(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Woa, today's posts not as fast as yesterday's..

Noelle, thanks for your kind thoughts, sigh, unfortunately PD said he can't find anything wrong wz K and he thinks K is still very cheerful.. and no green light for cereal. But We were sent home with med for vomiting, reflux & probiotic. The vomiting med din seem to help but the reflux (which doc said to hold it for the time being) works well. He din think chg of formula is necessary but said so long as K has 800ml/day, regardless the feed interval, he'll be fine. I calculated even if I reduce his feed to 4oz, with 8-9 feed, he's still getting more than 800ml. I tried 4.5oz, he cant hold it in. so I am going to just give 4oz, shorter intervals.

Gina, besides Champagne, my other fav are cab sav & lychee martini too. U tried the choc martini at Morton's? supposed to be the best but I think Gotham serves better choc martini.. Now U already can drink, me still "han" about this..

ETirto, u feel better? I also been feeling faintish/ giddy last few days, then yesterday, I started my mensus (Shingz), and still feeling so. Think u may be having mensus?

RE: Sashimi
I already took once I done wz confinement, actually preg, I din really abstain, I just reduce intake drastically.. 不吃对不起自己...

Sherrly, I agreed wz HBB. K is so quick, he emptied each side w/i 10mins too, then he fusses.. If u are not sure, try to press your breast to check if it's soft w/o lump. I do that check to see if breast is indeed empty. Usually he'll start to smile at me if he had enough at the 2nd boob.

My special blend that was ordered with kittyng is finished, and finally I see I can get 4.5oz in 6hrs, not great like Lamagier, but makes one happier mom liao.. now hopefully can recv the one ordered with claire soon..

lychee martini! i heart it!!!
now u girls make mi feel like drowning myself in it.... slurrrrrrp...

before u took the mlmmsb hw much was ur output?
i took the mmp one.. din do much efffect on me
goat rue on standby.... no guts to take now haaa
HBB, I cant quite recall, but I think it's only about 3oz.. both boobs leh.

RE: drink
I dunno if I am bad mom, but I drink.. kekeke then stay away fr BF/ pump for the next 5-6hrs after drinking..too many 猪朋狗友 oops! should be 酒肉朋友.. Eat.Drink.Man.Woman
Yeah,might be the milk already emptied.haiz..

I suspect adelle also drink as fast as K,that was why could finish the milk in jus 10mins..

Re:MLMMSB and Goat Rue,
Are they having the same content?understand that MLMMSB has better impact on them,while for others it doesnt,via for goat rue.

so tempeted to get goat rue tml,but then kim,I saw u are doing well wif MLMMSB,was thinking shld i get tis instead?haha..
But of course,sometime it works well for u,might not work well for me..
*thinking hard*

I've transferred $12 and emailed you with the reference num.

Thanks for coordinating! Looking forward to our meetup

Facebook has your instructions on the payment for the romper meh? hmm... i can't seem to find it. Please guide me.

I very stone now after a day of hard work and hardly have time to play with bb. Really want to consider joining the SAHM group... but then again, duno will complain even more stressful and tiring to take care of bb and house anot. Haizz... this woman can't make up her mind... Zzz... switching off... dozing off... Zzz... good night all! Have a nice weekend.
just out of curiousity... will all these MLMM and goat rue stuff affect ourselves or baby in anyway? cos it's always fenugreek that is listed as a supplement to increase milk flow. anyway sounds like goat rue really effectively. so tempted to try but a bit scared after Lamagier's incident. cos no luxury of expressing on a regular basis but at the same time need to increase quantity.
got my polo Tees today... Joanne... i find M too small for me lehs... =( The length abit short lehs... so sad~~~~~

oh yah, joanne, u've got mail!
i msged u saying i'll xfer hbb's n my share tmr noon cos today in manage to do so.. sry abt it..

