(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

*happy face* .. Shers sure ! i will always go to my mum's place on weekend .. either sat / sun most of time .. so ok .. next time i go blk 19 and 23 to scream SHERS AKA SARA GOH I WAN MY LAUGHING SARDINE PUFF than you pass to me *hahah*
so anyone's hub is joining ? confirm mine is not loh..i will go alone

dkaren, u can join too. we only have 5 and 3 kids now
catering?? our group too small liao.. dont think have lor..

best is 933 curry bread (yummy), pizza, KFC..

me blk 19 la.. come blk 19 and scream for me.. me facing pool somemore.. sure can see my head popping out.. whahhaha..
933 curry bread not bad leh. last month we order that for my colic's birthday celebration in office. haha. and also we add some side dish
Any food cravings here?
I dun mind making some vietnamese rice roll.... but i need to go and buy the rice roll skin first.
What about just finger food? i dun think you ladies wanna to have heavy meal
Btw, me tentatively joining ok ? Then I will get some fruits which are healthy for both mummies and the kids

pregnant women are always hungry.. and dont see me no up.. i can eat alot 1.. hahhaha

somemore its lunch le..
933 is ok .. finger food is ok .. any food is ok *hahah* .. so happy leh .. looking forward liao .. *haha* ..

today the other regular MTBs not here .. hope tmr they will add on to our list .. I dont know if jamie can or not coz she say she will be busy during these period with alot of dogs care @ her place *hmmm*
Food list

Shers: Bee Hoon / Fried Rice
Anxious: Japanese curry chicken with potatoes and carrots.
Porky: drinks
dkaren: finger food ...
okipoki: tentatively confirm *hehe* ...
Flommy: ???
Shers .. ok tmr we confirm see how many MTBs coming than we see list how long .. if delivery also just normal food lor cannot cater lah too few ppl *hehe* ..

BTW .. the management office called me to remind me no commerical usage of the room *pengz*

u should ask them 'what makes u think i will use the function room for commercial usage?'

then continue to say 'u think i'm into MLM??'
Not bad le you still can take normal meal.... as for me nowadays, i hardly can have normal meal liao.
I only can take small meal at times if not i'll ve heart-burn feeling.
i also can eat alot one ok. bfast cum lunch eat together lah. potluck or delivery also can..as long no ask me to cook can liao..haha.

bye bye i gg to log off le. tonight chat again !
okie .. the gathering is confirmed ...

Date: 26th Dec (boxing day - friday)
Time: meet @ 11am to 3pm.
Venue: Function room @ Kovan Melody.

Shers + 1
Flommy + 1
915 + 1
Porky (to act pitiful and get the colleague to give up the leave for her) hiak hiak

Anymore to add? *hehe*

Food: Potluck / Delivery... depends on confirmed attendance preference.
Xue - thanks for updating the table.. yeah you all guess correctly.. hehe.. my bb seems to be small at 273g only..

SK - no prob.. hope your scan goes well too

Firefly - congrats!
vera > Mine only 211g when Dr Woody scanned for me last Thurs. Even smaller than yours at 17weeks??
Me anything oso can, whether potluck or delivery, juz tell me wat to buy or how much to pay..11am oso my gal napping time, so i most likely go alone.
Wow..almost got lost in your postings...u gals are active mannz, me feel kinda lazy and nua as compared =S

Just had my gynae checkup this evening...80% chance to be a moo moo boi! Can feel abit of disapptm in my hubby, hope he is not lying to make me happy that he LOVE boys too!!!

Time to recce with pals for hand-me-down boi boi apparels! Dun intend to buy alotz (better zip my mouth 1st since I have not been shopping much aft preg)..U gals have prob of over-stocking?
Any list of "mere" basics to purchase for mom & bb?

sokkie - congrats!

shers - sorry... will not be able to make it to the gathering this time.. you gals enjoy!
morning ladies!

