(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I can imagine the pain, and I was on a red-eye flight back on SQ from Perth, saw a grandpa helping to walk the baby while the other passengers sleep, not a good feeling if you think some might throw daggers at you on an long flight.

looks like you guys have fun at gymboree, there's wind-down massage time too when I last walked past the class. Hope this weekend will be as fun too. yupyup, need to coordinate the nap & feeding time, kinda difficult when the feeding time needs to be early when there's a lot of turning and tossing, some more after feeding, she'll always wanna nap.
FOZ sorry I haven't emailed you my details. We are still away n will be back tom. Have limited access while at my ILs place.

I survived the 6 hour car ride with #1 and max. Hope the trip back will be just as smooth.

Regarding kindermusik trial, try to get a class with teacher yim ching, she is very patient n gd with kids. She has been my #1's teacher for the past year.
Littlenote, Mashy, Kittyng, Ya, so many of the experiences are so similar to yours.. Mashy, that's why I always tell my own mom not to brag so much about K cos we all can understand that it took her so many years to be able to have a first grandkid but other may not, especially some of my relatives already has so many grandkids and some of whom already had kids themselves.. Sometimes my mom also like to comment about how naughty my aunty's grandchildren are, and she'll even tell my aunty how to discipline them. BEfore, I will always tell her not to cos she doesnt have hers yet and doesnt know how hers will turn out.. and who are we to discipline other's grandkid? They arre apple in every grandparent's eyes..
Re: Gymboree
it was nice to meet the mommies and babies! lessons wise, felt the teacher was not very good. not very engaging and half the time I was not sure if I was doing what she wanted us to do with regard to the actions etc. anyway, just improvised, follow-along and i think baby Matthew still had a great time. he was squealing and laughing
mommies who went for the Sun lessons - did the teacher sing "Mr Sun, Sun, Mr golden Sun" and "Where is thumbkin" songs? Learnt these songs from watching tons of Barney episodes with my gals. i do feel that the gym lessons would be more beneficial when baby is more mobile and then he can enjoy the various equipment in the gym. btw, has anyone tried Gymboree at the Marine Parade Central? any feedback?

Re: Kindermusik
would love to try it out too. been through the "our time" program for children >1.5yrs, my gals enjoyed it. teacher Doreen is quite good, think she is still there.
Had a good lunch? Mine was yummy, since I gave in to kwey chap, ignoring calories and cholesterol, to pamper myself after a fall on saturday
My #1 told me "ma ma, ni yao xiao xin mah!" (mom, you gotta be careful!)

<font color="0077aa">Minty_mom</font>, I went to the Gymboree at Marine Parade Central but that's for Level 2, it was pretty okay too, better than HF anyway. Also less crowded. For sunday lesson, the part that I was still inside, the teacher did not sing "Mr Golden Sun" but she did sing "Where is Thumbkin?". Is Matthew #3 for you? Wow! And btw, you are just a stone throwaway from me. We prob meet up multi-times in Siglap Center!

Thanks for volunteering, <font color="0077aa">etirto</font>, I think I should renamed it CTWC (cow team working comm) since our little ones are borned in year of the moo-moo.

<font color="0077aa">Jillian</font>, do you go to the kindermusik in Tanglin Mall? How was your holidays? Don't worry about the details, I will wait for you, erm, till 31 October 2009.

<font color="0077aa">Kim</font>, words of wisdom indeed! Words coming back to bite us in the arse!
HI mummies

haven't had time to log in for soooo long. saw the photos of the gathering and the trial sessions and seems that all of u are hving lots of fun. BTW, told HBB tt I'm keen to go for kindermusik trial and tt will give me an oppty to meet all of u at long last...

is anyone organising it?? If not, I don't mind coordinating cause I just called them to check on the timing of the classes.
if u need more help can include me too.. =)

don get upset over yr mil.. old ppl r lidat.. owaes wanna talk but nvr wanna listen..haha.. same as my mum n mil.. tell them the things alrdy they mus repeat again n again.. tats y my hb dislikes talking to them...haha.. be happy kays! =D

Kindermusik Trial..
i wanna go!!.. i've been thinking of kindermusik for quite some time.. i wanna join!! =D
HBB, hehehe, i think it's another mommy organising kindermusik...not me leh, but would love to join too.

