(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

winnie mummy
ya i quite high standard esp when it comes to food.. i will comment until nothg to say kind LOL
i stay punggol

i went bugis today haaaaa even squeeze into bugis village to buy my elastic pants cos i still cant fit into my normal pants

there is alot of saying on the cry it out method
i also read the no cry solution book..
its 2 conflicting books LOL
but apparently i understand that cry it loud method might psychologically affect bb/kids... while the no cry solution i tink its quite 'useless' .. so i am tryin to balance it out... use the cry it out method.. but yet interfere in some way or another to balance the emotion of the baby.

yes it do work .. that is if u try hard enuff to endure.. at least this is wat i see on my gf boys...
iamgine.. they were trainin such a way that.. even wake up they will not cry for any one attention they will jus play in the cot till the mummy allow them to come out...
the routine is soooo perfect that i tink its realy easy to handle...
tat is y i try to follow a bit wat my gf did.. w somw tweaking la.. hehe...

my dh cant survive the cry it out method thou... hee..

i feel hor this bed fairy thgy.. if u dun believe init.. then dun let it affect u.. if u beleive in it.. then ehh.. jus pray to it as per wat others do.. actualy i believe in it lar hehe.. but i dun pray to it.. cos i dun let it affect me in anyway... i know my mum will surely suggest that its such spirits thgy that is making bb nottie n etc... but i told myself i will not let such thg control my life...
Girls, i m chatting with a KL girlfriend, she is very worried cos her 5yrs old's school mate is confirmed with H1N1, that girl had flu same time her girl had hers..
I'm staying @ Sengkang... =D

U went bugis today ah?
I was contemplating whether to go today or nt de, but was having flu... TMD~ =.=
But edna gng 6 weeks le right? So can go abit further le...
mine still 3 weeks nia... nt sure whether can bring her out nt... need to get her full mth's clothes & some clothes for myself too! LOLz~

u very steady lehs, i think i cant survive the cry it out method too... think i'll end up crying lor... hahaa~

okay lar, think i shld be settling for mum's kitchen...
besides the curry chicken, wat else nice? i'm taking their standard buffet...
winnie mummy
nxt tiem we can meet up la kopi liao! haaaa

yes went bugis along w my nephew ns is.. bring 2 mnster out is no joke manz.. hahaa but fun lar...

yes bb is 6th weeks liao comin 7 week soon hehe...
ehhh 3 week onli dun go too far lar.. go CP 1st haaaa

at 1 point i was very affected by whether the cryignwill amke her emotionally imbalance anot and i feel v depress ot see her cry.. aft that i will hug her tight tight n say sorry haha.. mayb cos tat time my dh not home for 5 days tat y i suddenly feel sorry for her.. no angel(daddy) to save her mah after that im ok liao hehe

the curry is nice.. laksa n meesiam also nice.. u can ask them add to the buffet n pay accordingly
if im not wrong
add curry is $1.50 per pax and the other 2 is $3.50 per pax
yeah yeah! =D

jiu shi lor, tot of asking hubby to drive me there, den he & bb wait in the car while i do a quick shopping! LOLz~

ya lor, somemore when they cry v hard ah... so ke lian... cry until face sooooooooooooo red, den no voice liddat... =.=

the standard pkg gt curry wor... no nid add... hahahah~
HBB: Has Edna gone for her vaccinations yet? Max is just 1 day younger than her but I've yet to bring him. Will make an appointment next week.
Belle, thanks.

Winnie, I think the dirty things may be amniotic fluid our bb consumed, vernix or mucus still in the body. Apparently it also ease the startling cos I found it being one ingredient in the "jing feng shan". I was only told about removing the jaundice recently..

HBB, ya more so I am Christian and this praying to the bed fairy is not right.
mayb u wan add thg like laksa or meesiam mah haaa

edna gg vaccination on tues =) 6 in 1jab

ya... if u christian then i guess dun get affected by it!!! hehe (im nt a christian thou)
if add le, my buffet will have 1 rice, 1 noodle & 1 laksa/mee siam... alot lehs! Hahahahah~

oH HBB, edna taking the 6 in 1 jab ah? So she din take any jab during her 1 month?
HBB, ya she wanted to cos she also is down with flu now.. She was so worried I think she is afraid that the test will show positive... She said a 6yr old girl actually died after a GP told her that there is no need to do the H1N1 test and after that she died so there are ppl who wrote to the press that he was refused the test.
Hi gals,

Wanted to check if anyone tried Friso 1 Comfort for your baby before? Is it ok to let my babies drink Friso 1 Comfort for long term? Asking this becoz it’s designed for colicky and constipated babies and I read from other thread that some doctors advised to mix it with normal FM and change back to normal FM once the constipation problem is solved. Asked my doctor about it but she can’t comment much, just advised that better don’t mix FM.
I’ve been changing FM for my boys as they are having constipation. They don’t poo everyday. Usually they poo once every 2 to 3 days. There are times they drag for 4 to 5 days then only poo once. Can see them pushing hard trying to poo (push until their face become red like lobster) but nothing come out. Funny thing is their stool looks quite “healthy” to me. not the dry and hard type. I’ve tried Similac, S26 and now Friso 1 Comfort…haiz….

