(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hi loshita, dun worry too much. I'm like you too...super underweight before pregnancy. But doc so far did not say anything abt my weight. I was the one who is overly conscious and always ask doc abt wat i shd do about my weight. I was 57kg at 28wks and gained only 12kg (bb was 1.25kg). hee....i'm oso 168m.

Going for my 32wks check next mon....hoping to gain more weight for my bb, rather than for me. We jus cont our best to eat lor....

thanks all mummies. cos everytime when doc told me to eat more, i will start worrying.

just now was quite angry, cos my neighbour threw a still burning cigratte butt at the car park and just next to my car tyre. imagine if there is fire, my whole car gone liao!!!
Oh...ok Thanks LS

Muffingirl, i'm oso hoping to get a safe to lock the valuables cox i need the maid to tidy up the room as well. But cox my mum is a hsewife, so she usually ask the maid to clean the room before she goes out.
manz.. my lil one inside is doing gym in my tummy!!


I try rubbing the tummy to calm the little fella but no use leh..

Wonder if its bec i took chili padi earlier.. :p
I guess the maid can clean the house either during the weekend or when family is around lah. There are still other types of housework to be done in kitchen, living room etc.

More valuables in the master bedroom.....aiyah, but I will think about that when the time comes.
Don't like safe deposit boxes...then how, everytime I wanna wear my engagement ring or some other jewellery gotta all the way to get from safe deposit box?
My other friend brought all her jewellery to put in her parents' place as well.
Hi! Just step into office about 1 hr ago, so lazy today... Dunno why under my left breast, I kept having "wind" moving.. Had it since I woke up at 7:30am..

LS, thanks for info, I thought to give it a try cos I read that reason some countries dun practise episiotomy is that they believe cut will cause further tearing and I dun want that..

RE: Dish washer
Someone asked me about my dish washer few days back and I totally forgot to reply. Sorry! I am using the Bosch I forgot the actual model but it's similar to the SRS55M42EU, except mine is 60cm in width. Only challenge comes when loading the Chinese bowl cos in order to give you the promise of x number of dishes, the racks are very tightly packed, it accommodates Corelle bowl perfectly but not the Asian ones that has "leg".

If not because of height (I tuck it under my solid surface) I would have gotten the Fisher & Paykel double door.

Difference between Bosch & F&P is that although Bosch is "free-standing", if you need to fit into the cabinet, you only need to remove the top cover and the packs of "garden gravels", while for F&P, you have to raise your bottom cabinet height.

I got the washer from a shop call Eltronin in Tampines St 80something, across a school (I think call JunYuan Primary). Recommended by a friend. You can ask for Simon, tell him you are recommended by Mrs. Teh.
loshita, pprincess - i look at the chart and my bbies are 25-50 percentule. i read from baby centre website and the said 1.1 at 28 wks is normal, so dont know who right. envy you both your bbies weight sound good
Kim envy.. that you just step in office..

what do you mean by "wind" just under the left and not the right breast..

maybe Lil Yoda kicking at the area? keke

wah, shiok leh, have dishwasher. I'll add that to my wish list when i move house. That's if i move house. Wonder when will i get to move house. sigh.
Loshita, wow sounds like there ain't that many dates to make wine hahaha! Are you meeting us on 18th? Ok, can you help me get the spicy wine biscuits please, maybe about 20? Thanks! Don't worry about your weight, your baby weighs fine, look at the brighter side, you have easier time to lose weight as compared to me.

RE: Lock
If you need any security equipments--access control systems, keyless digital lock, time-based transponder (ID), pincode, biometric reader, CCTV etc, do let me know, I have contacts. Yes, even if you want to digitally lock your drawers/ cabinets it;s possible! And access using a single transponder for all these locks. (Carribean/ Icon/ NUS dormitory/ DBS towers/ Reflections @ Keppel bay etc all using this product)
u are hafing twins so dun worriew so much! but i guess as long as gynae sae is ok den shouldnt b too much of a problem. if gynae finds tat it is too small size then will let u know. in my case, on my 28 weeks doc est bb to be 1.6kg, which is like quite huge and a big shock for me bcos on my last visit at 23weeks, baby is onli 800g.
not sure hw accurate the chart is and the estimation of the baby by the gynae also. bcos sometimes it's not accurate when the gynae est the weight.
Re: wt est

Yah, the wt est is not accurate. My gynae est my boy to be 2.5kg just a few days before he was born. He came out 2.8. I heard some others had over ests.
Sunsweet, ya, just under the left breast only.. I tot mayb from the food I ate, thou the movement very subtle, but quite irritating cos dunno what's going on.. Yoda was sleeping then, Aiyo, if it;s him, u think he give chance? he movement quite big these days.. esp when he has limited space..

