(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

So we meet at forum, say 11am? I can go sign up then we bring the babies go play. Then can go lunch. Chiyojade, how does that sound?

im pretty fine w it... noelle wanna join too!i will buzz her if u gals confirm
but if by tues edna dn get well i will giv it a miss ok!
OK, can! :) And yes, it's Thursday. :) I haven;t been to Bkt Timah Hill in years! You must tell me where to go and how to go etc...

Thanks for sharing about Mia. Now we know that we all kinda feel the same way! ;-)

I hope that Edna gets well SOON!! Then we can all go and play tog on Thursday! :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you all as well.....xoxo
actualy i tink it varies w diff baby and also environemnt... .some ppl din store the bottle properly bah.. so sterilisin is better
for mi now .. edna LS-ing.. so i try to sterilise ... else i close 1 eye LOL

Juen is happy go lucky.. everythg is funny n happy for her! very good!!!!
Total agree with the sterilizing part. When I first started solid for him, I was wondering how to sterilize the spoon and bowl which labelled cannot be sterilized. Since then I started to suspect he don't really need the sterilizer as much as when he when he is new born. Now I know he really don't need it. But thanks HBB, I think you mentioned a good point here abt the environment and storage place.
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
My PD also said can stop sterilizing after 6 mths old. But I'm still will do it because I feel 'better' since Naomi always leave half portion of the milk (about 80ml-90ml) from 1 feed, so I can still keep the milk there longer.Sometime she just drink bit by bit and stretch till 6 hours! so sterilizing is a must for me. I even sterilize the cup and the feeding spoon and bowl.

Going for an indoor may not be a good idea u know. Lots of virus around. Nigel & Naomi got sick from hanging out in Fidget. it's totally enclosed and the bugs are just happily circulating. But again, going outdoor is bloody hot nowadays. yesterday end up having mild fever after going out too long after the art booth camp session with Nigel. Quickly pop in 1 panadol (HBB, have you try the 'FAST' and MAX one...blue box.kekek..that's really work!). and yes, above 37.5 you should give her fever medicine and start turning on the aircon to bring the temp down.

Anybody got any lobang to apply Friends of Zoo card?
ya i gave her panadol last nite and tis am
her stool got blood last nite and today
almost sent her to KKH but aft talkin to PD.. im holding on 1st n monitor cos he say the blood could b jus due to abrasion in the rectum area.

ya ur the keep the milk longer thgy same theory as why i sterilise the bottle where i store the milk in.. jus like canning food LOL

why need lobang to apply friend of zoo card? tot always hav it rite?
Re: sterilizing bottles
I must confess, while we were in Phuket last week. I din bring any thing to sterilize. Not even tablet which I should. I just rinse the bottles (I brot 2) with v hot water, whh my hands can tolerate as soon as he fin wz his milk. Praise God he was all fine. This gives me confidence to retire the sterilizer.

ETirto, hv you consider making less milk for Naomi? But make more frequently. I know hassle but better than always consuming left overs right?

Today, k kept putting his hands together like praying.. I told him if he doesn't say 恭喜then no red packet
talking abt red pkt, can u imagine this blur mommie did prep any for him? His first red pkt was fr a 婆婆 in church. OMB.. Faintz
Hi SabSab,

me!! haven't really started to prepare food for my boys except cereal and bottle puree...BTW, how much is the recipe book?

Heniz Recipe Book
im also interested! nuts at cooking and im glad i didnt burn the pot while cooking porridge =p

Heniz Recipe Book
use a metal bowlto contain all the rice/meat/veggie then put in rice cooker.. add water on rice cooker part to 'double boil' the porridge.. wun get burn =)
!stly, Happy CNY to all mummies and babies..

re: zrytec

as from my #1 Pd is to curb Allergy..
so any symptomps that the Doc thinks might be due to allergy- Runny nose, cough..

they all give zrytec.

Re: Cooking for babies
eh i have about 5-6 books on cooking for babies to toddlers.. cos i'm also quite lost in cooking for them.. so since 1# days, i've been looking out what i can feed them.

for the soup wise i learn from the med hall people and some cook books too..

basically i enjoy cooking and if i could, i would cook for them everyday everymeal..but i'm working how to? I can't even cook a decent dinner for myself cso by the time i reach home 8pm.. to exhausted to cook...

BTW my MIL dun/ can't cook.. i dun know.. esp light meals.. so I cannot depend on her for cooking..

I have to prep my #1's food in advance on some days when I could.. but Sunday at least for lunch I'll cook some thing nice and nutritious for her..

re: class for cooking for babies

are you gers serious? keke if want I can arrange a day of leave but have to be morning.. then can prep that day's lunch for the babies.. keke

HBB, dbl boil.. that's exactly what Pigeon porridge cooker does right? keke and they charge $$$ to buy just that metal cup/ bowl thing i think at hardware store it sells like $2 only..

