(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

i heard sil feedback her kids dun take original after the orange flavour, cos very diff in taste. hope bbs not as sensitive ;p

i giv rachel original n everytime must fight to open her mouth

think after finish this one wanna giv the strawberry ....
maybe rachel is used to hving sweet stuff?
jodie got no problem wif original flavour ;p hope she dun change her mind.

so far, nvr hear of samplings leh
juju78: My daughter still takes original on alternate days. She got mood, even for both flavours. If she's in a grumpy mood then I skip the cod liver oil. Becos I got give her oily fish in her diet.

She occassionally throws up for the original flavour cos it's thicker than the orange, not that she doesn't want to eat it.

Scott's cod liver oil got strawberry flavour?
Hi mummies!!

Talk about cod liver oil
I gave the original favour since my boy is ard 11mths old. So far he is ok with that & my elder ger loves it to bit. Yucks !! Hahahaha....
<font color="0000ff">Collect Sgp Coins Minted in 2009:</font> Hey mommies - I'm Apr 09 mom. Dunno if u noticed bt Sgp Mint has released for circulation e 10, 20, 50-cent &amp; $1 coins minted in 2009. I've collected 2 add 2 my boy's memory box. I also collected for my gal those minted in her yr of birth (2007) -- tho in dat yr I tink dint hv 50-cent coins. Anyway, thot I share &amp; c if any other mom wanna collect 4 ur own bb. Bt I'm nt sure if ovr e yrs e shininess wl tarnish... My B1's 2007 set stl ok so far
lily, hahaha..so lets hv a mini gathering on 1st sept ya ? is teachers day and IFC is closed..so we bring our kid out for some fun..any suggestion for place ?
Juju - thanks for sharing the link.

Kidzkidz- good idea to collect mint coins for the year bb is born. May I know where to get it?

Btw- has any baby sleeping on pillow now? I just bot a cheeky Bon bon cushion pillow (like the type we adult sleep one) and somehow I find it kinda "high" leh. Like maybe not soft enough? I can imagine myself having stiff neck sleeping on it so decided to keep it first but my helper says must use then pillow will be soft. So any suggestions from mummies here?
lily, porky - thanks for invite. can i confirm nearer to date? need to see can get off from work or not.

btw, can mummies who have brought their kids to public pool share how you shower and change your kids there? also, is there a need for thermal swimwear or the normal type will do?
Re: Teacher's Day gathering.

I am keen too! I am off and IFC is closed too!

Re: Eating out

Just want to check when your toddlers are out with you,do u bring your own home cooked food for them or let them eat outside food?
re: eating out
i will cook &amp; bring out if jodie lets me cook before gg out. else i usu bring jar food &amp; mix wif porridge powder for more substance.
jodie also takes outside soup @ soup spoon cos it's organic &amp; not much seasonings, or bread dat pass my screening or sometimes bits from my meal
re : eating out
when my boy is over 1yr old..i did not bring home cooked porridge out anymore..i gv almost anything to him when outside...but in small portion and bit by bit only.
Hi mummies,

If your gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth from sengkang, Pls share with me your experiences.
Is he ok with natural birth? Cos I dun prefer c-section.
How much is the hospital bill of Mt A and TMC?
U can PM me…thanks.
good morning mummies

i juz called up yuan2's IFC -- they r open on 1 sept n closed on 3 sept... so cannot join ur
mini gathering

re : pillow
ilovesashimi, yuan2 is sleeping on mamalove pillow (M size from kiddy palace) for many months... but most of the time, she will "helicopter" ard the cot and end up not sleeping on the pillow :p

re : eating out
ibite, if we go for impromtu dinner, will juz feed her watever we eat -- after i "screen" the food (not too salty, oily)... surprisingly, yuan2 prefers homecooked food more

life is getting easier now -- dun hv to bring so much barang when we go out with them

re: swimming
ak, i showered with yuan2 when we swam at a fren's place. i dressed her in the open as there was no bench in the shower room :p if greg is ok with overhead shower, you/hubby can shower with him.

as for thermal swimwear, better to get one as the little one feels cold easily. yuan2 was wearing a life racer + swim jacket and she still tremble after 30mins in the pool! haha, and she still refused to come up from the pool!!

oh, bring a big towel to wipe him dry after coming out from the pool. And swim in the late afternoon ard 4pm -- after the morning sun has warm up the water
ilove: hailey's using cheeky bon bon J size for head. Its ok lei. She like. Haha

Re: eat out
I will order extra rice/ noodle n share w hailey. But I'll try to make her her own meals to bring out whenever possible. =)

Re: gathering
Count me in!
re: eating out

i still bring home cooked porridge out. i will add what's suitable on the table to his porridge and feed him.

I brought jayden out to the public pool afew times.
He nv wear any thermal wear. he only have the swimming diaper with him only. After he got up need to wrap him with towel. He dun like the cold water shower so i dry him and bring him back home to bath instead.
i should be also ok for 1 sept...united sq or some baby gym baby? think can also join u all

porky...u moving jaeden to another child care after 18 months?

i tot i would only introduce full outside meal later after he turn 1.5 years but sometimes to cook 2 meals during weekend is really time consuming..if wanna go out etc..

so far he had 2 full outside meal already..

once when we had steamboat..i jsut cook fish, pork, vege and eat with white rice..i taste quite bland without the soup base..so i just let him have that..

last sun, i gave me outside fish soup..with rice..without the soup..

maybe i should be abit more hardworking and "wash" the fish with hot water so that its more bland n wash away any msg..but quite extreme though..

normally i rather he has his full portion of home cooked food first before small portion of outside food if possible..
Re: Swimming

We bring him out to swim &amp; he wear thermal swimsuit...aft the swim we jus wrap him using a big towel n shower him quickly...aft he is fully clothed...we will feed him some warm water to keep him warm...so mayb doreen u can try tat on yuan...althou kaiden nv shiver but kiasee mummy juz wana play safe...

