(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Kudos to mummies who bf in public. I doubt I would ever dare to do that. Even at home, I pump in the room alone with door closed. or sometimes with my hubby or my mom.

maybe you can feed with ebm in bottles?

at las, my massage lady is coming tomorrow. yay. cant wait to get some good massage n get my tummy smaller.

Wow HBB, actually Edna's very gd already, typically got 3hrs interval, and start day at 9?!?! I wonder if I will hv that kind of blessings.

RE: BF in public
I have yet to learn the art of bf wz nursing wrap. Probably bcos always bf at home w/o wrap (I jz roll up my T-shirt, push my sleep-bra aside then latch), Kaelem dun seem to want the wrap. When we were at the US embassy (my only experience), he got so impatient and "tear down" the wrap n I ended up making formula..

Bell, enjoy ur massage.. Mine happening at 1pm.. Meanwhile u can do an exercise my massage lady taught me--hold your perineal muscles (all the urinal, virginal & anus) and tuck in ur tummy, and breathe w/o letting go of these muscles. Do as often as u can and hold as long as u can. It works! I am now the size of those "not preg but constipate for 3 days plus mensus coming" kind of size..
ya I a o squeezed boobs while pumping
pain manz
noticed tt e pain come ard an hr aft pumping

edna kenna force by mi for e three hr thgy large haa...
bt im glad she cn slp thru... tink whn I wn chg to 4 hourly schedule its nitemare for her again

I wear both nursing wear n nursing bra. maybe tt y nt easy to exposed myself
I tink no one noticed I bf her outside else prob get chased out of restaurant liaoz haa...
Hello all mummies,
My BB was supposed to be out on 8/8 but she came out on 27th july instead... am a newbie here on motherhood.

Need to vent off frustration. Pardon me. Struggling to breastfeed. My BB girl is such a screamer. Super impatient. She prefers the bottle now and every time I try to latch her on(which is like every 3 hrs) she screams the whole block down and kicks like huang fei hong. And finally after she latches on, she FALLS ASLEEP! The only time I can latch her on with zero noise and full consciousness is after her bath.

I read somewhere that it's not advisable to pump out milk until the flow is well-established? Yet I have also heard pple advise that pumping will help increase the flow... dilemma... Think if I do pump I'll just be getting a few trickles right now...

Right now I'm resorting to a dirty trick. I put a few drops of forumla milk on my nipples so that she'll latch on and suckle. But she's one smart cookie... Wonder how much longer I can fool her.
I think latching requires 2 hands to clap. Not easy for me too. somemore, the flow much slower than bottle feed, that's why they prefer bottle and can finish fast.
my girl now can differentiate breast or bottle.. breast aft 10 min she get v angry cos the flow lesser and she haven had her fill and start banging my breast!!!!!
I had the same dilemma too. To pump or not to pump to increase milk flow?

My gal now coming to 3 weeks and she's been feeding a lot more. My wife will now latch her on for a longer period (approx 40min) and if she do cry after tat, which is possibly not enough milk, we will supplement with FM. My wife tried pumping but the milk flow is just not enough. Managing only 30-40ml so far. Very scared bb not enough though her pee and poo are very regular which gives me the indication she has enough.
latching frequently will help to stimulate more milk.. jus like pumpign frequently
jus tat latching more tiring.. but its suppose to b better than pumping.. to mi.. both r the same tho cos my ss is still the same =(
we tried both.... supply of milk still not what we expected. Understand that BB's demand will determine supply of milk. So am wondering if she is not demanding more..just a guess.

Got a friend who has 3 kids tell me that supply of milk increase when u have more kids... true or false. Cos this is what she experience.
more kids? not true.. anyway jus continue to latch on.. take some supplement liek feenugreek and see if it works
also drink more fluid, take more cereal n oats too. oh yes fish too!
anyone tried this ye lai siang catering? I got to know it from the forum. Don't know which is better.
Xin Rui's full month will be this sunday..
for mummies who want to buy Motherlove Milk Plus tablet from TMC phacmacy, it is out of stock now, left only the liquid form, tablet form out of stock oredi.
sunsweer, if you think this caterer is good, let me know pls, i am also looking for caterer. Where are you going to hold the party?
anyone gets clogged ducts in the morn when u wake up? i keep getting that.
wonder if i should pump at night as well. Today my milk ss decreased alot due to clogged ducts.
hi all, i m frm aug mtb thread..edd was 1aug but i popped on 23rd july..can i join in the discussion here? Need more tips on breastfeeding...

Mashy,hw do u know those r clogged ducts?
Re: Milk Supply and Flow
With this 2nd bb, my supply came earlier and is more than the 1st time. This could be due to previous experience, more pumping, fenugreek seed (+ blessed thistle) supplement and better confinement diet.

