(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

kitty, princess,
ask the taxi driver to drop you at the level 2 (the on that going up one, not on the ground level) taxi stand. Usually nobody there, only the taxi q, the entrance there quite spacious and you can take time to settle everything down. Your stroller cannot be opened with 1 hand?
I may go earlier, shop first, incase after lunch, no time for shop already....heee

thanks! =)

i also dunno how she got it wor... hai...

now feeling abit guilty for nt BF her all the way, causing her immune system to be so low... =(

Brought my girl to the pd today and he said she is way above average (5.16kg at 4 weeks) but he said it is ok that I can still continue to feed her 130ml each feed if she is not throwing up and really hungry. Think he was speaking from experience with my elder one who was also just as big and fed just as much but now as a toddler she's no longer chubby

From what I understand from the pd last time I ask about the chicken pox vaccination, even with vaccination it is not 100% that the child will never get chicken pox but may get a mild outbreak instead so I think with medication, there is a chance of it as well.
lookslike ur boy beginning to show preference to nipple like my girl!!!

4 hourly feed
if bb can stretch 4 hourly cans tart stretching.. so long as they dunc ry for milk.. then okt o stretch
now i stretch to 3 1/2.. today 2 feed strect 4 hour n 4 1.2 respectively.. mayb after kenna scolding fr mi... my girl go on hibernation mode..LOL

i tink w or w/o the medication thr is chance of getting chicken pox 2nd time...
HBB, so how? I dun hv enuf milk for him leh.. still hv to giv bottle after latch (although by then he usually dun mind).. Edna so good now.. I see Kaelem started to sleep more than 3 hrs too, so I think I try stretch to 3h15mins and see.
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude.. im from the aug thread.

i have a Medela CityStyle to let go. It consist of a breastpump bag, a cooler bag, 4 breastmilk bottles and also cooling agents.

I had juz given birth to my twins on 5th aug..and m currently using Ameda breastpump. when i bought the pump couple of mths back, i bought the abovementioned bag as well (thinking it would be in use when i return to work aft my ML).. hwever, my breastmilk supply now is super low, hence dont tink i wld need to cont any pumping aft my ML.

the bag n all are brand new, never used. hwever, the top of the box is slightly flatten, cos my helper stack some stuffs on it. -_-"

kindly PM me shld u be interested or require more info.

many thanks.. lalala~
edna no good lar she alwasy dun wan bottle now i try to dream feed her w bottle at least she dun realise cos drink in her sleep haaa

ehh i did nto giv her more milkyet cos she been wasting my milk! now she drop leh.. drink onli 70 ml instead of 90!!!
but u can try givin ur boy more n see how. my girl will give the puke face one.. some bb jus drink n drink...
seems like baby will at some point in time reject the bottle. my girl also does that a few wks ago. drink so little fr the bottle. now better already after changing to NUK latex teats. now i latch her less often to get her get used to it. one trick u may want to try to see if it works is to place baby in the latching position n they have a tendency to want to root. as they r searching for the nipple, put in the teat while maintaining the bf position. my girl kena con by me n took the teat.... haha... works sometimes. no harm trying.

if u introduce pacifier during the first try, they sure reject. it's only after a few time of trying then they get the hang of sucking it for comfort.

U can stretch to 4hrly if he's sleeping long enuf. if he can drink more, then can slowly increase. i'm not stretching yet cos my girl still drinking very little (60-90ml only) and her weight gain seems to be very slow.

got light brown discharge means lochia not cleared yet. mine completely cleared after 2 mths. now i'm so lazy to go for my papsmear/ post csect checkup. keep delaying. think now i got no choice but to go next wk since i'm starting work soon.
i try the nipple changing part
let her suckle 1st then transit over to teat unknwoingly
aft 3 sec.. she realise n start crying!!

nvm that she reject the pacifier.. at least i can tell my gf who been nagging me to giv her pacifier that edna dun wan so they dun nag me anymore HAHAHA
ur bb drinks alot! till now i still gif my bb 100ml only. not sure enuff or not. but still he wakes up everi 2.5hrs-3hrs. so i guess should b enuff.

