.. yesterday went nearby my offc ard bugis to look for those CNY decor (ie fake firecrackers, dynamites, lampions, etc) but can't find anymore.. then this morning, my colleague told me she went to bday gift shops nearby & saw a cute hand-clap (those used for bday party i think)..it comes in a few color but i'm gonna buy RED ones later during lunch time
Chiyojade, yah...I got your email! Replied you as well.

Finally my gal realised what the jumperoo is for....she used to stone in there. So I left the jumperoo in one corner to collect dust until a few days ago I decided to let her try again and now she's jumping like a kangeroo...
Hee, I'm heading off daiso tmr evening to ramage around for ideas. Rubbing my hands in anticpation +)

la Girafe,
That's great! Haha, at least never waste $$$
lamagier... i jus realise my new cam gt no spare batt! so remind me 1 million times to charge on fri ok!!! must empty out my sd card aso!!LOL

n u mmust em put ur sd card bk to the slot...last rnd u forgt ur card rite? LOL
Ok ok, I set reminder to remind you & myself to charge batt.

I going to be super kiasu. Bring 2 4G and a 2G card. Bring charger also.

Should be able to last for the whole shoot on 1 bat. I covered my company luncheon yesterday. Batt could last me from 11am-4pm, did about 700 over shots on autofocus. And I even playback and deleted photos as I shoot => powerful Nikon battery =)
i introduce the fishes to her when she was 7mths plus. didnt really plan to. #1 was eating cod fish. then she was looking so hard at it. so i just pop a little into her mouth. that's how she got to try them.

ya... he hasn't taken any beef yet. thot of trying minced beef but worried abt the strong smell too. will try it with pasta one day.

i used to use minced pork n cook with porridge. ok for #1 but find it still lumpy even after cooking. i don't pass cooked porridge thru the sieve or blending. plus i find minced pork has fats lump in it n difficult to mince till very fine. this time round, i buy lean pork, cooked n blend till fine texture with the stock. then freeze. same like u, i don't hv much time in the morning to prepare their porridge. so now most of their ingredients are frozen. put in a meat cube + veg cube together with the rice n cook. texture is v fine. save me a lot of time.
any idea e dimension of e cow?must see cn go into e car anot cos e back of e car w car seat n basket quite cramp
Thanks for everyone's well wishes for Max, he's all better now thank goodness.

Is there a photo shoot for the babies? Can't remember reading about it but then again my brain is all mixed up from the lack of sleep.
You went to Bintan lagoon resort rite?
I'm trying to search for a place to holiday.

Haha, this sat take opportunity to take passport photo for my silly girl.

You've got PM
Re: minced pork
U can select the part of pork for mincing, instead of just buying those that are already minced (butcher usually add lard to such meat to ensure their mincer is "smoothen"). I usually ask for "muscle". If u still think this is fat, can buy the loin which is usually leaner than "musle". I dunno where " muscle" come from though.

Sunsweet, I thought u have concern before that nutrients will be lost when pork is cooked, blend and freeze? What I did was blanch the minced pork in little hot water then blend with handheld blender, divide into small portion n freeze. Use each portion for bb's porridge.
What happens when u look at the thawed frozen minced pork is the liquid n pork being separated, but dun worry, when u add then into porridge, all will be fine.

Linsu, sorry to hear Stacia's sensitivity to food. Do be careful when u intro new food in future.

Re: Meat & fish
I try to follow the food chart given by my K's PD as closely as possible. However, few food I didn't follows incl pea-- to be intro fr 9 mth, I already gave K last mth; citrus fruit-- to be intro aft 12 mth, I gv him Mandarin orange during CNY; I have yet to start chicken as advices by older folks bcos it caused phelgm.
Sam, in case u are not aware.. Taking bb's photo for pp is v easy. Line the mattress with white sheets, place bb on the sheet n click click, photo's done. This is what I did when we needed to register K's birth n make his passports when he was 2 wks old.
I really dun prefer pp photos of bb where u see an arm around bb's chest, so not professional.

muscle = yao rou?

when u blend the pork in that manner... means that the meat is not thoroughly cooked yet right? i actually use the pork to make stock, then instead of throwing it away, i blend n freeze. don't know can or not. any idea if like that the nutrients gone or not?
