(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

RE: Nappy
I am using cloth nappy, so far CL said not easy to remove the stain.. I think cos not brush and roll enough. I will continue until I cannot take the washing..

ya the poo is sticky but can put nappy liner if use cloth nappy. Cos use cloth nappy save money ma. Imagine one day 12 pieces quite costly wor.

Use nappy liner easier to clean.
babyminniee, i got the avent single electronic pump at $229 during Phillips mega sale at Phillips toa payoh. not sure if it's yearly event. if you have friends working in phillips, can ask them.
How come mamy poko only 10.50? i saw it's ard 15+ above at gmarket. S size is always hard to fine for most diapers at NTUC or other supermarket. Maybe it's just my area, always has to grab when there are stock.
hi gals

snapfish having discount on their photobooks, so if you're interested can go to their website www.snapfish.com.sg with following codes, valid till 31 aug:

8"x8" NP : $62.90 without shipping
NOW: Only S$44 with shipping
Coupon code = Special44

8"x11" NP : $69.90 without shipping
NOW: Only S$49 with shipping
Coupon code = Special49

All other photobooks: 20% OFF,
Coupon code = 20offphotobooks
ok, Thanks for the info fluffysheep

Sunsweet, i agree fitti is also soft and comfortable. Only sheng siong sells fitti, ntuc cannot find one.

Wah kim, salute u in using cloth nappy!!! Washing everything yourself mah? I'm a lazy mummy...
Loshita, ya already lined, still not easy to wash off, I think I will ask my mom how she tackle this problem last time..

MrsC, ya very difficult to find the S size, and rarely on sale some more (when we need it most cos bb cant be toilet trained)! I am at redhill/t.blangah/tiong bahru area, I think no diff..
jillian, i hope this phase will pass soon man.. tonight hb will do the night shift for me while i catch up on some rest.

btw, my boy has been vomiting abt 2-3 times after each feed. while it's not exactly projectile, he is really very uncomfortable and squirms/grunts/cries a lot b4 finally chucking up. was ally like that last time? just wondering if there is any cause for concern cos i've had to change his shirt 6 times today already! xy was never like that!
kimberly, that's a gd idea.. tonight will get hb to feed the ebm instead of latching on though. no energy to pump first, then latch, then feed the ebm, esp in the middle of the night! sure no need to sleep at all..
alreadi went to see PD in the afternoon. doc sae no colic, no reflux. but still gimmie the colic medicine bcos he sae it's normal to haf wind in the stomach and mayb that 1 off merlion is due to the wind but not veri serious kind. so jus ask me to gif if i would like to. glad that everiting is fine.

re: feeding portion

not sure whether ani mummies did sae previously, but my PD calculated the feeding portion should b according to weight. the calculation is as follow:

(weight of baby) x 150 / (no. of feeds per day)
Jules: Ally just screamed from day 1. After each feed, in between feeds, she just screamed in pain.
But it does sound like he could be a bit colicky. You might want to bring him to the PD just for peace of mind. Before that you might want to keep a detailed diary of what you've eaten, he might be allergic/ sensitive to something you had.
I've just had Max fussing on and off for the last 3 hours and I feel really guilty now cos I was short tempered with Ally. Its hard when you're on your own and one child won't stop crying!
jillian, paiseh.. i still cant differentiate the diff types of cries - hunger/tired/pain or discomfort! argh.. but the back arching after each feed and crying that follows does seem rather like reflux. gonna bring him to PD tomorrow for 2nd opinion.. it's just so frustrating cos i spend so long coaxing him to latch for at least 40min, only to have him puke out at least half if not more.