I think coming to 8 months I'll make the stock daily instead of freezing.. cos i' afraid freezing it "han" chilly for the babies stomach.. so i would buy another thermal pot to pre the stock daily.. BTW anyone knows if the miniest slow cooker use up how much electricity if we keep high for 3-4 hours?
Re: sterilizing
I only sterilize the feeding bottle, pacifier and my pumping equipment.. the bowls and spoon i dun .. well slowly introduce the household germs to them..
Happy CNY and a belated V Day to all mummies, daddies & babies!!!

It has been fun and hectic with baby around. And this is the first CNY I haven't overeaten
gotta watch Tim so not much time to eat eat eat lol.

Hope all the unwell babies get well soon.

I was unhappy when one of my uncles carried Tim for 5 mins before remembering that he was recovering from flu and returned Tim back

Re: sterilizing
(I already told HBB, but share with other mums) my paed said that other than pump equipment & bottles used to collect & store breastmilk - feeding bottles, spoon, pacifier,bowls etc no need to sterilize.
Milk spoils easily that's why pump equipment & bottles for collecting & storing milk must still sterilize, WHATEVER AGE baby is.

Also stop sterilizing the other stuff if you are in Sg. But if you are overseas and the quality of the water supply is dubious, better sterilize too.
Hi all,
Happy Happy New yr to all mummies n yr families..hope u all had a great Valentines Day w yr loved ones too..=D wish tat all will have a wonderful Tiger yr filled w lotsa love, wealth n health!!..=D

hmmm,been sooooo busy running frm places to places... phew.. on sat was oni back at 11pm.. ytd was out since 11am n was oni back at 12.30am.... jus woke up n gonna prepare n will b out till late night again tonite...hehe..

the doc gave him med cos he was really bad.. for a few days b4 i brought him dere.. n oso cos new yr was coming tat time, so he actually gave me some med.. he gave me Rhinathiol for cough, Zyrtec for allergy, iliadin for dripping nose.. but instructed me cannot use more den a week..

BbEthan n HBB,
its quite true it doesnt realli work much.. but i like iliadin.. cos he drip alrdy.. his nose will dry up n its easy for me to clean the mucus n he will feel all better again cos his nose wont b blocked.. like wad u said, rhinathiol does make him cough more to cough the phlegm out.. n wen he cough, sometimes i will see the phlegm fly out.. haha..

i can collect tog w HBB if u r goin to pass to her bcos i need to pass HBB some things too.. hehe.. i pm u my hp..=D

don worry, Y will b fine.. Jav fell TWICE frm bed.. n i was blaming myself n hb like mad.. n kept apologising to Jav.. but i told myself, dont worry cos hes a strong boy n im sure Y is a v v strong boy too.. =) *hugs*

im still doing it for pumps n bottles too.. but other stuffs i jus wash prop n store in container..

tink mayb shes really a right hander thats y.. jus keep giving her things n try to gif it to her left hand to reach out n tk it.. cos wen Jav was a lil younger.. he oni used his left hand n doesnt use his right much... so we actually did suspect his a left hander.. but we jus train him to use his right hand by giving him things to hold on n we owaes try to make him use his right hand..n nw hes active w both hands.. hehe..

oh yah, jus wana share the sinseh told me if u see yr child's thumbs hidden in the hand.. wen they clench their fists, always pull the thumb out so wen they clench their fists.. the thumb will b on top of the fingers instead of buried amg them.. reason cos, they wont b able to function their thumb next time.. cos the sinseh saw some examples n they had to go for operation..

Forum meeting,
i wanna join!!! can i?.. hehehhee..

wed is this wed rite?..errrrr... shudnt b a prob for me too.. hehehee..

Jav's alot better alrdy.. hehe.. thanks to tuina i mus say... don believe the western med helped alot thou.. haha..he had a wonderful first new yr... running to places collecting one huge bunch of angpows.. gt 'snatched' frm me nw n den.. we we jus reached his grand aunty's place.. dere were like more den 30 adults n 20 youngsters.. all see him rushed like mad n fighting to carry him...in the end, at night.. i saw some scratches on his right leg..poor boy..
but Jav's so funny, frm the moment i load him into the carseat hes so happy like he noes its new yr!..he actually toked to his lil fishies hanging dwn.. n started laughing n smiling to himself n to everyone he met ytd.. haha..

wahhhh.. wad a long post!... wahaha
jsu realised ive miss out ayuki before i add in my name. so currently the list is as follow

