(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Robinsons sale:
The Centrepoint branch have a bigger selection. I'm just going to hold out for maybe a week+, and see if there's anything worthwhile buying during GSS. Too tiring going there to stand in the queues, though if you are patient and garang, can go to the cosmetic cashier near their front door to pay if you shop from top down (nusery section 1st).

Looking forward to the start of my ML, haha, just checking out my outlook calendar today, and doing a week countdown. woot, just 4 more weeks of stress and I can spend all the time with the lil one. I'm kinda neglecting playing time with her this couple of weeks cos I'm busy working. She'll kick and stretch like mad, but I just take it all in and then complain to her daddy in the evening, and make him talk to her :p, poor girl.

Mummies, i went for my gynae check @ 32 weeks today. My gal is at 2 kg now & I have gained 10 kgs so far. He told mi to cut down on my carbo intake.... afraid gal gets too big n tough to go for natural delivery.

I also went to search for maid & sch for my #1. So many things to do manz..... Besides, my #1 having high fever since yesterday. He has poor appetite & looks reali tired.
Hi mummies,
im back..i jus read all yr replies.. thank u so much for yr support.. seriously, i think i really needed it.. ytd din log in.. my boss approached me n said she wanted to tok to me..with one of the senior tchr inside.. i broke down totally aft my boss left.. n cried n cried..
my hubbie noes abt this n is extremely upset..
anw, she printed out this set of paper from MOM webbie, but i told her we've alrdy read up everything b4 my hubbie confronted her..

this is a rough summary of wad she has said:
She said she's extremely angry tat my hubbie called n scolded her..n she feels tat he has no rite..n if he is not my hubbie she wld have called the police n her lawyer n sue my hubbie for harrasing her.. n oso she said tat she can forgive n forget but dono wen will tat be..n tat she hope she will nvr meet my hubbie anytime from ytd for she is very angry with him.. in addition, she even said tat the way my hubbie handles things is CHILDISH n she oso told her hubbie tat my hubbie called n scolded her.. she said tat her hubbie was angry w my hubbie too but at least he is not'childish' to go call my hubbie n scold him like hw my hubbie did to her..
last but not least,she said she noes the next time she mite meet my hubbie wld be wen i gif birth in the hospital n bb's 1st month but said "seriously, i don think i will even attend for both events"...

i dono hw u girls think of this.. but im extremely upset abt this.. both my parents n parents in law noe abt this matter.. n even my PIL now is very upset with her..n seriously, i oso tot abt wad some of u has said, Throw letter aft ML.. n oso i do understand tat i still have to tahan 1 mth as like wad Elijah's mummy said.. n ytd, she had no choice but told me i had 2 roads to choose:
1- 4 months at one go.. (wad she said" nvm, at most i jus come up with my own $ to hire another tchr while u r down")
2- 3 full day n 2 half day (wad she said" but the 3 full days hv to include thurs n fri compulsory cos tchrs normally tk leave on thurs n fri)


last point to add n oso sth im super unhappy abt n actually agrued back:
She said she don rem herself saying : "it's set"
n i jus argued back saying:"u can go call n ask some other tchrs who were present at tat moment"
den she still like unwilling to admit tat the words"ITS SET" came out of her mouth.

really fuming.. =S
MrsC n Sherryl,
i see.. im oso still considering btw 2bedded or single rm.. cos i was thinking 1st bb, nurse will teach breastfeeding n stuff so tot maybe will have better privacy? n we were thinking maybe this first bb maybe tk the single rm but if i hv a 2nd one or wad den stick to double bedded.. but im still deciding leh.. $$ wise oso..haha
Hi Jeslyn,
Dont be too stress up,everything will be fine...

For me,most likely will be taking the 2bedded.
Coz i received the letter from Mount A,saying that for single room,there is a daily charge for companion that includes all meals.
So have u let Dr Ong know about the hospital which u would want to deliver?

Jamie,Mrs C,
so have u guys told Dr Ong of the hospital u wanna choose?
Coz i told him on mon,and today,there's a application letter from Mount Alvernia asking me to fill up and return it to them..

your boss is so mean.

Well, just a note here, in the MOM website reg maternity leave arrangement, it's written here:

Whichever form it takes, both the employer and the employee must mutually agree to the arrangement.

So means that u must also agree to the arrangement.

I think your boss is really being very childish. Imagine her calling your hb childish. hahah.