i onli haf the MIM sling. and dun wish to use it for long outing bcos afraid will cause me shoulder pain. stroller is gd, bcos i can put bb down and jus push! hahas! but it cant b one hand operate. tats the problem.
usually i will bring sling and stroller. in case if stroller is too inconvenient then i will use sling and fold the stroller up. mayb i will do the same. use sling until reach vivo then open pram. before going off use sling close pram :)

my boy didnt bcome cranky after the 1st hep b jab. and the nurse mentioned that it wun cause fever also.
my pram need 2 hand. 1 to press on the button and the other to fold the pram. tats why is always a headache. and i would prefer to take mrt instead of taxi. unless of cuz the taxi driver is veri gd
most lkely i will b going there earlier also to hwa xia and try out the bb swimming. bcos i intend to buy the pool. but afraid that my bb wun like it. he doesn move when i bath him and alwaes he blur look he gif me. so i didnt know whether he likes it or not. dun wan waste money buy den know he doesn like it.
think shd be ok to use sling for the gathering since we r meeting up only in the afternoon n most of the time we are all sitting down. agree with u on the shoulder aching part. i brought my girl out yest whole afternoon to taka fair, then to raffles city on my carrier. was aching after 3 hrs. luckily my hb met up wif me after the taka fair n he took over the load.
how much is one session at hwa xia? i also itching to let Amanda try but hb not very keen. need to prepare anything for the swim? good idea to go before the meetup.
HBB, BBEthan,
Looks like I have to move my pap smear appt.. still cafe latte.. wow your girls are great, only 90ml max.. but just now I pumped my left breast half way he cried and give me suck suck cue, so I give him the bottle of FM, then he rejected (!!) so I latched but he fell asleep about 5mins after that, hope this last him till 3 or 4am like this morning.

PPrincess, ya the sling is indeed tiring, and if we are having a meal, is good to place bb in the stroller so we can relax and eat and chat.

I need to release: my PILs arrive right about now. Just now my sis called to remind me not to take bb out this late, so I called my church friend to seek her opinion and she also agree. When hubby came home he was busy packing the house (wow, i wish my PIls are arriving every day..), and kept shaking his head making me feel so lousy, and whn I told him I wont bring kaelem to airport, he was not happy~, some more say it's once in a life time woh!! that really makes me mad, I already hao sheng hao qi talk to him he give me attitude, felt like asking if one of us is dying or what once in a life time. so he left, not pleased. i sms him after that, i told him as a mom my priority is to keep my kid safe, pleasing the PILs is secondary. if they cant understand then i cant say much. I also told him I will not expect Kaelem to dig his kid up from sleep to fetch me from airport if I arrive in the mid of nite and I reminded him not to expect this cos in case anything happen to our grand kid, we cant make up for it. So angry right?!?!
yeah, good idea, you can use the sling in the taxi then when alighting you can open the pram first and transfer your baby down. At least it won't be so tiring for you and you can eat.
Yesterday I went shopping again with my gal in babybjorn, taking bus for the first time for her. End up my back almost broke after about 4hours carrying her. I ate at Mc Donald and I put my bb down on the cushioned-booth seating, luckily she cannot really move around yet.
Oh ya, I think the Hwa xia thingy not worth it la...at this age, it's the same as giving baby a bath actually...it'll be a waste to buy the tub somemore. We might as well wait till our baby turns 6mths, then we can gather in 1 mum place who have swimming pool, and we can have potluck for tea...heee...

no need prep anythg for hwa xia swim bt bb gottab fed before n after e swim thou in case they get cranky during swim n aft swim they b 'thirsty'
thanks poohbear, you have a big bb, i'll be bringing my bb next thurs for 6-1 jab. curious about his weight too, will update later, now finish confinement so back on my feet to send my #1 around.
Kim: I had the same problem with my hb recently when his parents visited. Was quite upset with him but my mom explained to me that he seldom gets to see his parents cos they live overseas and so he wants everything to be perfect for them ( hence the house cleaning) I felt really bad when he spring cleaned our house as well, made me feel like I was neglecting the housework. Think he's just anxious to show his baby off to his parents, try not to get too upset with him. But I can totally understand where you're coming from as well.
I went for my check up this morning, no pap smear leh... My midwife told me to go back end of the yr since I did one less than a yr ago.