FOZ n anyone out there..
i haf to miss gymboree trial tmr i tink.. i realli wanna go.. but i cant.. both my toes are swollen.. i dono wads wrong.. its coming 3 weeks soon..but jus nw..it was v v v painful.. wen i looked at it.. i saw pus coming out.. n now, theres another swollen part growing on my third toe.. now i have total of 3 swollen toes.. im going to doc in the morning.. but i don tink im able to wear the socks tmr if i shud go for gymboree.. therefore, im going to gif it a miss. so sorry for the trouble..=( is there anyone who wanna tk over my place?...know its abit last min.. sorrie..
Thanks for the number on the parttime helper but i need someone who can come in 3 times a week..
How is K?? My boy was down wif reflux b4 n quite bad too tat he will merlion de.. But reflux normally occur wen they r young normally wont start so late thou..

wow.. u very generous to ur hubby!! get him chopard!! the max i given is jst omega lor n i oredi damn sim tia... i think i b happier to receive a chopard than to give la... kakakakkaka..

my order confirm 6-9mths.. but can u PM me ur a/c details coz hor i really very country pumpkin dun knw how to play around with facebook.. to b honest i dont even knw how to get to the july mum page that u all seems to b talkin about..
i also wanna to ask what sherryl asking. what is the diff between MLMMSB and Goat Rue huh? *confused*

bbethan, when u pump in office, do you manage to empty both breast? how long will u pump each session?
jia jia you pen nan nian de jing!!!! Even for me the same.. somethings jst cannot be solved with luxuries or money... hais.. guess we women jst gotta take things as it comes and go with the flow.. hope things goes well for u ya even thou mine didnt..
Weaning off breast milk

It has been 2 weeks since i started weaning Regis off breast milk. Today hit a record of 3 days without pumping/latching, but i got breast hardening instead. weird, i didn't even feel my breast was full. How long does it take for us to be totally depleted of milk supply?
err... as you all talk abt increasing ss, me here suddenly jump into its opposite-weaning off bm. abit guilty... ***gina, now i know how u felt that time***
not yet received payment for 7Nov gathering from:
7. Ohyeah
i think i also missed out the payment on romper part. let me read the FB discussion again..

My auntie told me to take "yang sheng ciu" to wean off bm. She said miracle, the next day no more milk.. no need to take med.. dunno how true.. no plan to try yet cos' still plan to breastfeed til at least 6mth.. v tempted to wean actually.. hehehe..

My Auntie V also reporting today! sianz! good thing is it isn't painful at all (previously will cramp like hell on day 1). I din even realise I got it 'til shower time. But keeping my finger crosseddd....
bell? got to pay for the romper already? I'm so hooked up with the payment for the 7Nov and in the same time rushing off my proj...pardon me if I overlooked. let me know!thanks
I've been told that those who experienced painful cramps before pregnancy will not feel it after delivery. Seems quite true for your case.
I hope mine will be the same case too.
mine took 5 days to stop the milk supply (but not completely) and the 1st 2 days almost killed me. It wasnt just hardening of the breasts but also the pain when u cant pump or latch the excess out. Had to resort to using cold cabbages to relieve the engorgment or go under the hot shower to let the milk flow out on its own without me squeezing.
re: carlson wipe
if the wipes are really gg for 5.50 for pack of 6 its realyc heap cos last round i bought was 7.90 f0r pack fo 6 leh!!!
babies who learnt to flip n 'talk'

mummies whos bb who started to explore the above mentioned. do u notice a chg in their sleeping pattern?
i notice edna now too engross w her new found skill that she refuse to sleep until she is super tired n fussy... also... she sleep shorter time now.. instead of 2.5 hour.. she jus nap for 45 min and thats it... and begin to play w her toes, toss n turn and blabber.. even at nite! arghhhhh
HBB: That is very normal, Ally was exactly the same. Each time she reached a new milestone, her sleep would go out the window. Max on the other hand, has no problem. I guess it really depends on their individual character

