(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Amanda, happy 8th months old

babyethan, it this preference thing consider one of the milestones? I saw my friend's baby of 8.5months did that too, his arms widely open for his mummy to carry, but simply ignored others. Sweet! I thought to myself that Regis maybe not so close to me that's why he didn't show this gesture.

Did u happen to visit a PD at Kidslink,sk today with both ur boys,Daniel and Matthew?
Sorry for asking,but I'm there with my daughter and think I heard the nurse called both ur boys' names..
Hv PMed you my mobiel. Is it at 11 am tom at Forum? Am a wee bit worried about the feeding of baby...guess I will take bottled food with me...easier to feed...

Oh dear about Edna. Hope she gets well SOON! Now that they know what is wrong, they can treat accordingly. ;-P

Hope all the babies who are ill get well soon!
we meeting tmr ard 11am at forum to play at the kids playground there. HBB said need to have forum membership first, so need to pay $10 and go get the 2 year membership

Re: Forum meet up
Chiyojade, you have everyone's no? Think it's chiyojade, me, jes and jillian meeting up. haha, I have my trusty nursing shawl. We'll see how things go tmr. Hope the playground will be fun. I'm bring my bazooka camer tmr!

Edna still LS? Haha, she's still very active for a baby with upset tummy. Tough cookie!
sherryl today her geen poo gone liao.. so wonder if she is realy ok anot so i gg to keep monitoring

according to the PD.. usualy it will go away by itself aft 2 weeks! yes 2 weeks!!!!! he says if by this weekend if it dont go away then i hav to go down n collect the anti biotics.
he doesnt want to giv antibiotics for now since he told mi many babies get it and it goes away naturally... he onli gave me this powder thgy to mix w water n let her drink and also probiotics to eat.

remt at day i told u she no more LS? then aft swim go home LS again so I wonder why... but i tink prob cos it was slowing down and we tot it disappear LOL
luckily she did not poo during swim. good thg bout her is she doesnt giv mi poo w/o diapers.. weird rite hahahaa
she was quite listless on sunday actualy... but aft that she was oki..
lamagier, can u PM or text me your no? Think I only have jes's!

Good luck for these 2 weeks! Maybe she'll get better faster? ;-P
yes, I was there! I go to kidslink almost once a week. my boys take turns to fall sick...today is Matthew's turn, coughing n runny nose. the clinic was quite packed this morning...afternoon still ok. but the doctor was rushing to send us out of the room and forgot to check his throat. sigh...
BTW, were you carrying your girl using bjorn?
i been sooo tired past few days..i can doze off while feedin edna! my milk supply yoyo...been diipping into frozen stash(which haven gt much left)... i wonder hw long can i tahan? haiz.....
hbb, jia you! I didn't pump for few days liao coz blur me left the parts in my office...only going back to work next Monday...last nite use hands to squeeze only got a few drops coming out....sigh
Chiyojade,Yuli, Poohbear,
Hope u girls enjoyed the outing today?..sorrie for the last min drop out.. due to last min visiting..

forum meeting,
im dropping out too cos got some errands to run.. sigh.. been busy this whole week n will b busy till sun..

i use the flower part of broccoli for Jav w a bit of stem.. Jav tried first time n disliked it.. but for second time, i added one potato to the whole stalk of broccoli n he loves it like mad! mayb its the smell n taste?

hope lil nana get well soon n recover frm her lil swollen butt.. shes a strong lil girl!

hope Adelle's better.. mayb u shud really consider tuina.. it really helps more den western med.. Jav recovered almost completely alrdy..