Kim, gina is right, if u plan to buy a new carseat from states, then dun bring from here, later come back carry many things leh unless you want to leave the old one behind. i feel that states got more choices, hehehehe.

mashy, i'm using medela freestyle and i'm still loving it....i like the freedom dun need pump near a plug, just charge like our handphone and free to pump anywhere.
can i ask the mommies here, how much your bb drink now? how many feeds per day and average how much? do u guys still keep a record?
tks, will check out the gymboree at marine parade for future lessons then. yep, Matthew's my #3. I have fulfilled the "1 for daddy, 1 for mommy and 1 for the country"...literally for the country cos must serve NS! now i'm thinking which direction of the stone i should throw to reach your place
see you around in the neighborhood! for the gathering, let me know you need extra chairs/small tables/etc etc..since i am nearby.

Gymboree is at the building opp PP (I think). I've actually never been there before. This is the address from the website:
Marine Parade Central #02-02/03
Parkway Center
(011) 65-6440-6306
my girl is drinking 130ml each feed. 1 day about 4 bottles + 1 latch in am. sometimes another bottle if last feed is before 10pm.

not sure if this is too little cos her weight gain is tortise slow!!! but she seems to be unable to take in more else will puke out.

Minty mom
the building where MacDonald's is?
I feel the 2-phase pump feature does work better than the regular pump (I had a mini-electric plus prior) at stimulating letdown, and sometimes if the baby wakes or something needs your attention when you are pumping, it's quiet handy to move around cos it hangs on a leash. Although the soft-shields aren't very good at maintaining suction I feel, though less painful. Try getting an imported set its much cheaper and with the amount of time we spent with our pumps, we've gotten the money's worth back.
Gymboree class 25Oct
Finally met up w the July's mommies, HBB, MuffinGirl, FOZ &amp; Joanne. Nice meeting you all. It's a "warm up" for 7th Nov meet up! Heehee..

I also have the love her hate her feeling.. On the whole she is Okay, She helps alot w the household chores n cooks for us everyday!
But when kids r concern, I don't quite like the ways she handle things, always say this can't that can't.. Very "pan tan" towards things. there was once #1 down with rashes,instead of asking me to take my girl to see doc, she prepared an egg &amp; ask me to use the egg to rub on my girl body.. What the logic behind? After tt incident, I nv consult her things w regard to kids.. &amp; 1 thing tt irriated me so much is she said we r not suppose to cut the kids fingernails when they r asleep. I tot that is the best time to cut.
mashy, kim -
ya lor... so irritaing.
also want to impose her views. really really hv to control myself. Also hv to respect her lah coz she is aft all my mil
not only tt, she always likes to know where we went over the weekend, wat we did, etc.. likes to ask this, ask that... haiz. married so many yrs alr, still like dat. i think she knows i dun like it coz this morning she was asking my bb "where did u go over the weekend, wat did u do...." of course no answer lah (i also didn't answer-ha ha ha) and she asked twice...then gave up when i didn't answer... he he he... feel so evil...

yes yes, my mil also like dat. she and her sisters will talk and compare their grandchildren. jst the other day, she was mentioning about "you know, who and who - wah, she got those papers fm other schs for her child to do you know... dunno where she got fm" alamak, i told her that this is the SOP for all sch going kids now and i alr bought the papers at the beginning of the yr.... shake head. sometimes, jst ignore lah....

*waves* - was trying to remember who was the other mummy with 3 kids

Kodomo baby wash for clothes
mummies using kodomo laundry detergent for bb clothes.... do you put the laundry detergent in the dishwashing liquid?
So tempted...with 3 kids, look at my maid washing the clothes by hand also quite poorthing...

mashy - i am currently using the PIS. It's good - much better than the mini electric (like wat sam said). Heard tt the freestyle is good coz it's so much more mobile.... so tempted to buy a freestyle ... but wasting $$ right, since i hv the PIS...dunno how long i can continue bf also coz going back to work soon.... xian....

wah, wat a nice gathering of mummies and babies..."registration" closed alr so can't meet you mummies then. (no lah, also coz going back to work the following mon, so hv loose ends to tie up ) ... maybe next gathering
If mummies dun mind coming to my plc - but i stay in the East too
Hv fun!
ha ha ha ha ha- sorry, just re-read my post on the kodomo wash - i meant "do you put the laundry detergent in the washing machine " - must be thinking too much of going back to work and missing bb...
Gina: sorry didn't see the earlier posts, was telling HBB on FB last night that I want to go for Kindermusik trial so if all of u are keen, we can form a group, if not, its okay.

Anyway, the person-in-charge said that min. age is 4mths preferably. Gabriel is only 3mths old so most likely will look in the mth of Dec.

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
What's the point of having a washing machine if we have to handwash clothes???

minty_mom, you look too young to be a mother of 3!