Re: Longest stretch without feeding
How long does your bb sleep without feeding at nite??
can i jus check.. taka's vouchers..can they b used on the bb fair?..or nope?..

anw mummies,
anyone here is on complete xpressing of milk? have u all encountered having a small bubble on e nipple?.. its like 'shui pao' liddat.. aft so many times of xpressing.. i jus managed to burst it.. its so painful.. anyone xperience b4?
poshicon: hi, i am from Aug 09 thread. Regarding the Pigeon trade-in promotion , can we buy BPA-free bottles and get 50% off? Or is the promo only for non-BPA free bottles? coz I am interested to buy BPA-free bottle.
Jillian, thanks for sharing your situation wz me.. I know he want everything swee swee but I just feel he shouldn't be so harsh on me. good thing my FIL told him "NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY"..

jes, I dun think u shd burst the "shui pao" cos usually the liquid in blisters are to aid healing, bursting it makes it worst cos now u hv an open wound.. I express most time but only pinky nipple, no blisters.
winnie mummy - hope ur bb gets well soon. take care

kim - i think your pils will understand if u dont bring bb to airport. think its ur dh that needs educating

yesterday i brought my twins to parkway for 2 hours. hee hee tried out my new stroller. bbies slept for half hour then wake up suddenly very hungry for feeds. end up i had to find a quiet spot with chairs to feed them. they were so tired when they came home they slept 4 hours straight. btw, parkway not a kid friendly place cos cant find quiet spots and seats to sit

spit up milk - my bb spits up milk quite often, but mil says its normal. and bb looks normal after spit up, and pd said normal too. so although i very sim tiah, i think not serious

the exchange is only for the normal bottles not the BPA ones.

I am on total express but have not encountered what you mentioned. I always apply the nipple cream after pumping and plus I use a bigger pump funnel to prevent rubbing of the nipple against pump funnel. Mine use to bleed before that then when I went to see the LC, she advise me to use the bigger shield and it helped.
i got the blister on nipple tat time too
was thr for the longest time and it nvr burst despite i poke n poke! suddenly disappear...

today more bumps appeared on her, especially the scalp & face... =( Body also start to have le... hai...
reallie hope she'll get well soon... coz everytime i see her, my heart v pain.. =(
Re: Blood in Stool!!
Saw streaks of blood in bb's stool earlier this evening
Luckily I went in to help DH, he didn't notice at all. Read online that it could be due to foremilk/hindmilk imbalance or food allergy. Hope it's a one time thingie... pls go away!!

Thanks!! My gal is also 7 wo. She has slept for up to 11 hrs without feeding for a few nites in the past week; probably giving mommy a break ;p I think she's gonna wake up for a feed later tonite thou..
Re: Heaty Food
Is it possible for baby to get too "heaty" from mommy's milk?? I've been eating a lot of dried longans, so DH thinks that what's causing the blood in bb's stool...
Wow Noelle, ur bb can really sleep that long without feed. Mine only manage to sleep thru 7hrs once w/o feed cos first time sleeping aircon so must be shiok for her.But mummy was so worried cos scare too long w/o milk might not be good for her. Anyway,nowadays she wake up ard 3-4hrly at nite for feed w/o aircon..

pprincess, even after 150ml,she will still root ..sigh.
Btw, i measure my ger today and she is 58cm but the nurse at PD clinic had recorded in the booklet as 55cm. Can i request for them to re-measure?
u told me when you had chicken pox, u were also given anti viral ah? can u rem if the med actually makes u drowsy?