Pearly, did u get my FB & MSN? I replied ur email

Shers, ok i think i willl go w/o my gal on 26 dec too. i think we order delivery more convenient lah. jus pay money and avoid the hassle, wat u think?

other than 933, how about nasi lemak from lee wee brothers? they do delivery for a min order of $60. http://www.leeweebrothers.com/beehon.html
915 .. *drools* .. Lee Wee Bros have nice otah *giggle* .. oppo Heartland mall have liao no need deliver lah .. i can go over and pick up ^_^ ... just need someone go with me can liao .. .. i can drive over .. no issue one .. even Simon Lane there also got one store of Lee wee Bros *hehe* ..

dont u know that we are not supposed to eat otah?? otah is made of a fish which has high containant of mercury...

i think its ok to eat once in awhile.. but if dont eat, even better.. coz its scientic prove that we cant eat 3 kinds of fish.. 1 is the otah fish, shark's fin and another i always forget.. haiz..

can eat crab what.. y cannot.. no scientic prove.. only old folk's saying..
Shers / Flommy Huh? cannot eat mah ? .. erm .. I was like having Otah every weekend one leh ! *opps* ....

Tuna is the other fish they say not good coz deep sea fish got higher content of mercury ....

Dont know leh sardine also consider deep sea fishes ? .. aiyah than other reports also say fish is good source for protein for preggy ? .. my SILs was like pushing fish to me only when i eat dinner one lor .. dont care si mi fish .. to them all fish same . .COME FROM MARKET! *muhahaha*
tuna can la, i eat the subway tuna sandwich almost once a week when i working at suntec when i had my #1.

The other fish is Swordfish cannot eat lah..
OH .. swordfish ... dont know lah .. i eat still just eat too much .. coz nowadays also dont know what is safe wat is not safe liao .. even MILK got problem mah rite? .. *sigh* ..

tat time when the melamine issue hor .. i was worried leh .. coz hor .. they say those tinted milk is not safe for kids but safe for adults coz we can dissolve it in our body .. but i keep wondering .. wat about preggy ? .. is it safe ? .. coz we can take but our growing baby inside also absorb wat we take rite? so izzit safe for preggy to take those tinted stuff than? .. and how long ago these things had been in the market .. rite? .. so even if worry tat time and put all down the shelves .. still already taken b4 liao *sigH* ..
flommy, yes! swordfish..

tuna me forget liao le.. hmm.. anyway if want to eat, once a while eat..

anxious, not all fish la..

fish like salmon is very good especially the skin part because of the omega..

everything can eat bah.. just eat in moderate..
Shers yah salmon .. btw . .tat day after you gals say can eat SASHIMI hor .. than last weekend i go eat liao *hahahah* but si bey jia lat .. only can take 2 pcs .. coz my hubs dont allow me to eat more *sobs* .. but i only take salmon sashimi lor .. let my dad take the others *sobs* .. if usual time last time is i take most of the sashimi and my dad take only 2 pcs *hahaha*
all because of china la...

btw, my tummy has been growing alot.. u can say i grow fat! but suddenly within 2 weeks, balloon up alot le.. hmm...

not really can eat raw.. even gynae says cannot.. but i cannot control.. i eat but with lots of wasabi.. to self-console myself that wasabi can kill germs.. ahhaha..

during pregnancy, my hb will only let me eat japanese food once a month and a plate of sashimi only..
Shers .. i waiting for that ballooning part .. coz since last week my tummy did grow a bit liao and alot of ppl in my office already suspect or more or last confirm that i am preggy liao *laffs* yesterday got one colleague come ask me softly .. "heard that you have good news liao har" .. than i look at him .. who tell you one . than he say you change your clothings *laffs* .. *sigh* .. somethings cannot hide too long hor

i cannot hide because 2 pregnancies made me puke like crazy.. everybody knows even i didnt say.. and i have to inform my boss because of my work nature..

i have to go down to construction site.. so now pregnancy, cant go site..

my ballooning part is more to suddenly growing of tummy.. until i look into the mirror, couldnt believe myself..
i already no eat my fav sashimi for 4mths liao . .last sunday eat tat time is like addict at last got the drugs like tat *hahaha* .. i also put lots of wasabi on your advise *hahah* ..

Anyway .. i always think .. if cannot eat raw .. than t hose japanese woman how har ? when they preggy .. sashimi is like part of their staple food leh *laffs* ..

morns!! guess wat! I went for sushi tei on sunday and had 2 slices of salmon belly and shared a pot of sukiyaki with hubs!! yay! no wasabi tho.. buay tahan the "sharp spice" smell and tase!

shers: my tum pong-ed too!! like suddenly de.. that day went for gathering with the girls still dun look preggy.. now looks like a gt beer belly liao.. ur hubs also gd hor will let u eat once a mth.. mine hubs last sunday suddenly ki-siao say i can eat watever i want, then when i picked up the salmon belly he say "u knw urself ah.. dun eat too much ok.." i was like "???huh???"
