(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies, sorry to interrupt -

Anyone wants a single bed & mattress - perfect for a guest bed. Lightly used, going for cheap to clear space for my beloved son. Two are available. Can also be joined for an extra big bed...

Condition: 9/10

Pls PM me for more details.


hi glenlyn =)

i'm sending him to Cherie Hearts at Mountbatten.
Ur client is the boss ah?

I dont know if its good or bad, cos havent started yet, will start in Jan 2011.
but i like the outdoor programe -playground or water time.
I have 1 tin of Mamil Gold step 2 400g (expiry date Sep 2011) to exchange with Similac step 2 400g or let go at $10 and 1 promil gold step 2 900g (expiry date Nov 2011) to exchange with 2 tins of Similac 2 let go at $15. PM or sms me if you are keen.

My boy is still drinking Similac 2 cause when I tried to switch him to Gain IQ, he have problem moving his bowels. Will try Gain IQ again around 1 or 2 weeks later. Haiz, this Kiasu mummy already stock up a few tins of Gain IQ liao, hope he can take Gain IQ. Anyone has any recommendation of milk powder for above 1 year old that are good for bowel movement?
bbmay, my boy taking gain now..u must mix for abt 1-2 weeks..shd be ok for him to poo quite smoothly..my boy poo abt 2 times a day

btw, today we cant go to bash le..cos my boy came back from IFC last night with a bit cough..then this morning feverish...we are so looking foward to d bash..but do not wish to spread to the toddlers later..hope to hv another mass gathering nx time !
really enjoy the birthday bash... too bad got to leave early for work. adv_sport thks for ur effort and Joyce for the super yummy and cute cupcakes.
Hi mummies!

Just wanna share about Sunmaid raisins...

Yesterday, I gave my Joelle a few raisins from a new pack... After she popped 2 into her mouth, I realised a creature crawling around and to my horror, it was a weever! I checked the whole pack to find out a few raisins stuck by the side. I pricked at them and gosh... a few worms wriggled out!!!!! I then pour out the whole pack of raisins and more weevers started crawling around. Decided to check the rest of the 5 packs and similarly, a few weevers in each pack.
So mummies, please do not give sunmaid raisins to your kids! Or at least check very thoroughly before giving them some.

Actually, I encountered this situation before but I really thought it was just one incident and it could be that I left the unfinished pack around for a while...

Just make sure you all check raisins carefully when giving it to our kids.
Good morning mummies!!! It's a great Singapore workout yesterday huh! Haha!! Though I didn't do alot but my arms r aching!

I had great time chit chatting with alot of great mums n of course witnessed dads' participation! Shermin had great time jumping n bubbles time while shermay is happily crawling away.

Hope to see e great mums n toddlers again! It's been a great year for everybody. To some, we may not b friends but it's fate that draw us in this forum to get to know each other!

Take care n see u ard in facebook-ing!
Good morning mummies

It was a fun party @ JWT last Friday -- the babies hv so many fun stuff to try. The high time was the bubble time -- can see all the eyes glued to the bubbles high up in the air
Surprisingly, there was a moment of peace when the babies sat down to eat the cupcake -- except naughty yuan2 who was walking all over with daddy chasing after her *haha*

Learn some new tricks to play with Yuan2 -- like flipping her over and hanging bar :p Yesterday, we brought her to the playground and she attempted to pull up!

Special thanks to Joyce for the v nice n yummy cupcake and the backup organiser -- nearly cannot make it to the party due to family emergency...

It was great to put faces to the names and catchup with some mummies

Jasc, yes, it dawn on me that i 1st saw isaac when he was juz borned! Time really flies! Our babies r all grown up (a little) now

Porky, sorry that Jaeden miss the party & gift exchange. Maybe you can exchange with ling
Good to hear that he is better!
good Morning mummies & toddlers,

It was fun party on Friday. Thanks Adv_sports for organising and giving me the opportunity to 'show off' my bakes!
morning mummies !

yes..we missed out the fun...i was all prepared on thurs night...even decided on wat to let jaeden wear on fri's bash...then ard 9pm+ he was a bit warm..nv expected him to hv fever 38.5 at 2am...haiz...next time cannot prepare so early...really bandang !

anyway, hope there will be another mass gathering mayb xmas again ?? wahahaha...

my exchange pressie change twice the gift wrapper and still no chance to be exchanged !

thanks joyce for the cuppy and thanks sei for bringing it to me at compasspoint !
Hi All mommies

Sorry to disrupt,im 2009 mummy, have a few brandnew items to let go
Interested mummies pls do contact me at [email protected] or hp 82884133

<font color="ff0000">Item1:</font>
BrandNew Philips Newborn Starter Set[Price$36,Original Price:$45.90]

Contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs)

<font color="ff0000">Item2:</font>
Munchkin Drying Rack[Price:$10, Original Price:$15]

<font color="ff0000">Item3:</font>
Cradler gotten from Taka BabyFair
[Price:$15,Original Price:$21.90]
[PriceTag intact]

