(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I have lost app these few days. When i saw steam fish with ginger, i will feel nausea. can't eat much though. I was underweight before pregnant, so now no need to lose so much.

i yet to eat the tablet cos not w mi now.. my sis got it for me mayb later i will pick fr her hehe
but if it says 4 time daily i prob will take 1 when i wake up.. 1 aft lunch 1 in evening and another 1 before i sleep?
oh my bb full mth i got it fr mum's kitchen.. in fact every event i have i cater fr mum kitchen cos the food v nice hehe... agree that its a bit ex.. but ok lar else dun enjoy the food also no point =)

i booked the communal hall below my flat. It's quite big and has a playground just next to it, just nice to fit my 100 guests. Yupz, i've plenty of relatives.
Mashy, do u invite friends too? or u separate them?

I am planning for the 4th mth, my relatives also alot, and got ex-colleagues, colleagues, friends etc etc...
<font color="ff0000">Kim: Full Month Celebration</font>
I gave 2 weeks notice and most rsvp within 2 days. I only did for relatives and very close friends. About 60+ pax. At Tung Lok East Coast.

<font color="ff0000">Bbethan</font>
Yup I sign up for the Sean Lau Photography BP already, thinking of going for both kids, are you gonna join in too for both kids? It is very anne geddes, don't you think?

<font color="ff0000">MLMP tablets</font>
I ordered online from one of the webby someone posted earlier on, hope it arrives soon...though I still have loads fenugreek tablets...

Going to catch a Matinée (comedy) at Esplanade this afternoon, looking very much forward to it, gotta go take a shower now, see you guys online tonight...have a lovely weekend!

yah, inviting a few friends, church mates and my hb's colleagues.

Don't need too early lah. Coz esp for pp who doesn't put your party in priority, they will still cancel u last min. Probably just 2-3 weeks ahead should be good enough unless it's your very good pals.
kim - haha, yup its back breaking work, literally. now i think mums of singletons have it so easy !

i bathed and washed hair for 1st time on day 16, think i broke everyone's record in my family !!
yes... thinking do for both kids cos i owed #1 a photoshoot when he was 1 yr old. How much they charged for both?

U very happening leh... can still go Esplanade for the comedy. How i wish i can have a life like yours. I seem to be stuck at home with 2 kids. Want to go out must wait for hubby.
my boy have been crying almost every 1hr or so for no reason. and seems like he wanna suckle. but each time i latch him on it last only abt 2-5mins. and there after he will start dosing off. and it go all over again for the next hrs. usually only happen in the day. night time he just wake up once for his regular feed. isit growth spurt? or is something wrong?
Tung Lok east coast? You ordered by table or buffet?
I have total about 140 i guests on my list.

I read the feeding instructions for gripe. It says from 1 to 6 months. So we can feed it to our babies below 1 month old?

Philips Baby Monitor (SCD463)

Analogue unit with reception of 200m range.

Warranty Experied.

Selling price: $80

PM me if you are keen to purchase..

I gave my friends about 1 week notice for the full mth celebration thou some already ask mi when is the party gg to b the moment i pop... those realy close friends i told them the tentative date hen they ask mi ...

im so tempted to gif pacificer but kept stopping myself! my dad also. say cannot carry, cannot gif pacificer, cannt pat, cannt shake, cannt sing song. me going crazy!
the mother love plus i see fr the ingredient include feenugreek
they got other ingredient int he capsule as stated: blessed thistle. nettle leaf, fennel seed as well.

was tinkign do i still need to take feenugreek since thisone already includes feenugreek.. will start takin it tonite since i jus gt it fr my sis
ok i'll try tomorrow..
just now bb cry cry end up i gave pacifier..

I want sainity so i gave.. :p cos my elder one also take pacifier when she needs to sleep.. :p

huh? cannot sing song? dun understand why can't give pacifier. I gave my boy pacifier, he has perfect set of teeth and i weaned him off at 18mths.

I tried giving my gal pacifier but she still doesn't know how to suck it yet. So gave up... maybe try again next time.
dun know what's wrong with baby today. last night stayed awake till 2am, slept until 11am this morning. then went back to sleep again. woke up n played only at around 3pm. now back to sleep again. today seems like she's under sleeping spell. not v interested in milk too. what's wrong? wonder if another long night today again

my bro sae he hear my boy cry until he headache >.< he sae too high pitch. ahhas!


yea, my dad sae, later sing song to him and make him sleep. he will get use to it and we haf to sing song to him everinight to make him sleep. jus like bed time story. he veri weird lar! my dad is dun wan my boy to haf ani habit. so he dun wan me to gif aniting.

huh? it's a good habit to sing song/read stories before going bed leh. It's part of a routine and helps to settle bb down at night. Kids love routines and u should cultivate it. Once bb is used to the routine, it'll be a breeze to u.
edna also soemtiems not keen on milk it usualyhappen for jus one day for her thou

jus nwo she gave me a scare... i put her on tummy as usual on my sofa bed.. i turn over to my pc and click on a lilnk.. to read sth.. barely 1 min later i turn bk to check on her... she turn 180degree on her tummy already!! head on oppersite direction... all happen less than a min... i know she can wriggle her way all over but din realise at such fast speed!!
nw she gg to stay off my sofa bed already haiz
its gd to let bb have a song or a story before bed.. bonding mah... why not?
not askin u t o do it over n over again till he sleep.. more like its an indication to bb that its tiem to sleep at nite for a longer period.. i do it to my girl when i was preggy every nite.. say a story and sing a song then tell hre its nite time.. must sleep till morning.. and morning i will sing her another song to indicate is day time.. to make her aware day n nite...