BTW, which CC are you working for if u don't mind letting us know? If a supervisor can't treat the staff well, the children will suffer too.
kimberly - totally rite? i mean, she's got to be kidding me... gross

jeslyn - i din catch your story in earlier pages but i feel so angry for you. what a mean b****. she's obviously a bully. are you the quiet kind ? you can tell her to shove it. cant she bloody seee that you're pregg??? like my irritating colleague who make such a big deal abt having to cover for me, nake me go and dig up old files to update her when those files are likde dead and buried. mean ppl... wah lau your suprtvisor complain to her huby?? her hubby prolly said shut up you mean b****, and ignore her. hahaha... i'm feelg angry today...

Have not told Dr Ong yet will notify on my next appt w him next week for my 32nd week check.

Didnt sleep well yesterday, woke up at 2am, toss and turn till 5am before falling back to sleep. Had milk and bread yet no use and was so fustrated that tear a bit (maybe becos of work stress)..Still manage to wake up at 7am before heading work..

BB getting stronger, keep pushing my upper rib so painful till cannot walk properly..

If I were you, I will just take the first option, take 4 mths ML at one go. Let her use her own $$$ to hire another teacher as she wish. No need to get angry with this kind of ppl. But after that, I think you should consider changing job as I guess your career path in this CC will be affected by this unhappy incident coz I don’t think you boss is a good or fair boss lor.

Thanks for the info on the glass bottle. Will go down and take a look. Sia Huat is located at Pandan Road? Any idea if they have branch at east side? Anyway, $10.40 sounds reasonable.
Hi everyone, haven't logged in here for ages.
Jeslyn: Just read about your horrible boss, sorry to hear that she's making things so difficult for you. I was in a similar situation once and in the end, I left my job to be a SAHM. HB and I were lucky that I could stop working but even if I didn't, I would have found another job cos the stress and unhappiness was just not worth it. Its really up to you what your next course of action is. Take a few days to think it over and talk to your hb, right now you're still emotional about the whole situation. Most importantly, take care of yourself
So sad to know there's such person existing. I think she's the one who is childish and unreasonable. Go for 4mths at one go. I think the relationship has already turned so bad to a point that whatever you do, she's already biased towards you. Even if you choose option 2, she'll make things difficult for you when you go back. Have u consider resigning and find another place?
My EDD is 19 Jul, so I'm taking ML at the beginning of the calendar month. It's about 3 weeks in advance that I'm taking, also makes it easier for me to track my payroll. But I got 1/2year's worth of annual leave which I'm clearing before my ML, as I'm leaving my job after ML, which allows me to bring my last day forward another 2 weeks.

Try to keep yourself happy. I think sometimes to do what we really love doing, we go thru lengths, and ignore our mental health. I also do love what I'm doing most of the time, but when employers are selfish with their own interests, it also means that I need to protect my own interests of my health and my baby's. I hope you will be lucky to reach an amicable situation with your supervisor, otherwise work is just a portion of our lives, realign your priorities if you need to, I'm sure when you are living happier, you will be able to do the things you love doing more positively.
hi mummies
im finaly back home

the location to meet will be city hall again so its more centralised for every one.
lets go to oil in pan this time round then since not much suggestions ...

I will repost the details n namelist soon... (need to search haa)

jeslyn, i agree that u shld take the 1-4 mth ML... ignore that woman!! aft tat throw letter!!!!!

Din buy much at Isetan sale today.. prob cosi go tmosr of the thg i wanted liao haaa.. but still great to go shopping.. but i hate those ppl manz.. they jus shove ard.. see us push pram they still refuse to say excuse me or let us pass.. some even use their wares to push my tummy!!!

i told my nephew ot learn hw to say excuse me pls give wway... so nxt time he can say loudly to embarass those barbaric ppl!!!!
Month of May meet up
Date: 18th May (Monday)
Time: 6.45pm
Location: City Hall(Oil in pan)

1. Han bao bao
2. FOZ
3. MuffinGirl
4. Sunsweet
5. Kimberly (tentative, cos I have 32weeks scan)
6. elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)(tentative, cos I need to get someone to see to my boy):)
7. Kitty (tentative, depending on how much markings i've cleared )
8. MrsC (tentatively, if i can arrive early)
9. Peanut
10. Babyethan (again will not be staying too long)
11. Jeslyn (tentative, cos i dono if im able to rush down aft work..)
12. Twinkle (tentatively. I supposed to have another gathering but seem not confirm to-date)
13. Sam
Jeslyn, which and where is the CC? Don't put the exact name and address (incase get into any law suit which business ppl always like to search through forums and find ways to sue us if we put bad comments to their business.). Tell us the name e.g. Mc****d at Tiong Bahru near to MRT or PM us. You know what I mean? With such an uncaring, uncompromising, and low EQ boss, I really doubt the children could be brought up well under her supervision.

