(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

elijah's mummy
how do u do it? my girl has been screaming in taxi twice for milk before. end up got to nurse her in it. so scared to go out with her.

not korean ginseng. i also dun know what's it called in English. Kao Li Shen... something like that. Cooked with pork n paoshen.
BBEThan, 高丽参is pretty heaty leh, I cant take it, give me headache and giddiness (like high blood pressure symptoms). Not even in the tea form.. I think I may be 虚不受补.. The most I can take was DOM every night.
hee good! u made it! hee..
ya go out anot stick to the routine.. all will b easy hee

i dun tink calcium tablet will reduce ss.. im taking that too =)
anyone here bought Combi strollers? saw they have so many models. wondering if anyone can share which is good. considering to get a 2nd stroller which is light weight so that i can bring baby n #1 out.
BBEthan, u v fortunate to have your mom take care of you!

HBB, guess I have to resort to every 1.5-2hrly pump to try stimulate more production lor, cos I started taking on Mon, guess that's why my supply also went down.. but I have not taken any yoghurt or cheese since start of confinement cos CL say cannot take cold food.. I only hv little milk if I have Milo or oatmeal, so needed that extra calcium..
oat meal will aid in increasing ss
must take!! i take everyday also.. but run outof it 2 week ago yet to replenish hee...

my massage lady say dun take cheese n milk.. she say will hav wind
duno hw true but need to drink milk wat!!!

i read the book 'what to expect fo rthe 1st year' it also say avoid diary n cheese if bf.. weird leh

yes do pump regularly =)
My MLMP tabs arrived today and I have just taken one. Hope it works though today I succumbed and open the standby tin of Friso.

The show I caught this afternoon was hilarious! Worth going through the horrid NDP traffic for it. Strongly recommended for the highly-strung. In fact, right after the show, I went to buy tickets for a couple more shows coming up, one is The Hossan Leong show and the other is Broadway Beng

<font color="ff0000">Sunsweet</font>
I did the dim sum buffet at Tung Lok - $19.80++ per adult. Food is very good, service too. 11.30am to 2pm. For 140 guests, I suggest you book early...I could not get a private room coz i didn't. So we were in a section that is within the main area where the public is.

<font color="ff0000">Bbethan</font>
You asked the same question Sunsweet asked regarding the photogrpahy BP - if it is cheaper for 2 kids from 1 Mom, and I have asked the same question but have not got any answer yet. Will keep you posted.

Good night, all, enjoy your Sunday...
About 110ml every 4-hourly or almost 90ml every 3-hourly. My darling needs about 120ml every feed and timing varies. Yesterday evening, I tried feeding him alternate breasts for a couple of hours but he was still not satisfied so I gave him a friend's BM before he settled down. It was super tiring. Plus it is really quite inevitable, with me going back to work in 16 days time.
Re: Fenugreek
I've started taking this for the past 2days. Can realli feel my breast full and sore after mere 1h+ after pumping. However, I do have diarrhoea for these 2 days. wonder it's the capsule or it's just coincidental. Any mummies on Fenugreek care to share?
FOZ its 110ml oer breast? then not bad leh hee
ya latching is very tiring...
jia you ok!!!

so fast back to work? omg
I wish, both breasts lah...yes, back to work in no time, time flies when you are being paid and not having to work
Thanks for your encouragement anyway...appreciate it.
the milk will come... the milk will come.. ia lwasy tell myself that haa
that means ur yield n mine same..
every 3hourly 90 ml now...

i latch all the time... :p got over the shy in public thing... :p did that when i had #1...

now i wear nursing wear every where... so i feed on demand and at the most inconvenient places... taxi already not too bad... :p try cafe...

now am considering getting the twin prams... cant fit my 2 prams with the stroller connectors on...
using a carrier for #2 and pram for #1 at the moment....
i already start feeding edna anywhere and everywhere.. w nursing wear guess realy covenient rite? hee.. lookin fwd to buying more nursing wear LOL
wow... seems like many of the mummies are having very good milk supply le!

not for me lehs... sob sob, probably i'm too lazy... been gibing bb FM le.. the most irritating thing is i keep experiencing let down, so painful lor, but yet when i pump, can only pump 20ml... but i lazy lar, pump while only... *guilty*
Heat rashes
Does your bb have alot of heat rashes? (acne look alike) My boi has quite a bit on his face. used Annie's method of 金银花 once, tink it's slightly better. going to go for another day. However, to my horror, his neck, both in front and behind grow A LOT of these white bumps since yday. my heart aches at the sight of it.
care to share how u dress him during the day and night, and do you put your bb in an air-con room? my mom believes that bb only scare of getting cold with wind in his stomach. heat is not a prob. thus my bb is always in a snuggle blanket w/o air-con.

imo cuddling, sing song, talk to bb is ok to give bb a sense of security. My bb experience nightmare kinda of situation, and i will just carry/hug and let him listen to my voice and heartbeat. Just like if we are afraid or have nightmare, we hope to receive some comfort.