its a habit..but its call good habit lar.. dun giv pacifier is understandable.. but singinn story telling is good!
now she look more like me already haaa in fact my dad n sis now say she is potocopy of mi haaaa
i would say her character is a mix of my dh n me manz cos we oth r the nvr say die kind LOL

my sis was telling me she is v strong prob due to the pre natal foot reflex i did since that massage was meant for the baby not me... seems like its working on her maanz
Bestberries, Now we have easy time, but those have multiples will hv easy time when the kids are more independant. M sure u breakeveryone's record in this forum too.

RE: Pacifying our bb
Sunsweet, dun worry doesnt mean give pacifier means bad mom la, wa, if so then my mommy let me suck till 6 woh, super bad LOL; PPrincess, I sing to Kaelem everytime he cries uncontrolably, it works. Or u try the 5C method; Mashy, how you wean you boy at 18mths?

RE: bedtime stories
My CL also told me cannot talk to bb when it's too late (that night was only 10pm), she say talking to bb make them become awake woh?!?! So I just tell stories in the day.

my boy has a habit of throwing things when he's angry/upset. So he threw down his pacifier in anger once, and i asked him, 'throw away'? So i told him if wanna throw, throw in the dustbin and that's exactly what he did. After that he remembered his pacifier and asked for it and i told him to remember that he threw it away previously. He went to search in the dustbin (of course we got rid of it asap). Well, he cried himself to sleep for 3nts (but he knows it's his fault, so just whined). After that he didn't ask for it again.
bbethan, lamagier,
how many session did you do the massage with mdm sadiah? I really feel that the massage is really effective, especially with the tummy wrap, much flatter now..so happy! I have just finished 5 days, thinking to continue another 5 days...
hbb, my gal also have the same description, fart a lot, then tummy so bloated, but still consolable when carried. Ridwin and gripewater must be at least 1mth old according to the pharmacy...there is another one called something drop given by PD but I forget the name.
Oh ya about the beans, that will make wind in the tummy, is it green bean, soya bean, the veggie bean that cannot eat?

my gal sometime gagging and vomit when I give her pacifier. What pacifier is soft and small, I use the newborn avent one, but it seems that the teats are too long.
i did 5 sessions. wanted to continue another 2 days but later decide not to as got some appt during those days.

i'm using the avent one for my girl too. agree it's a bit long. if not, u can try using NUK. it's a rounder teat instead.

my #1, i had quite a fair bit of kao li during pregnancy. boy's muscles also quite strong. this time round, took lesser. can see girl's a bit weaker.
bbethan i c...
nxt pregnancy u must take more hehe
hws amanda today?
edna now like dun wan to sleep at 6 already
and liek keep wantign to drink
week 5 gt growth spurt huh?
kim, your CL is quite right also. by talking to the baby too late like 10pm, is like over stimulating the baby, then he will think that it's not night time/sleeping time yet. If you want to read story, do it before the bath time. After bath time, dim the light, on the lulaby etc etc, so that he will get into the night routine.

hbb, yeah...I never heard a newborn drool before le...may be because you craving for the cinnamon melt...heee
ehh i crave now will make her drool huh? omg haaa

last time my mum use to tell us when preggy must satisfy our craving... else bb born willd rool
now tinking bk i got no craving when preggy leh wonder why she still drool!
i think Amanda had her growth spurt last few days. Week 6 now. Wanted milk every hr at night. Day time can only tahan at most 2 hrs.

She's now sleeping. had kept her awake till 7pm just now. dun dare to keep her awake now after milk else i'll hv hard time making her go to sleep later. praying very hard i can hv early nite rest today. *fingers v v crossed*

when u bring her out, she still keep to the schedule?
hbb, haha.. though i would like 3 kids... but dun think got any more next pregnancy already lah. 2 already cannot cope leh. wait till i got more time, more energy, more money n more support... unless accident lah... hehe... must put disclaimer first.
bbethan yes if i bring her out still keep to schedule for her feed.. sleep anot is another matter cos till now i sitll got problem putting her to sleep.. she jus cry for an hour.. before i finaly gave her milk again then she cry n sleep at last!

i have succeeded! i managed to bring 2 boys out alone!!!!! :p hehehe but then now i must stick strictly to the routine even when out or i will not make it... :p

heheh oh my boy #2 is now able to sleep a 6 hr stretch! is this normal? its #1 that is keeping me awake at night he is waking for 2 feeds each night(oh #1 is back to bf too)!

Mashy, your boy is a "man". Admire him!

ETirto, good info. M CL wipe him down in the evening about 5pm, so I was still able to read to him if he fusses beyong that time. But I make sure we do not do anything to make him stay awake beyond 9pm.

BBEthan, wht is "Kao Li" Korean Ginseng?

QN: does calcium tablet cause milk supply to reduce too?
