(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

coolkero, how often you cleanse tomi's face with the mustela no rinse fluid a day? did you cleanse the face with water after using it? I'm thinking of trying that. My boy's skin ultra sensitive.

no need to be member. Box is a bit big. Dun think can fit into luggage.

not too sure how it works. i haven't open the box to explore yet.
what i know use it to steam food. once soft, can blend in the same machine. No need to transfer. Think it's more for making puree. But i suppose it can be used to just steam food. Slow cooker is used more for cooking porridge, right?
edna eczema is tonin down thou still there. i am still refusing steriods cream =p
was jugglin btw a few cream.. seems like physiogel AI cream works the best. u might wanna try that. its a moisturiser kind of cream w no steriods... good for thoe red rash...
ehh u wan i pass u a sample pack? v small sachet. u wan u buzz mi we arrange to meet k =)
HBB, thanks i hv that too. The PD asked me to use physiogel cream on other part of his body for his rash. U apply v thin layer on face? I think i will try on one side of his face to test test first.
twinkle, i use it once a day just before shower, use cotton wool to cleanse face. then later bath that time use towel to wipe again. i just started last week after my tomi's face turn rough and red, i tried baby lotion but no use, so in the end i give it a try and i find it helps to clear. if we go out, i'll rinse it when we come back. i have a small size bottle that i put inside my bag.

re: water
thanks mommies for the input. i have tried giving water these few days, but he refused, so will continue to try.

tomorrow 4 months jab plus pneumoccocal, hope for the best, scared of fever. he's already not drinking well, nowadays he drinks when he's hungry or dream feed. kim, same like ur k, mine take very short naps esp outside, at home a bit better 30 min to an hour. post some pic of k eating cereal, ok?
is it the AI cream that u hav? gt 2 kind =)
usualy i apply on her hand n legs 1st.. the left over on my finger i apply on her face.. if not enuff i use a small dot more
u can try
take a while to see effect...
I rem it say can use for open wound(fr scratching) also

gina saw edna 'scars'... tink edna itch a bit then she scratch n left some nail mark on her arms.. she keep saying edna v ke lian.. haiz.. but wat to do...
thks for the reply.Hmm,i always thought blender is to blend it then make it soft and can use slow cooker to cook it liao..hahaha
so get blender alone is not so gd,,need to get a steamer to work?
Yeah correct ,slow cooker is to cook porridge
for travellign u might wan to buy a travel cooker. v small n compact.. comes complete w a mess tin n eletrical cooker...
HBB, mine is physiogel hypoallergenic cream. it didnt state can use for open wound. so is different huh?

coolkero, thanks thanks.
see my boy's face like pussy cat so poor thing.
twinkleya its diff
heres wat written on the hypo cream: helps protect n restore helathy skin.
the one on AI cream states: Helps relieve redness in dry sensitive skin.

i was looking at both cant decide which to use hahaa... sis keep reminding me to use AI.
edna gt scratches all over! machiam get scratch by angry cat! head also got.. face.. arms... ankles... all scratches...
if u r fine with using wok/rice cooker to steam food, shd not be nec to buy separate steamer. for #1, i used rice cooker to steam, then use those blender to mash, if not hand mash. some food like honeydew or sweet potato are a pain to use machine to blend. hope this pdt can save me time n hassle. will try out one of this weekend n let u gals know.

btw how long does it take to use slow cooker to cook porridge?
aiyo... edna so poor thing. got to keep her nails really really short at all time. hope the eczema will get better as she grows.

btw, what baby wash are good? in terms of moisturising? noticed amanda's skin getting a bit dry now on some spots.
can try sebamed kids, cetaphil, QV for a start.
edna been using sebamed .. but she gt the dry skin appering since 2 mth old.. i got history of eczema so i been trying hard to prevent .. dun even let her sleep in a/c room. haiz
RE: Rash remedy
Thanks all mommies for input. Sylvia, I think your kind of cream has to hav prescription from Doc is it?