Heinz recipe book
Today, I decided to keep k in the house exp we went to the park at 8am.. He napped the longest in 7mths.. Then fever was gone. But he refused my fish porridge. Sob sob. Only took the pear purée, so I scoop a little of porridge then the purée so the tip of spoon is purée n trick him into eating.. He was not pleased but managed to finish most of the porridge..
Mommy 1: K 0

Sunsweet, are u considering making the stock using the slow cooker everyday? Actually, u can put all ingredients in pot before u zzz and by time u get up to prep for work, it is ready. It's v easy even for your mil to make use of it in the day.
Can your mil read recipe book? Seriously, I hv yet to come by anyone who totally can't cook.. How did you cope during your #1?
mommies, now that our little ones past 6 months, how long can we keep their milk in room temp or hot water? how about breastmilk?
TJE, wat you always did when Ju fell is working, I am doing it to K too.. If he wanna date Ju in future, he cannot be so Gu-niang right? I can't imagine Liang san bo dating Chun-li..
OMG Muffingirl!! Hope Timmy is all good! Must take care cos going holiday!! Btw, I see Tim so tall, need bigger warm clothes?

Chiyojade, how's Yann taking to the Mandarin oranges?
TJE - I think your reaction to ju en when she falls or hits herself is ingenious
But I haven't tried it on Tim.

I'M NOT HAPPY - went to visit relatives today and my uncle who is still recovering from flu - carried Tim AGAIN! I went forward and took Tim from him and said "I don't want Tim to fall sick".
And guess what, thru out our entire stay there - he repeatedly asked to carry Tim...and I refuse.

These people don't understand that when a baby falls sick, how difficult it is for both the parents and the baby.
Kim - thanks for the clothes. The weather in hk is dingdong-ing hot then cold. I got tim a couple of jackets & we can use your stuff if it gets colder. Thanks!!
I let him suck on the orange, but then I didn't remove the "skin" of the piece, so he couldn't really suck the juice? Just get the flavour? So I actually should be removing the "skin", right?

He also tried Kueh Lapis - my aunt let him try!

Today, he fell backwards on his head again. He was on a carpet and luckily I had also put a quilt on top (although it was a thin one). I didn't want him to drool on my aunt's nice expensive carpet, so luckily it was a extra added cushion. My cousin had put him down and she didn't really know how to sit him properly (she had been fine playing with him and carrying him), and I had just gone to get his bottle. And then it was like slow motion - I saw him falling, but it was too late for me to say anything!!! So of course he cried AGAIN. Thank goodness no one "reprimanded" me and my aunts all went, "It's OK, it's OK....it's part of growing up." I must be more careful!!!!

MuffinGirl - wah! in HK! Hope Tim doesn't fall il!!!!

So we are meeting at Daiso on Wed?? (1.30 at Daiso at Vivo)
Shall we reconfirm who is going??
1. Yuli
2. Chiyojade
3. Sherryl
4. Jes
5. poohbear
6. sam??
7. hbb?? ;-P

Anyone else?

And on Thurs: (meet at 11am at Forum)
1. lamagier
2. chiyojade
3. hbb
4. jes
5. Jillian
6.. ?

I'm sure I must have left someone out...?

How are the babies sleep pattern? Aiyoh, for us, being out the whole day...he hardly sleeps in the daytime but then he still gets cranky! Last night he woke up at 3am and didn't want to go back to bed...I think overstimulated! So had to feed him and he slept after that!
Happy Lunar New Year to all mummies and bbs! Wishing all and your family A Great Tiger Year, blessed with many wonderful returns and gd health!

Re: Sterilising
I'm also still sterislising bottles and pump stuff only. Din do it for bowl and feeding spoon but I do rinse it with hot water before use.

Sabsab, if you dun mind...i would also like to have a copy.

Jes, i added you in cox I think might have missed your post. Can help me collect also?

Heinz recipe book
7. Jes
8. Kittyng

Chiyojade, I would like to join u all on wed for Daiso too. Kim & Etirto wanna join us?

Lamagier, I also miss my BTNR fieldtrip. Was so tempted to join my kids in Mar cox my colleagues are all using my materials to plan the trip. Thanks for meeting me on cny eve...nice to see MR and was impressed with the no. of dresses she has hahaha.
Chiyojade, you can bite off the tip of the orange wedge so he can get the juice out.