<font color="ff0000">Item4: </font>
MyBreast@Friends from MotherCare[100% BrandNew]
[Price: $70, Original Price$81.90 ]
[PriceTag intact]

<font color="ff0000">Item5:</font>
Montaly GiftSet_100% Cotton
[Price:$15,Original: Unknown]
Consist of 2 bodysuits,1 pair of Mitten &amp; booties &amp; 1 cap

<font color="ff0000">Item 6:</font>
Chateau De Sable Gift Set
[Price:$40,Original $77]

<font color="ff0000">Item7:</font>
Disney 100% Original Gift Set_100% Cotton

my boy is sick. really don't want to go to work today. he wants to be carried but i can't be there for him. feel like a lousy mum. i've been coughing for almost a month but never had time to rest and see doctor. feel so guilty that i may be the one to spread the germs to him. i feel like i am losing the ftwm battles all the time. wonder how long more i can take it.
ak, dont feel bad. cheer up ok ? my boy slp with me too..so whenever i sick my boy will get sick sometimes...but no choice cos im the one looking aft him at night..no one else can take over..hb needs to drive so i always let him hv enuf slp. u can tk CCL to stay with greg for 2days ? at least when he feels better then u go back to work..can chat with me at msn if u feel like it
any SAHM interested to do part time work from home job? Need pple to mark english papers! Good $$$ for SAHM! Pre-requisites: Min A2 for GP "A level"

PM me!
thanks, porky. greg is feeling better now. he was crying when i had to leave him for work this morning so i was very emotional. unlikely to be able to take leave within these few weeks. have been sick but can't even take sick leave. sigh. really wonder how much longer i can continue with this (and workload for this job is already reduced compared to my prev one).

hugz! greg noes u love him but u nid to work. they noe de... we r bb's main caregivers, so whn we fall sick, naturally they will also. so, it's very impt we muz tk care of ourselves.
if ur hb can cope, y not u take a break &amp; think abt whether to be ftwm/ptwm/sahm?
lily, we chat on msn today..u monitor her condition first..if still no sign of improvement like 4-5days..then better change to soy milk for time being..is gonna be very busy for u now..pls tk care !
hi, any babies here not yet taken the pneumococcal jab ? i just call GP at healthway..they say can wait till baby 14-15mths then only need 1 dose...
ak, ic...cos i intend to let him tk at 15mths if not necessary to tk now..but will let him tk the chix pox jab this week
Porky - I'm delaying his jabs since he is the only kid at his bbsitter's place. I'm thinking of sending him to playgroup only when he can talk so will delay his jabs till then.
porky - your bb is attending ifc, so i tink more advisable to be 'kiasu' abt the various jabs coz the risk of contracting these viruses higher. better play safe. hows being temp sahm so far? :)
febmum, i intend to bring him for jabs this week since i am on leave..

so far so good..hahaha ! now my boy can walk and play on his own so i can do housework and look aft him at the same time. but headache..dunno wat to cook for his lunch..any idea ??
porky - ya, when they are older, they can self-entertain themselves better. rebecca takes porridge for lunch, i juz vary the ingredients that go in. use the colour guide i mentioned before - purple, yellow, green, orange etc. can cook mee sua, bee hoon, mee, etc too.
ytd i cook macaroni then today cook porridge ...but tmr dunno cook wat...i nv cook 1 whole week of lunch for him before ! busy thinking wat to cook and i dont hv so much ingredients at home..
For mummies who gave Nestle Nan Pro 3 to your child, did you realised that the milk powder is from Philippines now? It has lots of bubbles n the nutrient value has dropped for most of the ingredents.
Hi mummies

I just realized that I have a Similac stage 2 $3 voucher, expiring 30 June 2010. Anyone has Mamil voucher for exchange?
i hv a voucher &amp; 2 sachets, mamil step 3. pm me if u wan, ok?
btw, u can also call up dumex to get 1yo birthday pack. comes wif a voucher &amp; 2 step 3 sachets
Hi all,

Can check with you how long does your baby sleep at night and how many times and how long does your baby nap during the day?

baby may - rebecca sleeps around 8pm and wakes up around 6.30am. she takes 1 morning nap, sometimes a short afternoon nap too. MY still waking up at night?
bbmay, my boy slp at 9pm and wake at 7.30am. Tis week i look aft him full time i realise he only tk 1 nap a day abt 2hrs then he can play non stop till night time..and also his appetite seems like increasing..

Hi mummies, do u all still apply desitin or drapolene on every diaper chg now ? Since our kid now 1yr le isit still necessary ?
baby_may - greg sleeps around 9pm and wakes up around 7:30am. he takes 1 or 2 naps in the day, each time about 30mins - 1hr. he still wakes up in the night for milk.

porky - i don't apply cream unless i see that it is red or have rashes.

YA sleeps from 8pm to 7am without waking up at midnight.

normally he takes 2 naps, roughly 10-1130am and 230pm-4pm, but these few days he has been skipping the noon nap!

mummies, does ur kid having 1 nap now? i find they shd have 2 naps at this age leh.. i remembered my elder one had 2 naps till he turned 20mth old..