Re: heat rashes

my CL swaddle bb in diaper cloth with 1 or 2 hands out, bottom not tugged in, just let lose. Hmm, but I'm also seeing rashes coming...
Bell, how old is ur bb? How u swaddle him? all the way to neck like we were taught in hosp? I imagine ur bb wz blanket swaddled all the way to neck in non air-con room in S'pore weather... too hot lah!

Kaelem is in his 3rd wk now but we no longer swaddle him the hosp way since 2nd wk. In the day, we dress him in short sleeves onesies, use nappy cloth to swaddle around his waist. Some times swaddle wz 1 arm inside at armpit level, some times both arms also armpit level, but never to the neck (my LC even taught me to swaddle him wz nappy cloth covering the head). In the night, we add a long pants over the onsies before swaddling.
Kim, penut
Owen's a week old. i only swaddle him from chest to tummy with both hands tugged in. bottom jus cover with diaper cloth at night. Seems like i'm doing about the same thing as you. but his rashes are horrible! sobz.
Hope it will go away soon.
mashy, HBB &amp; peanut

i usually do all the tings when he's not around. afterall im usually home alone! hahas! but also not much energy to do that. wad i love best is to lie him on my chest and we both ZzzZ tog!
to me making him lie on my chest, listening to my heart beat is like him still inside my tummy. but my dad's logic is, he will get use to our body heat and wan us to do this to him everi single time.
olden people and now realli different huh.
Bell, seems like u r indeed doing same s us (puzzled), may be u can call the doc to check if there is a need to bring him to the doc. else, gotta work harder on the 金银花 thingy or how abt just wiping wz cooled boiled water? c if it'll help. Oh, make sure if no a/c then at least the room is well ventilated.
HBB, I hv, just started few days ago, but not constant just occasional, feels like fr nipple inward, often aft express. Same like u?
ya near nipple sometimes at side of the boons also...
now i knw u girls gt similar experience i dun hav to worry
thanx hee hee

I've shooting pains in my breasts too.

Re: jaundice
It's coming 3rd week and my gal is still jaundiced. Think it's bm jaundice again. sigh...

previously i post abt the pain in the breast during express, feeding and let-dwn period but nobodi replied. isit the same for u?
ive experience pain on the breast area as if the nerve is being pulled and abit sharp. but for only a short while and it's gone.
pprincess: yes that is exactly how mine feels too. Sorry, must have missed your previous post

Mashy:Max is still looking a bit yellowish and he's now 6 weeks old. Same think, BM jaundice
ya, i will try harder on the flower thingy. As for cooled boiled water, can forget abt it. my mom wouldnt allow. lol

i have the stinging pain in the breast when it's full.
Re: Fast Letdown and Spit Out
Anyone's baby having problem with fast letdown when latched on? My gal has been having this problem lately, she wld gag and choke, then pull away trying to catch her breath and cry
As she would swallow more gas when dealing with the fast letdown, she had also thrown out a few times (sometimes would come out thru nose also). I had offered bottle of ebm after that, but she won't take it... I'm worried that she's not getting enough now, cos she would shun the breast after choking. I was advised by lactation consultants to hand express into towel (not pump) when she pulls away, and also do block nursing (feed on 1 side within 3 hr span then switch). Wondering how this would affect the ss? Any advice?

I hv stopped taking the fenugreek supplement, cos I think while it helped to increase my supply, it also caused the "fast and furious" letdown...
wah looks like many of us got this pain.. my pain varies soemtimes before sometimes aft pumping but i tink usualy is 1 1/2 hour or so aft pumping that means half way between each pump or latch

pprinceess paiseh tat time prob miss ur post hee

yes my right nipple also painful during the 1st min.. prob tat tiem cos gt a bit bleeding thr.. tat y

guess if u gt no prob w ss then ok to skip the feenugreek.. i intend to stop such supplement aft ss is establish.

so far nor esult fr the mother love milk plus tablet yet thou
I stopped my massage seesion yesterday liao after 5 session cos mdm sadia said I seem to have some red rash... So she told me to go get a binder to help reduce tummy further

I have fast and furious let down too. I sometimes so engorged at nite I would just go to the sink and press out foremilk cos need to save some molk for baby latching.

Could it be possible baby don't want bottle cos dun like the teat? Maybe can try other brand teat? I know nuk teats are pretty highly recommended.

I OD on MLMMP tablets during the 3-5th day after delivery. Even though it says for 175pound above then take 2 tablets, I also just whack. Then not enough milk for baby, I got pretty upset, took 2 tablets twice through the nite, at nite drink some organic tea supposed to helped in milk supply....

