(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Re:Meet up at Daiso on 17th Feb(130pm)
1. Yuli
2. Chiyojade
3. Sherryl
4. Jes
5. poohbear
6. sam??
7. hbb?? ;-P

Mummies as above who are going,I dun think i can join u guys as Adelle fallen sick since yesterday and I only managed to get her to see a doc only today.She had very bad runny nose,cough with phlegm.
As much as I wish to go,I dun think I shld put the rest of the babies at risk of falling sick.

Chiyojade had PM u

hmm, just saw the news on the huge crowds and tourists at Vivo, going in for a spin at Sentosa due to RWS opening, and I'm just gonna do a family thing away from that hotspot tml instead since the daddy is around. Have fun, the mummies who are still meeting up.
re: CNY
Oh dear, hope hayley and Adelle get well soon. All the CNY visiting and stuff wreacked havoc on routines....
Twinkle, you relative is way inconsiderate... offering cigarette and thinks it's funny????

hahaha, her wardrobe is overflowing. And she has another large stash at my aunt's place =p. I like doing MR's laundry cos it's so nice to see cute little clothes on little hangers =p I'm an obsessed mother

I just went down to Vivo today for dinner and the place is simpl crazy and swarming with people! Sam is right, maybe we should give this hotspot a miss. Shall we meet at the diaso at IMM or plaza singapura instead or somewhere else?

Just saw this message and thought I'd reply before heading off to bed. I'm fine wherever, whichever Daiso. Will crowds be less as school starts tom?

Jes, will PM you my mobile. Poohbear, you have Yuli's? Yulis has mine.
sure..can collect for u... den i meet u soon.. hehe!

ehhhh, HBB, tmr gt sch as per normal right?..

errrr, no Vivo.. cos of the crowds!!!... how??.. can someone pls sms so its easier to get?.. i've pmed everyone!..=)

Haven't received your PM yet. You prefer IMM or PS? I'm ok with either and so is Chiyojade. Let's see what Yuli says tom morning then we can confirm.
Re: inconsiderate relatives
OMG!!! Speechless... I m glad I only hv one family and only "abuse" k for a day.. But already felt the ache in my heart to put him thru this..

Sunsweet, 母爱最伟大!! One year... It's 365.6days.

Re: daiso tmrw
Is it in vivo? Are we doing lunch too? I will hv to make a trip to mothercare to chg k' pacifier, will try to be there around 1:30..
Re: bb not wellI
hope all bb will return to pink again!!

Twinkle, I also think offering ciggy to bb is NOT FUNNY!!!!!! This I won't tolerate and will definitely put to a stop, since it's cny, I knw most ppl dun want to fan-lian, but u can put it across nicely.
they said tat Daiso in vivo is toooo crowded due to the RWS.. so tink we're changing to another daiso... i noe ps have one..

poohbear,yuli, chiyojade,
is imm too inconvenient i only noe deres another in ps..

How abt PS daiso then? Still 1.30? Will sms Yuli to check. Can you check with Chiyojade? There's a mothercare there too Kim. Can you change it there?
hi! sorry, missed so many posts last nite.

I personally prefer Vivo cos itz bigger but m happy 2 move 2 PS if all of u prefer it.

I believe there's sch today. If no sch 2day then everywhere also will b crowded?
Jeslyn,poohbear 75,
Thks for the concern..

Now wif the 3rd doze of medication,she is still not so well.I guess her case is real serious..
Wondering shld i send her over to PD instead or gonna wait for a few days to see if the med given by GP does take effect?(coz i send her to GP where adelle PD clinic is not open for business yesterday.)
yesterday we went to vivo in the noon time. it's not crowded at all! I bet today will be as empty as usual, because no more public holiday. I'd love to join you all if I'm not feeling so sick. Have been feeling feverish all the time (last week got flu), then now seems like the flu going on to the stomach! this morning feel so nauseus and vomitting. I told my hb what if I got pregnant again. hahah. close factory already how to...hehehe...Now feel so weak and the whole body feel painfull. I think I must tired myself. A few days of having guest, visiting friend's house, going to istana, going bday party at art booth camp, going sentosa...tsk tsk...Lots of kids get sick. I'm so sick of getting sick!