Anyway, I always believe in Karma. As long as you do your work diligently, don't have to feel upset about what happened.
HBB, I most prob be late, dh picking me up at 6.30 from woodlands, so reaching around 7pm ok?
Please start first, I'll find my way to the table. I'll tell the waiter, table for a big group of preggies! LOL!
Jeslyn, try not to get too upset over wat your mean boss said. Really not worth it to get pissed off by her. I oso feel the childish person is she herself to hav this kind of thoughts. Jus let her make a fool of herself since she could not even rem wat she had said. And maybe her hb is jus not as supportive as your hb who stood up for u. Nevertheless, jus enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to see your little one k
HBB, is oil in the pan near the fountain? Hee....it's an open area. Think many pple will be looking at us as our gp is so much bigger this time round with bigger tummies too. Muz emphasize to them to get us a bigger space oh

Thanks for coordinating and making the reservation
u r welcome;)
yes near e fountain n escalator.
haa ya I tink the chairs thr Better
b1 food out many chair like no comfy haa...
I gg cityhall tomolo will go recce c any other pl to makan... hehe
re; maids n locked rooms
usually ppl lock onli mbr n perhaps jus one other room leaving one rm for maid to look aft bb.

rule can go sth like bb can onli b in that room or living room. bt not kitchen as its a highly hazardous place.so cameras cn install in this rm n living room.

as for cleaning e locked rooms .
the room can't be that dirty tt need cleaning everyday rite?
if realy wan clean everyday cn always clean in evening whn u get bk hm n bond w bb while she clean. if nt weekends aso can clean.

i didnt go but from what my friend said, is not really worth it...


so sorry to hear that abt yr boss...focus now on yr bb...
Hi kitty,
I think partly cos you are skinny too that's why can feel vey distinctly every baby move. Haha, you are now at my pre-pregger weight, to think my gynae consider me lean. My gynae did warn me that if not a lot of fat tissue cushioning tummy, baby kick may be quick painful =p

Hi jeslyn,
Agree with all the other mummies. Your boss is obviously biased and feeling like she's like she's a magnanimous boss who has done a lot for you. I would suggest you go on ML earlier if your boss still upsets you so much. Upset = more constricted blood vessels = constricted oxygen flow to baby, not good for baby.

Your boss is really silly. Playing tit-for-tat (told her husband too) then said her husband not as childish. Doesn't that make her equally bad? I really think not much point staying in an environment with lousy boss and not a great team to work with cos does nothing for your career and you get nothing out of all the angst. Trust me, I tahan 2 years in the semicond industry with crazy hours, not exactly appreciative/understanding boss and stress. Only thing that got me through was I had a fantastic work partner and fabulous team to work with.
if im u, i would tell ur boss tat im alreadi considering whether should i even invite her for the full month celebration jus to gif her face, but since she mention that she is unwilling to go, then save the trouble =x in aniwae, rather then letting ur boss b the boss, why not u tell her what u wan. in aniwae, should she b unhappi wif u, she can sack u, and u still get ur ML, which i doubt she would b so stupid to do so. in ani case, she is the one who is actualli at the losing end bcos she cant sack u and if she do, she have to compensate u as well.
dun show her that u are weak, show her tat u are strong too and tat u haf ur own tinkin and u are firm wif her. also avoid being alone wif her jus in case she do something or verbally abuse u. u never know what she might do since she even ask u out to talk and getting rather personal on tat.
re : maids, locked rooms, cameras, cleaning

my arrangement is my cousin room will be locked during day. my MBR wont be locked cos 2 kids will be sleeping inside. but will install camera. Dad's room of cos cant be locked.

as 4 cleaning up, basic simple cleaning can be done during wkdays. will ask the maid 2 do more detailed cleaning during wkends when we at home. so tat she wont be over tired during wkdays 2 take care of my kids, do hsework, cooking etc. we aso need 2 give the maid some "me-time" 2 rest rite?

i went 2 ask abt singtel mobilelivecam. 2 my dismay, it is not wat i want.
Morning mummies!

Yeah, lamagier my sis was so amazed with how much my tummy skin can stretch cox i dun hav any tummy before preg. Hee...now i think the tightening of my skin dun look nice at all

Are u feeling better now after staying at home? Wish i can hav more rest too...

agree with other mummies, just tak 4mths ML at one goal. *hugz*

HBB, what food is serving at Oil in pan?

Are we meeting inside or outside the restaurant? Cos i'm planning to go down early in case the train gets too crowded i cant "squeeze" in. Haha. (sigh. i doubt anyone will give up the seat for me.)
Hi Twinkle, i think most of the food served there are like crepes cox i only went there once before. Hee...think you should be able to spot us easily when u come down fr the escalator.
sherryl (pinklilies),
I also told Dr Ong that I am taking Mount A, single bedder, there is a sms to confirm that the room is booked but have not received any paper documents for us to fill up yet. Will check the mailbox tonight ya. I think You can opt not to get the meals for your husband... but heard from my friend, he said the food is not bad. haha

I cant believe that your boss is so explicit about this whole thingie.. She can actually get into trouble you know.. Why dun you record what she told you in future and put it online.. haha. i mean tat is so mean but.. she is really too much! Okie, whatever it is, just take it easy, your bb and your health is the most important and priority at this moment.

