(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Your dh so nice, take edna out alone and let you cook in peace.

Ok ok, if you free, let me know. My backup plan is to take her to my mum's and dump her there while I go gallavanting around the recently opened Dairy Farm Quarry

jus now we went out mah then i need to pick the bedsheets for edna but no time so i ask him go w edna since the nottie girl will make noise at home LOL.. hope she doesnt cry when he drive thou hehe...
racial harmony day.
from what I see in the past few yrs. even though the school ask the kids to wear ethnic costume, most of the children appears in either princess dresses, batman or power ranger costume. dunno which ethnic group they belongs too. LOL
what did the doc give for runny nose and cough medicine? I thought this age there is no suitable medicine for flu yet, except if with fever, then give paracetamol? I only give the saline to release the block/runny nose. other than that when I called the doc on Sat and told him the temp running 37.9, he said not to worry and just monitor her temperature, coz no other medicine can give for our 7-mth old!
haha... that's children's ethnic group definition.
anyway, i'm v sure ethan will put up a struggle with me when i put it on for him. he's already like that when we go out. the only clothes he doesn't struggle is his uniform and all those thin thin home clothes.

my pd also give same advice as etirto's. no medicine really works for under 1yo. only relieve symptons but doesn't really helps. as long as no fever, just let them hv plenty rest n they will recover on their own.
dun bother givin the cough syrup
seriously it makes the cough get phelgmy n worse..
continue w tuina.. i still believe its the best.. the nose medication works for some bb and dun work for others..
wat nose med is tat?
edna took zerytec(spell?) but its lousy on her... ... aft tat i jus forget bout western med.. let her go tuina for such ailment

hhahahaa, i never buy tradition costume for my boy leh. Maybe i should put him in a superman tshirt that i bought him.
hbb, it's for allergic type of nose. it's lousy ya.

linsu, how is the amazon shipping charge? did you ship by vpost? now they have fuel charge per kg! arghhh! new regulation. now have to think twice before ordering.
ya edna gt sensitive nose.. but hor.. the darn med dun work a single bit! tsk... threw away the whole bottle LOL and warn edna dun ever fall sick again hahaa

this girl.. tot she will b guai guai nvr do the booo w saliva.. reach bintan onli..she started doing it.. ~faint~
Good health and speedy recovery to those who ain't feeling well. I needed that too, Regis suddenly develop runny nose, and got bitten by his coming-to-2yrs-old cousin yesterday. Got teeth marks on his feet but no blue black. My mum said he yelled and cried very badly, I heartpain
anyone knows how to cure runny nose? His Pd not available till after cny.
zrytec no good lah... never works. finish the whole bottle, nose still running. that one even can be used for rashes. so i believe it's not targetted at running nose.

my notti girl also start doing it recently. whenever feed water, she'll start booing so that all the water gets out of her mouth n none got into her throat.

try rubbing some baby vicks on his chest n let him sleep with head elevated. won't cure but will make him feel better.
ya tink my nephew use tat but din realy work also but still using... tink that is the mildest form of medication for them
zyrtec is an antihistamine. It's meant for allergies. So if the runny nose is caused by allergy, then it'll help.

babies are usually prescribed expectorants such as rhinathiol for coughs. it makes them cough more to get rid of phlegm.
Yup using vpost but hb said the fuel chrg thing won't affect the cost cos they deduct fr the previous postage chrg per kg..say used to be $8/kg, now maybe abt $7plus/kg..not too sure how it works exactly cos hb is the one who always order

This post marked as my OMEN post.. 666 hahaha...
HBB welcome back, pray that ms Edna be well soonest cis already reunion tmrw!!!
Glory be of our Lord, my dripping stopped aft I spit out a clump of yucky phelgm during church last nite.. K's runny nose also seem better even though I held on giving him the nose drop until just now..

Busy but great day for me today! K was cooperative n I managed to make some "money bags" standby for 3rd day of cny when sisters visit..

