(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Muffin Girl,

Ouch! You lil one in there is very strong..

hehe dunno happy or not.. :p cos u got to bear the kicks and punches from him..

Thx for Napisan info! I'm looking for one before but I was told it's not sold in NTUC anymore, that's why now looking for other brands (so far no idea which brand yet hehe..) Anyway, Napisan is good for soaking cloth diapers/stubborn stains. I'll get from Unity Pharmacy then. Thanks!

Re: Robinson sale
Is this time a closed-door sale? Non member can go in or not?
re : maids & cam

any mummies gg 2 install cam?

i will install 1 in the living room, nw tinking whether shd i install 1 as well in my bedroom.

and will u tell the maid there's cam in the hse?
sunsweet > always happy to feel him kick and punch and jab. I told him not to beat mummy so much over mother's day....and he was quite quiet...wonder if he actually understood me....but the next day kick kick jab jab punch again!
I'm going to install 2 cameras, 1 at living room & 1 at bb's room. I won't purposely tell the maid but will find a way somehow to let her know that our house got cameras even before she joined. Hopefully she won't get offended & will work carefully since she knows she's observed thru' cam..

i get my napisan from the supermarket at paragon b1. :p heheh i stock it up at home coz its good to wash hubby's socks that stinks after a day of wearing! heheh but also good for dirty nappies!
I'm not going to install camera. But I don't intend to let maid handle baby, even though she has experience with newborns with her previous employers. My mum will handle the baby when I'm at work.
But I will get a safe...afraid jewellery disappear! Wonder if my handbags are at risk of being stolen though....but I'm being paranoid I think!
cos they r in sg mah.. too lonely? mayb thats why..

i would tink its good to tell maid thr is camera in teh hse (my gf did that) at least they know their actions are being monitored and dun try funny thg...

ur bedroom.. u see if u allow her to go into ur bed room while u r not home anot. my gf dun install in her own bed roomc os she lock the bed room but she install in her boys' room.

u hv no 1 2 eye power ur maid? my dad will be ard but i cant depend much on him, u knw fathers usually not as "xi xin" as mothers. tat's my opinion, sorry if my words offend any1.

my #1 and the coming #2 will be napping in my room. so i worry abt the maid wif my kids in the room. tink 2 ease my fear, i better install. my hb will faint.

hw 2 let her knw without her getting offended? i din tink of tat. i tot tell her directly. come 2 tink of it. u r rite. the maid might feel offended.
Thx! Now got more choice of places to buy. Quite disappointed before when I tot it's not sold here anymore.
Hi esther, i plan to install cam too. Will let the maid know...dun wish to hide fr her. I'm oso sending my maid to my mum's place for intensive training for 2wks in jun. Hopefully she can learn fr my mum's maid and my SIL's maid who can take care of my niece quite well. Hee....jus hope it's a positive brainwashing session.

u r so lucky 2 hv ur mum 2 help u. usually if mum is ard, i tink no need 2 install cam.

my hb's jaws almost dropped when i told him though my dad is ard 2 eye power the maid, i still wan 2 install cam. he tink i'm 2 paranoid.


yes i intend 2 let the maid knw abt cam.
Muffingirl, do u lock your master bedroom when u leave? Then there's no way for the maid to get in. But the bad thing is, not possible to clean when u are not around.

so gd tat ur maid can learn frm ur mum. reali envy those whose mums r still ard!

i got 2 train the maid myself, the funny ting is i dunno hw 2 communicate wif her in malay! my dad knw but i heard tat indo malay and sg malay language quite different. dunno if it is true.

tot of getting a dictionary in indo malay. shd hv rite?
re cams

Actually i think it's necc even if there's someone at home to eye-power. Coz remember the case in Singapore? The MIL was at home to take care of bb with maid, she just stepped out for a while to buy things and the maid abused the bb already. If no cam, no one will know.
wow... the nappisan sounds good. is there any bleaching agent in it? Can use for coloured clothes? just add a bit to normal detergent when washing?

heheh... yaps i just add abit to the washing machine... can ok for normal clothes!