Chiyode, I always be extra carefull. when baby knock the back of the head, it can be serious if the knock is hard. So whenever they sit down on the floor, just put something like a small pillow (sometime I put the bf pillow behind), so when she topple back, she will land the head on the pillow. if she falls to the side, usually the hand will manage to 'break' it. other than that, like knock the forehead to the cot railing etc we can say it's part of growing up. Yesterday Naomi manage to stand on her own (pulling up on her cot). she used violet as her stepping stone. she's extremely happy in standing position but I always try to put her back to the sitting position and not standing too long

We are still going to go Vivo daiso so if you are still going to change yor pacifier there can see us there

Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. The weather has been really bad these last few days of CNY. Alot of kids and adults I met during visiting are all sniffing, coughing etc....very scary...take care

Maybe you should let a pd check since most of the time GP's are not so experience with babies and their medication might not be suitable
Sherryl, I suggest u take another day to see unless Adelle's condition worsen. Hope all is well soon.

Re: Broccoli
I was told to use only the stem n not the 'flower' when making broccoli. Anyone heard of or doing this too?
K dislikes broc. I tricked him since cny2 n I thot I won, ystd, I mix into his oat, he also rejects. Make into watery cereal to drink also failed. But he loves my Bechamel sauce for the roast beef.. Now I dunno if it's the broccoli (I din use aesofatildas) or the flour in the bechamel or mandarin orange ( I gv him a wedge in the evening), his tummy was v bloated when I put his pj on last night. He also took smaller feed but woke up one more than usual for feed last night. By 6am, he was all cranky.. I applied the ruyi oil n he tut few times, and by 8, I rmbr the ridwind...
He must hv been so exhausted fr the tummy gas, he ko at 9am before I could bath him ..

Re: Daiso
Jes, I will SMS u when I get to vivo in case u girls stick to meeting there. Hb just told me to drop off his laundry too..
Poohbear, great to hear u gals r gonna be in vivo. I will SMS jes since I ONI hv her number.. Cya!

ETirto, u rest more n drink lots of water.. And go see doc if needed.
Talking abt stomach flu, I personally can't diff between gastritis, ibs, food poisoning n stomach flu.. Cos sometimes I thot I hv food poisoning, it ended up being ibs or gastritis..
Chiyojade - we are still in sg! Going to hk in early march.

ETirto - I hope you get well soon but hey if it is "good news" that is responsible for your tummy problems - we will all be happy for you!

Kim - I haven't given Tim broccoli yet, but that is one of the foods I intend to intro to him soon. But reading the recipe book that came with my avent steamer-blender - it says to use the florets only, from what I remember.
I'm not giving Tim any citrus just yet, as I read that citrus fruits better to hold back for now.
i was told by my mum not to use the "flowers" cos that's where the soil, pesticide, worm n dirty stuff etc gets trap. she always slice off the top when she cooks even for us. if really wants to eat that part, soak the brocoli in salt water so that any worms will be killed. sounds so scary yucky right?
muffingal, no la. I "closed factory" liao. how to get pregnant. unless my gynae made a mistake. I will sue him upside down then! kekeke...I wonder whether adult can take ridwind. heheh...my ridwind is just sitting there unopened since the day 1 when I bought it 6 mths ago.

Kim, yeah, just use the flower part. I intend to give tmr.

I declared my thermal pot Rosak already. tried a few times making the porridge. boiled it in the stove for 15min then transfer to the thermal pot. wait for 2 hours. it's only luke warm and still in rice grain form with soup.
In the end I used back my mini slow cooker. The porridge turns up very smooooth. looks like crystal jade congee. Yummy
i jus use the pressure cooker to cook porridge for edna.. been using it for ourselves last time but too big vol the bubbles fly out.. now use for edna.. GOOD!
fast fast.. like 15 mins nia
threw it into my braun glass blender to blend immediately ... w the mince pork hehe hehe
i think my thermal pot too. but my prob is i keep burning my porridge in it. dun know if it's due to all the scrubbing until the metal is thinning out. thinking to get a small slow cooker instead.
Today Amanda is exactly 8mths old. another 4more mths to her 1st birthday. How time flies. No longer the baby who knows nothing except cry and drink. Yesterday was the first time she showed her preference very clearly. i was carrying her and when my hb wants to take over, she turned away from him and cling both hands onto me tightly. When hb carries her away, she cries loudly n keep looking over his shoulder for me.... wah... this girl!!! grown up liao... LOL
Re: Broccoli
I soak it in slalt water as advised by a mom friend. I use all parts but to be honest, even for hb n I, we dun use the big 'trunk'.. It xan be eaten?! Oh no, I hv been wasting food!!!