Mashy, we entertained alot in our previous plc, and cleaning up is tough, imagine the glassware, serving-ware, utensils and those where food were prepared.. When we moved, I asked hubby if we should have a d/w, and he agreed. I also think it's a great idea to have it, whether you use it often. But few things you can't put in a dishwasher-crystal, silver and certain Bone China.. so I just wont use them with my guests.
Bestberries, your is twins better not to be too big size. my fren's cousin twins are like normal baby. one is 3.7kg, the other one is 4.2kg. her cousin tummy like going to burst like that toward the end. But the most amazing part is her cousin still can walk like normal.
Kim, ok, will help buy you 20pcs spicy one. whre are you gal meeting on the 18?
what is this spicy wine biscuits you girls are talking about? *curious*

Sigh today backache....I wonder if it was due to sleeping position or what. Walk also uncomfortable
muffin, the spicy wine biscuits are to make 'rice wine'

hey gals, check with you have you heard of that amnion fluid will reduce by the end of the term? My fren who due date on 8 June, the baby is only ~2kg and the doc said the baby is not growing some more the amnion fluid is reducing. can this happen ar?
Loshita, I dun think the venue is confirmed, we are meeting at 6:45pm in the city area, I have my 32weeks appt at Raffles Hospital.. If you are not coming, I can always pick up from you when you are back. Thanks!

Muffingirl, I am having bad back today too, think bcos I was standing too much this morning.. Take care. Ya, the biscuits are for rice wine making.
Beverly, the glass bottle fr Sia Huat is very reasonable $10.40 for the largest, according to the sale staff, that's largest and can accommodate 3kg of rice. But the lid is the red plastic type, not totally air-tight. I also got another glass cannister from a shop at Loyang Point (shop is next to Sheng Siong. Their price is very expensive, the same container I got from Sia Huat was tagged at $18something. my glass cannister (air-tight) is smaller and accommodate about 2kg cooked rice, was $15.50.

I think if you can find those shops that sells plasticware, pot/pans/kettles/ and other household necessities, you can asked them. Both shops I bought from pointed me to the glass jar with the red lid when I asked them for the jar use to make rice wine..
Ya i agree nowadays due to limited space and bb growing bigger, every tiny single movement can be felt in the tummy. I really enjoy this moment now thou getting heavier everywhere we go. I think i will really miss this feeling when bb is out...

There possibilties of the follwing at the later stage of our preggy which might bring forward the delivery date these are what i heard b4..

1) Amnion Fulid reduce
2) Baby starting to have bowel movement and begin to consume them *yikes*
3) Aging Placenta - bb will not have enough food
4) Advance dilation
Kitty, ya, I was feeling him last night, and had the same thought-- this is the only time we can feel our bb with our skin between us. These days, I can't really figure out where is his butt and where is shoulder cos I have 2 big "bumps" inside my tummy.
hahaha same here kimberly, i always cannot figure out whether is butt or head cox both like so round and protruding. But i enjoyed the guessing part. And i think the bb knows how to play with mummy. Every time i pressed on his bone a little, he will kick me back....heehee i think i like to make fun of him
hey just realise those who deliver B4 21st July.. the chinese birthdate of the child will fall on the "lun" aka 2nd 5th lunar month. This year have 2 5th month.. maybe 2 dumpling festive haha)

Does it mean next time if celebrate chinese birthday, he/she will celebrate on the 5th month not the 6th month? keke like that lunar birthday will be much before Solar calendar birthday keke..

yah, will celebrate on the 5th mth. My hb was born on a leap mth & dumpling festival too. So we eat dumplings on his birthday. :p Too bad this gal can't make it for his birthday.
Sunsweet, ya, mashy is right about this.. and you know wat? everyone who is born before the leap month will have the same lunar & western birthday on the same day every 19years!!! As for those who were born after the leak month, it's usually a day different. This year, my hubby has his western & chinese birhday on the same day and I think my western is a day later than the lunar birthday cos we are turning 38..
Hi mummies

its been a while since i last logged in. the thread is moving fast :D have been busy with my elder son recently. he just started childcare and tis is his 2nd wk. he's been crying badly everyday when he enters the cc and having nightmares, cries in his sleep and kept shouting 'scared scared'. Sigh, we have been having sleepless nites too and its so heartache to see him like tis. had wanted to settle him in cc before july but now see him no appetite, always nightmares and refuses to sleep / drink milk, it makes me to harbour 2nd thought to withdraw him but my frens have been telling us to perserve and be determined. are there any 2nd time mummies who have such experience when yr kid went cc? Can share some advice?

re : growth scan

saw that somebody mentioned abt growth scan here. is it compulsory? so far my gynae didn't mention anyting and i am in my 32 wk liao.
Hopper, 2 of my girlfriends' children were like your kid when they started childcare.. and eventually parents had to take them out of the program cos the principles told them if they are not ready, forcing them will make they fear school and resist learning in future. One of the kid took another half year before she continues, and the boy skipped nursery and started with K1.
loshita - wow your fren's cousin w twins - did she have saggy skin after popping ? i cant imagine

just now my MIL went isetan sale and kaypoh buy diaper bags for me. so big and ugly, somemore quirw ex$ cos little discount. giant hello kitty bag - so ugly how to carry?? and she somemore say she always knows what bbies ned. i'm gg to return the stuff and get sthg i like... sheesh... you think sale items can refund ?

Bestberries, OMG!! Not Hello Kitty please..(just joking: at least she should get you Twinstars
If you have the receipt, I am sure you can get it changed, if you can't find anything yet, ask the store for store credit. To get a refund may be tougher.