Re: cny clothes
I hv to dress k as light as possi cos most of the houses we are visiting will be very very crowded n no aircon. But will bring along a long sleeves when he attend Champion Ministry..
Now I m thinking if we shd attend 9am or 11:30 svc.. If we go first one, then we r really stretching cos end of the night could be 10pm.. If go 2nd svc, then kinda rush...
Re: runny nose med
This time, k got otrivin nose drop, dexchlorpheniramine for runny nose/itch/rash, mucolix for cough whh I din gv n singulair oral granules..

Etirto, I think mayb gotta chk the birth cert to see what "race" the kids are.. Hahas

Kitty, thanks to fb. I posted about the on strike iPhone n immediately, I got solution!! Now me surfing this thread wz it again.. Oh btw, my iPhone is a she, and her name is 珍珠.. Heehee

SabSab, if Heinz can give more recipes book, I also love a copy. Thanks!

HBB, can pass me the book when we next meet.

Re: porridge
today I made threadfins porridge for k. I soak the rice n break them before cooking (think it's Sunsweet or BBEthan's post), but after the fish n porridge became gluey, I still push then thru sieve to get a smoother paste. I use the one that is meant fir bb food prep so the holes were a slightly bigger so some broken rice grain remained as it was aft cooking n k just gag when his tongue felt that, but better than not pressing thru the sieve.
Re: pork for porridge
I use v little water n boil the minced pork until just cooked before blending. I don't think nutrients will be lost so quickly, more so when there is not that many water soluble vitamins in pork..
But I still better check the web on feeding pork to young bb..

Today, I also gv k a taste of mandarin orange, he could suck the juice fr the wedge. I hope he can do the same when I give him a straw.
OMG, sayang Edna! Can u try to "air" her bum for the diaper rash? When Y was v young, he had a very bad case and the PD told us to air his bum after cleaning him, so we had to do it for about 30 mins...hope she won't LS then...:-( And hope she gets well soon!!!

BTW, come and join us for DAISO! ;-P

I hope ALL the babies get well for CNY! Y seems to be sneezing a bit more lately, so I have been monitoring him and trying to keep him covered...

I am going to try giving Y the Mandarin orange. So inspiring to read what you all are feeding your babies. I'm actually also going to dress Y in another outfit I bought him for CNY, but I also bought a ching chong cheena dong-dong-dong-chiang outfit for him - so cute lah - but of course it has polyester, so will put him in that for the photos and when he first reaches my gran's house. ;-P

Let's hope that it won't be as hot as always...

Daiso next Wed at 1.30 is also fine with me. ;-) sam, it would be great if you can make it and sherryl, if cannot then we learn from you! ;-P

You want to meet the following Thursday? I can if you want. ;-P Are you into parks and etc? 'cos you mentioned Sungei Buloh? ;-P

OK, now I have something to tell you all and I wonder if it's just me, or am I being paranoid..
Today, Y was sitting down in my living room floor (no padded foam mat) and I was seated behind him. My legs were in a V and he was in between them. Then I wanted to move a toy of his and put it in his rocker. His rocker was where my foot was, but I had to move one of my legs to scoot over and dump his toy in the seat and just when I put his toy there, I heard a THUD and he had fallen on his side on the floor and of course he started wailing like mad. I quickly grabbed him and comforted him...now the thing is, I know knocks will happen, but I felt SOOOO GUILTY!! I know that it's not as though he fell from the bed, which I would feel even worse, but the guilt I had was terrible!!! My floor is also terracotta and the grooves and not flushed with the tiles! It's like I didn't look out for him and the emotion was so intense....am I paranoid???!!! He was and seems fine later...but did anyone feel that that for their baby's first knock or is it just me?
BTW, what are you feedings like now?

1) 6 am - MILK 220ml
2) 9+ am - MILK 220ml
3) 12+ Puree
4) 3+ - MILK 220ml
5) 7+ - MILK 220ml

He usu sleeps around 7.30 - 8 and 90+% of the time, will only wake up at 6am.

I was thinking of introducing another feed...how many servings of puree/solids do you give your babies??
kim yes i will! hehe
ya when i chg her i try to blow blow her bum to dry it.. dun dare to air it freely else i tink there will b poo all over??! LOL
the prob now is thou washin is recomneded.. tis sooo hard to wash a girl pte part clean since thr is alot of folds... i end up havign to use wipes to clean again aft washing.. haiz.. poor edna.. for the 1st time I so heartache for her... really.. sigh....
my girl stumbles over almost everyday. initially was a bit worried... but now i'm a bit immune to it. now she has learnt to break her fall.

