(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

xue, the thing is that 奶味 is those sour sour one...like 臭酸 kind.. i din use breast pad coz i find that my nipples will get pimples due to the pad..so i juz put a waterproof sheet under my bedsheet so that the milk won't seep thru...

star, if u dun get the preganancy pillow, can make do with 3 pillows..like what i am doing now

<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915
yar. esp if din clean/wash up after the leaking... the smell.. eewwww...

wad breast pad u using tt time?</font>.
i used medela, pigeon and tollyjoy...in the end i think pigeon is the best.

anyway at home and since i was going to bathe, so save the pads and go braless... i felt so 'free' hahaah..walking ard in shirt and no bras..anytime need feeding, juz lift up and feed..hehehe
Jen, yah but my gastric not tat serious like yours lor ..

Mine started coz sunday morning i had too late breakie with my parents . .than it started liao cannot stop liaio .. than end up bloated .. keep trying to burp .. but all i can do is stretch my upper body see if can squeeze out the air or not.

But i really can endure kind of person lah .. i wont go see doc till i really bth .. coz i know i know preggy try not to take medication outside the normal prescribe by the gynae ... so i lun lor ... so yesterday suddenly it disappeared by itself ..

But last nite my pelvis joint there so pain till i cannot stand up straight. And today i start to feel like my intestine and organs starting to shift place (coz a big of stretchy feeling in side) ... think is the growing baby bah ...

My guy friend's whose wifey also gone thru like tat say its norm leh ...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915,
yea. pigeon is the best...
wah, u din wear bra ar.. shiok hor... i cant.. i must put on bra and breast pad as milk will leak anytime... =(</font>.
*laffs* i imagining leh coz i have a dog at home .. if i go around the house with leaking milk and dripping on the floor .. my dog will follow me in and out and mop up for me ? *laffs* .. sorry a sudden image pass my mind *giggle*
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> LOL.! anxious, u're funny man.! hahhaa... my dogs dun hv such "口福" cos i wear bra. lol</font>.
xue, dun u get the 'sng''sng' sensation before your milk is going to come out? i am not so worried abt the milk leaking but more of when the milk start to spray(that is scary!but it happened!)

anxoius, that's good then u dun have to bother abt cleaning up the floor coz u have a live vacuum cleaner in the house *wink*
915 *laffs* live vacuum cleaner *laffs* ..

Seriously .. will SPRAY one ah? ... i dont know if i will have milk but than .. if really will leak and spray very sian .. how to go out like tat ?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915,
i dun think i hv tt feeling.. only feel my breast super engorge. On off feeling then the milk leaks le... Milk spraying! yea.! there's once it sprayed on my son's face wen he suddenly let go wen there's a letdown. hahaaaa...</font>.
the last time i attended the parentcraft class, mrs wong said that every one will have milk lor..

for me, i din have any milk for the 1st week, i was so depressed then coz i tot maybe breast small so no milk. my fren asked to persist in latching the baby and using the pump...after one week the milk shld come. Indeed it came, and really spraying...esp i was wearing bra initially, so it sprayed on baby's face and my face also(sounds exaggerating but true lor).

I can tell u that i was so amazed how my size also can have spraying milk..hehehhe

if u go out, u wear the breast pad, it will not leak or spray because of the pad..but too long then ur breast will have lumps of milk..can be quite painful lor.
xue, i guess it's engorgement ...esp when i go out and over shoot the time for pumping.. then some milk will leak into the pad but breast will be so engorged that i can feel lumps in the breast...very painful.

when i tahan until go home, i can feel all the lumps disappear after i pumped out the milk.

U dun get that meh?
anxoius - u sure can lun but i can't... the pain is slight below chest area. e pain comes on n off n when on.. the pain is like ppl pull n twist yr intestine then let go.. the pain can last for 2mins each. plus cold sweat n vomiting.. need to go see doc..
furthermore with bb, i scare anything happen so need to go see n get a peace of mind.
if got lump get bb to help think bb suck better than a breast pump.

when i got lumps i just tell my bb, now help mummy ok, she will just suck n less than a min, e lumps r gone.. hehhee
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915,
i dun hv tt leh.... i pump every 3-4 hrly... if outside i latch directly... Bt i experience block ducts before, due to wearing wired bra.. only tt night and i kana.. super painful and hv slight fever... gotta go TMC to let them massage and clear for me... she really go and squeeze my breast till the milk spurt out.. PAINFUL !</font>.
Jen .. true .. but coz i didnt vomit .. just a very bad headache .. so i try to sleep it off lor .. so my whole long weekend .. is sleep alot .. but than i still managed to go JL expo sale *laffs* .. but was bad lah the feeling ..