Oh dear, Muffingirl, your relative is rather inconsiderate.. Good thing you are firm to say "no", I am quite weak when come to relatives.. That day at my 3rd uncle's plc, it was small and crowded, so although there were 3 fans blowing, it was very humid. K had not sleep properly on his earlier nap and was tired, hungry, hot and overwhelmed by the hospitality (K likes to be "left alone" for a while when he sees new faces or he'll wail). So he was really cranky and refused the porridge (also not warm enough for him).. After I warmed up the porridge, he was still unsettled and everyone was trying to make him open his mouth, I have my uncle using his reading glasses and act like a clown, my mom telling my aunt of K's temperament, my cousin & her hubby doing the "ah-ah" sound, my sister calling his name, mommy calling his name.. OMG, I also almost freak out!! In the end, hb took him out and fed him "single-handedly"..

Kitty, I cant promise cos I am still monitoring K's symptoms although he seemed to have recovered. I dun want to cause any inconv to moms & babes if his condition returned.. Btw, I still have your Wakodo FM.. Forgot to pass you last Mon... Sorry..
Kim, Lucius faced the same prob too. Like wat you advised, I brought his cereals out and everyone was so excited to get his attention by playing with him, talking to him, singing to him while i was there trying to let him concentrate in eating the cereals. In the end, he got so frustrated that he totally rejected his cereals. It was the first time he did nt finish his cereals
And bcox of that, he was still hungry but he jus refused to take his milk. Guess he was also hungry and tired, so at last he slept w/o the milk in the car.

Sorry Kim, it also slipped off my mind on that day. Will get it fr you one of these days k
the recipe book is free. so the recipe book from heniz is how they use Heniz pdt to make to make diff food stuff for baby of diff age
ehh ur relative very inconsiderate! no good!

jus now edna roll off the sofa bed =p
i went to wash my hands aft changing her... lucky sofa bed low hehe.. and got a fan nxt to the sofa bed.. she got trap in btw the fan n sofa bed before landing on tthe floor.. in some ways break her fall.. she make some noise but i jus carry n say HELLO hahaaa

at gf's hse she also fell back wards few times.. cos she too engross playing and forgot she cant balance!!! gf's daughter went AIYO mei mei fell down.. i quickly go hahaa... cover her 'aiyo' then she look at me blankly hehe
muffingal, can understand your worries as a parent. I also not happy with one of the relatives of my hb's side. He was smoking in the house & insisted carrying my boy. My boy is ok with anyone & not afraid of strangers. The angry part --> he was smoking & carrying my boy at the same time. I wanted to carry him away but he refused to return me. SOBz! Worst, he even offered my boy the lighted cigarette. 2 consecutive days. *fuming*
For my #1 i make stock every morning! Hee hardworking hor? Everyday new stock. Everyday new taste.
I am not sure if the stock should be cooked for so long as anything more than 3 hrs in the slow cooker i feel its not necessary and reduces the nutrients even more. End up just flavourful soup.
Last time no small thermal pot. Think i'll just get a small thermal and boil the stock every morning.

Been out the whole of 2nd day of cny. XR must be real tired cos she is not awake now for her milk which she usually does! Hee
my mil cooks for adult only. Cos always fry food as i can see on some days when she cooks as my sil and her hub comes for dinner.

She doesn't boil soup unlike my mum who does it every meal.

I got her chinese and bilingual recipe books for baby cooking but still like that. So rather than beg her to learnt, i do it myself loh. Easier. Anyway 1 more year and our little one can take table food already.
twinkle: That is so inconsiderate of your relative! How can he carry your baby and smoke at the same time? And even offer him the cigarette? I would have been so angry and just taken my baby away. Sometimes people really do things without thinking.
Hi ladies, I'll see ya at Daiso tmrw, though I might be going solo, cos 3 days of hardcore outing for reunion and visiting has totally exhausted the bb, she gets a lil grouchy and her body temp was slightly warmer than usual, no fever yet. Shall see how she goes cos she's staying home today, relaxing.

same, the following day she's been up later than usual. Sigh, no good... I rather she stays home to get back to her routine.
hi everyone! Happy New Year!

talking abt inconsiderate relatives. I was carrying Alexis n I saw my cousin at my side wiping her sweat/mouth with a piece of tissue paper then she saw that A had some drool on her chin so she used that SAME piece of tissue paper 2 wipe A! I was so shocked! Ugh.

It has bn soooo difficult getting her 2 slp the last few nites. I think she gets over stimulated in the day n gets really wound up. By nite time, she gets so overly tired, she cant wind down 2 slp. Itz bn hysterical wailing each nite b4 she finally falls aslp. Sigh.

I hvnt let her try any CNY goodies yet!

See u mummies @ Daiso @ 130pm tom!

talking abt inconsiderate relatives, my SIL brought her feverish son to the reunion dinner and didn't even bother to isolate him from the rest. End up my dear gal got fever that very night.
After that, she didn't even apologise and her hb can still say, 'good lah, like that can build up her immunity'
