(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Can I check with you all, I remember some of you mentioning that your babies have rashes sometime back. My girl is having rashes on her face and on her upper body now...wanted to check if any of you applied anything or just leave it? When I ask my PD, he just say leave it, keep her cool cos could be due to heat rash or cos of what I eat but I feel so sorry for my girl seeing so much rashes so wondering what can I do?

wat to do.. at least eventualy thr was nothg wrong w him the palate count increase by itself... at least he dun rem the pain..

u mean afternoon she also will fuss?? hmm...

most of the time is jus food allergy
monitor watu eat.. and see if it helps =)

my pd say can apply moisturiser like physiogel (can buy fr guardian)i use aderma cream for my girls face when thr is rashes.. no rashes then no apply.. its jus a normal moisturising cream.. usualy dun apply also can jus tat it will come bk againaft its cleared.
hi mummies, might not be able to go tomorrow, cos I got a massage session and my masseur can only come in the afternoon. Don't want to rush home with the baby. Shall join ya ladies and babies for the next one... hehe maybe take up FOZ's suggestion of her place cos I'm very close to Siglap area.
My gal also had some rashes on her face when she was ard 1 mo. It was eczema, my #1 had it too. I use calendula cream on her face, and cut back on dairy, it has more or less cleared out. Do note that if it's eczema (diff fm heat rash), DO NOT use powder cos it'll dry up the skin and worsen the rash.
yah..i owaes pray wen in times liddat.. even en my milk ducts get blocked i oso will pray.. n thank god.. it owaes works!..=) but still, u noe he still will cry at times..

my boy beginning oso like tat..owaes cry... den both doc n sinseh says its alot of wind..thats y bb don slp well..n dono hw to xpress himself so cry.. hmm, tell yr husband gif it a try lor.. cos both me n HBB have tried n it does help..thats y we kept going back..=) my husband beginning oso don believe in it.. den i told him "gif it a try la.. its for the sake of bb, unless u wan him to cry his lungs out everyday n yet u cant do anything..anw, it wldnt harm him wad" so wen we went dwn n it proved tat it worked, he den believed..sometimes guys r jus so stubborn wen it comes to things like tat.. so let them see it demselves!..hahaha
anw, my boy last wk was crying in SAKAE too wen we went to eat..i oso had to bring him out n roc him to slp, went back n he woke up again,n had to go out 1 more time.. in the end my food was left there for super long n wen i went back i cldnt eat anymore..

come along la.. my boy oso will make noise owaes.. try coming lor..=)

talking abt the gathering, i'll see hw's Javier first.. cos, his left eye still a lil swollen..dono wad happen?..n jus nw, hubbie was carrying him upright w face on shoulder, den while he was abt the sit dwn, he 4gt to hold Javier's head.. n he jus fell backwards, aft tat he started crying v badly again..n this time round, the cries seem v painful..now still observing,so far nt crying alrdy..but dono jus nw his cries r due to pain or shock..*sigh... so if PD clears him tmr den i'll b there..if nt, den i'll see u girls next time..=)
RE: VIVO meet
I am most likely not going cos had lunch & dinner gathering just now, MIL kept bringing Kaelem up from his crib or rocker once he had his eyes opened arrrrgh... He was so sleep deprived he became so cranky in the evening when godma changed his diapers (wonder why so many times she carried him but dun bother to check his diapers, until he has his pooh leaked onto godma clothes.. and the nappy rash.. so sim-tia..

I really had no chance to hold him esp during lunch, and thot "oh dear, I hope my boy wont reject me".. but when I finally hold him at 8pm, he was so pleased he kept looking and smiling at me, cant describe the feeling of the "reunion".. mommy's boy, hmmm...

QN: does salmon skin help us prod more milk?
I skipped full dinner last night cos upset, but took all the salmon skin, that was arnd 8+pm. Then I express before zzz arnd 10, by 3am, my right breast (the one usually prod less) was so rock hard, it gave me 100ml!!! (usually only 50ml).. **wonder**
ya the oldies dun understand that whent he bb dun get to sleep they get cranky
mum came again jus now at 7ish.. which is edna bed time! and thr she goes.. im here to play w edna.. i was like ' sorry its her bedtime'
dh is not apolegetic bout it either.. he bring her to the cot imemdiately.. mum din even get to hold her for a sec!

was told cod n salmon will help give more milk.. cos of the oil in them.. nto sure if its true but that tiem i ate salmon sashimi i did hav a bit more milk =)
Etirto & pprincess, my stroller oso needs 2 hands to open. Anyone of u bringing your maid along tmr? I'm still considering. Hope the weather is gd tmr
if not, hard to go out.