Etirto: Will let you know once I've made the transfer today
hw long it take ally to go bk to her original pattern??
i tink edna is jus like me.. when i find a new found skill i can go w/o sleep for days =p
I oso wan to stop bf oredi.. can advise me if i shld take the med so i dun go thru the pain of engorgement?? heeheehee.. thinkin of using the easy way out but i chicken coz i keep hearing ppl tell me eat med liaos the breast will shrivel till almst nothing!!! true or not!!! mine original oredi dun have much if still shrivel down i think im flat chest like man oredi..

and if to go thru the pain, peanut mayb u can let me know how u goin thru it and isit very very painful?? how many days u take to clear it all up.. thanks hor..
ok 1 last qns... if now im having blockage on my left breast.. can i simply jst ignore it n start to tolerate the pain and start to end the breastfeeding?? sorry ar..i really very green on this...
bf def will shirnk the breast whether u take the pill anot leh
unless u din lose the preg weight then prob ur breast will stay same size
the longer u bf.. the more it chg
i prep to bf till 18 mth.. i gt nothg to lose anyway LOL

mummies pls check that the above information is correct. ONLY alert me thru PM if there are any changes. as for the payment pls hold as i'm trying to get the best deal for the rompers. if possible, are there any mummies under the size 6-9m willing to change size as 15 is not a multiple of 7. as for the other sizing, i will strongly encourage anyone to take it up or i may ask my friend to buy it from us.
mummies highlighted are not joining us for the get-together, so i will get back to u on the delivery and payment later.
bell, can i change mine to 9-12 months since there is a choice, thanks. i've pm u, let me know if u can receive cos i've never use pm before, hehehehe.
i pump 20-30mins during lunch time at work. can empty my breast. sometimes if i'm free, will pump out 15 mins at abt 5pm. can almost empty my breast.

my girl's sleeping pattern changed too. now she cannot sleep in the cot wif her new found skill. if let her sleep on tummy, she end up waking up looking around everywhere or turned herself the other way n start crying already. now got no choice to let her sleep in yaolan. if put in cot, within an hr, sure wake up. wait till she's more settled then train her back to cot again.

with this new skill... really headache leh. in yaolan also attempt to flip *headache* now must sleep side way n use her beansprout pillow to cover her face then can sleep. last evening, caught her turning herself n sleep on her tummy in the yaolan!!
Etirto, i'm quite blur now. So i need to transfer $ to u for the gathering on 7th nov right? Will do so tonight or latest tmr morn k!

Bell, the size is ok. Thanks for all the arrangement

Jus bought my boy for his 5in1 + pneumococcal + rotarix this morn. Hmmm, he's afterall not too tall. I've most prob measured him wrongly at babybreeze haha. He's now 65.5cm only, weighing 6.6kg.
kim, the MLMMSB has lit effect on me. But i think taking 2tablets per time will help cox when i pump in sch...i jus need to pump ard 15mins to get 120-140ml for 4/5hrs interval. I've bought goat's rue to standby if my milk ss dips
Not yet tried thou...

bbethan, your girl really loves to flip. My boy so far only twist and turn in yaolan halfway...nv totally turn. But on my bed, he always try to flip...ended up his left hand always get stucked at the bottom, then he gave up haha! But i think i'm changing my cot to mattress as it is really too small le. My boy's leg always end up on the cot railings.
Bell, is it too late to order the romper? If not, can I order size 3-6mths? M boy's name is Julian.

Devilene, just realise that your boy's name is same as mine!

kitty, I brought my boy for 5in1 + rotarix this morn too. Don't dare to take pneumococcal cos scared too much for him. He is now 62cm and weighs 6.25kg. How old is ur boy?
have been busy this week preparing to work next week.

just to share
my girl had 6 in 1, rotavirus n pneumococcal this morning too. she is 62cm but her weight is 7.9kg!! doc commented that ave 1yr old is 9kg n ask me to do interpolation to check how much she will weigh when she turns 1yr.... =S

Doc said i have overfed her. so, my conclusion is my girl is a goldfish.. she keep asking for milk sometimes (n i thot it was growth spurt).
Thank you all, for the warm wishes, hubby, #1 and I had a great time in Morton's. We enjoyed service, ambience and food tremendously. Gina many thanks for the efforts in typing the various recommendations and tips, we did most of what you said (pack away the onion bread, order the molten chocolate cake, etc. but we did not get the crab cakes as alexis wanted to drink soup). Our bill was also not as steep as yours, ours was about half of yours, with one person consuming a glass of wine.