in the same boat as u cos i just snapped at xy who was bugging me nonstop cos just so worried abt #2. no idea how u cope with 2!! hats off to u!
RE: Identifying bb's cry
Although I was not able to follow the Tracy Hogg's routine thingy fully, there is a rough routine Kaelem follows, and it's indeed easier to id the type of cry..
got a carrefour catalogue today. a few brands of diapers are on sale, at least tats wad they claim.
wee wee drypers - $35.35 for 2 packs (M, L, XL)
drypers drypantz jumbo pack - $29.95 for 2 packs (M, L, XL)
petpet - $17.50 (M,L,XL)
mamypoko - $ 16.50 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
fitti - $22.90 for 2 packs (NB,S,M,L,XL)
pureen's dry 5 - $11.90 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)

i had fillet-o-fish w/o the tartar sauce twice. feel that it's the safest. for mc chicken, i didnt try. cos my mom told me to avoid chicken due to the c-sec wound for the 1st week.

my boy sometimes wakes up startled and cries. definitely not feeding time and the diaper is dry. does any of your babies behave like tat? i feel so lost. can only hug him and coax him back to sleep.
bell, my boy oso gets startled easily and cries. This is more often after i stop swaddling him. I think he needs security cox usually when he screams suddenly in the middle of his sleep, i will quickly carry him tightly or jus put my hand on his chest jus to let him know that someone is with him.
Bell, thanks for info, I am gonna buy a few diff brands to see which one suits my boy..

RE: Startled
My boy dream alot, so he can frown, cry, or even laugh (yes, very much like my "ha-ha-ha" laugh).. but most time, he cries, but usually up to 2 "w-eh" and his face look so "ke-lian".. Of course my mom will say it;s bcos I do not "pray to the bed fairy" *faint*.. Yes, I also just hug him and hold him tighter to make him feel secure.
Kim, lucky your CL washing cox washing cloth nappy very siong thou can save a lot.

Anyone tried purple sage for catering before?
u had fish fillet ah?! Yummy~~~
I'm 3rd week into my C sect le... think tmr will go eat the Mc Chicken... hahaha... i've been eating chicken since week 1... =p
phew. cos i jus took him out of the swaddle blanket and used the beansprout pillow today. tot that might be the cause. also, i've been having so many nightmares (on supernatural things like ghosts and vampires) that realli freak me out.

i'm using nepia right now. quite good. but not the cheapest ard. $15per pack, order 4 packs for free delivery. for day, i'm trying bumwear now.
saw Lucius photos on FB, he is so cute!!
anyway, same as you, 1 more week of confinement for me to go!

have u settled Lucius's full mth celebration?
Jules: the back arching does sound like reflux, hopefully its mild.
Usually looking after both of them isnt too bad cos Ally is fairly independent. But just being tired and having Max cry and cry just made me a bit short tempered. Really felt so horrible just now
i ate chicken since day1 lor! didnt noe cant eat. it was in the soup for confinement meal in KKH. so ya.. just eat! LOL. but my little concern would be you never know what other ingredients they have in the mc chicken fillet. cos it's not purely chicken.

how old is ur bb? he can laugh?! mine can smile only. my mom said he didnt smile v often cos i didnt luff alot during pregancy. ><
yes she is in week 6 now.. hope its growth spurt.. hee..
today bring her out ... she din sleep whole day! stillr efusing pram mbut i feel she din cry as fiercely as previous.. i feel onli lar .. mayb she know papa not ard to save her so she dunw an waste effort haaa
and oh yes i feel she drinkign lesser today day time... argh.. hope duna ffect her nite sleep...

haiz... i hope it end... else i will DIE haaaa.. i too much in my own comfort zone of now akes at nite so nw pay back time! hehe... hope its growth spurt lor

best berries
ya a few of us gt the boobs pain.. for mi its painful about 1 1/2 hour aft i pump (i pump 3 hourly... )
begin to feel the pain is sth like gt thg rushing forward towards the front like tat... prob liek the ladies aid due to bf bah.. hope it go away soon =)

the bcg mark fo rmy gal onli appear more than 1 month later.. and its jus reddish.. then slowly at 5th week it grow like a bump... 6th week gt pus and jus burst during bathing cos touch water. now also a tiny wound thr.. all dry up =)
at least ur bb smile.. edna hardly smile.. dun even tink once a day!
always crying
my gf say mayb i was kind of depress during my pregnancy always in tears that y.. .oops... LOL
Winnie's mum, thanks
Your princess shanna is also very adorable. She looks very fair like you

