(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Mummies who are going for the gathering at FOZ's house on 7 Nov 2009, please note that the theme is Pink, Blue & White...

Please dress your lil ones in pink, blue or white apparel...

kitty, my boy is 3mths and 4days as at yesterday. So glad my boy did not develop fever after taking the vaccination.

bell, can change my order for the romper to 6-9mths instead?

Joanne, it's ok. I shall join u muummies during the next gathering then.
Anyone knows where to get nice pretty Xmas costumes between 6-12mths?

M size too small? its seems just nice for u leh when u came over and see last week....
Many thanks for info! I'm planning for shopping this week & this is just ON TIME! Hahaha.. Wanna top up my Shiseido makeup & buy Bobbi brown's brush for my sis.. Looking for bumbo seat w/ tray for Stacia but dunno if Metro got sell or not? The storewide for non-members oso can right? Cos' me not a member larr..
Storewide sale for non-member on 6-8 Nov... Jus that cardmember sale starts from 5 Nov... I dun recall seeing Bumbo on my prev trip to paragon...
Got 1 store at Loyang (Cheri Kids) selling Bumbo at $69.90 with tray...
Hi Sam/Twinkle/Lamagier,

Nice meeting all of you yesterday. Ethan is so naughty. He can't live without his pacifier and got so cranky that i can't concentrate. Can't catch up with the instructor.

I think Ethan is about same size as kaelen. He is now at 5.5kg.

Lamagier, Ethan also keep turning and looking at min rui and never concentrate. haha.
U getting bumbo seat with tray for Stacia?
Me too!!!Saw the one at Mothercare today and hesitate to get as it's quite ex and not much colours left too.

Loyang (Cheri kids),is it located at Pasir Ris?

Had read a website and stated the below sentence,

Getting enough fluids - Milk production requires liquids, so nursing mothers have to be sure that they are drinking plenty of water, milk and juices to satisfy their bodies' needs for additional fluid. If insufficient fluid is taken in, the mother may have problems producing breast milk.

So meaning,we must drink more water in order to gain more milk,does this mean we dont have to take any supplement,just drink more water,as water=breastmilk???
I'm kind of puzzled with this sentence thou.
Okie okie.. thanks!

yea loh.. she likes to be in sitting position now.. my arms can't stand liao.. tot of getting it last mth but heard not so good for spine if too early.. btw, how much is mothercare selling?

piangz! i dinno taka got sale.. how come they nvr send leaflet this time?
i wan i wan! which mothercare?

can tompang your voucher or not? :D
LS, can...no prob.
but bobbi brown is not available in metro hor...otherwise with the 20% disc I've already stand by to spring clean their stock. hee.

Gina, the leap is blue tag.
may be tmr buy some more baby shoes?
now I remember I haven't order that varina for naomi. after seeing all those shoes, now crocs seems like very ugly.
bell, are you buying the sleeveless one or the one with sleeve? the one with sleeve not cute le...then if the neck tends to get slouchy as I mentioned earlier.
din see any PM leh.. can resend?

terimakasih haha.. i've told gina to let me know tomolo.. if u gals happened to see learn-along lily, can check out the price for me too? thx! envy SAHM can go shop shop anytime..
Gina, hahaha, I feel like a need to wear a SQ uniform and stand by the door and say, "welcome aboard!" hahaha...

RE: Bumbo
I bumped into Jasmine (Elijah_mummy) at church, she recommend me to buy the similar one First Few Years in Paragon, so tmrw I go check it out.

RE: BF & Alcohol
<font color="ff0000">ANYONE READ OCT ISSUE OF READERS DIGEST? THERE IS AN ARTICLE ON BREAST FEEDING MYTHS</font> it talks about drinking alcoholic bev when we are breast feeding, also mentioned about those food we were told to avoid... Show you girls the article on Sat.
<font color="119911">HBB</font>, we can drink cos according to the article, our body actually had to process the alcohol before the body makes milk!!! I just got back fr dinner and whacked almost a bottle of Barolo. Tue has Japanese Shabu Shabu at Md Sultan.. kekeke, SAKE here I come.. Aiyo, feel so bad. but heeeheeeheee...
Thx for the contact.. i oredi send tis maid back n i will need to have the parttime at least twice a week if not my house will b like pigsty!! I will try source for others again.. I give up for now tryin full time maid..

How long did u had to tolerate the engorgement after u taken the pills to stop bf? Did u get any hard lumps that are very painful? I very scared of pain leh.. actually i find tis breastfeeding pain is worse than labour pain lor.. coz labour got epidural tis got nothin to stop the pain!! hhahahahaha
ok, here's the last updated version.

just a small request from mummies taking size 6-9m, is there anyone of u willing to change the size to 9-12m? as this will nicely be in multiplies of 7 for both sizes. pls post here or PM me asap. thnx
Yan, Okie, u can call my Chinese PRC part timer to ask her to help, and she probably have other PRC friends who can help you for the time being till u get your perm helper. Xiao3 Fang1 90421915.