HBB n Beverly,
i nvr pump more den once a day alrdy.. cos my milk supply went down alot aft jav fell sick.. so i decided to finish the frozen stock n once my milk factory close.. den it'll be hello fm alrdy..

calling dose who r using Wakodo.. anyone wanna do bulk orders w me?.. my fren is going to ship back for me n including shipping one tin is abt 40 bucks for the 9 mths onwards(Gungun) cos i tot no point ordering the haihai as they r going to move on to gungun in another 2 mths time.. i checked isetan's price is 43.90 for gungun.. so we will save abt 3.90 for one tin.. =)
actually, my fren was telling me, Meiji is better so im tinking of switching.. anyone keen too?.. hehe.. jus lemme noe yah.. one carton will have abt 10-12 tins..

i checked with ava, can only ship in small amt, otherwise have to apply for permit:

AVA allows the import of food for personal consumption without the need for import documents if the amount of such import does not exceed 5 kg and its total cost does not exceed S$100.

4 If the quantity and value of such import exceed the permissible limit for personal import, you are required to apply for an import permit through TradeNet by using the miscellaneous Central Registration (CR) number 99999990000C. In addition, you are also required to declare each food item accurately using the correct HS codes and product codes. A copy of the invoice of the food to be imported is to be faxed to AVA at fax: + 65 62215091 for consideration.

5 You may appoint an agent or freight forwarder/services of the service centers to apply for an import permit on your behalf. The list of freight forwarding agents or declaring agents/ service centre is listed at the following websites for your reference:
muffngirl - my hb's frens came over on day 2 of cny. this wife of his fren (whom i cant stand ) has a 1 year old son who also came along. then this stupid woman came and watch me feed bbies, then idly said aiyah, her son not energetic cos he's recovering from VIRAL FEVER. then went on like normal. what the fish. its 2nd day cny and all my hb's frens are here, i dont want to fan lian, and i dont know how to react. so i also pretend like normal normal but made sure the boy stayed away from my bbies. so glad when they finally left
HBB, ya, brace for this 2nd week!! {{{Hugs}}} to you & Edna!

Peanut, what happened? You yelled at Regis? He is such a darling... I do raise my voice when he did something improper say, blowing with the food in his mouth (this is the way he says "no"), I will raise my voice, show him my eyes, and tell him "it's is not funny!" then he's facial expression will shows he is thinking, then let out a cheeky smile (to get away). But I do clap loudly to stop some of such behavior before.

Bestberries, for such brainless bitch, sometimes keeping silent is best. Another way is to be concern for that boy by saying, "wah, you still dare to bring him out ah? Cos his immunity is low and can be infected easily!"
Anyway, this is what K's PD told us. He said when bb is not well, it's best to avoid crowded places, not only to be socially responsible but also we are putting the little one's health at risk for more viral invasion.
<font color="ff0000">RE: GERBER Organic Brown Rice Cereal</font>
K love this and had finished his one and only box I bought as a trial. Now I intend to order more and it's a carton of 12 boxes, anyone interested to share?
The price is USD2.75/box (8oz) before shipping. RRP is between USD3.35 &amp; USD3.75.
This is made in USA and USDA certified but not available in SIN.
kim ya u r rite. when bb sick the r weaker n tend to catch other bugs easily.same goes for adults...

even stuff like flu or coough thr r a few strain..tis week cough n last weeks's might b a diff strain of virus tt y some ppl tink their cough v hard to recover...bt din realise they caught a diff virus
Kim, my mini slow cooker is Toyomi brand. I even brought it along with me when I travelling. Nigel didn't like canned/ ready made food, so everytime we have to cook the fresh porridge for him. because it's very small, it's quite convinient to bring. I even packed frozen cod/salmon and brocolli in an insulated bag. you can wait for isetan private sale or taka. usually they sell quite cheap. about $25 only.

Btw, did you go Daiso yesterday. I may need to go vivo tmr if I'm ok already. Have to go to Canon to service my camera which has kena water during our sentosa trip.
Lamagier/HBB, how is the chance of 'survival' of cameras that kena water?