Yeah...1 more week to go for us! Will be having his full mth next sat but hav nt settled the booking yet
Hav u confirmed yours?
hehe, my mum told me the story of the 床 头popo/granny where in the old days, people pray to her to play with/accompany the baby, puts jossticks at the foot of the cot, though now fire hazard no one does it anymore. 床头popo will play with the baby, make baby smile and laugh. She says sounds creepy lar, but they use it to explain why the baby laughs and smile in their sleep.

Long time no log on.. was so bzi wif the little one.. bb having reflux but slowly can see improvement after on medication for a week.. hopefully he grow out of it fast and not like some babies growing up wif it till they are like 6 mths..

Your bb symtoms sound like reflux.. mayb ask for a PD opinion..

My bb had flu from my hubby wen he was less than 1 mth old.. we use humidifier and oso saline spray like 2 times a day to clear his nose.. It work so u may wanna give a try.. got the spray which is oso suitable for infant from the PD but think pharmacy would have it too.. Brand is NeilMed Nasal Spray.. Also get the VICKS vapor rub specially for babies and rub on his chest, and back.. It helps to clear the baby airway wen he sleeps.. hope tis helps..

Who found Mamy Poko for $10+?? Cheapest i found was $15.20 for S size free 4 piece at Carrefour!! I must say after trying Huggies, Pampers, Drypers still find Mamy poko the best among the lot.. Dry and dont leak at all...
HBB and fluffysheep, thanks for the info on BCG mark. I shall look out for the mark after his first mth.

My bb oso hardly smile...he smiles more in his sleep. I oso think partly bcox i dun smile often during my pregnancy times hee. Furthermore i often scold pple too.
oh man.. sam, u send creeps in me! i was so terrified with my nightmares that i seldom let the bb sleeps in the cot anymore. he sleeps with me by my side.
now that your 'bed head' popo leaves me with no where else to sleep!
hi ladies

Can i ask how many times are your prince and princess pooping a day now??? Mine is about 1 and half mth and he suddenly poop only once a day now.. And his stools are super alot like a whole bowl ... sorry my description abit weird n gross..
I getting abit worried why he suddenly only poop once a day and so much at 1 time.. BB is on BM and FM
<font color="ff0000">Sam</font>
Your bed-granny story sounds super scary and creepy - anyway, one end of my cot is against a changing table while the other is against a wall thus no place for popo to sit :p Baby smiling in sleep is so fleeting - I never manage to catch the moment with a camera.

<font color="ff0000">Kitty: Purple Sage</font>
I have not used this caterer but a close friend of mine did and she was not happy with the services. Examples of their screw-ups include: Missing dips for 2 of the items though it was stated clearly in their menu, hers was a kid's birthday party so it was supposed to be themed (they will set up differently apparently) but it was not and the setup man said if my friend had informed the sales person earlier, he would have brought the kiddy stuff along. Obviously my friend did earlier informed the sales person of the occasion but I guess she forgot to note it down or something.

<font color="ff0000">Cold</font>
My son has been having his cold for more than a week now and the saline only relieves his symptoms but he does not seem to be getting better. Sigh...

<font color="ff0000">Diapers</font>
I like Mamy Poko, Pampers and Nepia. Don't like Huggies that much. Not tried the rest...
HBB: how you tahan Edna's crying? This evening Max fussed on and off for 3 hours already I cannot tahan. He doesn't really cry loudly but still I can't tahan.
Hope he sleeps for a longer stretch tonight after crying so much...
HBB, i had a hard time trying to control my temper in sch...maybe that also constitutes to my bb smiling less now.