Suggest that you should take 1-4mths in one go.. but note that you may have to serve your notice period after you come back, if not short notice, you have to pay the company back.
Hi Jeslyn, weekend is here. Your boss isn't pleasant at all...and she is very childish. Try to not think too much about it, angry mummy, angry baby.

Thanks for organizing HBB, Oil in the Pan sounds great, wow we have 14 mummies??? that is a big group! I went out with my preggie friend, 2 pregnant women walking around already got stares....imagine 14!!!!

Went to gynae appt at KKH yesterday evening, 30 weeks baby is 1.5kg, and I was happy to hear that his head is already downwards and no longer breech :D Also did the preadmission paperwork and tentatively booked hospital room.

like the rest of the mummies suggest since she is so mean to say all these to you.. just tell her that you will tkae 4 mths of ML straight and she can make her own arrangments as much as she like.

Since they did not state in their empolyment letter that married female staff is not allow to get preggy and enjoy the Materinty leave during the period of employment. then she has no rights to make so much noise of the cost and inconvenence during your absence. She as an employer should have cater for such things. Moreover u have given her at least 6 mths to prepare, she should already had made plans rather then make noise and be unhappy abt your absence.

Have serious consideration of throwing the letter after ML. Like others had say, your stay there are ML might not be good..

As for your BB 1st mth.. i think we just be nice buy a cake for her just dun invite your colleagues to the gathering loh.. unless those who are very close to u. As i think you should be petty esp if you still in the industry.. might meet again somewhere right?

Cheer up anyways its TGIF!!
Hi Mrs C,
I am also having sleepless nights this week especially.. Also, feel that my heart beat faster in the evening.. Dunno if I am stress or what.. but i am not stress at work or in anyways.
Hopefully it will go away soon.

Hi Muffingirl,
Good to hear that your review went well. I am also always happy to hear that bb is doing well each time I see my gynea! haha!

keke i think we will get the same attention as we get in our last gathering..

imagine 14 mummies and 14 lil ones.. haha
mummies haa i v blur e pl shld b out of e pan not oil in pan hee...

I will chk out wt they serve cos I jus reach cityhall hee...
they serve mains too I tink else I c wat other pl here we cn go...

u cn call mi whn u reach I b early too!!!

e last gathering @ shokudo onli 7 of us enuff to create commotion haa let alone 14 haha
RE: Jeslyn's boss
This subject really boost me up this am.. I totally agree with all moms on the ML.. and if you can, go back to work on the first day after the 4mths, and submit a 24hrs notice!!! Let her caught with her pants down!!! and like what Pprincess said (but I wont be so nice like princess) I would have just told her' "as that's is if you are in our guest list!" when she said about the events where she'll meet your hubby. AND YES! SHE IS VERY CHILDISH!
sunsweet haa... den end up we eat @ shokudo again haha

ya kim I agree w u on e 24 hr notice.since gt 4 mth paid ML.. sacrifice a mth pay... throw letter n giv that mth pay n make e boss suffer!!

shld tell her 'did I say I inviting u to bb party?'
she's childish n thick skin! I wun invite such ppl to my celebration manz neither will I tell her my ward number!
Hi, HBB, I would like to join the dinner too.

Jes, dun feel sad or angry for this kind of woman, not worth. Take good care of yourself and your BB. Dun even think of invite her for the full month party. No need to give face to her.
sure! join us yea
copy n paste e list n put in ur name.. I nt using pc nw a bit hard for mi to copy hee...

oh yes pls pm mi e contact numbers yea
Month of May meet up
Date: 18th May (Monday)
Time: 6.45pm
Location: City Hall(Oil in pan)

1. Han bao bao
2. FOZ
3. MuffinGirl
4. Sunsweet
5. Kimberly (tentative, cos I have 32weeks scan)
6. elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)(tentative, cos I need to get someone to see to my boy):)
7. Kitty (tentative, depending on how much markings i've cleared )
8. MrsC (tentatively, if i can arrive early)
9. Peanut
10. Babyethan (again will not be staying too long)
11. Jeslyn (tentative, cos i dono if im able to rush down aft work..)
12. Twinkle (tentatively. I supposed to have another gathering but seem not confirm to-date)
13. Sam
14. Loshita

Loshita, help include you liao..
