(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hi all mummies...
hope everyone had a great saturday.

just back hme from my nephew's bday party... my shanna was knocked by 1 of the kids on the head! she haf a "ba lu ku" on her head now... cry untillllllllllll... sigh... poor lil' girl...

just wondering, any idea what shld i look out for to make sure she's alright? my sis asked me to monitor if she gt vomit or nt... coz the knock pretty hard... =(

BELL!!!! Paging bell!
Sorry, I just tried a mothercare 6-9m on my timmy, just right and that means he will outgrow it in a few weeks time, judging from his "pattern"
Very sorry but can I please CHANGE MY ROMPER SIZE TO 9-12M.

No more changes for me, double confirmed!

(Coolkero - I don't think Tomi can fit in 6-9m romper also heehee....lucky you changed the size)

Thanks bell, sorry for the trouble.
kitty, yes! it's $12. you still have my account number ya?

Bell, as for the 7Nov romper, I will match my list of attendance with you. I meant if some cannot confirm attending the gathering then no need to rush order the romper for those.
thanks belle for the change

hehehe, muffingirl u r right, that's why i kiasu a bit get bigger can wear longer LOL. still thinking about the bumbo, where u got it n how much ahh? how long can timmy sit in it? neck support ok???
coolkero - I just put my timmy in the bumbo again this morning...his thighs (upper half) are getting a bit stuck in the bumbo...I think Tomi may not fit! I got the bumbo as a gift (thank goodness...otherwise waste $$$), but I think it's being sold for about $75 at full price?
my timmy is the youngest july baby, so maybe development may also reflect that, he has stable neck support but can't sit in the bumbo for like longer than 15mins (he will get frustrated). the seat supports the back, so I think that as long as the neck support is good, can sit in it.

It is not worth it for babies with fat thighs - that's all I can say....unless they slim down haha
haiz edna been liek tis for a week already i hope it stop soooon
today whoel day out.. she din nap much and if tonit eshe still liek this and not KO i tink iwill bangz

i am worrying bou thte crusing about in cot too..sigh.. i can imagine edna liek the leopard int he zoo.. walk round n round the same track!!!!!
hbb, imagine if you bf edna till 18mth hor, she will be standing sucking at your nipple when you sit down ! funny rite. I got 1 gf who do like that. and don't forget they will have teeth also le!

Muffingal, ok, I'm checking my IB now. heee...naomi thigh also a bit tight there, cannot imagine how timmy can squeeze now. Don't rush to let him sit yet. although he looks so sturdy tehre. delay better ya?
haha... gd description!! soon! if she sleep while "roaming" around still ok. if woke up becos of that really jialat. put the bumper around the cot if u worried she knocked herself or got stuck. but it gets a bit warm inside if no aircon cos the wind from the fan all blocked by the cot bumper.
hehehe muffingirl, thanks thanks maybe i'll just skip bumbo but it's so cute, hehehe. i just started giving tomi tummy time, to strengthen his neck muscle after seeing some mommies post pic, hehehehe.
wun lar... my nepehw was quite ok leh.. then again if i bf her till tat old of cos is pump out n feed fr cup lar
i intend to wean her off the bottle by 12 mth if not earlier...

bbethan she already gt the bumper ard leh and she like to stick her hand under the bumper OUT of the railing n wave "HELLO" w the bumper over her face
my silly girl!!!!!!
she cannot make do w/o the bumper fr day one cos everyday she is knocking herself on the railing! btw.. i already upgrade to the biggest cot ever liao... and she also hijack our standing fan... cos the small fan liek u say kenna block lor tsk tsk
haha... i ever see one mummy bf her walking toddler standing up too. don't think edna will ever bite hbb lah... cos i'm sure hbb won't allow her to bite... keke

i'm thinking once amanda has her first teeth, will stop latching her already. i don't want to be bitten. anyway, she's so used to the bottle now n now so lazy to latch too. drink 5 mins only n done. not sure how much she drinks also.
oh can huh ok i try!!!!
but u kwno she is sleepign in the other part of my room which is near my toilet.. everytime i need go bath or wash up.. and she is awake i need to bend n 'crawl' so she cant see mi else she will ask for my attention... zzzz
tinklebellx, my boy is 3mths & 12days. Wat abt Julian? Initially i was also worried but hb gave green light so went ahead with it.

