(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hi mums,
I popped on 28 July to a healthy baby boy, weighing in a 3.018kg. Seems like time has just flown by ever since the birth! Will update birth story when I have more time.

He still hasn't come home yet due to high jaundice levels. This is day 2 of me at home without him, I feel heartbroken.
Been diligently expressing my milk every 3hrs but the amount is miserable, not even worth taking to the hospital for them to use. When I go to bfeed him in hospital, he is so sleepy from the lights that he doesn't feed well. At least the supplement they are giving him in hospital is helping to flush out the bilirubin from the system, but I'm worried now that when he comes back, my milk supply won't be enough for him.

Re: malay massage

I using Mona, very chatty woman contact 90260085. $35 or 32 per hr depending on location. hmm, i never tried others before so can't compare. overall, she's ok to me, painful though during the massage, managed to slim down 3 inches on the tummy. but be prepared as she's a very busy woman who has to answer calls frequently.
sunnyduck, keep trying on pumping! It's very normal to have only a few drops of milk for the first few days. I had 1 drop after 30mins pump on the 4th day, 3drops on the 5th day, <10ml on the 6th day, and now total 60ml-100ml 25mins each side on 13th day. Don't give up! The more you keep ur mood relax, the easier the supply will come.
re: Rotovirus

Hi anyone foudn out how much your PD is charging for rotovirus medication?

need to take 2x right?

The clinic at my blk here offering Immusation package.. $572 for the following jabs:
3 x 6-in-1
1 x MMR
2 x Hep A
1 x Chicken pox
1 x booster for 5-in-1

worth it?
winnie mummy

i'm arranging for a brunch coz morn not so hot and when the kids are more alert. Ordering prata from Prata Shop (with prata man to make prata on the spot) and another caterer to provide other breakfast food stuff.
mashy/sunsweet, oops i always thought the head goes near the other end! all the while i've been carrying my girl that way!

mashy, btw re aunty su - if u prefer those v chatty ones, then she isnt the one for u.. i like the fact that she doesnt talk much unless i talk to her. then can rest and relax in peace.. didnt like the massage lady recommended in aug thread cos she talk too much!

just realised that my boy sometimes suckles until i am literally dry.. when i try to squeeze the breast/nipple after he latches, there is not a single drop of milk coming out! does this mean that my ss is v v low? my girl never emptied my boobs before leh

i also prefer a quiet one. I want a massage, not a conversation. :p

Empty boobs good leh, then u won't get clogged ducts.

I think u can carry it either way, but the basic way is head near the ring.

winnie mummy
no, not ordering cakes.
mashy, then if u put the head near the ring, can u safely go hands free with bb in the sling? i've never felt safe enough to totally let go when slinging bb..

bb doesnt empty my breasts all the time leh..and i still have the lumps.. maybe its blocked so the milk cant come out, tats why nothing comes out when i squeeze! argh..

can u share how much it costs to hire the prata man to go to ur place? it's a really cool idea! suddenly got craving for cheese prata... droolz...


Need to top up $120 for the prata man, delivery &amp; the buffet set up. U can negotiate with them if u wanna change the menu.

as for the sling, i feel it's ok lah. But feel more secure when bb is bigger. Can still remember the bb who got suffocated at the singapore expo when the mummy brought him out in the sling.

I also get lumps at the edge of the my breasts too.
Dunno why keeps getting clogged up there. Maybe it's the way i sleep?
winnie's mum, i think gina and a few other mummies here hav ordered fr pine gdns and are quite gd.

I'm oso considering between pine gdns and another cake shop owned by my mum's friend.

HBB, did u order AKK during the full mth? Cox i dun rem seeing in your pics...and the red eggs u did yourself mah?
I find putting head near ring like will strain the neck..

I was trying just now.. if put head on the other end need 1 hand to support the head.. is this a correct way of carrying too?

instructions from Bay*supplies seems to show both method.

so if prata man comes set up cook staion at your place where they fry the prata? they bring own talbe and pan and gas stove??
mashy, so u took the $14 set? think it's quite worth it! but must have space for the prata man to do his stuff leh.. where does it say must top up $120 for the prata man etc? i thought only $40 for transport fee etc..

i hate getting these lumps... and always at the sides. dun think its related to how u sleep leh.. maybe it's cos the pump funnel doesnt reach that area, and the glands closest to the nipple gets emptied first?
u r gd... me left wif 5kg to lose too.. but, m gg to finish my confinment tmr..

catering - i like fostre
cakes - i like choz

u v stylo leh...
kim, thanks for the info.

jules, will try 2 bath with herbal water then. my joints on my finger also have those swollen type of pain ler. I think i washed my hand too frequent liao.
loshita, i didnt bathe till 12th day for my 1st delivery.. but used tap water when in hosp.. also kena the aching pains at the joints. luckily the pain went away when bb was abt 4-5 mths old. try to wash hands with cooled boiled water only. at home i dont touch tap water at all.

yah, they provide everything. Don't even need water.

yah, took the $14 set but changed a bit coz we're not briyani lovers so mainly prata + mutton curry+ drinks $12 per pax. U gotta call them. $40 is the buffet set up &amp; delivery, the $80 for the prata man.