BBEthan, oh, mommy's girl, such darling!

Re: ruyi oil
oh no, I found k tummy area where I apply the ruyi oil now has rash.. Cannot be he allergic at 7 mth sright??

Also, he is not interested in oat today..but kept drinking water n juice. So I mix the oat with pear juice and he only took half.
Mommy 1: baby K 3. Boohoohoo
have he ever use the ruyi oil before? if nvr.. v likely he allergy leh

yes the stem of brocolli can b eaten.. but not so nice unless u slice it not too thickly
stem can be eaten. can slice off the top layer of the skin and it's not so hard.

most likely it's an allergy. last time Ethan also like that. rashes also appeared over time. PD says stop n it will go off. True enough.
abt the broccoli, most recipes calls for the floret.. so the "flower" part.

I suspect the Cirtus fruit likely to cause wind for them cos too acidic for their little tummy.

otherwise could it be the wind from the blending of the puree?

I can see that the blending effects give lots of bubbles to the pureed veg or fruit.. anyway i often will boil the puree with some stock to somehow bubble off the gassiness in the purees then add in the cereal / rice powder...

think to help them get rid of the wind.. got to use the massage skills you gers had learnt earlier to help relieve wind..

BTW do you still burp K after milk? These days I dun burp XR.. cos as she cruise and crawl ard a lot she will auto burp / let off gas on her own..
Re: Thermal Pot

Thermal pot will spoil?
keke i tot it will last forever until one day i drop it and crack the pot or something like that..


My gal had already been showing her preference who to carry since 5 months old.. which is a headache cos when she wants me or grandma to carry and both of us are busy, she will wail the house down.. and her crys is extreamly loud.. louder than here elder sis..

Wonder what contributed to her loud vocal.. my gyne told me I have a loud baby at the delivery room while sitching me up..
HBB, k has been using ruyi oil since birth. That's why I dunno how he can be allergic to it.. Or perhaps it's heat rash cos I had similar experience aft my Dubai 4wd n only the torso area has the rash.. I rmbr last night I put him in his pj but his hands were still cold (aircon was 26C low) under the baby quilt, so hb added another blanket on him, I dun feel safe abt this, so I dressed him his sleep sack. This morning, he cried so much hb moved him to our bed, under the dim light, I also din notice if rash had started, so I applied the oil n massaged him.. Aft his bath, I applied the calendula cream.. He napped on out bed, when he w/up, out mattress has a small sweat patch where his head rested.. I also notice there are some behind his early n neck, although not as serious as on his torso..

Re: Burp
i dun burp him so religiously like last time cos he can burp automatically these days, either immediately after the bottle's pulled out or, abt 10/ 15mins after with or w/o burping..
then prob heat rash.. but hold off e oil till rash go away bah

i nvr burp edna hee.. i dun believe n it.. cos she will auto brup if she wans =p
dh will burp n it takes forever!
re:edna LS
dr jus call to say her stool culture test result is out.gt bacteria in her stools. very likely frm contaminated food! arghh... i tink left n right i duno hw could she hv containated food..... unless its becos we did n sterilise her bottles n pump stuff last week at bintan! doc say ver unlikely its e swimming pool water thou.

he assure me its nt contagious unless babies get in contact w her stools n go thru orally. and say it will take another week or so to recover...zzzz.... haiz....
tink i will giv the meet up tml a miss...thou doc say ok to mingle.. too lazy to find diaper room all e time...hahhahaau girls enjoy yea

japa ca u buzz me... wan pass u milk bags
HBB, Edna still ls-ing and will continue?! Doc got no med niw that we know there is bacteria? Surely thus bac has a name n can treat right?

What's this Thursday? Is it the forum meet?
Sunsweet, I also hold the oil cos I dunno if the warming of the oil we normally do will make it worse.. I suspect will though.. Even for adult, I try not to apply anything on rashes unless it's to treat.