Pumping does help with boosting the supply and flow for me. Initially I was very happy to see the milk sprays in the funnel when I pumped. Now, I'm dealing with the fast squirting, or should I say the bb is having problem with that
I was advised not to pump for now cos it will encourage the flow which the bb cannot handle, can only express little bit by hand when feeling super engorged. Ironically, I'm doing the reverse of what I was doing at earlier weeks; now I'm trying to "tame" my supply and flow *SIGH*
I find massaging while nursing helps; by circling motion fm armpit twds the nipple. Pumping will help also, but doesn't always clear the ducts without massaging. Also, are you lying down when you nurse at nite? I find that sometimes that will prevent some milk flow.


yah, i lie down to nurse at night. sigh, think i'll need to do more heat therapy later when i bathe. i already cleared them yesterday, then just 1 night is enough to set me back again.
just finished my massage session. was wondering how u all manage with the oily body after that? more imptly, the breast area with the massage oil. i washed with water and soap only for the breast area, but i still cant help but worry that when i pump the milk, the massage oil will contaminate the milk. >< HOW?
Yah. even my sister is envious of my milk supply... So what I saw on Taiwan TV variety show was true... small boobies = a lot of milk... haha, my colleagues cannot laugh at my boobs these days. Went from not even A to C cup liao. I miss my small boobies....
lamagier, I also have bit rashes from mdm sadiah massage, but I don't really care since I have already suffered from the PUPP in the first place, so a few more dots are ok for me...haaa.. and tummy flatter more important...heee...today I asked her to use the Clarins oil instead of her own oil, I think may be the rashes are caused by the lemongrass oil that she's been using.

BBethan, I also cannot BF in public, so scared end up exposing my breast. how ah? Hbb, any special tips? when you open the nursing 'window' or when the baby unlatch suddenly, the breast will be exposed wat...so how to do it without anybody know? I end up with formula whenever I go out. I was planning to bring ebm in insulated bag but worried singapore temperature will spoil the ebm.
my massage does not include breast area... hmm, but i think must clean breast area before feeding bb right? if clean should not contaminate the milk lah. clean all the way from shoulder to waist loh.
My sister uses a big shawl to cover. Use safety pin so that the shawl becomes like a 'bib'. Then can feed baby under the shawl. I intend to do the same too.

Think there should be similar stuff being sold somewhere in the forum also. But if you already have shawls lying around, then can save some money
Remedy for super engorged (Myth or wat i duno)

My malay massage lady just told me that they practice the follwing if their breasts are super engorged and painful:

tie a red string around a wine cork and wear it round your neck, with the cork inbetween your breast. this will not lessen your milk supply but will lessen the pain from engorement.
wahhhh not even A to C? omg... now u can wear nice clothes n show off figure liao hehe...

loshita.. yes the last bottle my sis bought it for mi at thepharmacy =)

i dun use anythg.. i onli wear nursing bra n nursing top.. ehh wat i do is i use bb head to block the nipple when expose hee
ya can try usign a shawl.. thr r nursign shawl selling out thr but i feel is waste of money if u hav the normal shawl at home... i gt lots of shawl.. prob will use it when bb is bigger and fidget more hee
im so irritated by edna.. everytime put her in pram she scream.. and jus now when we were out same thg again aft she woke up ... end up dh flip her over to put her tummy down.. she went to sleep in the pram immediately!
simply no idea hw to make her sit properly instead of tummy down in pram... how?????
HBB, i am also starting to train my gal to sit in the pram...making her sleep in pram in the afternoon... so far unsuccessful also... Got to make it quick as she will be "showcased" to the world this sat... stress :p
HBB, mine also kinda like tummy down sleeping and bathing position. For bathing, need to be very careful, don't think i will try after CL left. As time goes by, baby should be able to adjust by themselves lah.
i headache manz she willc ry till whole building shake one lor haiz... i told my friend she is NDP PC in training manz...

tot if they v tired hw also can sleep butnot so true for my girl haiz

now i must use the new pram n put her in in day time like wat kelvin do at home liao
Hi Mummies

I have delivered Julian at KKH on 27 July 09.. he came out a wk before EDD.. had 13 hrs of labour.. no choice but to take epidural 5hrs before deliver cos cervix only dilat 4cm..

How do u all increase milk supply? seems that most of u have no problem bfing.. each time i can only express abt 30-40ml.. need to supplement with FM.. is fenugreek seeds effective? where can i buy them?
tinklebellx, you are not the only one. My wife have the same issue.. Now my gal appetite is getting bigger, so got to supplement with FM at times.
Tinklebellx, you are already v good to have 30-40ml in the first week. Mine dropped to that level last wk and now regaining but still at 60ml/pump. Today I do every 2 hrs.. U can get from Guardian/ GNC and any pharmacy. Mine is fr Guardian (forgot the brand) and it's 620mg and a big word say high "potency". I started taking the next day after delivery, but doesnt seem to make much of diff. I cont to take to give me hope..