Anyway to all mommies who are planning to go there one day, please try the awesome oysters (according to hubby since I do not eat oysters), the creamy lobster bisque (alexis lapped up most of mine) and def the amazing molten chocolate cake with the liquid choc in it. Of course must try the to-die-for steaks - so tender! Portions are huge like Gina said before and we were so stuffed! They also printed on the menu "Happy Anniversary" with the date stamped on it, plus took a photo for us and put it in a holder with staff's signatures. They also gave alexis a paper chef hat she could decorate with the provided crayons so she was occupied for a bit. Hubby gave me a charm bracelet made of white gold, with his name and my 2 kids' name engraved on each of the dangling charms. Gina, yes save the children rings from B and according to sales person, coated with rhodium so won't tarnished. Hubby loves it. He also got a new shanghai tang mandarin collar plain black polo tee which he wore immediately.

#2 had his second 6-in-1 jab and did not make a squeak, so proud of him. He is 7.5kg (90% percentile) and 64cm (50% percentile) - I hope I don't have a fat dwarf for a son! A bit of reflux issue so PD suggested cereal but sensing my hesitation, he said can just let it be and start him on cereal at 5 months. Asked about circumcision and he suggested after 1 year old.

Today was busy - caught an awesome play called Duck and Dive, attended a lovely church wedding and will now run out for groceries.

I will be sending out an email with my address and what-not soon as Elsa updates me on the final participant list. Keep a lookout! Look forward to seeing you guys...may I suggest for those who are driving, to bring your own Bumbo or rocker or something for your baby to rest on? Else you either put him or her down on mat or carry him...anyway happy weekend, what's left of it!
HBB: It depends, when she could flip I think it lasted a few days. The worst was when she was six months old and learned to pull herself up. Each time we put her in the crib, she would pull herself up but won't know how to get down. THAT was a nightmare. Then at 7 months she learned to cruise so she would hold onto the edge of her crib and just walk round and round.
Sherryl, ya they are big babies now, so they must be very efficient in their sucking..

HBB, do u like Sake? 2 of my gf & I can finish more than the large bottle, then we all go gaga..

Yan, K still pit up on & off, I now reduse his feed to 4oz, and instead of 2 full scoops of formula, I give slightly less. But for EBM, I just give 4oz. Actually if you need the cleaner/helper for 3times/wk, it's more costly than having a full time helper. Were the 2 u fired Indonesian or Filipino? If you are considering full time, U can also contact Mary cos she was telling me her sister is trying to come to work in S'pore cos her hubby lost his job.

Gina, what happen?

HBB, welcome to my club.. K's longest nap is usually 30mins.. he hasn't hv intention to flip/ roll over, but he sure talks alot. I m gonna post a video in FB soon..

Kitty, the MLMMSB just started to have effect on me, but it's towards the end.. Ya, I took Mashy's advice and took 2caps 3times daily.. Is Goats Rue available as it is like fenugreek? Where did you get yours from?
tinklebellx & kitty, my boy is week 14 now. He weighed 6.6kg & length 62cm earlier this week, i am highly suspicious of the way PD measured his length cos he was 5.5kg and 61cm last month. I cant believe he only grew 1cm in 1mth, is he turning into a dwarf??

kitty, lavender bear - tze yu is 58cm and 5.5 kg, tze see is 61 and 6.5 kg, at 3 mos 4 weeks. still slightly smaller and lighter than your bbies, but i'm sooooo happy with their weight and height. i went for massage today and signed up package and made hb pay. bwa ha ha.

my bbies went for oral rotarix and depthiria/tetanus (i think its 2nd dose 6 in 1 ) and both had fever last night and this afternoon, despite doc assuring me wont have fever. lucky i asked for panadol. decided to take the pneumococal next month to spread it out.