I now try to eat little every meal and have more meals to see if can prevent gastric problem lor ...

Just hope dont kenna again .. if not also jia lat .. no a good thing to experience. *sigh*
re spraying - my friend once told me she was BF her son when her son suddenly let go of e nipple, e boy got spray all over e face... her demo of e spray was like 'shoshoshosho, finger dotting on e spot' (hope get my meaning) :p
HUH? GET PPL TO MASSAGE AND PUSH OUT THE MILK! *faint* can ask hubs to do or not ? *laffs* ... i think our hubs will be more than willing to help .... hmmm got this kind of classes for daddy? *muhahahah*
jen, ya..if i am at home or baby is within sight i will put her on the breast...but it happened when i go out meet my frens w/o baby...heheh

r u having gastric or heart burn? coz i think i got the same pain below chest in my previous pregnancy. like almost want to die like dat, hard to breathe.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> anxious,
i went parentcraft as they're more exp in this.. dunno if they hv class for this anot. u can check and enrol ur hb.. hehehee.</font>.
Heart Burn is more like the back flow of your gastric juices rite? .. very pain in the throat and stomach like got very hot burning feeling .. usually get if eat too spicy and too fast ... i sometimes get tat if i go eat too spicy food last time .. now since preggy .. i only kenna a few times coz my hubs and friends all dont really let me eat spicy food liao .. i just eat chilli sauce tat kind of sweet spicy stuff *sobs* ... I WAN MY MALA STEAMBOAT !!!!
Anxious, u can ask hubby to masssage or suck out for u if he is willing

Xue, i also kena the same experience lor...so painful..but i din go to TMC for help..i think i used hot towel massage..
Xue .. yah i think i will check it out *laffs* .. i saw online one of place in Tanglin Mall that have Baby massage classes .. i think i will take up tat one also bond with the baby ..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915,
yar.. very painful.. slightly rub against clothes can feel the pain.. i've tried hot towel but it doesnt work.. no choice hv to TMC for help. </font>.
hahaha.. u ladies nearly made me laugh till i fall.. hehehe..

i cannot dont wear bra and breast pad.. milk will leak and leak.. as for spraying.. ya.. when the milk comes, my bb stops sucking then spray in the face.. its true!!!

then i immediately use bottle to 'hop' the milk.. else very wasted..

i also ganna milk lumps.. but i have massage lady so she will unblock for me.. and the milk will spray onto her face.. whahha..

engorement really very painful lor.. the breasts will become stone! sometimes i use hot stone.. CL said can use cold cabbages..

now i'm training my gal to 'suck' my nipples.. my hb says i'm a pervert mum.. whahhaa.. in case my no 2 comes out, bb cant help so got to seek for no 1 help liao..
Shers, *fainted* ur milk sprayed onto ur massage lady? wah..power!

U training ur gal to suck ur nipple now? how old is she? why dun train hubby instead?? hiak hiak hiak
*laffs* Shers .. your hubs wan to help lah .. teach your hubs (maybe no need teaching also) to help you lor . .i think he will be more than willing to do it for you *giggle* .. tats why he complain you pervert mah *laffs* coz it should be his JOB! *muhahahaha* ...

915 yah .. the Mother &amp; Child @ Tanglin Mall. Anyone tried their classes ? good? worth the $$$? I thinking of enrolling my hubs to go with baby so can have dad and baby bonding also *hehe* ..

Alot of things need to learn lor coz my mum also first time take care of baby after my sister and me 30+ yrs ago *giggle* ..

I will send her and my maid for infant care class .. me and my mum will go for the first aid class .. etc etc .. *sigh* all these need MONEY ah !! expensive to have baby .. really expensive .. even the bonus by the govt and the tax rebate wont last long *giggle*
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> oh ya. saying abt massage lady, anyone intend to get one for pre-natal massage?</font>.
Pre Natal massage ? I think I need one badly ~_~ .. backache so bad lately .. i think will get worst later ~_~ ..

Post natal i think i will employ those Jamu lady bah .. but in case i do C sec than cannot liao *sad*
Anxious, i went to Mother &amp; Child tried their post-natal yoga but never tried the baby massage though..but i dun mind taking up the class coz my mum is interested to learn that.