Yup etirto, i still hav. Sorry my hb forgot to transfer for me jus now. Will do so tmr morn.
Thanks! As i do latching most of the time, i totally have no idea how much i can pump. On friday i decided to give a try by pumping twice. I could get 110ml after 1st latch 3hrs later. 2nd pump 160ml 4.5hrs later. the flow was still there but slow. (breast not empty) As i'm not a diligent mother who pump all the times, nipples super painful after 30min of pumping so i stopped. Problem is my boy cries for milk every 2hrs w/o fail even midnight (unless on move). To think my supply already cant meet my boy's demand lor. Cant decide if i shld try any supplement to increase too.

Jes, how's ur legs now?

FOZ, i will use my sling to rock my boy that day.

Gina, can guide me if i'm doing it correctly. Whenever i bring him out using the sling, i scare scare will drop him so at times will use my hand to support his head.

Bell, my detail is correct.

Baguana/lamagier, nice meeting both of you yesterday.

Sam, my boy hardly turn to his left. When i changed his diaper, he always turned to his right. Never he turned to his left. I kept teasing him in class, "boy, u like Joie mei mei?" Dont know why he kept turning & looked at Joie. Haha.

Hbb, guess my boy not interested in Edna wor. He prefer Joie. Sam, any rival? :p
my both big toes r terrible.. bleeding..dried up nwill bleed again. sian... i walk oso pain nw..

Javier's the same too.. he used to ask to slp n will fuss n fuss non stop till hes able to slp.. but nw, even wen outside.. he don realli ask to slp much alrdy.. even if he doze off he will jus sleep for 1/2 hr..den he'll wake up.. den start playing or talking to himself.. if we pass by n look at him.. he'll grin at us n play w us.. den oni like during the last nite feed like maybe 11pm or so.. den he'll slp for long.. but in the middle of the nite.. sometimes he doesnt slp till the next feed.. n will keep talking n flipping.. thru the nite mayb till abt 5 b4 he slps thru n wakes up for next feed at abt 7 -8..

Amanda alrdy can flip in yaolan? Jav will try but each time i see it i'll stop him.. but i owaes worry if one day he does it wen i nvr look at him.. will he actually fall out frm it?.. cos my cuzzie's bb fell out of the yao lan.. loud knock on flr.. but din cry.. gave her mil a shock cos her mil was looking aft him at tt time..

Javier same as Lucius.. owaes left hand kena stuck underneath.. but these 2 days hes able to pull it out himself at times if not he'll flip back onto his back den he'll keep trying till hes too tired or succeed..ahaha
Gina, yes yes!!! I saw Joie bian zhui today. Super adorable. :p

Kaelen looked sama sama same size as Joie wor though he only weigh 5kg now (maybe bones light???). I have one photo showing Joie trying to hold Kaelen's hand & after she "let go", Kaelen CRIED!!! Haha. Just posted to FB in our thread. :p

Jes, bleed? so serious???? aiyoyo......
Wow, Kaelem is good boy today!! Woke mommy up to take him to church..

HBB, did Edna zzz well?
Muffingirl, I tried the Bumbo at friend's plc, fit just right, but after about 15mins, I start to see K's lower leg turning bluish. My boy ah, very fast turn blue de, even when grab his thigh to wipe him when he was younger (now cannot do that, too heavy for me), or when I take him in a sitting position facing out with one hand grabbing his thigh, his legs will turn blue.. But I must say the bumbo is indeed a great invention.
haha, Twinkle, really? Glad Joie helped keep him on his right for a while. Joie is a happy girl making lotsa friends, can see her curiosity before her class starts. Very funny hor, her upsidedown smile as her daddy calls it.