Yann's drinking a good amount. Mine's not a milk drinker. hers is like this
8am: oatmeal cereal + 2oz of fruit
8.30am: milk 120ml
11.30am: porridge
3pm: milk 120ml
6.30pm: brown rice cereal + 2 oz of veg
7pm: millk 120ml
midnight: milk 120ml
can email me your no. so I can pass you the recipe book.

can email me your address so I can post to u.

I have got only 2 extra. so many any other mummies interested I get them to give the no. of books required.

Heniz Recipe Book
i just notice sth...
edna seems to liek to onli open her right fist.. and clench her left fist...
even when she 'clap' on her thigh.. she clap w open palm on the right n left is always close.. is tis normal?
Happy 7th mth to K, Cate, Adelle & Hayley!

Thanks Sab!

Chiyojade, {{{hugs}}}. You go girl, good that Yann is already able to sleep thru the nite.. K still needs to have a dream feed, think it's bcos he's not drinking enough, only 180-200ml. Can't seem to give more cos he stops at exactly 180 or 200ml and purses his lips or blow bubbles (his way of saying NO).

K's food intake
6am-- 200ml
9:30-- 180ml
12--rice/ cereal, about 250ml
15/ 1530-- 180ml
18 or 19-- rice/ cereal, another about 250ml
23--180ml (if he misses this, he'll wake up at 2 or 4am, 2am if he's sleeping alone and 4am if he sleeps with us, I think our bed and our scents help with stretching the feeding time.)

BB first fall
K knocked his head on the thinly padded floor before, so I didn't feel as bad, but I make sure where he sits is well padded before I walked away. I even put his bb Einstein in his playpen so it' safer than on the floor. Last nite while I dress him after his bath, he had almost rolled to the side where he could fall off the change table!! I was quick to hold onto him and my heart was pounding so fast & hard.. I kept thanking God for His Divine protection cos that table is a foot tall.. I also thank Him for anytime there is a chance K could fall--after bath, he refuse to get out of water, and stretch himself straight making it difficult for me to carry him out of the bathroom, rolling and turning during changing (although not as active as described by some mommies here). That day, he was on his walker and came to the kitchen area to "look for" me, he saw the wire cord to the mixer and gave it a pull, the whole mixer and beater came tumbling down, thank God, they fell on his side, not even hitting the rocker.
Praise Him for all these close encounters and we are all ok.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. Psalm 91:7
With this, I pray all is well with all baby & mom!!

HBB, doesn't sound normal for Edna to do so. I am saying this bcos Edna is quite an advanced baby, if other less advance bbs I would probably think it's normal.. However dun be overly concern, she is probably a typical right hander.

Today, I am going to sterilize K's bottles for the last time, and retire the sterilizer (good timing for CNY too).
Hbb: Edna is quite advanced in her motor skills but I won't worry about the clenching /opening of her fist.I'm sure in time to come it'll even out, just give her some time. She could just be more dominant on her right side for the time being.

Kim: Thank goodness someone was looking out for K after those few close calls. He definitely has a guardian angel.

Falls: I put Max in his bathtub today and walked 2 steps to take a towel. The tub was empty so its rather light. He leaned over and toppled out but luckily he used his hands to break his fall. He falls over / gets knocked fairly often cos of his older sister but he's a tough boy and a lot of times they are on the bumper playmat so its never a hard knock.
thanx kim n jilian..
looks like i need to b mre patient... now i keep training her left hand
mayb u girls r rite... cos im also better w my right hand
left hand literaly idling haha
Hi, if you are getting more books,then I also don't mind one more? Many thanks!

BB First Fall:
Thanks for all the reassuring words. I feel better. Kim, when I read about how your heart was pounding so hard and fast, I can empathise with you because there was once I left Y in the middle of my bed and went to turn off the computer in the other room. When I came back, he was at the edge of the bed!! So I quickly grabbed him as well...and I think my heart almost stopped! But I tried to smile and not frighten him!
I must remember about the wires for the kitchen appliances now as well!

