(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs


I have booked my CL.

xue ez to say hard to explain to old ppl *laffs* ... yesterday my MIL was talking about how when she managed to give birth to my hubs (only son youngest son) she so happy till dont know where is north south east west lah .. than how pressured she is tat time lah blah blah blah .. coz last time no Ultrasound one mah .. so wont know sex till give birth etc ..

aiyah .. sian .. now we told her we doing our DS on Wed .. she sure ask my hubs call her to tell her straight after we come out *sulk* .. coz i told my hubs intend to say is GAL even if its boy .. so my SILs can yaya papaya for now .. coz they are all hoping i get gal so that they can "pass" me their babies clothings mah .. sian.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Anxious,
hahaaa.. mil is hoping i'll hv a girl wen im preggy with #1. but both pregnancy i hv boys. so she's kinda disappointed. But I oso wont be bother with wadever she says. Anyway I oso dun need her to do anything or buy anything for me. whether she's arnd or not doesnt really affect us. hahaa. I will be glad if she can leave us alone.
Very bad to say this hor. But if I say the things she had done, wad I hv say is not harsh..So wadever nasty things they said, one ear in the other out. hehhee</font>.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Sales :
Designer Maternity, Nursing Ware, Baby Stuffs and lots more
Katong Mall. 13Dec - 14Dec 10am-10pm

ToyS R Us
Plaza SIngapura. Till 28 Dec</font>.
Flommy .. if this one boy maybe i stop liaO *hahaha* .. i will see if how the pregnancy ends and how the coping with the baby .. coz i really got too many friends who complain too much about taking care of baby and bad confinement etc *hahaha* ... a bit phobia .. but i wont be those who have gal liao wil try and try till get boy tat kind also lah .. if got gal .. i will try for one more if 2nd one also gal than i stop liao .. 2 is enuff i think ..

Anyway i never tot i wan to have kids last time when i younger also one lah .. so if i get one or two already very SAT liao hor *hahaha* ...

Xue .. erm .. i kind of have the same feeling as you lah my MIL wan boy but she dont help all along one mah .. when i see TCM for help to get preggy and tiao my body all these .. she never offer to help cook my medicine .. now her daughter wan to get preggy with #2 .. she every nite help her cook those smelly medicine (somemore AT NITE b4 OTHER PPL wan go sleep) my SIL dont stay here so she will not be affected by the smell lor ..

My mum have to help me cook the medicine (ok i also dont stay with her so i dont suffer from the smell also *hehe* )

So my MIL cannot say too much also lah .. coz my Mum is the one who had been my support since day 1 when i start to prepare for my pregnancy also *sigh* ..
xue ... sale again!? *faint* .. *hahah* .. a bit broke from toy and ice cream shopping last weekend .. now is keeping the $$ for the baby clothes warehouse sale this weekend *hahaha* ...

Also i bought alot of my maternity clothes online coz i plus size .. SG hard to get my size .. so i more of less sufficient liao ..

Just nearer to delivery tat time than get those baby stuffs .. if not very tin teh for the next 5 mths ..

Hope got POST CNY sale lor *hahah*
anxious - actually i'm still trying to adjust my life with a 17months old in tow..cannot get use to a life of a "jailbird" and my #2 is unexpectedly on the way oliao. Was going out everyday with my hubby before. Now I have my heart running outside of me everyday = my daughter.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> anxious,
Our mum is still the best I can say. hahahaa..

Yea. I wanted to get some maternity tops and bottoms. Most of my normal clothings I cant fit in already. =(</font>.
Flommy *faint* .. my MIL told me yesterday .. hope after i give birth after tat start to try for 2nd one .. dont need wait .. than i think they say like damn ez .. the MONEY not they support us .. the most only help us take care .. but we still have to give them JIA YONG also mah for taking care of our baby .. than the way she say is like no need money to give birth like tat *faint* .. fast fast try 2nd one *faint* .. i think i will wait for 2 yrs b4 i try my 2nd one if i can .. coz need to adjust to a "3rd party" in the family ... will lost all my Couple time liao lor *laffs* ... *sigh* .. really phobia leh .. how how how ? .. so early start to have phobia liao me .. maybe coz i now a bit stressed liao ...
Anxious - too late to phobia now oso haha..there is always a trade off in life lor..when your baby grows up, they bring alot of joy too ma..like my gal is gettin' quite amusing now..it really warms our heart when she hugs or kisses us..duno how to describe but you will feel it in time to come..It's a blessing! Alot of couples wana hv kids these days oso dun hv ar..

