(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Re. Food
I gv my boy some outside food also if not too salty or oily.. Coz he prefer our food leh.. Haha..

Re. Jab
chix pox jab no fever.. According to pd, for mmr, 10% will get fever within 24h or 1 wk later

Re sleeping: thanks mummy for the advice. Actually Myra sleeps on the rectangular type (flat) pillow although like adv_sports say, my gal also helicopter around that the pillow is never in the same place. Then me thinking of "upgrading" her to the normal pilllow and Because it's so new that it's stil hard hard, not soft enough. Think I'll let her play with it more to soften it.

Re eating out - i'm the type who think too much so we always make sure we bring home cook food out. So we always have to plan outing around the time needed to cook. Sometimes no time we will cook simple food like mee suar and the yu ren sheng brown rice out. Both done within 30mins or less.

re jab: Myra schedule is like jaeden. Just had pnemoccocal last jab. I didn't know can jab 2 at 1 go. My pd plan all the jabs and we just turn up as instructed on monthly basis. I'm not gg for mmr + chix pox cos have a friend whose kid did that and ended up with high fever. Not saying that it will happen but I kiasu so taking both separately.
Hubby's friend was recommending D'story club at pat sch hse for 15th mths to 30 mths and i wonder if any mummy has feedback on this? Tried googling but cant find much..
morning mummies,

yesterday just bring Rachel injection ....

12 months she got Pneumo booster (last one) + MMR
15 months Chicken pox 1 jab
18 months Chicken pox 2 jab

after that no nore until they go primary school.

Porky, jaime,
for me united square also ok ....
good morning mummies

cheyanne, thanks -- we will let yuan2 drink warm water after her next swim

re: pillow
cheyanne n porky, haha, think ur boys wanna be grown up :p

re: jab
bean, i m so busy for the past few months -- also forgotten abt yuan2's jabs!

hubby n me prefer not to let her hv too many jabs -- take only those compulsory one (pneumococal and ??)

can they take jab if having cough n runny nose? yuan2 dun seem to fully recover
every other week will start over again *sianz*

We can go polliwogs too? Let the babes roam ard and play instead of us sitting ard or shopping again.. If nt can try out fidgets?
good morning mummies !

bean, i thot is supposed to hv 2 jabs for mmrv ?this is wat GP & PD told me..i just follow blindly..haha

lily, chix pox jabs also need 2 times ? cos u wrote rachel took at 15mths & 18mths...
advsports, actually GP told me if running nose & cough still can tk the jabs. as long no fever..but i still prefer tt they recover first then tk

so glad tt jaeden did not develope fever for both pneumococal dose. as the last few jabs he always kanna fever. hope his immunity will be better now..
jamie & porky, haiz, like that i need to wait till she's fully recover -- dunno when

not sure if her cough/runny nose is due to teething...
Ppiggypig, chix pox jab is not compulsory.

Adv, agreed with Jamie that our darlings must be well to take the jabs. Dun think our dd wanna suffer double attacks from the virus. So poor thing.

Jamie, polliwogs or fidgets sounds nice! Will attend this session if I'm free n leave approved! :)
adv sport - muz wait for bb to be well before gg for jab. one of my fren's son kana brain infection because he took a jab when he wasn't fully well. the gp had oso said that no fever can take jab. in the end, led to complications. it was a miracle that he survived and there was no brain damage! so, better play safe and dun play play with such things.

Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
come n join us at 1st sept

yes chicken pox got 2 jab n mummy never kanna also must got 2 jab for chicken pox now before planning 2nd one
btw mummies,

nowadays i feed rachel she will dig it out ... i want pull my hair now everytime feed her. how? any advise? she only like plain rice. give meat or fish she taste n dig out. is not cos teething rite?
I hate it.

not only u. my gal also like dat. reject porridge, cereal still ok. luvs milk. intro macaroni, mee sua all dun want.

how ah? mummies, need your advice
lily - how about serving the meat and fish on a separate dish that you use daily, then pick up using chopsticks to feed her? somehow, my boy thinks that our food tastes better than his.
ak, haha, same for yuan2
poor hubby had to eat in the kitchen (standing) -- coz he dun wanna disrupt yuan2's feeding... she will make a fuss when she sees daddy eating and will point at his food *faint*
adv_sports - when my boy refuses his food, I sometimes feed 1-2 spoonfuls to his dad then he starts eating his food again. not sure if he thinks that he is eating our food or if he is afraid of the competition. :p

Think u can try feeding her wif chop stick. They always think our food taste better. I put my boy meat n vege on diff bowl I nv cut into small piece I let him use fork or hand to feed himself. I notice that my boy love spicy food lately.
Hi Mummies,