Xue, i going for pre-natal but i'm continuing from my old package with rustic nirvana. (imagine i signed up 20 times during my #1, with prenatal and postnatal massage, i'm still left with 10!) so i am going to try to used it up.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> anxious,
me too need to do prenatal massage. when im in my 3rd tri with #1, my back aches until i cant slp.! very jialet. so this time im gonna treat myself better le. hahaa..
c-sec oso can massage bt after 2wks.. natural 3 days after can hv massage.. </font>.
915 ... how much is the package for Rustic Nirvana? you have their website or package? i thinking of signing up for one .. my hubs say he will pay wor *giggle* so must faster grab a package *laffs*
wau lau.. i want to faint lor.. talk abt this topic.. all mummies so excited wor.. hahaha

when i change clothings, i will ask my gal to come and ask her whether she wants neh neh ornot.. then i point to my nipples.. the answer i get is 'eeeee...'

my hb was laughing away la...

then slowly i pull her towards me and ask her to drink neh neh.. slowly she licks la.. i sound so pervert now!!! whahaha

slowly la.. whahaha.. tonite i try again! whahhaa..

nowadays she is more interested in my tummy and belly button than neh neh..

she will point at my tummy and say 'baby' then will use her hands to pat pat.. sayang bb.. then follow by kiss.. last action is poke my belly button before she walks away..

my gal is 18 months this month..

i still have time to train her to suck! whahahaha

my hb cannot la.. he used to see me express milk.. then he will comment.. 'very shen qi hor.. like that also got milk spraying out' then i asked him to taste the milk, he doesnt want... my gal follows her dad 'eeeee...'

i tasted myself before.. sometimes like HL milk.. very light taste.. whahhaa
i didnt do pre-natal for no 1... am thinking wanted to do this time.. but where got time to do?? just have to ask my hb to massage for me.. give him a pitiful face..

post natal have to do la.. really helps lor.. increase milk supply as well.. reduce fats..

me c-sect also can massage.. i started 2 weeks later.. also very effective.. i put on 17kgs together.. during full month, i only left 7kgs to go.. then 7kgs left me 2 weeks later.. another 2kgs lost dont know when..
*laffs* .. Shers yah you sound a bit pervert *shake head* *laffs* your hubs also funny one leh .. but than last time b4 you get your #1 will he ask to try to taste the milk? coz my hubs ask me .. than i say cannot .. coz need for the baby. He always look disappointed .. dont know next time if got chance for #2 tat time i ask him help me he will or not *laffs* .. aiyah still long way to go for me *giggle*

But than your gal very cute lor still will poke b4 going away .. i can imagine she bully the #2 next time *sigh*
frankly i think it's abit expensive, work out to be ard $80 each session.I had my prenatal done at the cantonment branch, i find that the ppl there abit hard selling(that's why i end up with the package), however during my postnatal i went to the one at cuppage, i must say that the masseus there are good and more professional.
Anyway if u ladies wanna try, they have a 1st time $68 offer, can go and try and see if u like it. btw they only do prenatal massage from wk22-28 i think.

Alternatively i know of a fren using a malay masseus who goes to her house @ ard $55 per session (not sure if it's still $55)

if u ask me, i rather get the person come my house so that i can rest after that...if go to the massage place, by the time u r fully relaxed , u need to take travel all the way home.(back to square one)hheheh
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> whahahaaa...!!! ur hb is right. pervert. hahhaaa joking..
my son is nw 16mths... he will point and rub my breast (with clothes on) and say ball ball. *faint* when i say milk milk and point to my breast, he will look at me and smile and kiss my breast. hahahaa..

Shers, my hb drink my "fresh milk" before when my son cant finish. he say 不要浪费. and still say quite sweet and nice... LOL </font>.
BTW, when massage lady helps to unblock yr milk ducts, definitely will spray onto them 1 de... even on my floor (i did my massage on mattress).. then after that, CL got to mop the floor..

dont laugh la.. u all will experience later also.. then tell me how far u spray!! whahhaa
Hey Shers, my gal turned 18mths today ! so same age as ur gal...when i show her my breast, she will juz point and said "neh neh", but when i put her near, she will turn away...so i dun think i can make her suck..hahah...so it's easier to train the husband..hahahah

Anxious, xue..back to rustic...i think if u want to try , go to the one at cuppage...i find that they are better..as for package, i dunno if cuppage is more expensive coz of the location...
i took up my package at cantonement then i told them i want to switch with the reason that i stayed closer to orchard so easier to go for postnatal...
Shers !! the Milk Spraying Competition !! *muhahahahah* ...

Hmm like tat means its ok to let the hubs taste the milk lah ? but after baby dont wan liao only rite? *giggle* .. 不要浪费. Agree...

But i thinking not to feed direct from my breast .. but to pump out and keep in bottle and feed. My mum is worried that the baby will fall asleep halfway thru the feeding and dont take enuff of the milk ... if via a bottle .. at least we know how much they had taken .. <<< any comments on this one?