Sara Goh is shers..

i have booked my CL and massage lady already..


u went to the toy fair?? y didnt jio me?? i want to go le..
retrench you and say you can't work in same industry for 1 yr. that's really unfair! its not like you resigned.

yeah, it was announced on the papers that they can't fire you if you're pregnant. but don't know about retrenchment...does it mean the same thing?
Flommy,yes..i agreed wif you.
My colleague very envy when saw me preggy, she wait 4yrs+ already still dun hv bb (same as me married on yr 2004 till now) its blessing i got 1 bb at least happy le :)

But, i really "auntie phobia"..i dun want become auntie hahas
Flommy i think i will change lah after my baby come out .. coz i all along told my hubs. . i have this baby is for him and his mum (to shut her up for keep asking for one) .. coz me since young .. dont like kids .. hate kids actually .. coz i am one of the older cousin in my generation ... coz always have to help take care of our younger cousin last time when i staying with my grandaunt coz mum working .. so i dont like kids .. and till b4 i preggy i also dont like my SIL kids coz i think they are noisy and in someway .. cheong me since day one lah so i dont like them (they also know i dont like them coz i always stare at them *hahah* ) .. so now i more of can accept them but still not close to them coz i dont like their mums *hehe* ..

Shers.. i did post in here i going last sat *hahah* .. i bought alot lah .. overspent .. but than .. buy till damn happy coz for the amt we pay there we get 6 items .. but if go Toy R Us .. the most we can get 3 or 4 items *hahaha* .. and we gone for the ice cream sale mah .. also bought alot coz damn cheap *hahaha* .. *hide* .. btw .. yesterday i was @ my mum place i go down to the swimming pool for a walk after the rain .. than was hoping to catch you there .. than i think maybe too cold you wont bring your gal also *hahah* .. than was damn tempted to scream SHERS AKA SARA GOH downstairs see got head come out bo *hahahah*
Grace .. accept the fact of being called an Auntie once you have a baby / kid in tow *hahah* ..

Last time i working in Toy R Us after poly b4 going for my U .. have this mum ask her daughter "go ask that auntie (me) who much is this item" .. tat time i was like 18 NIA LOR !!! ...

THis one is unforgetable .. really unforgetable .. hahahah .. but my mum say .. last time she gave birth to my sis @ 18 and me @ 20 already being called auntie .. so if me reach 31 than have kids than ppl call me auntie than i should be able to accept liao *hahah* ..
to those who have been told to eat durian so the baby will grow well...

my experience with #1 was...people kept telling me my tummy is small, so i ate durian 2x a wk, thinking that my baby will grow bigger. haha in the end, the mommy gained lots of weight and the baby's weight maintained about the same. gynae says the baby is receiving enough nutrition fm me so don't worry about the size.

oh i was drinkin coke regularly (even though just a small glass) and had mooncakes and cakes...in the end i almost got pregnancy diabetese. luckily did not in the end.

my gynae's advice, stay off sugary stuff and durian. AND...its so hard to get rid of my extra weight even though i was breastfeeding.

then again, my friend lost her extra weight with breastfeeding and was alread back to her pre-pregnancy weight within 2 mths. hmmm
Anxious - will change la and ur bb will be very attached to you de..brace yourself!! heehee..i dun like noisy n hyper kids too sekali my gal very talkative and hyper one...faintzz!! But hor, my hubby say active kids are clever kids haha..self consolation..
jamie .. laffs i also got ppl squeeze durian at me after know me preggy coz they say baby will come out fair and chubby ~_~ than my gynae also ask me stay off too sweet stuff coz my mum is a diabetic so worried i will kenna also during preggy .. so i am "CONTROLING" *hahah*

Flommy .. later stage more jia lat .. coz they will go WHY LIKE THIS HAR ? WHY LIKE TAT HAR? HOW COME HAR? WHY WHY WHY .. i hate ppl ask me why *laffs* ..
Morning mummies,

Juz received call from my clinic, my amnio test results is NORMAL. So happy.

Now can go book yoga, CL , buy gal gal clothes, etc liao....

any good private gynae to recommend ard Toa Payoh, Tampines, Sengkang?
i having skin itchiness around stomach and breast area.
then my gynae at kkh is out of town. so fared up.

i wan to confirm with gynae before proceed to skin centre tat it is not a normal pregnancy itchy.

pls give me contact.

3wkold, i hope can rec u my gynae..but my gynae everything will say no problem one. is normal one...so i think better not rec u lah..he is dr adrian woodworth..hehe
Porky, same feelings as you when I visit Dr Adrian. Only showed me where is bb's head, heartbeat. Showed me the legs when I asked him, i even commented I cant tell what all those are then give him a blur look. Haha.