FOZ, thank you for the feedback. Will let my mil knows cox she suggested this caterer to me. Hope your boy will recover fr his cold soon.
Shanna sometimes fair only... hahahhahaha~ Dunno why...
Esp. when she stretch... piang... red untilllllllllllll almost black liaos... =.=

same here! i'm having her full mth celebration next sat too, have ordered cakes but haben book caterer yet... most likely gng for Mum's Kitchen bah... gt pretty gd reviews abt them... rigth HBB? =D

i'm also trying hard to find a gd diaper for my ger!

by the way, any1 brought their bb out during confinement (other than PD visits)?
mayb ur baby knows its ur job lar.. he wun follow suit one hehe

ehhh.... hmmm.... mayb cos i beleive in cry it out method that y ic an tahan? haa
today bring her out shopping
she also crying... ppl STARE at mi as if wondering why is this mummy shopping and not bothering bout the poor baby in pram (I was pushin her while shopping)
went dinner w my family... same thg she was wailing in pram.. noone allow to touch her... end up... my mum who usualy have v good appetite today did nto ask for more rice.. instead she say full liao can carry baby.. lol... i ask them.. how come u all can hear her cry huh? she is jus nxt to mi and i 'cannot hear' =p
im such a bad mummy
winnie mummy
ehhh to mi they r good lar but its subjectve hor...
i quite fussy thou hehe...

ehh i brought my gal go compasspoint few tiems whens he was 3 weeks old hehe...
dh scare i go crazy so keep askin if i wan go out anot so we choose the nearest mall
Bell, where do u get your Napia from? I havent start with my bum wear yet, mayb I should now, is is easy to wash? Kaelem is 4wks this coming monday, yes, it;s definitely my kind of laughter not giggle. He did that on the 2nd wk with me, I thot that was the first time but CL told me he already did that when my hubby was placying with him a day or 2 after we came home.. I also wonder if that laughter was from me cos I laugh alot at the doc office.. Usually my hubby has to warn me to control myself cos I always make the ultrasound scan look funny cos the scanner is bumping on my tummy so much.

Sam, ya, my mom pray on her bed too. Apparantly the younger siblings always smiled in their sleeps (so I was a bit worried and wonder if that bed fairy is true when Kaelem is disturbed)

Yan, my boy also on both BM &amp; FM. His poo is still not regular, usually he poo immediately after he got changed *angry*. but today, he did not do any and just give a whole lot (ya, I think it;s Hiroshima+Nagasaki+Tokyo).. Some told me when the feed is regular the poo will be sorted.
Fussy means standard quite high le... hahahaha~
I think i'll try... sick of Neo Garden lehs...

Compasspoint?! U live in SK?
Same here! LOLz!
ur hubby v gd lehs!!!

Feel like gng to bugis tmr...
FOZ, apart fr the services...do you know how's the reviews of the food?

Actually i wanna try mum's kitchen too but they need min 30pax and i dun think i hav so many guests.

HBB, i hope he understands lor.
HBB: that reminds me of the time my hb and I took Ally to Ikea and she refused to sit in her pram. She cried for 20 mins and we just continued to shop and ignore her. But that was just earlier this year, we knew she was being difficult on purpose so we left her in the pram.
HB and I will never survive the cry it out method. I've only read about it but never tried it does it actually work for an infant? I know it can be effective with older children
Winnie mummy, I gave pearl powder to my boy to clear his jaundice, and the "dirty things" internally (which my mom cant tell me what the dirty things are)
you can order from: http://www.nepia.com.sg/english/order/index.html
(only have NB and S size on website.)
better to call them at 62262650 to order. Cos im cloth diapering, i ordered 2 packs of NB and 2 packs of S.

i just stated bumwear today. let you noe how's the washing soon. btw, for bumwear, it's encourage to use normal adult laundry washing powder instead of bb detergent. so i assume the poo stain will come off easier? and rem to get the nappy liners. sure helps alot in 'catching' the poo.

Kim: i think the dirty things are the junk food dat we ate during preg ijjit?

But i tot pearl powder is to clear phlegm?

my hubby is gng to gib it to my ger tmr!
