(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

piggypig, guess yuan2 becomes choosy after trying out toddler food at IFC... she will be going over to toddler side in another 4 months! gosh, time really flies!!

joyce, sounds so easy to feed HX
did she enjoy her hols in bintan n m'sia?

yes, we dun add seasoning in home boiled soup. when we eat out, i will taste the soup first before giving her a small portion.

lately, have been working late and eat out often
so unhealthy...

adv, i still cook porridge on weekends for jaeden...he can finish up 1 big bowl..at IFC he also still tk porridge and cereal

in fact sometimes i cook mee sua, macaroni or rice add with soup..he dont like it so much..just eat a few spoon then he will spit it out..

end of the year i am gg to withdraw from this ifc and put him nearby my hse..hopefully can join other mummies kiddo together so they can hv play mates
adv_sports - i suppose yuan2 "graduated" from porridge. just follow her flow and let her lead. greg like our food but it is still more like a snack to him at this moment.

piggypig - think you should let your boy attends the trial classes to see which one suits him more. my boy was attending little neuro tree. it was fine initially but once he started to walk he keeping walking in class. while the teachers were very patient with him, i find that he was distracting the other kids so i didn't continue further.
i like genius space alot but the location and timing are not very convenient for me.
we are trying bibinogs now. seems like what they teach is similar to growing up gifted just that they are not so popular yet.
good morning mummies

porky, good that jaeden likes porridge... heard abt ur prob with current ifc... anyway, good to hv the childcare near ur home
we r happy with yuan2's ifc -- so will continue with the toddler class...

ak, yah, she juz suddenly dun like porridge... actually, easier for us now, she can join us for dinner

how's bibinogs? btw, genius space has closed down. i din let yuan2 continue after 1 term @ genius space -- then she started walking and cannot sit still... will enroll her in another class when she can sit still *haha*
hi ak,

bibinogs at UE Square? is your boy under BUBBLY BABES?

i only started my boy at Gymboree Play and Learn. havent gone anywhere else yet, everytime book a trial lesson, he will nap over that timing..haha.

wah may babies so clever, all started walking except my boy le..
adv_sports - bibinogs allows him to walk around. haha.
i feel that it's still too early to tell. greg had 2 lessons with them so far. will try out for the remaining 5 weeks in the term before deciding to continue or not.

i actually prefer greg to eat porridge. easier to cook - just dump everything in. :p
piggypig - yes, my boy is at UE Square branch, bubbly babes class.
my boy also like to sleep over the various class timings. haha
is gymboree play and learn very tiring for you (not your boy)? which gymboree branch is your boy attending?

I think the most enjoyable person during those trips is her loh... dun nid to worry, just ask mommy to 'ergo' her whenever she is ready to get out of the room!

End of day, the most tiring person is 'ME'.. lol..
my boy at harbourfront branch. ya play and learn is tiring for me, lucky only 45mins. but boring after a while since same games and songs.

btw u gave birth at gleneagles right? think that once we planned to go taka fair after our checkup with shers but than i can't join coz got to rush back for urgent meeting..hahah... time really flies
my boy at harbourfront branch. ya play and learn is tiring for me, lucky only 45mins. but boring after a while since same games and songs.

btw u gave birth at gleneagles right? think there's once we planned to go taka fair after our checkup with shers but than i can't join coz got to rush back for urgent meeting..hahah... time really flies
piggypig - yes, time really flies. 2 years ago we were still expecting and now our little ones are already moving around on their own. my boy is a NUH baby.
adv sports...
oh really..coz my boy also suddenly show much disinterest in his all time favourite porridge..he start spitting out..coz normally n gulp it down like a champ.maybe like yuan2...
wanna eat other things ah...

hmmm i never tot of that..i tot it is his first molar sprouting out..so less appetite..

any recommendation for teething gel...i think he is quite uncomfortable wiht the big pearly whites at the back..
good morning, mummies

joyce, haha, mummy is the one that do the tough job
well, mummy is the best -- HX will know that when she grows up

piggypig, my hubby also sianz when the same songs r played over n over again when yuan2 attended genius space's class... but yuan2 will response to the same song coz drill into her mind oledi :p

jaime, wow, justin's 1st molar is out? i din check yuan2 -- she was drooling excessively 1-2 weeks ago... i m using dentinox teething gel -- not sure if it is effective...
adv sports...
ya coming out..ouch ouch...
how to do apply, just apply on it and go to sleep with it...
been waking up quite a far bit these few nights..

yesterday tried porridge again coz no time to cook, he finish it but with much reluctance .
seems like a lot of the babies are rejecting porridge. hailey also rejected porridge and we're giving her mee sua, macaroni, rice, soup, started her on some table food also cuz feeding is soooo tough! esp since 2 nites ago i realised that she is teething! 4 teeth out at the same time! no wonder been so hard to feeed and her intake was halved!

anyway, genius space closed down?? they are quite newly set up rite? so fast they gone..
seems like a lot of the babies are rejecting porridge. hailey also rejected porridge and we're giving her mee sua, macaroni, rice, soup, started her on some table food also cuz feeding is soooo tough! esp since 2 nites ago i realised that she is teething! 4 teeth out at the same time! no wonder been so hard to feeed and her intake was halved!