Jes, can use takar vouchers cox i use it during the fair.

Winnie's mum, feel so sorry for your girl. Hope the outbreak will cease soon.
re: depreving babies of sleep

todae i brought my boy out to my fren's bb full month celebration and can see that he's veri tired bcos he miss his nap. so after i reach home i happily feed him and decide it's time for him to get a gd rest and my dad call me to pull me out! sae to bring bb along to send my grandma to my uncles' place! so ended up my boy didnt get to sleep until 8pm!

my maid no longer wif me. alreadi send her back to agency and nw waitin for new maid. but if i do haf a maid nw, i would definitely bring her along wif me. help me look after bb in case bb cranky or i need to get awae for awhile, like toilet :)
re: gathering
not sure whether tml i will still b going thou bcos same as kim, my bb is like so sleep depreive. jus nw i bottle feed him and he's drinkin and puking at the same time. and thereafter puke out everiting! but didnt cry for milk and sleep back. hopefully he's back to schedule tml else mayb cannt turn up for the gathering also.

i PM u my contact no. u text me ok :D else i duno who to contact.
pprinccess i text u shortly

nno need to book.jus walk in
normal pool iu dcide tt 6mth or later den let bb go..too cold aso

e tuina weekdays aftnoon lesser ppl
pprincess, i think i may bring my maid along. Cox may need to go to ocbc to open my bb's cda acct. Not yet done so after sooo long....haiz.

Seems like many mummies cannot cfm going for the gathering, is it still onz hbb?
Hi mummies,
Calling for help!
Do you have any good confinement nanny to recommend? My nanny has been with me for 2 months and shes going back this saturday. However, i would like to continue having someone to take care of my baby for another 1-2 months (Sept-Oct). I'm looking for someone who is good with managing high maintenance babies (feed every 2 hours and needs to be coaxed to sleep, and recently, having problem poo-pooing). Nanny should be hygienic and with a friendly/smilely disposition.
Since everyone here would have just completed their confinement recently, i would very much appreciate if you can recommend any good nannies to me. Pls PM me.
Thanks heaps in advance. :)
thanks jes n baguana, my CL say she so far havent encounter bb crying non stop at nite for a few hours, and i thought colic is common. cos she say if got wind in tummy bb cant drink milk.
Thanks HBB & Noelle for your advise. I also started putting the calendula cream last night and so am monitoring to see if it gets better. If not will go but the physiogel
yes its confirm =) Gathering on 31st Aug Monday
time: 1.30pm
venue: vivo city (marche)

1. HBB
2. Etirto
3. bbethan
4. jeslyn
5. bell
6. Sam
7. Jamie
8. pprincessbaobei
9. kittyng

i wun b checking bk to this thread sinc ei gg out soon
mummies who r joinign or not gg.. text mi k
Hi gals

how to bring out EBM? CHilled & Room temp types. Do i need to reheat first or can i just bring them out chilled in an insulated bag, then heat up whenever need to drink?
Gina, think if it's pte pool, bb has no allergy to chlorine and u hv all safety measures in place, we can bring them. But I read somewhere it's better when they gained better control of their neck muscles, should be abt 4mths. I am thinking to go next wk, when Kaelem is (only) turning 8 wks.

Mashy, if u use medela, take EBM out with the coler bag n cooling brick, it lasts for 12 hrs but also depend on the weather..

It's raining... hard.. hope all mom enjoy the lunch meet.

I brought chilled EBM once in an insulated bag then warm up before feed..but will bring out only when going to another person's house..if outside shopping not convenience to warm up lei..
just wondering... do your bbs sleep alot? Mine always wants to sleep after drinking milk... try to play with him for 1 minute... he will cry & cry... so no choice put in him yaolan... and pat him for awhile and he falls asleep...
gina, one of my gf from this forum organize free trial with hwaxia (they can form a group of 4-6). May be if you call them, can ask whether we can go for the free trial?
I brought my #1 for swimming in the pool when he was 6 mths old. He loved it so much and till now he's a water boy...
As I said earlier, we can gather in 1 mum-s place who has swimming pool when the bb around 6 mths old...just a suggestion...I will be moving to a new place in Dec, can use my place for gathering.
have u bot the similac (infant formula) recently?
they have his improved version which i find it abit weird... but the milk seems to b nt so thick...
Halo Mummy

Is your baby starting on cereals?

I am doing a BP on Korea's Eco-Friendly Detergents / Cleanser (incuding Fruit and Vege Wash which can use to wash baby bottles) and ZEN Cereals/Porridge.