I'm from Dec 09 thread & am looking for a gd condition exersaucer/Jumperoo. If u have any to let go, pls PM me pic + price. thanks!
lily, i will also use chopsticks to feed my boy sometimes if he refuse to eat his food when he see us eating..they think our food is different from them so wan to challenge us...sign..

adv, same..my hb also need to avoid and eat in the kitchen..else i will hv a hard time feeding my boy

btw, my boy loves to put his hands into our food like wanna "snatch"..any mummy hv this problem now ?
Hmmm i cut small pc of meat/fish let him ownself feed & while i feed him porridge...then at least keep him busy if nt he cfm wana snatch my porridge or push my spoon away...

He use his hands to take the food but no choice at least he can guai guai eat...tried using fork but he impatien end up use hand faster...buay tahan him...

N he luv to drink soup so i mix little rice alot of soup to feed him if nt he wont eat...
cheyanne, my boy love soup too ! but he dont like to mix it with rice. so i gv him a small bowl of soup aft he finish his meal. he will finish the soup..hehe..btw i cant stand the mess if let him self feed using his hands...

My boy went for his development test last week together wif his mmr. Go say my boy very weak in his speaking process then need go back review another 3month
The gp say they should know how to call pa pa ma ma and some other words
But my boy know none
It's not true. My pd says boys speech development is slower than girls. My boy also don't know how to call ppl ie parents or grandparents.. He only does mostly single syllable like ball, cat, duck, pig. So my pd says no worries .
how many of your bbs are oreadi talking - simple words? my gal seems to know only a few words, she understands our instructions but she's not speaking much, only some funny babbling. i rem her jie jie was oreadi very talkative at her age.
Feb mum:
Claire is very talkative now already.
But I thought the development milestone (for their age) is calling papa, mama and using one other word (other than papa and mama)? So rebecca is okie isn't it?
My aunty was 2 years old before she started talking. Her speech is ok leh. No problem.

My daughter for now can say "Mama", "Ah Da", "Mum mum", "Up". That day she said the word "apple" very clearly but since then don't want to say. Sometimes when I say a word like "elephant" she will try and imitate.

Last month I went to see pd at KKh, doctor say her growth is on the 25%percentile but it's fine becos they are leaning out doing more activities, and depends on their genes. Say as long as the growth doesn't go headwire then it's fine.

The pd even commented that my daughter is very interactive. My family members says she's very intelligent. My FIL say she's even smarter than her father and uncle. LOL!

RE: Eating
I think all children will think that their parents' food is tastier. I put Arielle's rice in a different bowl. From 14 months onwards she was more accepting about eating. Since she loves rice, handmade noodles, strawberries, avocado and tomato so much, I will tell her to eat what I'm giving her first then I let her eat her favourites.

Re: Activity
My daughter will climb up and down the stairs by herself. My FIL says she's not scared of anything. She will pick up the telephone and press, the only think I don't want her to do is press 999. If not chiat lat! She will switch off my fan or switch on the light switch.
my boy dun really talk much.. onnly dad, flower.. the rest he will only say awhile n wont say.. my pd said boys are generally slower in speech.. so dun need to worry.. as long when u ask them things like where is mummy/daddy, ball etc n if they can point mean ok.. they understand just that not ready to say the word yet..

i want to ask wat veg u all gv ur toddlers? so far, my mum who takes care of my boy gv him brocoli, spinach n carrot only leh... it seem to me like too much vit A/iron like tt leh
i give broccoli, pumpkin, capsicums (red & yellow), carrots. trying to find smaller bunch of cauliflower, but like all bunches very big like dat
Ling Lim: So far I've given, spinach, broccoli, carrots, celery, pumpkin, capsicum (red,yellow, green), beetroot, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, mushroom, cucumber, tomato (usual red ones, or cherry tomatoes that come in pink, yellow or red colour), lettuce, eggplant...

haven't tried cauliflower though.
capsium? The taste quite strong.. They can take it? I getmy mum cook tt to try.. Cauliflower dun hv small bunch .. I heard ppl said broccoli is better than cauliflower..

if u worry strong taste, start wif yellow, then red. green is strongest smell. i cook it wif her porridge & pasta, so far ok. but the capsicum skin will come out in the poo.
cauliflower no good ah? okok, cos dat day go yoshinoya, she like the vegs. plain & cooked until soft.

celery & eggplant can, not yucky? how to cook?
my gal only like abalone & button mushroom. wat mushrooms do u give?