He really dun bother abt my weight and only took down after I voluntarily jumped onto the weighting machine.

tempted to call me aloud?? hahaha..

sat i brought my gal to PS to watch barney.. she's so excited lor.. even if u call me, i wldnt be able to hear.. hehehe..

actually i think hor.. i dont know y i'm going to the warehouse sales this sat le.. i have baby's clothings liao le.. girl sets, passed down from my no 1.. if no 2 is a boy, my sil will pass to me.. whahhaa.. i told my hb.. he asked me y go to sales.. maybe i wldnt join u ladies hor..

but if u ladies want to come and find me, come okok?
aiyoo - ur il so much ado abt gender. its not like we have control over these things. so poor thing u.girl or boy - heart melt when see baby, they so adorable. most impt is healthy. I used go NICU - so poor thing see many baby sick.

me too. feel like jailbird coz quite difficult to do stuff with my girl in tow. she now abt 17mth too - I just starting to enjoy going out since she can walk, more independent. then #2 on the way - feel a bit scared at how to cope, more tied down ?

but yup - i agree - have to say my girl make me happy, she makes life more blissful

I not the sort fond of kids. but I fond of my niece, nephew. coz its my sis'kid, feel closer. umm until now get irritated coz they passing thru the 'irritating ' stage ie. age 3-5 plus spoilt by maid heheh. but they still cute lah ;)
daec-my gal altho can walk but stil wan me to carry her...so tiring esp. my tummy growing bigger each day..very siong ar! She very attached to me, everyday mommy here mommy there..
Shers ~_~ .. ppl pass down you still can get a few for your own mah *faint* ...

I can go find you . .but i will scream SHERS AKA SARA GOH from Blk 21 and see where your head pop out *hahaha* ... and also if go find you must have Ugly Sardine puff to eat one leh !!!

dayC no choice .. coz my hubs only son .. and the Zhang Zhi Di Sun .. so they all will expect a boy from me one lor .. that is why i got these kind of invisible pressure which they say NOT giving me but unknowingly just blah out tat they wan boy this kind of things one lor .. sian ..

dayC too bad both my nieces in law i dont like coz i dont like their mums *hahah* but ok lah once a while will think they are cute .. but the elder one nia .. the young one is very spoilt and like everything belongs to her .. and we owe her tat kind one lor .. wan something cry than give her liao bth ... the elder one still will see face .. if i say ok come over i bao bao than she will come if not she will stand far far look at me longingly *hahah* .. the young one .. just walk over and sit on my leg . .tat time my MIL scold her coz my MIL scare kenna my tummy *laffs* .. bth ..
yea my girl want to be carried. I try to get her to walk more. now I stop going out with her alone, get my hubby to carry. she cry bit, but no choice ah.

I see. yeah lor only son is hard. must try thicken-skin I guess.

ohh niece-in-law diff lah. I only feel close to my sis kids. when my first nephew born, I feel my heart tug to him.hehe dunno why young one is like dat - like owe her something. my niece is like that now.pampered youngest I guess heheh
DayC i intend to get some pink items and use it during coming CNY so i tell them all its gal ! (i dont know sex yet .. this wednesday than know) ... even if its boy ...*hehe* .. than they wont need to ask me hor ? *hahahah* ... dont need care is boy or gal .. as long as can get preggy liao they must tao chio liao lor *hehe*

too bad .. my own sister even if she have baby .. will be at the other end of the earth .. *sad* ...
congrats to firefly &amp; flommy on the good result!
enjoy ur pregnancy ya!

flommy &amp; dayc,
are u SAHM as well? my boy younger than yours, 14mth now... he is so so active, walkng ard the house, climbing up n down, putting his toys n a bag and drag it all over the house and deposit them at different corners! he can really drives me crazy at times! :p unlike ur girls, he dun like me to carry him, so i gonna follow him all over the place, very tiring...

thanks for updatng the table!

same as u liao.. will hv 2 boys in the house! and my MIL exactly same as urs also, she prefers girls and it's so so obvious, she seldom asks abt my boy and im more than happy so i can visit her less and less contact wi her.. :p
Porky, Shers, Anxious, Dodo - Thanks heaps!!! So nerve racking ley....phew! Now I can hv a happy xmas &amp; new year..

Ok back to business- r we goin to gather at Shers's to pig out during xmas or new year?
one thing I like abt having daughter, later when grow up - more likely close to us ;) daughters tend to be close to mums

yea SAHM, just quit my job few months ago to be with mygirl.

dayC true .. but you know lah .. they always say how you treat your mum now .. will be how your kid treat you next time ~_~ .. erm ... i not tat good daughter one hor .. i quarrel i stubborn with my mum alot alot one *hahaha* ... i also close to my mum lah coz she only have me in SG .. my sister too far liao ...

But i prefer a gal coz the sister will help take care of the younger one .. but a elder bro tend to bully the younger one *hahaha*