for those with chicken pox experience, usually by the how many day will the spots start to stop appearing?
it is definitely wat we eat and giv bb wat it is.. so if we eat heaty food.. milk is heaty too.. as per told byt he sinseh whom i been bringing edna to.. she say cold food too.. im advise not to take too ehaty food cos of her rashes..yet not too liang food cos of her sensitive airways... but i dun tink bloodin stoolis due to the food u take.. becos at most it onli make her heaty.. or hard stool..
blood in stool can b v minor or serious depending on the cause..
soemtiems it could b due to food allergy...
otehr time it could b due to blood palate problem
keep monitoring n determine if u wan bring bb to doctor anot.

i dun wan to scare u.. but my nephew was liek this when he was like 30 odd days old last yr.. on n off got this blood in stool prob finaly 1 day my sis brought him to kkh... the doc find sth amiss. cos his feet start to have blue black sign...
they admitted him and realise his blood palate count very low!!!causing him to bleed under the skin... any hard knock, open cut, shaking could cause him to bleed continuously or internal bleeding.. thg was as serious as his face n limbs all start to hav black spot due to the broken vessel in his body. doc could not find the cause.. even did bone marroe test to make sure no blood disorder!!! aft 10 days in hospital with countless test n etc... he was finaly d/c when palate went bk to normal count again. no reason was found for his condition. doc say prob due to the gd antibodies in his body fighgting against eachother causing the palate to drop...

for now.. monitor and DO NOT shake ur bb... touch wood jus inc ase liek the above mentioned condition.. excessive bleeding in the brain might occur.
of cos i hope ur bb is jus purely having blood in stoool due to allergy only
ehh i dun tink i feel drowsy
but thats me.. when im sick i can still monkey ard one... i din realy even have fever for my chicken pox case.. oni fever for 3 horus on the 1st nite.. sweat it out then im ok liao...
cannot compare me w ur girl ok.. cos im adult she is jus a baby... do monitor her esp if she gt fever.
I also had a blister on my left nipple due to excessive sucking from baby during first 2 wks. It didn't burst. But think now looks dried up already.
colicky baby
when will they peak and when over? haiz... my girl is screaming every night to sleep. losing patience on her already. she always arch her back when crying. Will escalate to scream.
i'm having same problem like u leh, my bb boy will automatically scream around 11 to 2am. initially thought it's the BCG pus that burst, then thought it's the milk powder, now CL say maybe tummy not well. anyone has remedy??
i didnt burst it on purpose..haha.. it burst while i was expressing jus nw.. n i was like "OHHHHHH" wen the milk came sprayin out frm tat area.. but nw like real freaking pain in that spot..*SOB

wah..bleeding is quite serious leh..mine have a lil blood on the breast pad jus nw.. i see.. i used to apply nipple cream oso.. but aft tat i got lazy n din do it anymore till jus nw.. i tink i shud have tat habie back..=(

i salute u man.. u still dare to poke.. i was staring at that tink n i tried to poke a lil with my finger.. den i gave up n it bursted while i was expressing jus nw in the morning... n i feel v shiok.hahaha.. yr nephew so poor thing.. thank god hes ok!
Talking abt shaking bb.. i omost wanted to shake mine up down left right ytd nite..cos he was super powerful.. he started crying while slping half way last nite frm 1 plus all the way to 3 plus.. despite wadever we did.. den he fell asleep like less than half an hr?..he cried again n i fed him milk.. finished, he den slept.. i faster came out to xpress.. den wen i went in at 7.. i jus lied on the bed, he started crying again.. fed him again n he jus cont crying aft feed until i got v angry n i jus lied on the bed n refused to do anything but to use a pillow n cover my ears.. cos i din slp the whole nite due to his cries n with my blocked painful breat adding on.. my volcano is erupting.. so my hubbie took over..n he told me he cried all the way to next feed which is 10 plus.. power rite?i brought him back to tui na jus nw, den the sinseh says his tummy is bloated again!!tats why last nite he cldnt slp.. n im like "WAD?again?.." *Sigh.. so i haf to cont bringing him back to tui na..