Bbethan and Etirto, I received your emails and have updated my excel spreadsheet, thanks!
I will join you on weekdays if in dec since i should be clearing my leave, tks for organising!

Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
thanks bbethan, hmmm seems like when baby 3-4 months cut on the number of feeds to about average 5 feeds, i'm just worried if mine not drinking enough now, sigh.
Same... since weekday, I can join in.

Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
Littlenote, think your brain is faster than hand that;s why washer become washing liquid, nod nod, understand.

RE: Pump
I use freestyle, used to use miniE+ also, I dislike the miniE+'s noise although friends said theirs not noisy. The only thing abt my freestlye is the soft sheild, I think I need to replaced new ones cos look flaky. Freestyle is much better.

RE: BB milk intake
Not until last Friday that K started to take 2-3oz FM or 4-5oz EBM. But he is still feeding about 8 times a day. Previously was 5oz 8times a day. I hope I am correct: 4am, 6:30am, 8:30/9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5:30/6pm, 8pm. Oh! sorry it's 7times a day.
<font color="119911">RE: CUSTOMIZED BABY ROMPER</font>
I remember some mothers was asking about Kaelem's "Handsome like Grandpa" romper. I managed to get their contact again.
I also sent a sms to the staff to ask about price of romper for bulk order. She said can discuss but their margin is already very low. I paid $44 for the romper and the bib the standard in their catalogue is only $33-$38 I remember.

I am thinking especially of mothers going to the gathering are keen, we could order asap and hve them deliver so bb can have the "uniform" outfit.

I have also asked if they do tshirts for adult and they can do.

I remember when I was in school, during the carnival, there will be students who do this, I wonder if we are able to get in touch with suppliers for such customized outfits for us and our little ones.. Teachers here, any lobang?
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
u r fast

eh... can print on the front meh? i thought all the wordings or pics on the back?

let's look ard for other lobangs too.
bbethan, cannot print names on the front? then no point.
I'm more into polo then romper.
gina, can they make it before 7Nov?
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
true lah since our bb now ly on their back most of the time. that's why i say we look ard to see if got any other lobangs before deciding.

i remembered seeing Joanne has done her family polo t with BabyWorks. very nice but a bit ex. can also check out the bp. think it's still going on.

Can try Queenstown shopping Ctr. During school days we did our class tees there.

Probably they have Rompers too.

RE: Back to work
Today 1st day back to work.. miss my babies..
#1 called me after class sounded whimpy.. must be sad that mummy is not at home to play with her today.

6pm come quick.. i want to go home..
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
9. Sam (Joie)

I think towards Dec will be probably a great time, when the bbies get more eye-hand coordination. Joie's been trying to hold her bottle for some time now this week (my mum props her bottle up for her to hold while I was gone, but I not so confident to do it myself). hehe, we'll be hearing loads of music then :D
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm (I hope you meant 11:30am!)

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
9. Sam (Joie)
10. Lavendbear (Ee Kin)
oh yah @ my office here have a shop that customerized tees..

i'll check with them later see what's the price like and if they have Baby size tees..

What you gers like to emb on the baby tee?

Baby's name on sleeve (either left or right)
"I'm a July 2009 Baby" (print on the front)

Boys will have Blue Tee and Gers Pink..
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
9. Jeslyn (Javier)

jus to check the tues/wed/thurs class is 11am rite?.. cos i saw its posted 11pm??
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm (I hope you meant 11:30am!)

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
9. Sam (Joie)
10. Lavendbear (Ee Kin)
11. Jeslyn (Javier)

oops..im 11
i customised 2 tees for my kids - i love my sister, i love my lil brother 3 months back @ 1 of the bulk purchase thread.. the supplier is fm indo.. but can't find the tread now . i went yahoo search n saw their website
can someone who knows malay pls help..

the pricing is quite reasonable.. i think i paid $31 for 2 tees, sizes start fm 6mth onwards..
Kindermusik Trial

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Maybe we'll just compile the no. of mummies tt are keen and decide the day and date later.

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. foz (austen)
3. bbethan (Amanda)
4. gina (Ju en)
5. kim (Kaelem)
6. coolkero (tomi)
7.Sherryl (Adelle)
8. Annie (Brian)
9. Jeslyn (Javier)
10. Sunsweet (Xin Rui) -Depends on which day cos I'm back to office...
ehh tot got sam n laverdar bear in btween???
hee thanx for magic.. i tot of posting my name and see who back out then i join in LOL
actualy i bought plain ropmers
intended to customise edna's rompers myself but no time arghhhh now if gt any liek u girls say polo t that b better! wun outgrow so fast LOL