Where are you gonna order the brown rice cereal?
hbb, if you didn't sterilize the bottle and pump, i think it's ok if you dip it in hot water. 100C. to kill the bacteria. If edna didn't take solid food during the trip, then most likely the bacteria was transfered through her milk.
usualy low chance.. even if can repair i wouldnt wan to waste time n $ on it cos i worry the inside will get rusty n etc esp if kenna salt water

i did use hot water to rinse thru the parts n bottle! seems like its not enuff!
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 25 responses!! I am hoping to get 5 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley

what i did when i was travelling with #1. Is to buy a lock &amp; lock box that can fit the pump and bottles. and pour boiling water into the box with the items that needs sterlising. and lock it there till i need to use them ...

I do the same to my breastpump, when i pump in office...

so far.. touch wood... everything is ok...

anyway did the doc five some "good" bateria like "latoforte" to ease the LS? if not, u can get them from pharmacy.
Kim, I'm ashame to tell what happened here. Baby was in not the position to deserve such fierce yelling from me. I was weak and allowed my emotions get in the way. To vent my anger at someone who is totally defenless, innocent and forgives me without any condition, is such a cowardly action. I guess the reason for posting is bcos I'm trying to find some comfort here. This cny, I pray to be stronger and god please give me strength to be patience and fight all evil thoughts.
i did hav boilin water over the stove leh.. got pot tocook water.. got those eletric flask also!! tsk tsk no good!!!

doc gave soem probiotics =)

i shout at edna when she gets nottie and i am too tired.. its normal.. as long as u r aware its not right... then dun repeat it again ... u r not a saint mah hehe
My fren's kena salt water. Salt water = camera die cos rust super fast. My fren on her camera despite me telling her not to and the battery compartment totally rusted away when we opened it. If tap water, may have slim chance of survival

I just yelled at MR today. Cos she tested my patience by not eating her solid for the past few days... I tell myself to count to 5 before opening my mouth and reason with her like she's an adult... but lost it when she stuck her hand into her cereal bowl... Also feeling so guilty when see the frightened look on her face... sigh....

so sorry!!!! Just saw your post after coming back from forum! I PM you my no.

Re: forum playground
The playground is actually not so baby friendly. Only ball pit was a suitable, but older kids jumping into the pit made chiyojade and me worry them might slip and end up squashing the babies. Prob need to wait for our babies to be able to walk before take them there. hahaha, but great place for mummies to hang out and feed babies
Re: Yelling at kid

I think when they turn to terrible 2 and terrible 3 stage u'll yell at them more..

Don't take it too hard..

talking about yelling... i'm guilty of that too. I always snap and shout at her when she refused to go to sleep at night. end up she cries, turn her head n cover her head with her chou chou to sleep.

just yesterday, i also yelled at my boy for fussing at his dinner.

i think that my No.1 is totally jealous of her sister.

she's getting disobedient.. more likely bec she wants attention.. today after CNY break she doesn't want to goes to school.. aiyoh.. headache ah..

Hope your elder one is not getting out of hand.
i dont feel that he's jealous of his sister... but he's just been fussy n cranky. cos usually when i reach home, i don't carry amanda until i settle his dinner n bath. anyway yest i really scold him until he knows i'm very angry. then he obediently sit down and finish his dinner super fast. after that, still got the cheek to do things to make me smile. *faintz* i feel so angry and at the same time i also feel bad to make him feel so scared of me. really hope he's not getting out of hand.

it's like that after long weekend. yest he also cried when i dropped him off the cc.

at least he is obedient,

my #1 is not obedient anymore.. defient at times.. and she only turning 3.. she just want us to get our attention with all her monkeyness..

I call her monkey monster.. and she still can dance ard me singing "monkey monster... monkey monster" dunno to luff or be angry with her..

I told her nicely why she cannot scream at home.. especially when mei mei is sleeping.. then she'll scream even louder.. sigh.. she wasn't like this before.. :..( I asked her where had the sweet and obedient CR gone.. she just kept quiet giving me a sorry look...

wonder at 4 will they return to the angel self??

I hope at 3.5 they will srping back to their angel self.. I'm dreaming... hahaha
I'm ok with scolding, raising voice and teaching the kids if they misbehave. But for my case, actually he didn't do much wrong. Anyway, thanks all. Really needed that. I'm feeling better now.
Yes yes!!Im carrying my gal with the bb bjorn..
Coz I find u familiar(seen u at the JWT trial),but dare not approach in case i got the wrong person.