Gymboree L1, the activities are fun for her, can see her performing the exercises pretty well, but the songs, I seriously can't keep up, cos I know the melodies but the lyrics are another matter. The parachute, she don't quite enjoy, can see trace of fear with the parachute. If mummies are signing up, let me know, I'm interested to follow up.

Kim, I was kinda amazed at the usefulness of the bumbo, though reviews about its short lifespan with growing babies quite common, cos without it, I can't find something that allows her to sit up without harness and toppling, at a stage where she doesn't like to lie down all the time. Can keep a lookout for 2nd-hd ones, quite hot item, but at least once a week, there's one for sale due to the out-growing.

Try to find time to upload the class photos later. Celebrate my dad's 60th with his grand-daughter last night, grandkids are really the old folks' 2nd youth. Going out to watch the Barclays if it doesn't rain :p
Kim, i got mine fr Home on earth. Too lazy to go out and always order online fr home

Jes, at least your javier is a more determined boy. My boy will start screaming for help when he gets stuck...
no! she woke up at 3+ cryin...at midnite aso cry.duno is overstimulated or wat...haiz.... midnite one was so bad tt even dh cant calm her dn.i gotto take over n hug her...

twinkle...joie is a sweetie... no wonder kaelen gt attracted by her haha

sam i rem tat day joie in ur arms... she look cool whn nt smiling n cute whn smile hehe

jes u see doc le?
Could I change the romper for minrui to 9-12 months? Scare my fat girl won't be able to squeeze into the 6-9months romper
Nice meeting you both. After seeing so many babies from the forum, think minrui is still the reigning female "big size" baby. Funny... seeing that Jes, twinkle and me were all so worried about baby low birth weight and now mine is heavy weight... 6.34kg at 3months

Your Joie so cute and could see she was really interested in the class. My fat girl just keep turning over to look at Ethan... couldn't maintain eye contact with her when the instructor said so...

Did the doc manage to diagnose what's wrong with your foot?

I can help out with the photo stuff and learn from your dh as well. Haha, he has two apprentice liao

I think more milk plus + goat's rue = more milk plus special blend. Just that the % of the ingredients may differ a bit.

re: Milk Supply
Mine plunged after the first week of work. First day back at work manage to get 570ml in two pumping session... drop to 400ml by Friday... Luckily Minrui not big feeder like kaelem, milk supply still allows me to store 1-2 bags of excess milk a day.

So coincidental that both our sons are called Julian!
And my boy is almost the same size as yours, weighing 6.4kg and 61.5cm.

FOZ, glad u enjoyed urself. Im planning to celebrate my anniversary cum dh's bday there in dec. Is it very costly? How much roughly am i expecting?
updated version. pls check. any changes pls PM me. try not to flood the threads and i might miss your request here. any changes pls do so by today 2359.

Thanks for offering to help out...

So sorry, unable to add in additional ppl... My place unable to accommodate so many ppl, thus had to restrict the total pax...

I'm ok with the romper size. However, can change my girl name to Rui En? Coz her Ang-mo name too long le...

Re: end of year gathering
Mummies, pls be informed that I would be ordering catering, as such, we need to share cost for the food jus like for nov gathering... It'll be divided accordingly to the total number of adults going... Jus discussed with my hubby, we work out that there would be a problem accommodating so many ppl (the tentative list I received is 50 adults), thus we had to cut down on the no of adults coming... The maximum no of adults limited to 2 per mummy... I need those whom had indicated earlier to me that they would be bringing hubby plus helper to pull out 1 adult from the list... Those who wishes to pull out from the gathering, pls let me know asap...
Hi all how is your weekend so far? Just back from church and lunch. #2 fell asleep halfway through Sunday School while #1 is gonna perform again on 21 Nov and 19 Dec - lots rehearsals coming up - and I volunteered to help with the kids' makeup, hair, costumes, etc. on 19 Dec. I hope I don't get recalled back to work. Ugh!