anyway, genius space closed down?? they are quite newly set up rite? so fast they gone..
adv, good tt u gg to continue PG at ur current centre. i hv alrdy hint to the director tt i gg to withdraw my boy end of the year. anyway they dont hv much activities/programmes for PG..i m looking for one tt has bigger playground like ELFA !

jaime, i spotted jaeden's 1st molar too ! really huge one...but i nv apply anything yet

jamie, so hailey likes mee sua, macaroni ? cos my boy dont like leh..will bite a bit and spit out...very messy and sian lah..
adv sports: yalor, my boy just starting to respond now to all the songs & activities but only 2 lessons left le, now i dont know to upgrade him to the next level or change venue..haha
jean, what is elfa? u so fast hint oredi ah...
i scare if i scare hinting, then they know they lose my business soon, the care level for my son also dropped..so i will only say when i give the 1 month notice lor..

or once they say wanan bring him to CC..then i tell them i wanan pull out, so no point moving here n there lor

if it doesnt affect his sleep, then better dont apply..mine also his sleep is so bad..i attribute it to the teething lor..

macaroni? eat with wat ah? how to serve?
jaime, i hint first cos the director call me to attend the orientation..then i tell her tt i gg to withdraw when he turns 18mths...of cos i did not say tt their service is no good or wat lah..i say due to some financial issue tt i do not wish to put my child in cc anymore

yes since he still can slp thru...but fuss a bit in between still acceptable..so i nv apply the gel

i cook macaroni with carrot and chix..but my boy dont like leh...this weekend i gg to try to cook another time
ju, u r so fast ! but 25th jul i cant leh...btw the link say for open for children between 10-14months..so we still can attend hor ??
hi mummies!

any mummies still breastfeeding and menses not here yet? my boy abt 13mth and no sign of my menses yet.. not sure whether is it normal.. and im not pregnant.. hee
joyce & sei,
thanks for sharing on this! at least now i know it's not unusual.. my mum keep bugging me to visit a gynae bcoz of this but im not sure whether is there a need to do so loh..

is ur girl total BF? i let my boy have a feed of FM alternate day..
dodo, i got no menses too. down to 2 pumps and 1 occasional morning latch now. maybe ur mum wans u to check cuz she keen on #3?? hehehhee!!
jean, ya hailey like mee sua and macaroni. i tink cuz diff texture.. haha.. i let her try kway teow n the yellow noodle before too. she ok =)

joyce, 4 teeth out together quite jia lat lei. @_@

re: smartmoves workshop
im keen to go on 17 or 18 july at paragon! anyone else gg?
nope, I only latch her morning and night, and she has 2 FM feeds during the day. Planning to stop the morning latch and change that to FM too...

Esther also likes mee sua and macaroni... she can eat it plain! If its porridge, then has to make it sweet sweet with fish, pork, or ikan bilis then she will guai guai finish...
Strangely Charlene already likes rice mixes with soup long before she's teething. We would steam the rice to soften it n feed her thou.

Now that she has started to teething, her appetite also reduces alot. Been giving her more calcium riched foods still not keen to eat more.
Hi dodo,

Mine also not back yet!! But got a feeling that it is coming back..seems to be getting the PMS! During #1's time, i bfed but menses came back at 6th month!
porky: no lei, 18th jul is sunday n its full! i wan tt slot lei =( when u book for urs?

sei: last time hailey everyday porridge, until i also sian. lol! she rejected mee sua, maybe cuz of the texture. then aft tt she got bored of porridge, now accepting other foods and textures but no to porridge still. haha

sk: hailey likes rice!! she like to self feed using hands!! sometimes she try with her spoon but fed up and throw it aside. lol! when she was teething, i found it much easier that she self feeds rice when she's teething becuz at least she gets some food in and its less messy than porridge or mee sua! u can let charlene try that method! as for calcium rich, yoghurt usually works cuz its chilled, very easy to feed it during teething periods! =D
Jamie, thx, shall let her try tt too. Still, bread with Milo, cheese or anything she likes more.
wow! so many of u so shiok, menses not here yet. mine alrdy came 2 cycles liao. super sianz. gotta face dip in supply whenever menses coming.
hi-5! u noti girl.. 2 is enough to burn all my energy! haa.. what's the timing of ur 2 pumps huh? im thinkg to reduce to 2 pumps also..

hi-5 too! ya, for my 1st boy, my menses back when he was 9mth old.. can u imagine i only had 2 cycles of menses since Jan-07?! i believe urs as well since our 2 kids are similar in age..

it's ok gal.. i wish my menses here as i feel weird to miss it for so long.. and i think jodie dun drink so much milk now right since they starts to take solid well.. and u can plan #2 better when ur menses here..
Good morning mummies
This thread has resumed its activeness again

Any mummies have brought their little ones on budget flight? I wonder if stroller is allowed as handcarry or need to check-in as baggage?

Adv_sports, is good to let Yuan2 try adult food, Isaac is always pointing at Sarah's food, since I'm planning to bring him for a trip end of this year, I'm also very keen to let him try taking rice with soup. The only thing I couldn't do now is to shower him instead of bathing him in bath tub. He still cry the moment I on the shower!

maybe u wanna call up the airline & ask?
maybe can observe isaac closer why he cries in the shower? hmm... jodie now sits on a stool under the shower head for her bathing le. so far ok