RE: Bumbo
Ya, Gina, I wont be buying the Bumbo cos it's cutting off K's blood circulation after 15mins.. but I just wanna see the one from First Few Years cos I was told it's bigger and the table comes with a toy.. Well, I am keeping options open about this item cos I will get the Jumperoo from my gf on Sat evening and I think that's quite a lot for K for the next 3 months.
re Bumbo
think my bumbo seat is most well spent. #1 used it for a couple of mths. kept it in the store cos he knows how to get himself out of it on his own. i took it out for A. He can still fit in!!! now the 2 of them will fight for the seat. I presume A will also use it for a long time cos both of them doesn't grow meaty.
Yan, My slot with my Chinese cleaner is Mon noon, She wont be coming this month, but I told her I still need that slot next month.. I told her about you liao! Okie, ciao!
baguana, Ethan 5.5kg? He looks skinny. I thought he even lighter than my boy.

Kim, can i use ur PT maid contact as well? i need one but maybe only require her to come like once a month type.
gina, my hb's nephew 5yrs old liao still wearing diaper. still need parent to feed him during meal time. i still can rem he gave me a BIG PUNCH into my stomach when i was like 7weeks pregnant.
Yeah lor... very poor thing... not sure if it's coz of the knock, she was a super cry baby ytd! cry till got tears flow out de lo... she seldom liddat de... =(

Can let me noe if u need help too! =)
And ya lor, the M abit short lehs... =(
ever since Amanda found her new flipping skill, she hasn't been able to sleep through the night
how to put her back to her old self again. woke up so many times at night.

and i'm really a bad mummy. this morning while latching her, fell asleep. when i woke up, i dropped her down the bed. luckily she landed on her butts n my hands were still holding on to her armpits. didn't cry very badly. haiz... feeling really lousy.
Lucky Ju En
My bb only has 4 pairs now, of which 2 already very tight. She's #2 so 我不舍得买already, no one to take over liao. I think fm 12M on she'll take over #1 old shoes ;p
Yah, Bbethan, don't get too upset over it. I also once fell asleep with minrui on my tummy. Then forgot she was there and atempted to sit up when I woke. nearly flung her onto the bed. Luckily she's heavy enough not to get thrown off

Wow, ju en is one lucky baby =) Haha, will be like TomKat's Suri? Saw in tabloid that Suri Cruise's wardrobe is worth an estimated US$3 million...
Hi mummies,

I have a tin of newly opened Similac 1 for sale. Opened for 1 week cos bb not suitable. Selling at $30. Self collect at CCK crescent. PM me if u are interested.
hey mummies, have been a silent reader for the past few weeks...so tired at work...and return home for more WORK...hahaha..

btw noticed my son's neck is not so steady yet...born on 16 july...how abt mommies here? how long did it take for your baby before he/she is quite stable?

btw wat is the FB account for july mummies? cant seem to search leh..
thanks for yr concerns...=) its still quite bad.. still swollen n red.. hmm, pus n blood still haf..(sorrie..i noe sounds disgusting)..haha.. anw, i went to doc n doc say mite b in grown nails(hbb, u r rite!)... buttt.. he says it mite nt be oso.. cos he took a closer look at my nails n said tat they seemed ok.. anw, im put on antibiotics cos of infection alrdy.. doc says if it conts to spread i haf to go back.. or if it doesnt go dwn..i haf to go back n they haf to insert a tube to let the pus out *Yucks*.. haha.. soooo.. i haf to stop bfeeding for 2 weeks.. i jus xpress n pour away *hrtpain*... hee.. anw, thanks for asking!..=D

haha..ya determined..but at times hes v irritating..haha.. cos if he realli cant manage to flip back he'll start crying.. tink like BBethan's Amanda.. even in the middle of the nite like 2-3am.. wah.. at tat time i realli wanna smack him!..

u can count me n my hubby in to help!..setting up of places or anything!i pmed u my hp no alrdy..=D anw, wanna check, metro got sell leapfrog toys?...

mayb u r too tired out frm her staying awake at nite?.. u r not lousy!...*hugs*

Javier nowadays jus flip n flip n flip.. n these 2 days he got new skill.. starting the booo booo booo n all saliva will splatter out w bubbles..*ewww* n aft tat.. he will gif u a BIG WIDE smile.. if i tell him "no u cannot do tat".. he'll stop but try again the next minute n gimme a cheeky smile again.. -___-
oh dear, sounds bad. Hope your infection clear soon. Although very heart pain to pour away 2 weeks worth of BM, but luckily you still have sufficient EBM to last javier for 2 weeks.

Nice to hear from you again. My girl born 21st. Noticed her neck was pretty stable since 2 weeks ago. Now can carry her upright without supporting her neck, but she'll still have moments when her head will flop about a bit. But then, she had tummy time since about a month old and always prefered to be carried upright instead of lying across arms. So I guess that may have somewhat helped a little
Jes, your toes are quite serious. Hope the swell and bleeding can clear soon.

Blessed, try finding Jul 09 Mums n Babes. I dunno how to add u fr there.
My girl born on 6th july and neck was stable one wk b4. Now i can carry her upright with me do some house chores..but hubby prefer to carry her holding in the arms...like a new born probably that was case her neck was stable only now....
ingrown toenail v pain one.. i know...
i got one other problem last time not ingrown..sth else but the flesh affect ns well.. end up gotto use that cold gas or watever to numb n cut of that area flesh.. zzzzzz
soem kind of bacteria infection
the toes situation sound bad, 早日康复...
yes, Metro Paragon carries leapfrog toys.
your boy really knows how to get his way with you.
jes - stupid ques, but is the ingrown toe nail related to pregnancy ? cos my big toe also had this ingrown thing problem, at first i thot was the shoe, but think it wasnt. pain has gone away, but i thot its a coincidence that u have it too.