Gina, so YLS is good?
hi mummies,
its been a while i didnt log in to this forum..i guess i am far away from the topic... hehehe..
just gave birth to a baby boy on 16.07.09.. baby weight 3.10 kilo.. everything is ok and fine.
i am a c-section.. actually plan for normal birth. but waited 2 days at KK hospital and insert 3 dose, my cervix cant open.. lastly make up my mind to operate. finally my baby boy safely delivered. doc told me, bb was playing with cord inside my tummy, and hang around him..he say if i was normal birth, it will be hard for me to labor.. luckily my mum ask me to operate.. else.. i really will gone mad waiting so long at hospital.. seeing other pregnant women holding their bb on their arms..
that was not the hardest part.. the most hardest part is my confinement!! 2 weeks confinement at home.. really make me crazy. i cant bath, cant wash my hairs.. my hair stinks!! and everyday keep on sweating.. my godness...
i order this confinement foods from this newbaby.com.. and the foods really sucks!! the foods not suitable for me. actually order for 4 weeks, but after eating for 1 week, i call and change the order to 2 weeks. its really torturing me eating those foods. i am so stress.. everytime they send over.. looking at the foods, i really cant stand on it. got once, they even forget to send my dinner. waited for 2 hours.. hubby call, and he say the driver miss my dinner.. its still inside his van!! can u believe it?? send over to me at 8pm.. and the foods all become cold, so terrible! how to eat cold foods?? they say they will give me another free meal for another day!! please lar.. they gave me another free meals, means i have to stress another day!!
luckily my mum came to singapore and cook those i like to eat de, like chicken wine soup.. my favourite.. my mum don even recognize me when she saw me.. i look so weak and pale.. haih!!! i still have 2 weeks to go.. really hope i can finish this confinement soon. my bb still getting use with his new home. sometimes cries very loud at night.. now, me and hubby feel worry when the sky turn dark, he wakes up at night... i don get enough sleep.. and hubby not enough sleep too!! lucky my mother in law helps me when bb cries!!
cognrats to ur new born!
omg.. lucky i did not order fr new baby!... even natal essential food thou not bad but 2 weeks into it i already sian liao haaa so i can realy understand hw u feel manz
hugz... rest well now that ur mum is here =)
hope ur bb feel secure soon and dun cry so much at nite anymore
enli, you must have enough sleep at nite, or else you will be very weak like me. I din really rest well the past 8 days until my mum came. My mil 'geh geh' want to do my confinement and dun allow us to engage confinement lady. end up i am the one who suffer. she doesn't know how to cook confinement food. she chim cai cook and expect me to chim cai eat. PLEASE, I AM ON confinement. CANNOT CHIN CAI. end up I have no choice have to call my mum to come from malaysia, and my mil moved out immediately. She complaint said i so yim zin, this dun eat that dun eat. I am very small appetite, so i eat very little, and dun force me to. those food she cooked not suitable for confinement how to eat!!! She complaint said my hubby dun let her take care of the BB, How can we let her take care of the BB if she is so careless. She can talk over the handphone so loud next to the BB, when halfway preparing to bath the BB, she can still made a short phone call to her fren just to tell her fren the BB english name while i was carrying the BB waiting to be bath and drink milk. I understand she is very happy with the grandchild, but she is really not suitable in helping me for the confinement and yet insist to help us, end up give us trouble. Somemore she dare to claim last time she chin cai eat also (but she has confinement lady cooked for her). After my mum came, i feel very much comfortable, as my mum helps me to bathed,taking care of bb at night, both me and my hb can sleep well now. And my mum cooks confinement food that i eat....feel relief. And sorry I dun care my mil feeling now (+my sil who also doesn't like my mum to come over, who care!!!!)
poor u... ya to have no help is better than have someone who help and yet complain bout us... u rest well now ok... have a longer confinement period at most to bu ur body bk...
that time i can't sleep well due to the operation, then back oredi still have to take care of BB @ night, my mum was so heartache seeing me looked so pale that time, somemore I was stress of low milk supply. I cried over the phone when i spoke to my mum, she told me cannot cry during confinement, end up she arranged someone to take care of my nieces and she came over. luckily my hb understand my situation and support me.

guess u didn't read my post previously. I ordered from newbaby when i had my #1 in 2006 as well for 2 weeks. SUcks big time then too.

aiyoh, poor gal. dun stress, it will make your milk supply even lower. I can still remember my horrible confinement when i had my #1 too. This time round i'm so much happier with a reliable CL.