think there is some bleaching agent in it but not sure what... must go check!
My mom is staying with me & will monitor my maid. But like what mashy said, there'll be time when she needs to step out for a while so it's good to install cameras. My hubby links the cameras to a website which we could monitor online from our office. Just need to log on with username & password.
re: cam

one of my gf install cam without her maid knowing, and she watch from her room. she saw once that the maid pinch and beat her son when he vomitted. and she eat their milk powder, and after the maid left, my fren cannot find the pan and pots, and she rewind the video and realized that the maid hide it all on top of the kitchen cupboard. so if u guys install camera, must install one in the kitchen also.
yes esther, indo-malay and sg-malay slightly diff. But they can still understand. When my mum had an indo maid before, i dun see much difficulties between them in communicating. But bcox my mum was learning basic eng that time, she expects the maid to learn eng with her slowly...haha
jamie, my face also rounder over the pregnancy, dunno if this is consider water retention, but if we put on weight, surely our face can show a bit lah, hehehehe. btw i always think water retention is related wif swollen feet, hehehe.

lamagier, how long is your mc? you have a nice boss, hehehehehe.

princess, u ok now? get well soon...

mashy, that's true, if maid handle food, we gotta observe them when they cook.
muffim girl - thanks for the useful links on emploers course ? how come got 2 links ? which course to go for ? i'm taking over maid from my SIL, so need to attend online course but i find it quite lay chay. any short cuts? i.e. can agent do for me ?
hi mummies,
who want to buy 'wine biscuit'?
I am now in Malaysia. I can help you to buy if you want to. each one roughly 40cent(RM)spicy and sweet one.I will be back to sin on this sun
My mum told me not only odd date cannot produce the lunar calendar odd date also cannot , mon, wed and fri and sunday also cannot. many rules one.

your #1 is so sweet. hahahha. now am wondering how my #1 will react to the new baby. :p
though he does 'sayang' and kiss my tummy before he sleeps. like a routine. :p
the wine biscuit so cheap!! gosh
here retailing at 1 plus per biscuit!!
i dun need any more thou
thank you for offerin ur help =)
Jamie, thanks for the tip on tightening of tummy. I've completed 2 tins of 800g Similac, now on the 3rd tin of Mamil Mama, thought already alot. Guess I have to drink more!
re: cam
i guess it is onli right for us to inform the maid tat we haf installed the camera. but where isit, and hw mani, jus dun reveal. bcos some maids will thought we bluff them onli. and moreover it's abit of their privacy also, so we might wan to tell them. esp if u are installing in the room. bcos dey can go tell tales abt u installing in the room, never let them know blah blah blah. but actualli we install in the room jus so we can watch the bb.
my auntie did inform her maid tat she have camera. but the maid doesn believe her and ran out of the house go upstairs or where leaving the gate wide open wif my cousin who is hafing learning difficulties in the home. how dangerous can it b? so better to be careful.
Helo mummies,

Memory abit short after reading so many post so couldnt gather my thots to write..

Anyway ,Jeslyn, i'm intending to get 2 bedded in Mount A. Dun think my hb want to stay overnite.

Elijahmummy, i totally forgot to ans u on the isetan card! Im not going tom cos too much work to clear. Do you still need my card?
My hubby bought online from US, got 2 types. The 1st one is wireless type & can navigate up down, left right. He got it on offer price ard US$100, after conversion & shipment fee = S$250-260. The 2nd one is wired type & cannot navigate. Bought it ard US$60 (hubby told me now selling ard US$55) but this type needs to be installed in the rm that has internet connection, otherwise, need to buy adaptor here which costs ard S$100. Total up to about S$200plus too. Installation relatively quite fast if know how.

The 1st type is selling ard S$460 at Sim Lim. Following is the website which sells those cams & install for u too:

Hope it helps!
Hi Sunsweet,
You #1 sounds really sweet. Haha, dance together with your #2.