BBEthan, my CL never use any baby wash. After she left I started top-to-toe, and K's skin was dry. Doc say to use Cetaphil. Now I am back to no baby wash since it did not help with K's rash on the face. I use olive oil to massage K and found it is great as moisturizer. Perhaps u can try if Amanda is not sensitive to this. I do not apply to his face as taught in the massage class..
I now started massaging his gum, and he likes it. He used to turn his face away when I massage his face, now he keeps still.. haha
wahhh lil K's having his lil teeth all popping out soon! Jav nt yet i tink.. hmmm, but hes been rubbing n rubbin his ears n cheeks v frequently n also chew on his pacifier.. wonder if hes teething?

do feedback abt the Philips Steamer cum Blender.. im interested to get one too.. if its gd..=D ..thanks in advance~

Jav has scratched all over his face... n it seems tat he oni loves scratching his face.. aot of lines.. some bleed oso.. i oso dono wad to do w him.. esp recently he loves to rub n pull his face.. tog w the sharp nails..its a disadter to his face.. =S worst part, he don even allow me to cut his nails..=\

can understand hw u feel... Jia You okay!.. im sure Timmy misses u alot too.. =) *hugs*

take care ya, will keep u n yr lil ones in prayers.. =)
Sheryl, sorry to hear about your boy. Hope all the tests turn out fine and his swell reduced. Do take care and may him have a speedy recovery!

Kim, so gd...there's no way my boy will let me massage his face. He will give me all sorts of expressions and turning all over the place haiz... So my massage is always incomplete.

Muffingirl, i can totally understand your tiredness. I used to always send my boy and helper to my mum's place before 7am and rush to work after that. Then pick them up after work. It was sooo tiring and rush. So glad hols hav jus started...
i would think so for the cream need doc prescription.. u can always call up ur pd n ask him abt it.. n u clean K face wif water everytime after feed.. i did tat for 2 days n was cleared... so u try call doc n ask.. but if not very serious then mayb u jst try use water to clean him after feed first.. i think its jst annoying to see their faces tis way..

Yes, is there a Christmas party and can I join too? If too many people and cannot, then maybe another time?

I also have tried the Mustela no rinse. It's quite good. Really no need to rinse and it smells nice too.
Not for traveling lah, thought of asking my mom to get it for me, then I'll bring it back to shanghai. Haven't seen a similar prdt in local mkt leh.
The cream that came highly recommended from my sister is Dr Atopeace Intensive care Cream. I waiting for her to let me know which PD clinic she got it from. Says on the packaging it consists of plant extracts ~ Camellia flower, rumex acetosella & rheum undulatum mixture, taraxacum hondoense & perillae herba extract, mushroom extract, centella asiatica & yarrow extract.

My girl had very bad heat rash like kind of thing all around her face and neck (though not that big big patch like stacia) and subsided after 2 days after using the cream.
RE: rash
Thanks for info, and still welcome if there is more. I will try the clean every meal method before I act.

Jes, that's the behavior of teething bb according to reading.. monitor his gum, it;s kind of fun to watch the white "spread" becomes larger and before u know it, the tooth is out of the gum. Another feeling you may experience is, "oh no! he is no longer a BABY..."

Kitty, something u dun want to happen so soon-- when he start to cut teeth, he'll "guai guai" let you massage cos it feels good.
Jes, hi5. Both our "tiny" boy love to scratch, rub & PULL the face. even if it bleed.

Kim, i also notice my small K gotta white "spread" at his bottom front gum. he was pretty cranky the past 3-4days. i wonder if he teething soon.
My sister got the cream from Dr Low Kah Tze, Anson PD, Paragon.

