(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

pressie exchange is nice.. but got to confirm early.. then can faster go and shop for xmas pressie..

i'm so excited~~
Shers .. erm .. tar bao and pot luck best liao *hehe* ... each bring a dish .. eat and than clean backside than go home *hahaha* ...

26th Dec got ppl can go ?
Shers .. bake food also healthy *hahah* ..

Erm .. 24th i got office lunch dont know will let us go home earlier but no confirmation leh ~_~ *sad* .. if not than how ? 26th lunch ? ..

yah .. Flommy TALK RA STUFF BEST ! *hahah* ..

Shers ... pressies pressies *hehe* our pressies will all be preggy stuff or wat one *hahaha* ...
2nd Gathering at Shers' place (if less than 4pax), at my place. Else will be at Function Room (if available)

1) Shers + no 1
2) Anxious_preggy
3) Flommy + no 1
4) Porky

i call management office and ask now..

u can ask yr mum to go down and book now??

by the time i can book is tml morning.. and i have to be late for work if i book tml
yup... i booked bbq and av room for 25th..

just book 1st.. see whoever want to join, join in lor.. so its time for the confirmation of time and of course FOOD!!!
so confirm 26th hor..hurray..maybe I won't bring my gal, bring her then i cannot concentrate on RA conversations haha...and can't eat in peace heehee..
Just talk to the management office .. confirm only the Function room coz AV room taken liew *sad* ...

Date/Time: 26th Dec (boxing day - friday)/9am to 3pm.
Venue: Function room @ Kovan Melody.
wait wait..26th i got work leh...my colic already reserve the leave on 26th...unless she wan to give up her leave so i can take..else how..dun wan BBQ lah..later our hair so smelly leh. each ta bao one food is good ? how ?
very siong ley bring my gal, if not i eat liao hor den go home n bring her haha..depends whether it clashes wif her makan or napping time oso..
just i left my seat a while only..come back so many post liao...cos our management office bring xmas cake for us..greedy me..went to eat the cake and forget all abt the chat in the forum..
btw, me need to leave around 3pm.. ok with u?? got a gathering at 4pm..

porky, the gathering seems confirmed liao le.. u can ask yr colic to give up hers?? *pretend to be pitiful*? whahhaa
flommy, bring ur gal lah..girls not so active one. hehe. so now is confirm 26th or wat ?? i must think of a way to ask my colic give up her leave to me..cos she reserve it 2 weeks ago..dunno she wan give me or not..haiz..cos we small office. only 1 person can take leave t a time...

my gal is 18month and flommy's is 17month..

bring la.. let them mess up the place.. anyway no need to clean up!! *evil me*


Shers: Baked Rice or Baked Macaroni
okie .. the gathering is confirmed ...

Date/Time: 26th Dec (boxing day - friday)/9am to 3pm.
Venue: Function room @ Kovan Melody.

Shers + 1
Flommy + 1
915 + 1
Porky (to act pitiful and get the colleague to give up the leave for her) hiak hiak

Anymore to add? *hehe*
Oh food .. yah .. *think hard wat i can do in the morning* ...

Someone cook PLAIN RICE (too ez?)? Than i make Japanese curry (chicken + potatoes + carrots ) ...
hahaha...i just talk to my boss. he say ok. can allow me to take 26th also. since a lot of ppl also not working that day. so is confirm ! yippie !
11am is my gal's napping time also.. hahhaa.. i'm thinking.. maybe pat her to slp 1st.. then transfer her to continue to slp on stroller.. since function room is air-con.. can slp better..

anxious, u making japanese curry?? then i dont do baked rice or baked macaroni liao.. too many main course..
11am for me is ok. but i dunno how to cook leh...ta bao can or not ?? what food u all wan ? i go tabao then come over loh. hehe
i can do fried beehoon if u all dont mind beehoon with anxious' japanese curry? or i can do simple fried rice..

little kids can eat fried rice also.. maybe beehoon abit too dry for them..
Porky you can get the drinks from opposite side b4 coming over .. dont carry too heavy ok ? if too heavy let me know i go pick you and share load.

I mean Shers make her UGLY/Laughing sardine puff
Hi ladies,
Wow 2nd gathering.. so fast ! Was abit lost since I didnt get to logon for the past few days. I would love to join but need to work leh unless I sneak out in the afternoon to join u gers but will not be bringing my ger.

Went for my detailed scan today. Dr said I have a low placenta and asked me to be careful then also I have low haemoglobin
Haiz !! Hopefully, by delivery my placenta will move up
shers, ok i buy drink. but how much to buy ? bottle or packet ? if too heavy..how to carry wor. i take mrt from punggol leh...
wau lau... u hor.. want to laugh at my laughing sardine puff ar?? dont wan la..

the pastry need to roll and roll.. i dont think i can do it when my gal is around.. usually i bake when my hb entertains me gal..
ok ladies,

so far we have 5 mummies only.. dont prepare so much food and drinks.. although we have 3 more little ones.. but dont think we can eat so much hor..
anxious, usually u will be at yr mum place from friday nite till when??

usually i bake on sunday only.. so if sunday u r still around, still got chance to pass u my goodies la..