But I think the hard balling up of tummy is a Braxton Hicks contraction. I get them by the truck load =p

hi coolkero,
On MC till monday. Monday need to go back to gynae again for review to see if need some more bed rest. Sigh. think all in all, I would have accumulated 10 days of MC liao.... Might have to take my own annual leave if need to continue to rest....

Hi peanut,
Wah, you're such good girl, finish 2 tins of Similac. I only finish one, dun like the taste, so the 2nd tin still sitting around.... Dun feel like opening it cos need to finish it 3 months after opening. Intend to force myself to drink when I'm breastfeeding.
Hi Pe@nut,
Hope the milk works on you. :D my stomach now is very relax.. not as tense as before.. but I guess, it is normal to be abit tight and tense due to the stretching and our growing baby.
Good Morning mummies!

Hi LS, thanks so much for all the useful info. I'll share it with my hb and discuss over the type of cam to get. Seems like got a variety to choose fr....but price quite a big range.
No prob! Fyi, some models provide free access to the website while others may need to pay for it. Choose the one that comes with free access okie?! Gud luck!

Re: Perineal massage
Owe u an answer
Mrs Wong said perineal massage done with 2 fingers on the bottom part of perineum towards the rectum. Caucasians r luckier as they're born with more flexible perineum compared to the Asians. I've found an article that might helps:
kittyng, my maid is only coming end June at earliest, I still dunno if I would lock up the master bedroom door when the maid is alone at home. Have to discuss with hubby, who would probably think that I'm too much =/
My gf (but she is quite paranoid and very particular) locks up all the room doors when the maid is alone at home....she doesn't want the maid to think that only the masterbedroom has valuables! But her indo maid does steal small things from her....like hairclip, nailclipper, new toothbrush.

bestberries > the first link is to MOM requirements for employers getting a foreign domestic worker. It also tells you that it is mandatory to take the course at SP which is the 2nd link. I don't think the maid agency can take the course for you, you actually have to use your SingPass to register, and it is an offence if someone else does it for you apparently. Cheating govt haha.
But the course is quite enlightening....I did learn some stuff from the course that I never knew, like how to make the maid sign off each month, so you have evidence that you gave her her salary if MOM officer checks, and how you cannot make the maid sleep in the living room, how you are legally accountable for the maid, even if the maid is under supervision by another member of the family.

Going for my 30th week checkup at KKH later
can't wait to see baby again!

Can ask your Dr to give you HL if still need to bed rest. so u no need to use up your AL. One of my colleague also taking HL for her bed rest.
muffin girl - ok thanks for the info. geesh, so lay chay to hire a maid. heh, will ask my hubby to do it ! do update us on your checkup. i'm gg to be 30 weeks this sat
RE: lock doors when maid is alone at home

If you lock the doors how is she giong to clean the house?

Maybe better to put valuables at Safe Deposit Box.
just back from check up, i am in week 29 now. baby weight is 1.37kg, total gain for the pregnancy is 10kg. doc said I am underweight told me to eat more. I oredi eat till very scary. Almost every interval of 2 hours I will shout I am hungry.
just a tot, anyone tired pumping with 2 manual breast pumps? keke

I have 1 new and 1 old.. wonder if can handle 2 pumps at one go instead of investing on a dual pump keke..

dun need to worriew so much abt weight gain
bcos it's onli normal for us to gain. even more when previously u are underweight! my original weight gain before preggy is alreadi more then 50kg. nw onli alreadi 69.1kg! dun tink so much abt the weight gain and so on. jus b normal. jus make sure u dun eat too unhealthy or oily food should b okie :)

re: lock doors
if u wan ur maid to clean the room, then yeah, no point locking the door. moreover, i feel that whether u lock or not, there's bound to b somethin that the maid can steal. my family have been employing maids ever since im 1yr old, brother onli 4 months old. best maid work with us for abt 10yrs and later on went back to start a family.
thereafter we come across alot of diff types of maid. even haf maids who steal our BC, dun even know for wad. and steal display items. if dey realli wanna steal, aniting they take they also happi. i heard from one colleague, she have pots and pans missing. wondering where the maid kept it after stealing.