Did you let K play hide and seek? Haha, did his daddy manage to find him?
chk w u .... the goat's rue.. ehh hw do u kwn if gt effect?
i took for 2 days liao.. no significant increase in milk ss =(
pumping on trip - i pump 6 times a day normally. but on the trip, i manage only 4 times, so scared supply drop, but think cos short trip only, so supply not affected. i got more during each pump, so total daily amount still ok. i brought back 28 packs, my bbies finish them all but 2 packs already !! gg away for short trip to shanghai with hubby over xmas. gg to do this pumpting thing again. the logistics and planning is fun for me
Seems like most of the bb are showing signs of teething. Finally my Lil Cate is starting to drink milk..After two long *dreadful* weeks of refusing milk + screaming during meal time..she guai guai finish up 170-180ml per intake..
Think going to buy the tommy tippe u shape pacifier to smooth the gum..she has been biting and sucking her hands whenever she is awake or if not keep sucking on the pacifier. What is the brand of teething gel? The infant care teacher noticed that her gums are red, so it's norm that she be cranky and go less on milk. Somemore she kept flipping like roti prata, so hard to change her during her poo!

Btw, anyone know of good lobang for bumbo seat?

Hmm..how come the isetan sale is on friday..their sale are usually on a thurs last year..but that's good..cos can shop longer before reporting work hee.

Suddenly got the urge to stop working..the deadlines are killing..sigh..have to rush home everyday to bond w my ger before she sleep at 8pm..think she bond more w her papa than me..I'm there in time to put her to sleep only...sad sad..
That time I took goat's rue can feel my boobs got bigger, sometimes got extra let down during pumping and volume of milk increase. But I only took for a few days.

I remembered Kim also said she felt boobs bigger but goat's rue didn't work very well for her. Maybe see if she and mashy got any feedback on the goat's rue?
Twinkle, I wonder why our July bb mature so quickly.. K wasn't cranky in the beginning, not even today when the tooth cut out. But just now he has woke up crying twice after I put him to bed at 20:30..

Lamagier, I haven't play the hide&seek wz hb yet cos he hasn't come home. But I told him to brace for choppy night after K woke up crying twice. I think if K & I went "missing" he'll freak out hee hee hee (now this laughter is the kind that staphen chow usually let out..).
aiyo... poor edna... nvm la, im sure will b okay wen she grows older..hee..

haha..ya tink i will b like " oh no.... hes beginning to becum more n more like a monster!"

yah lor.. tiny lil playful boys..

Sigh girls.. awhile aft i typed my last post, my hb was changing Jav n asked me in to help.. Jav din poo for abt 4 -5 days n pooed alot jus nw...my hb cldnt handle it n asked me in.. so we managed to clean him up n had to change his rompers cos e poo stained it.. my hb took the rompers out to wash.. n i realised i forgt to tk a shirt for Jav.. so i turned arnd n grab a shirt..n while i turned i saw Jav flipping n for yr info, he's on our bed.. i immediatey threw the shirt n went to over to reach for him but it was too late.. he jus flipped off the bed n landed onto the flr on his back!.. i screamed, ran to him n wen he saw me, he started crying like mad.. i feel so guilty..n he jus cried n cried..n i cried tog w him.. luckily hb was hm.. brought him to PD n checked.. thank god, he's alright..but still gotta look out for the next 72 hrs to make sure theres no vomitting or drowsiness or nonactiveness.. i really blame myself. im such a careless mummie!.. shudnt haf even turned to grab the shirt.. shud haf jus carried him along.. sigh.
Lamagier, hey forgot to thank u again for rash cream info.
RE: Goats Rue
It's the MLMM special blend that din work for me, the Goat's Rue is a mistake cos I ordered the liquid and so hard to swallow I gave up taking keke, not the bottle is still in my fridge.. I am thinking of taking it again cos my ss is not regular, sometimes 6hr interval only get 4.5oz and must pump more than 30mins to empty breasts. But if I latch, wow, empty very fast..
Jes, when I read ur post I was like "oh dear!" but I want you to NOT BLAME YOURSELF.. He cried probably cos he felt your fear and not so much the pain from the fall.. When kids fall, they are usually alright until they saw the adult being frightened. When they see us behave in such a manner, it gives them the impression that the fall is something scary.
I pray that Jav's fine. You dun worry too much or feel bad k? {{{{hugs}}}}
ya lor.. i punish myself oso..=( so bad..until nw i haven recover frm shock.. he recover liao..but nt me... =S

sigh.. ya..i und wad u mean.. u noe wen he jus fell.. he didnt cry.. but wen i ran over to him n he saw me he jus screamed n cried.. n no matter hw i pacify him he jus wldnt stop.. n that scared e hell outta me.. thanks for yr encouragement.. =) *hugs* u back..