yah.. its blocked duct.. same! oso one quarter of my rite breast blocked n was painful..wen it burst this morning.. i felt real relieve like u..=D but now.. its painful.. but no choice, still have to cont xpressing on time.. if nt, will b engorged..=(

BBEthan n Coolkero,
i see... luckily it dried up alrdy..=)oh yah, my PD says colic happens the most peak timing is wen they are abt 6 weeks old.. den normally by 3-4 months latest will no longer haf it.. but diff babies different lor.. mine was really bad starting frm abt 4 weeks plus all the way till now 7 weeks.. its better alrdy.. he no longer cries at nite..=)wen they have colic, they said its the worst pain a bb can feel.. so they will scream n cry like nobodys business.. mine owaes screamed till no voice n face red like monkeys backside..=\ i dono if it works for u.. but wen mine cried every nite frm 9 plus n i noe its due to colic.. i carry him up with the face lying on my shoulder..den i'll tell him "yes, mummy noes its very painful..its ok..it will b over" n hold him close to me n 'soh soh' his head.. n everytime i do this, he seems to b glad tat we r there for him n he will decrease his cryin n screaming.. i learnt tat mus hold him so that his tummy will be pressed against our body so got our body warmth n 'sohsoh' the head will make them feel much better..=D hope it helps..
oh yah,i bring him to tui na n feed Ridwind at same time oso..=D

heard colic willl go away aft 3rd mth... u wanna try e tuina at kembangan?

already pain like mad so I jus poked
hee hee
Hi all,

Long time since I log in. Couldn't breathe ever since my cl left.

Hi Coolkero and BBEthan
My boy was suffering from colic also. He cried for 3 hours non stop for a few nights and he always start to cry at the 8pm. I got to resort to using the vacuum cleaner to calm him down. Also i put him in the yao lan to soothe him. I now uses rid wind and ru yi oil to get rid of the wind. Also I will burp him on my shoulder. This method helps to push the wind out from his stomach cause his stomach is pressing against your shoulder. His condition is much better now

HI Jes,

Is the pus at the buttock area. My boy starts to have a red mark and we tot was mosquito bite and now there is pus inside. Anything i can apply to help?
HBB, your nephew v poor thing to go thru so much so young..

Jes, your boy really power! I cant imagine.. good thing u hv hb to take over. Do you pray when this happen? May be you try, I rmbr since hospital days, when Kaelem cried uncontrollably, I will tell him to "b at peace", I pray with him almost everyday, jus hold his hand and pray together. I haven't experience what you went thru, but I think I will pray if it happen. Or you can anoint bb & bb items with anointing oil, his cot, pram, room etc... Read to Javier a bb bible/ prayer. I have a bb bible stories, a day & night prayer book which I rarely use and a "tiny bible" (poem of bible stories).
jes, hbb, buagana
my girl is 10 wks old n she just starte this crying spell only this wk. 7pm onwards will cry until sleep. used to be ok when put into yaolan. now she cries when we put her in. day time ok. wants carry but she also cries n had difficulties falling asleep.

my hb doesn't believe in tui na. if not, wld hv brought her there already since she also got wind in tummy. but see that her tummy not as bloated as before.

now i very scared she'll fuss when we go out on Mon. yesterday brought her out for dinner. end up i walk outside the restaurant to coax her to sleep while my hb n #1 eat. no mood to eat at all.
Hi mummies,
I would like to join in on Monday but I'm afraid bb is going make a fuss during lunch coz she has been cranky for the pass few days.

Now dunno if I should go?

Hi BbEthan,

Here's what I did to counter the crying spell. Feed with rid wind at least one hour before 7pm. This will ensure the rid wind to have effect. Then I boil an egg, peel off the shell and wrap with a thin cloth and rub the stomach downwards to get rid of the wind. Then before 7pm, quickly start to rock him in the yao lan to make him sleep to pass the 7pm timing. If all else fail, I will take out the vacuum cleaner to stop him from crying.

Maybe you can give it a try.