Re: eating out...
I normally giv him jar food cuz outside food alot of MSG,oil,etc etc...

Re: Sleeping on pillow...

My kaiden got 4pillows and 1 bloster but he prefer to slp on my pillow and hug my bloster...duno isit cuz got mummy's smell or he jus wana be grow up...buay tahan...
Wow, some of you mummies are so hardworking to cook home cooked food when going out. Weekends are my off-days. So I don't cook for Claire unless we stay home during weekends. I also don't wash the food with water. I just let Claire have them. Lazy mummy.. haha..
Cal, u preggy ? my gynae is Dr Adrian woodworth. he is fine with natural birth. u can check with moonyuki the charges ?

advsports, oic ! i thot all IFC &amp; CC is closed on 1st sept...so is depend on individual loh..

beanbean, i opt for MMRV package (include chix pox jab)
jaime, i am still considering..in fact i have met up with the director last weekend to discuss abt this..end up the teachers there keep persuading us to continue with PG there...and my boy is familiar with all the teachers there alrdy...now dunno shd change or not

Re : mini gathering
so do u have any baby gym to suggest ? i am ok with united sq. other mummies ?

Re : eat out
i still cook 2 meals porridge if i dont go out on weekends. but if i intend to bring boy out in the evening time, i will still cook and feed him first before bring him out.

Re : steamboat dinner
we had steamboat dinner quite frequently on sunday now..so our boy can join us to eat..no need cook seperately for him

Re : sleep on pillow
susan, same ! my boy likes to slp on my pillow too...his own pillow he will throw it far far away only...
Hello mummies!

I was wondering how come the thread was becoming so quiet...;p

Re: Eat Out
I still bring homecooked food for 15 months old Arielle. But I will let her eat some of the healthier food that I'm eating as well. I'm still freezing her food, so I just need to heat it up before leaving the house.

Re: Pillow
I buy Babysafe pillow for Arielle. But she tends to move around the cot so her head doesn't stay on the pillow.

Re: Swimming
Usually my hb and I will bring her to a pool that has children washing area. Until now my daughter still cries when water is showered on her head...I let her wear thermal swim wear and waterproof nappy.

So are any May 2009 mummies pregnant again??? I think the earliest I'll have the next one in 2012. ;p
porky...but infant teacher n play group teacher are different teacher right..jaeden is familiar with infant care teacher but not those teaching the toddler right..
at my ifc..when he turn 17 month plus, one of the infant care teacher will accompany the toddler to the toddler group to get familiar..
so from the toddler perspective still got 1 familiar face. maybe a couple of hours...then maybe 1-2 weeks later if ok..then the infant teacher will not accompany already..

so to me, its a brand new set of teacher when they upgrade to toddler class.so if i move him to another school..i tot should be not much of a difference coz diff teachers any way.. but of coz the setting n place looks different..

i planning to put him at carpe diem at pico centre(near lavender mrt) in nov..its newly operational..huge huge area..everything very new n nice..jsut that its new, only scare got operational issues or the teachers all not in yet etc..

any one use carpe diem before?
adv sport ifc very smart..take friday off..then long weekend mar...

1 sept if wed ..so abit odd to take off 1 day.then still have to go back to work ..sianz.

baby gym...lots of it no accessible by mrt..abit sianz to go...

another place i like to go is forum..lots of baby shop and a brand new mothercare...wat about forum??

at 13 month, j did 1 pneumomocal plus 1 chicken pox

at 15 month, j did 2nd/final pneumococal plus 1 mmr

at 18 months is 5 in 1 booster..

mine is raffles children centre standard package..so i just follow blindly lor..

and wat i heard from nurse..this is the last jab until they reach the time to go primary schoool apparently..
jaime, in my IFC..the infant teacher and PG teacher is almost the same...cos they always rotate the teachers..only some part-time one are station at infant areas only..those permanent teachers will rotate every day de..so jaeden is familiar with all the teachers there now. another thing is my this ifc is not big..so jaeden will walk ard the whole centre now since he is able to walk and the infant area is too small space for him to explore..haha. when during the discussion, the director told me at 18mths they will put him half day at ifc area and half day at PG...this is for him to get use to PG lifestyle. when start of 19mths he will be fully put at PG area...

i heard of carpe diem before..i think punggol there also hv 1 centre
jaime, forum needs to walk v far from orchard mrt wor...then i need to bring stroller..cant carry jaeden and walk for too long distance

wah u plan the jabs so nicely leh..mine is so lag behind now...

at 13mth -------> 1st pneumococal
at 15mth -------> 2nd pneumococal
at 16mth -----> 1st mmrv
at 17mth -------> 2nd mmrv
at 18mth -------> 5 in 1 booster
suddenly thread alive again, hahaha...

re pillow - my gal still using her babysafe 'donut' pillow. even tho it is for up to 9mths, she seems to enjoy it so i didn't change for her. maybe she sees her jie jie carrying the pillow around the hse, so recently, she oso starts using her pillow more. in the past, the pillow and her will be poles apart in her cot!

re food - i will bring home food for kids. outside food tend to be oily and salty. but very ma fan coz a lot of barang to carry. both my gals eat different stuff so i have to bring 2 different types. super heavy bag to lug around.

Jaime: Thanks, I conveniently forgetten about her jabs here in KL! hahaha So the recommendation is to have MMR and chicken pox seperately in Raffles? I also bring her to the Raffles Children Center. I heard MMR in polyclinic is free, so I thought to bring her to polyclinic for the MMR jab.

Porky: How come you need to have 2 doses of MMRV?