Hmm,u had been seeing this PD all along?How do u find her actually?I do find that she does the check quite fast and same as u,like "rushing me out too"...
This is in fact the very fast time I'm seeing her.
Lamagier: sorry I didn't manage to meet you guys. My mom rang to say that my #1 wasn't feeling well so I ended up taking her to the doctor. Its just a cold but since Max has been around her I didn't want him to mix with other babies just in case he has the bug as well. Received your PM, thanks!
No prob =) Was afraid you might have gone searching at the playground and we lleft for lunch already. That's very considerate of you. hope max won't get his sister's bug
Yeah, that was v considerate of you! Hope your #1 gets better soon!!

Yeah, we felt that some of the kids jumping into the ball pit was quite scary! BTW, the baby room at Forum is VERY nice! Renovated not too long ago, I think! Very chic.

Sorry he was so grouchy today. He conked out (in the Bjorn, just when you asked me about it!) during the taxi ride from Paragon to Bugis (to register for LNT) and all the way home and just when he reached home, he woke up! And I was like...aiyah...why didn't you conk out at home!
Chiyojade/Lamagier: I know what its like to look after a sick baby so try to contain the germs within my household. Think my #1 got sick over CNY cos she played with a couple of children who had runny noses.
Peanut, {{{hugs}}}
don't we all step beyond the line somehow sometimes? No one will and should judge any mom as no one actually knows what she went thru for this baby. I hope u feel better soon. Like wat HBB said, just dun repeat. {{{hugs}}}
if needed, you hv my listening ears, I accept PM..

RE: Gerber organic brown rice cereal
last call for pooling with me for abv item.

We did meet up and I bought quite a few rubbish from daiso
Chiyojade and Yuli are definitely more discipline than me
Hope to meet up with you soon too

I totally understand what you are going thru with #1 cos mine is driving me nuts too! 3 is definitely the new terrible 2s and I really hope there is no terrible 4!!! I keep telling myself it will be over soon but I also dunno how long it will take but I just pray it will be over soon before I go crazy! Where are our little angels?
I was there around 2 plus! There was a class going on...maybe you were in the class?? I heard them singing the "I'm a little teapot" song! ;-P

Babies who are ill:
There seems to be quite a few who are ill during this CNY period. Poor things! I hope they all get well soon!

If it makes you feel better, I have also raised my voice at Yann...and I was telling lamagier, that once I even instinctively smacked him (so terrible). It was when I was bfeeding and suddenly he clamped down and pulled and I went "YEE-OUCH!"and automatically smacked him on his bum. He gave me a stunned look...I can't remember if he cried or not. So raising your voice (even if it's not his fault, so you feel even worse) but I think it's normal - because we are only human. Just tell yourself to try not to do it again. All of us have to tell ourselves that when we make mistakes. Hugs.
wow,the little teapot song seems interesting,a pity I am not in that class.That might be the older grp of children.
I'm at the 330pm time slot..

U register for the April intake,a weekday or a weekend?
Eh...maybe I just missed you...actually I think I got home at around 3.30, and I took a cab, so I might have been there at around 3...?
The song is: I'm a little teapot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout. When the water's boiling, hear me shout, "Tip me over and pour me out!"
It's an action song actually...but I think that their lyrics there were a little different.
signed up for trial class...

poohbear: 3 is the new terrible 2? Aiyoh, my #1 turns 3 in July. So far * touch wood* so good.

bbethan: I understand what you mean, you want them to listen and respect you, yet not to fear you. I feel guilty sometimes for scolding my #1 or raising my voice at her. Toddlers can be so lovable and infuriating at the same time!

In case anyone is interested in reading my humble blog about my 2 monkeys, you can check it out at http://2monkeygems.wordpress.com/

Hbb: Do you still have your blog for Edna? Anyone else keeps a blog for their kids?