Actually, u noe.. on sun i was v angry w him..cos he was flipping n flipping on the mattress n kept crying cos he cldnt flip back n he wanted to slp yet oso wanted to flip.. n its v early in the morn.. i was so angry w him.. i put him in another rm n left.. in e end my hb went to accompany him.. n wen he fell jus nw.. i scolded myself.. for nt taking gd care of him.. for being careless.. n i tot back on this incident on sun..n i jus said out "u r my baobei..nothing mus happen to u okay! " n i jus cldnt stop praying till everything was confirmed.. n Pd was quite surprised wen she saw him cos he was still v active n alert..n she said its a gd sign to see.. oni wen i heard this den did i let out a sigh of relief n i jus din wanna let go of him jus nw.. n held him so tightly for fear of losing him... =( haha.. i noe its jus a fall, but stiu...so much tots!..

im using Nan 1.. its undr Nestle rite?..
Oh no, I just hope he's alright!

The other day I almost missed a step on the stairs while carrying baby. As I reach out to grab the railings, he arc backwards (I was holding him upright), my maid yell 'MDM'. I was lucky to gain back my balance and support his back before he topples over. Come to think of it, it still sends shivers down my spine. It would be my SECOND fall with baby if I have not been lucky. Likewise, I monitored his temperature, appetite and behavior for 2 days to rest the case.
Jes, you got a pm.
Btw, dun be too guilty. I heard of many incidents of babies falling from the bed and they are all ok, so dun worry too much ya.
Oh dear! Will pray that all will be well with bb! My pd says that she sees MANY babies falling off beds. Most of the time, it's OK, so let's hope it's nothing.

That is one of my fears! Carrying bb while walking down stairs and falling! Luckily your bb is OK.

I also use Nan 1. BTW, if anyone staying arnd Bishan, there is a shop here that sells it less than NTUC.
Jes: don't be too hard on yourself. Max fell off our bed the other night as well. My #1 fell off the same bed when she was about 6 months old but at that time there was a mattress next to the bed so she just carried on sleeping. Max cried for less than a minute and went back to sleep but I was so worried that I stayed up for the next few hours monitoring him. Thank goodness he's alright.
Its the sound of them hitting the floor that stays in your head and makes you feel so guilty. I'm sure Jav will be fine.
I havent receive the red polo tee yet... still waiting anxiously thou... Her Qipao arrive last fri, love it... the quality not bad...

yup... I'm super obsessed with teats & bottles... buying 1 bottle everytime i go shopping and I'm a frequent shopper also... haiz...

Re: Xmas party
To the newly-joined Jul 09 mummies, we've closed the registration and had already catered for food, etc for next month's Xmas party... Thus, unable to add in more ppl... hope to see u all for the next gathering instead...
kim whn u take liquid one gt improve?

jes...hugz....guess every bb exp a roll off once in lifetime! hope jav is ok...fal n grow up! dn b upset ok..sayang him mre! i agree w kim he prob scare by ur shout than e fall...e last rnd edna roll off bed bt din fall she cry like nobody biz aso cos dh scream so loud!
jav guai guai ok

i emailed u back..=)

yah... im praying hard still =) thnks..

yah.. u r rite.. it stays in my head... not the sound of it.. but the sight of it.. cos its like he fell rite in front of me yet i cant save him.. but u noe wen he fell n i looked.. he was actually on his back.. but he arched his head forward... so he din fell on his head.. which i was quite surprised tat he did tat to save his own head..