Then ordered high tea set from another caterer which included mee siam. Yummy... Worked out abt $10 per pax. SO still ok, within budget.

3hrs. Each pax will get abt 2.5 pratas.
Re: Wrist Pain
I thought I had strained my right wrist using the manual pump... so maybe it is the frequent washing of my hands with tap water. Like you, loshita, it's the swollen type of pain
Mashy, for post natal massage got other treats such s steaming, herbal wrap, hot stone, not just normal body massage or everyone also can massage for us.

Sunweet, u already had ur follow up so u shd b able to start, masseur will avoid the area where cut was made, I still hv numbing feeling abv the cut, masseur said that means the numbing injection my doc gave is good cos she said some of her customers' docs gv very small dose so patients feel d pain aft 1 wk n had 2 depend on pian killers. Raffles hospital offer 6in1 for $420 excl GST, 5in1 is $470 ex GST.
haha.. maybe we can put them tog and compete who's louder.. anw, thanks for the info.. i'll go check it out at the pharmacy.. hw much to gif? and hw to gif? add in the milk? and hw old can he start taking?..=D Actually, how to cfm he's having colic huh?

thanks!ya, i heard some bbs like to listen to mummie's heartbeat..

yah.. actually CL has been putting for him n massaging.. hope he'll be better..

oh yah, they will bring a specific amt of dough, so say u order for 50pax, then will be abt 50x2.5, Each person can specify what prata he/she wants. Can choose mushroom, cheese, paper, choc, hotdog, egg etc.

how does she do steaming? She has machines for that? I'm also concerned coz i went thru c-sec. Not sure if can take all the stuff or not, that's why now then wanna book. hmmm...
Mashy, my massage lady started her massage career massaging women after Csect. She brings her small rice cooker to boil her herb n u sit on a stool abv it, then u r wrapped with a sheet (I use my flat sheet) until u really sweat (i can feel the letting down of my milk too, so sayang).
Hi Mummies,

Infant Massage Promotion

1 Hr - $25
Pls add $5 for transport charges for home visits

Good for babie’s brain development
Good for colicky babies
Assist in blood circulation
Helps in strengthening babie’s joint and muscle

Pm me for details and booking slots
Jules: I've been using my sling with Max's head opposite the rings as well.
Oh, make sure you wake your baby up to feed every 3 hours cos the jaundice makes them very sleepy and if you allow them to sleep, the level just creeps higher and higher.

u can go to their webbie and see the ways of holding your baby in the sling carrier

re: postnatal massage

i actualli did it wif mdm aida as a last min decision as my fren used her and tell me she is veri gd. she would recommend to start from the 3rd dae after normal delivery. however i onli start 1 week later. not sure isit also bcos of her massage. but during that 1 week, i lost abt 4kg or more. can't really remb.
she charges $450 for 7 sessions. each sessions usually last about 1.5hrs. at the end of the 7 sessions, she will also give u a cream to apply on the tummy for the hot effect and a girdle. her bind is 3 tier. 1st wif the tradition bind. den wif a 10m clothe and lastly a normal binder to keep it in place :)

re: bathing and washing

i started bathing on the 8th dae. sometimes i bath everyday, sometimes only once every 2 days. as for hair i only wash once every 3-4days. i wash my hands and face with normal tap water thou my dad says to use cooled boil water. but find it a hassle. so far no problem with me
mashy, where are u holding ur man yue? u seem to have a lot of space to actually accomodate 2 caterers!

jillian, yup i am very anal about waking him up to feed every 2-3hrs in the day..but at night, i just let him go max 4 hrs before i wake him to feed. shld be ok right?
my girl have no bulges fr the bcg until tis week.. she is week 5 now... i was skeptical at 1st too until i saw the red buldge hehe...

yes i did order AKK.. forgot to take pic.. too busy.. ordered fr everton
yes red eggs done by us hehe...

kim.. it took mi about 2 to 3 days i tink for it to increase again..
today my sis got for mi the mother love milk plus tablet she say its the last box at tmc pharmacy so u girls wan go down i tink better call ask if they got it anot...

my pd say give 3 times a day .. give 0.5ml.. inside gt a dropper included one.
can either giv it like tis or w milk.. easier to giv w milk cos base on bbethan and my experience.... the babies will spit everythg out..

colic... usualy bb cry about the same timing everyday for a few hours.
tummy got the hollow sound when u lightly tap .. alot of fart also..

ur gal so good ah onli 30 mins wake up time! envy!
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the following items for sale. Please pm me if you are interested. Thanks

Handsfree breast pumping strap , used only twice. Bought at $27.90 ($35.90 including postage). Selling at $20(Self collection).

Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (Medium). Used for less than one month. Bought at $29.90 ($37.90 including postage). Selling at $20(Self collection).

Pigeon Bottle and baby food warmer (still in box). Bought few months ago, only opened for testing, never been used. Bought at $56.90, selling at $45(Self collection).
Anyone keen?

Sean Lau Photography BP
10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off Classic Baby Package)
30 babies sign up @ $178 ($60 off Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
- 02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
- 05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
- 01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
- DVD of selected images in High Resolution
- Every additional picture printed on 5"x 7" with high resolution softcopy is $30.
- Option to purchase the complete softcopy in high resolution for $250 instead of $300.
- The package will be valid for 1 year.
- 50% of the deposit is required upon signing up.

Extended offer:
- 10 babies:
Additional Pax to join in the session @ $35 per pax. If both parents join in for a family portrait, they will throw in an additional picture worth $30 (reprint + DVD)

- 20 babies:
Additional Pax to join in the session @ $25 per pax. If both parents join in for a family portrait, they will throw in an additional picture worth $30 (reprint + DVD)

- 30 babies
Waived for family portrait worth $70.

* Recommended age: Below 1 year
* Recommended photoshooting time: Weekday (August full! Sep still ok, choose 10am, 1pm, 4pm)

Email June ([email protected]) with the following details if you are interested:
- Your real name
- Your baby's name/DOB
- Your Contact No

Yup yup you can purchase the package for older kids. Baby package shots will be more focused on babies' expression and details all these. So shots like those flower pot/sock/bucket/pail might not be so applicable to older kids for obvious reason. Therefore the effect/concept outcome might be different...

BP closing next Friday (07/08/2009), 13 mommies so far according to organiser.
jules: Yes 4 hours at night is no problem. I wish Max could sleep for 4 hours at a stretch. But I really can't complain cos he;s quite a good baby overall.
Peanut, think I forgot to reply to u on sucking the booger fr bb. Use your mouth to cover only his nose and suck. This is unlike infant CPR where you cover his nose and mouth and puff.
BBethan, HBB &amp; Jilian,

My #1 is very clingy to me since I was preggie &amp; now that I have given birth. Each afternoon, I try to nap &amp; he will wake mi up to do stuff. Arghh! Anyway, I will try to get more rest. Hopemy ss will go up soon... As for the pacifier, I also know of the cons. But like waht HBB says, if I need it just give. I think I be a happier &amp; less stressful mummy this way. Hee...
Hi, mashy/sam,

Can update mine in the list?

ADD : 18th July 09
Baby Name : Cayden
Baby Weight : 3.31kg


Been bz wif my bb &amp; breastfeeding (latch on &amp; pumping)

Currently pumping so go online. ;p
re : food caterers

Anyone try Manna Pot Catering or Mum's Kitchen Catering? Any comments on it?

HBB, so 巧. I was @ TMC buying MLMP tablets this noon.

Ask u ah, the instructions stated 4 times daily. so how u take? 6hrs once? So far any improvement on ur ss?

I take 1 cap 6hrly. Dunno if this is the rite way anot.
Esther, congrats! I'm pumping and surfing net at the same time too

Mum's kitchen is good. It's setting is nice and food is good to me. The only hesitant is the price, kinda ex.
Peanut, hope we nvr need CPR manoeuver.. Sometimes Kaelem choked on while he drinks, and after i pat his back and he becomes expressionless, I always so worried I hv2 perform infant choking manoeuver..
If my gal fuss every evening but keep showing she wants to suck on something does it suggest colic or its just a rooting reflex?

The thing is that when i tap on her tummy, it sounded hollow and she farts more often than burps.

Should i try gripe water 1st or i it a bottle of ridwind?


ur boy has phelgm 2? mine has aso. is it normal? I dun recalled my gal had any when jz newborn leh. i did ask the doc @ polyclinic. she say normal. but i'm nt 2 sure abt her reply. afterall she is not a PD i tink.

re : mum's kitchen

can choose the cheapest one lor. keke... but must hit 40 pax. keke...

maybe u try the gripe water first. Ridwind not easy to feed. my girl gets v angry when we feed her that.

haha... awake quietly for 30mins. after that is noisy already. wants to sleep but takes long to fall asleep.

last night... dun know what happened to Amanda... refused to go to sleep from 7pm all the way until 2am!!! i was so exhausted. gave her my nipple but she happily just drink without even wanting to sleep. attempt to but arouses v v soon. testing my patience last night... n i really lose my cool on her n everyone
Then to make things worse, my #1 woke up at 5am this morning.

now i'm wondering if the 2 cups of decaf coffee has some effect on her.

think my ss is going downhill. has to start the pumping regime next wk liao.