I think I am going to increase Y's solids. I will add one cereal intake now as well.

Kim, when I read that you were going to retire the steriliser, I sucked in my breath and said, "Wah" and my husband was next to me and asked me what happened and so I tole hima dn he said, "Yah, I think we should also keep it!" Reason being Y puts so many things in his mouth now anyway!

Do we have to ask the PD when to stop sterilizing??

hbb, most prob Edna is a righty. I sometimes try to get Y to take thing with his left hand because I want him to be lefty - more artistic and etc - tang koo koo - we are both righties. LOL!!! I sound like those parents last time who force their kids to use the right hand, only mine is left! LOL!!! Unfortunately, it's not working, so I give up and let him use whichever hand he wants. ;-P

chiyojade, few weeks ago Mia fell backwards from sitting down position and hit her head directly onto the parquet floor. she was shocked and yelled so loudly for quite long.
same like u, felt so guilty abt it, so now i am extra careful. i guess it's a phase that mummies have to go thru! as long as yr lil one is fine, dun think too much abt it!

re feeding time, this is Mia's.
7.15-7.30am: 150-180ml
8.30am: 2 tbsp cereal + fruit
10.30am: 90ml milk (i purposely reduce this)
11.30-12pm: a bowl of oatful with veggie or porridge
2.30-3pm: 150-180ml
5.30-6pm: a bowl of rice cereal or porridge
7.30pm: 150-180ml
10-10.30: 150-180ml

i think u can start intro 'dinner' to Y.
re zrytec for flu/cold:
i hv to agree it's totally useless!
Mia took it for quite some time, no quick recovery...machiam like never take lor.
Re: retiring sterilizer
I forgot where I read that by 6 mths we can do w/o sterilizing, but I decided to stretch another mth..

Jillian, ya. God is with k, He is great! All the time!!!

Decided to go first church svc tmrw, so gotta go zzz then wake up early to make k's meal.. Think I should also increase his solid, maybe add breakfast like Mia..
Sure, let's meet up. See if HBB free too =)
Yah, I'm parks & walks person. Sungei buloh, Chinese gardens, japanese gardens, bukit timah hill, McRitchie, msia... sigh... but limited to Botanical gardens since baby came along... trying to go back to my old hunts again.

you and edna feeling better? Hope you reunion dinner went well.

re: sterilizing
I checked with MR's PD and he said can stop sterilizing after baby is on semi-solids =) But I still sterilize bottles and pump parts as I'm anal... think that milk spoils pretty fast, so play safe

Happy new year to all the july mums, babies & families!
which day u n chiyojade meeting? u buzz mi ok
edna cranky leh!! i duno why.. i suspect she is not well
usualy her body temp is about 36.6degree
today i felt that she is a bit warm..told dh she prob havign a fever he dun beleive then i took temp
37.4!! meanins nearly 1 degree higher than normal!
i do not go acccording tot he 37.5 guideline as some ppl bpdy temp is slightly lower or higher... so I use her normal body temp as a gaudge.. so meaning now she is havign low grade fever? still tinkign wan gi vher panadol anot..
duno if its due to teething? thou no sign of teeth

reunion dinner soso onli becos i din cook everythg
half was outsource to cold storage LOL
migraine went away at last! cos i pop 2 panadol and sleept for 30 mins before i started cooking again!
Happy valentines day n for cny, I wish all babies 快高长大, 健康快乐; mommies 青春美丽, daddies 事业有成, earn lots of $$$ so mommies can hv more lv, bottega, prada, gucci, miu miu, hermes... both 恩爱无必!!
yea Happy Valentine Day too! hehe
May all the daddy/mummy have a great Valentine day w the lil ones!

i b celebrating 10th paktor anniversary on V day!!!
We all refering to thursday rite? But I got no idea where to go. If the weather keeps up, gardens prob not a good place to go cos too hot. Any idea what can we do?
ya i dun suggest gg outdoor
too hot!! if it rains also stuck!
u girls hav hip club member at forum? if hav can go thr the play ground

else.. i tink very tough!!!
can can!! $10 onli!! for 2 yrears..
let mi go check the hours available for members..cos some timing is for the JG kids