Now a bit regret cos always engorge.... Not boasting here. I tried 'hand-pressing' milk out into sink to relief the engorgement... left side can see 5 'streams' squirting away, right side 4 'streams'. Each side can pump 110ml..... Now still too early to build up milk store for when I go back to work.... Don't know what to do with all the milk.. Can slightly understand why Gina felt so miserable with her super-active milk production

I think I posted too much personal stuff here... suspect my real identity been found out by someone I do not want to reveal too much too... So need to censor what I post from now on
Hi Bell,

My girl has the same prob as yr baby on her neck last week.
I feel she was too hot in the afternoon.
So, i put her in an aircon room in the late afternoon (4pm-7pm). My CL gives her a quick shower at 7pm. after 2 days, the spots are gone.
Hope it works for your baby.
i'm still having doubts abt bf. it took me 1 hour to bf 1 bb today, and after that she still drank 60 ml from bottle. total time is 1.5 hours. i'm still sticking to bf at least once a day cos hope can help with the bonding thing. but seriously, how do i know if i;m bonding cos bb frustrated she cant get enuff milk and me worried she not drinking enuff ? ?

lamagier - how abt freezing your ebm ? can keep a few months.

kim, hbb - i also hoped to set up routine for my twins, read the gina ford book on twins. doesnt work at all, unless you totally ignore 1 twin's crying in order to set up routine. so right now i'm still doing things ad hoc, as and when they happen. CL going back this wkend.... oh........ noooooo.............
Bestberries, today my boy's feeding time also not regular, 2.5 hrs and 2hrs.. good thing CL din insist on the 3hrly feed anymore. That's y I am asking most moms they typical day, cos when my CL leaves on 12th, I dunno if I will be ok..

I only latch Kaelem once today cos he was cranky and showing the "suck suck" motion thou his feed time should be another 1 hr to go, so heart pain.. Today, I express more frequently.
<font color="ff0000">Ladies, allow me to introduce myself, I am "Espresso" (Express-嫂)</font>!
kim LOL u r really funny
so i guess all of us are expresso here hahahaaaaa

slowly.. the routine prob will take longer time cos twins but it can b done
my gf twins all went into routine by 3rd month.. all drink milk at same time hehe.. wake up and nap at same timing too!!!

u r not boasting lar dun worry...
ehh mayb hor u urself gt alot of milk to start w that y u got gd ss now??
rem u mention sth bout ur colelague say small boobs no milk n etc.. ta dah... not true lor haa... u gt milk!!!

i order manyt imes from them liao
literaly the fusion buffet and the standard ones also eaten before hee
the cannot b miss stuff will b the laksa n curry chicken =)
my girl today also keep wantign to drink end up for 2 tiems i gave in.. gave her some 'break' time to have extra milk.. duno is she havign growth spurt.. mayb ur boy also?

my typical day w bb will b

9am: bb wake up for milk... i usualy latch for this cos over nite boobs alot of milk.. aft she latch i pump out the excess n store.
my bf time where i eat all my supplement, chicken essence and breakfast

10am: bath time and put her to bed to nap...
11am or so: she will wake up screaming.. yes she shall scream till 12...

i wash all my bottles, pump n etc sterilises them

12pm: milk time
scream time.. nap time etc etc...

1pm: my own meal time

3pm: milk time again.. usualy she dunw an nap by tis feed.. tok to her put on bouncer n etc..
and i have my t break .. milo w bread

wash and sterilises stuff again..

6pm : milk time..
7pm: clean her face a bit cos salive all over the face!! chg her to PJ and send her off the bed to scream and sleep... if she dun sleep.. too bad.. she shalls cream and wait for her daddy dearest for help...

9pm: milk time.. now i usualy bottle feed her at tis time cos she is likely to hav fallen asleep since 7pm... and i will not wan her to wake up fully hehe... then i pump my milk.. have my milk for supper...

wash n sterlise the stuff once again... u b surprise ALOT of thg to wash n sterlise!!!

dilly dally till 12 midnite.. to feed her last feed.. then i pump and go to bed

past 4 day she sleep thru till ard 6am.. then ilatch her in our dream land where she will fall asleep again till the sun shine on our butt!

hbb, elijah's mummy
how do u girls manage to nurse discreetly with the nursing wear? I find myself clumsy when trying to get the boobs out for baby to latch on. end up always exposing myself. so now, i use a nursing wrap instead. can still wear back normal tops, just that more difficult to unhook the bra when nursing.

just now, my girl made me nurse her on the bus. she was screaming all the way cos already sleepy n want to root. whole bus was looking at us. no choice but to put on my nursing wrap n feed her. when i alight, can see a lot of eyes following us down.