<font color="ff0000">Muffingirl</font>, would like to check with you if it is okay for a 3 year old to use an electronic toothbrush (the kids version) or should I wait till she is older? If older, how much older?

<font color="ff0000">Devilene</font>, Morton's appetizers ranges from $24 for onion soup to $46 for shrimp cocktail. Steaks are between $79 (single cut filet mignon) to $115 (new york strip steak). What's fab is that there is no minimum spending to book a private room.

<font color="ff0000">Jes</font>, hope your toes are better today and not giving you so much grief...

<font color="ff0000">Winnie_mummy</font>, poor shanna! I hope she's not gonna get nightmares from this episode of bullying...I'm quite kiasu when it comes to knocks on the head. When my #1 fell and hit the back of her head in the bathtub, I took her to her pediatrician...

<font color="ff0000">HBB</font>, re breasts shrinking, it is not true in my case, when I bf #1, my boobs stayed constantly gigantic till I stopped nursing. Then within a couple of week, it went back to almost original.
forgot to add in one more matter on the end of year gathering...
As of today, only HBB and lamagier had volunteered to help out at the gathering... Mummies, I need more help as I dun have domestic helper (only me and hubby)... Need mummies to help me with the set up of place, do the coordinating and also the clear up... I'm a full time working mum and had no access to mail/hp during work, thus I would have problems coordinating with the payment, details, etc... If still no volunteers, I may need to restrict the no of pax further as I definitely could not cope with huge no of ppl coming here...
she flipped face down liao. last night did it again. n was so frustrated wif her. at 3am, she couldn't sleep n keep fidgeting n turn in the yaolan. flipped twice. i'm more scared she'll suffocate than fall off cos mine got zipped. my #1 fell off the yaolan before. it's becos we didnt zip n he was kicking himself until his legs hang out. so since then, we use a safety pin on top of the zip to prevent falls.
Metro 20% off Storewide:
Mummies, Metro is having their 20% off storewide from 6 to 8 November 2009... their 20% disc applicable to all regular-priced items (meaning blue and yellow price tags)... Credit vouchers with value equivalent to 20% disc will be issued in place of an outright discount for purchase of manufacturer-controlled brands (such as Shiseido, Lancome, Estee L, SK II, those cosmetics brands)...
Extended shopping hours during sale: Fri &amp; Sat (10am to 11pm), Sun (10am to 10pm)...
Metro cardmembers' preview on 5 Nov, 6pm to 10pm..
Free log cake from Marriott Hotel (worth $36) with min spend of $280 nett in single receipt for cardmembers... (all copy from their catalog sent to me)

Time to stock up my skincare products and use the credit vouchers for lil Gen's toys &amp; clothes le...

FOZ, Elsa, Bell:
U have mails...
Joanne, I thought that 20% storewide from 6-8Nov is only for blue tag manz!
I know the cosmetics are under controlled item. I'm using sisley, they have 20% rebate voucher.
for their 20% storewide, even the yellow price tag got 20% disc... cosmetics r manufacturer-controlled items... normally even birthday month also no disc de... thats y i always aim for their storewide sale to stock up on mine &amp; hubby's shiseido skincare products... there is no direct 20% off from these manufacturer-controlled items thou... but they will issue u a credit voucher of that 20% value instead...

The below example is my shopping style during their storewide sale:

1) Buy 1 shiseido item first (eg. $100)
2) Cashier will issue u a credit voucher of 20% value ($20)
3) I use that $20 credit voucher to buy another item (eg. leapfrog toy) and jus pay the diff...

If buying manufacturer-controlled items only,
usually i will pay the most expensive item first, use that credit voucher to offset the next least expensive manufacturer-controlled items and just keep the next credit vouchers for future use...

Oops... yah hor... Fri is the start of metro sale... OMG!!!
I'm ok to go metro on thur nite after work... will be off work at 5.30pm... we can eat dinner together also...
fri then we shop for gathering stuff....