Re: nappy
Soak the nappy first. Will be easier to wash.

Re: Newborn portraits
Is it too late for my boys? They are 7 weeks already. Heard that the best time to go for newborn photoshoot is when baby is 2 weeks old.
Anyone went for this? Care to share?
ya she din take any for the 1st mth...
gg to kids clinic at rivervale mall for the package instead of kkh since my dh sometiems not ard to go kkh w us..
if ur boys poo is soft one... even thou few days no poo... it is NOT constipation... constipation can occur even if u poo everyday but the poo is hard.
so mayb ur boys r not constipated =)

pls ask her to INSIST!
HBB, how come Edna going for the 6in1 jab so early? My boys are scheduled for it next Friday. They are at least 10 days older than Edna if I remember correctly.
Ya. Doctor also commented that it might not be constipation. However, she also said that it is not quite normal if they do not pass motion for 4 to 5 days. like that really headache lah...
Hi Ladies,

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Winnie mummy, we were talking abt a friend of mine in KL who's down wz flu now is thinking to go hv both she & her daughter check out if their flu is H1N1 flu virus cos they hv just been informed that her daughter's school a schoolmate just confirmed of H1N1 infection. This girl wz the H1N1 flu was down wz flu the same time her daughter had hers. Her daughter had already recovered but my gf still hving her flu.
She said someone wrote to forum that he was rejected of H1N1 test by a GP when he was down with flu. This happened after a 6yrs old girl who died of H1N1 after her GP told the parents that it's just a normal flu and din do any H1N1 test.

FOZ, I just read ur post that saline water din help ur bb.. Sorry to hear that. did u try to suck out the mucus after dropping the saline? the saltwater remedy & the saline drop is to make the mucus more liquid for easy drainage/removal of blockage in bb's nose. If ur bb did not drain the mucus by himself, I suggest u try with the "1oz eye&ear syringe", it was said to b "far more superior" than the nasal aspirator. I think may b u can try to get fr pharmacy. Speedy recovery to Austen.
i really envy you mummies still can go out during confinement. I am like being jailed. Other than those must go out appointments, I have to be at home.
. I wish I can go for a hair cut and get cloth for bb fullmoon party 2 months later.
Both of my legs feel very tired and no energy since first week i back home from hospital. Anyone know what is the reason? My mum said probably I caught wind wor....
my gal now starts to have the same problem, she latches only one side for above 10 min, then fall asleep and no matter how you try to wake her up, she just dun bother. i now worry she does not have enough feed.
thepackage is about $440 at kidz link
edna was 3.4kg at birth hee.. but she din gain much weight for that 1 mth i tink...

ehhh 6in1 jab is to b taken btw 6 to 8 weeks i tink.. u better check fast cos i understand if too late cannot take leh

some ppl theroy on no poo is bb absorb all the food.. no extra LOL so no poo.. my gal din poo for 3 days the other time also.. quite worrying but after that she gave me a big POOL of poo hehe...

i tink prob due to the labour.. u too tired... rest more n eat more tonic ok... 1st week i was v tired no strength also.. somemroe keep breaking out in cold sweat... chest feel v tight kind... must lie in bed more ok
how come yr PD allow Edna to take the jab before 2 mths. so far those PD i called don't allow. Said must wait till at least 2mths exactly.
the legs!!
i leg ache for a week or so i tink cos ehh... durign labour they make mi hold my leg n push.. tink hold too hand muscle-ache
bbethan i also duno leh... but i call kkh they say 6 weeks to 8 weeks also... now u prompt mi to make more enquiry on this... v concern manz.. .
drink more soup.. esp chicken feet soup if possible.. they say bu the leg one hehe
but to mi.. more like bu my skin cos of the collagen LOL

no worries... if taking 6 in 1 any time between 6 to 8 weeks is fine... no issues... only if taking 5in1 then its earlier. for me my boys will be taking the 5in1....