BP ends tomorrow, 1 Sep 09. FREE DELIVERY to some location.

See link here:

I am giving my 6mth old baby cereals once a day already and starting the ZEN Powder, 30 Grains for now.

You can see more details from here:


PM me if you need more information.
Hi Mummies,

I have been so busy since my CL left last wednesday..I didn't even have time to turn on computer. Also would not have been able to make it for the gathering - not confident enough to bring my baby out myself yet.
Hope the mummies at the gathering have fun!

Hope that there will be another gathering in the near future
im back! hee finaly got home fr vivo...
ahh the mummies left ard 4 plus I continue shopping and had dinner thr hahaa...

marche wasnt a gd idea to go ... since its a self service place and all our babies r sooooo small cannot b left alone while we buy food.. gotto take turns! nxt time must go to places whr waitress will serve us hahahaa

its a hsort but nice meet up... hope to meet up again soon yea
liek wat etirto said.. at some one hse will b gd.. wait for FOZ to be free one of these days and we shall arrange a meet up at her place or whoever's who can opent he hse for us.. my hse a bit small to accomodate too many ppl =(
I didn't buy the latest tin of similac... so don't know what's the difference yet

U brought along your bb to the gathering?
eh she is lar but i cant realy b bother haaa she din sleep since we reach vivo.. end up she KO on the way home.. wake up to drink her milk and went bk to bed LOL
dh say 1st tiem nvr cry already sleep hahaaaa
at vivo i gotto keep pushing her ard.. so she will not cry too much
HBB, how's shopping? U really hv lots of energy.. I think in future can come my plc, not big but can take about 20 ppl (I m counting my couch, high stools & dinning chairs), with bb shd b ok too.. exp some find my plc not convenient unless by car/taxi (well..). We can do a pot-luck style hi-tea, so we can chat and eat for a long time.
haaa endup buying myself some nursing top (to encourage myself to carry in bf haha)
dh wan to meet us thr for dinner tat y i carry on
but imr ealy v tired now.. for 2 weeks.. all my weekend burnt.. last nite i onli came home ard 12.. tsk..tomolo gg to b rest day!
yeah i dun mind pot luck style meet up =)
HBB, ok lets set it this way, we decide the time later. for me the best day is Tue.

BTW, I rmbr a mom here gave bb a kind of pain killer (topical if I am not wrong) before injection, but I can t find the name.. anyone rmbr the name? My boy go 6in1 today at 2pm, do sms me (96774244) if anyone can recall the name k? Abit last min, i thot to use on him b4 we go clinic.. Thanks!
Kim: Its me who used it on Max. Its called Elma and its a numbing cream that you apply about an hour before. You can get it from the pharmacy but you need the pharmacist to be around. HTH
hbb, after the meet up yesterday I also still walk around, went to daiso, then eat ben & jerry somemore, end up actually I was a bit lost, tried to find way to the 2nd floor taxi stand...my breast was almost burst liao! My last pump was at 11am when I left the house. luckily still manage to avoid taxi peak hour.

Kim, looking forward to meet up at your place. For me, any weekday will do, it's just that school holiday started, I may have to bring my boy along, and if I bring my boy along then I have to bring my maid along too. Where do you stay?
Jillian, thanks!! I chg his immunization appt 2wks earlier, so I was small panicked..

ETirto, I stay at telok blangah heights, near VIVO. so u prefer after school holiday? Lets see how the rest of mom thinks, I am ok with you #1 and your helper, it's gd if helper comes cos my home not totally child proof yet keke, so many years no kid, so still learning. hope u dun mind.
Morning mummies,

Hope the mummies who met up had fun. Sorry couldn't make it coz my ger had bad heat rash and had colic. Probably why she was cranky the last few days.

Hope both go away soon, so heartache to see her suffer and can only cry.

I've also decided to stop breast feeding coz supply has been dropping badly. And its giving me more stress to try to increase the supply which makes things worst.

I've got a new bottle of fenugreek from GNC which I wanna sell at $18, retailing at $29.50. Please PM me if interested.
hope u mums and babes had fun yesterday at vivo. i still need a few more practice sessions at gg out with bbies...

muffingirl - haha, think we can have another gathering at telok kurau

kim - where's your place? yes potluck is good idea

etriro - haha u so funny. sometimes i also got to plan my outings around pumping times. a few times almost exploded in my blous

SIMILAC- i think my bb suddenly dont like the taste of similac. any other brands that mummies here recommend ?