whar there are so many posts that i cant catch up already... now am into the 5mins online... sigh can only come online when #2 is sleeping... and best is #2 don sleep in the day but sleeps through the night for 6hr stretches from 7pm... i want afternoon nap...
whar all the babies are wearing 0-3mths already? my boy still on NB diapers from fitti and NB clothes still cant fit #1 0-3mths clothes.... :p
ehh chicken feet can eat in fact is good to eat cos it bu leg mah can boil soup =)

soem fo the clothes she wear is 3 to 6 mth one leh mayb cutting smaller

thanx bbethan for the info hee..
Elijah'smummy, my Kaelem more su-sa, wear 6mths now cos the rest too short.. so his 0-3 mths, n some 3-6 mths v new still (sayang).

We jz back fr my mom's plc fin the full mth thingy. He mz b so tired he cried uncontrollably after I left my mom's to pick my hubby.. good thing my parallel parking still perfect in the narrow car park of hubby new office bldg.. Then he wailed again after we went to get gas, hubby was lost and abit irritated cos he cant seem to pacify him. Hope hubby learnt lesson to come home early to spend time wz his son.
I started with Friso when we got back from hospital but stopped after 1wk of observation cos she poos almost after each feed, scared she don't gain weight if poop so often. But it also cleared the merconium early, now she weighs 4.74kg after 1mnth.
Loshita, u r right girl! jz now whni w/up fr zzz, he was playing wz him, then i was looking for my binder (preg brain), then intend to express milk, but i sat next to them n "chatted", when i was abt to get up to express, my hubby gv me a dirty look cos i didnt knw he expect me to take over fr him (i dun 1 2 deprive him of his time 2 bond wz our son so i din offer to take him).. He started to (small) "complain" he told bb stories & read newspaper to him while i was zzz... Aiyo!冤枉! so i took him, tell him his fav story, he fell zzz then put him in rocker then come express now..
I think not only they no patient & helpless, they simply take bb like a toy.

wah so super size? sigh... remember that with my #1 was like that but now.... haiz

hahah.... ya man like that!
:p guess what i did... i actually left 2 crying boys with hubby and went shopping( just opp at ntuc) sigh then when i came back hubby face super black! say next time cant leave him like that.... but for me its like that everyday leh! haiz
I started with Similac and my boys also poo quite often until the buttock became red. We tot it's diaper rashes and brought them to see PD then doctor confirmed it's "lao-sai". Changed to Soy Milk as advised by doctor and immediately, my boys stopped passing motion everyday.

Guess nobody can break their record for not poo poo for 5 days and on the 6th days, gave me 2 full diapers (almost leak somemore) of poo...*faint*
Am now considering to change their FM to Friso 1 (the normal type) or Dumex.
The schedule for the 6in1 jab is fixed by the Children Clinic at KKH so I suppose it's ok. BTW, which PD is Edna seeing rite now?

Re: Man and BB
huh...my hubby abit different. No matter how our babies cry, he will be very calm (or "bo-chap"?). There was once I saw him flipping magazine while my boy was crying so loud beside him. My mom also beh tahan wanted to carry the baby but he said nvm let him cry wor!?!?!
yan, how did ur PD diagnose ur bb with reflux?

jillian, dun be too hard on yourself.. think of it this way - ally's hardly going to remember this when she grows up! lack of sleep really does wonders to our patience (or lack of it)..

reflux or not - brought bb to see PD today and was reassured that even if it's reflux, there is no need for treatment yet as 1) bb gaining weight very well (put on 600gm in 2 wks since birth) 2)bb is not crying excessively, esp during feeds (if he is crying during feeds, more likely to be esophagitis, and hence needs treatment). was reassured that throwing up milk even 3-4 times after a feed is still acceptable, so long as it is not projectile and relatively small amounts each time. advised us to feed at 2hrly intervals, not more frequent to reduce vomiting from overfeeding. just to share the above info with mummies who are also worrying abt their bb's vomiting.

H1N1 - guess nobody more worried than i am.. hb is a confirmed H1N1 case
and he got ill last thurs.. #1 also fell sick last sat, and in view of contact history, we also started her on tamiflu. now keeping fingers and toes crossed that bb does not kena. to be careful, we all wear masks when handling bb now.. so if u have flu like symptoms, better to err on the side of caution and don a mask b4 handling bb since >50% of pp with flu like symptoms are likely to have H1N1.
oh no... jules

then you must rest more coz if tired then immunity would be lower thus increasing your risk..


i pm you re: milk powder. heheh... can try only if comfortable k. coz i see that your boys are on soy milk.
