(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

thanks, feb_mum.

porky - he was already sleeping on some days when i reach home. so i let him sleep with me so that i can smell him.

your situation is wat my hb faced in the past..but ever since we went to holiday together, he spent more time with him then... now my boy will find daddy to play.. no longer sooo sticky to me.. maybe u can take a few days leave to accompany him?
hi ak, was facing the same situation as you. She is closer to mum who takes care of her during the day and to my hubby as he is home earlier than me. however for the past months, i left office on the dot and bring work home to do so that I can spend time with her before she goes to bed. now she gives equal attention to me and my hubby

Totally understand how you feel so now am thinking of changing industry so that I can spend more time with my family.
Hey mummies,

Hope all are doing... Had been busy with work.

Re: 汪汪Baby Bites

Lately realise that non of the supermakets are selling this Baby bites leh.. Is that anything wrong with it?
I went to shop n save, Fairprice dun have leh.
Yah.. I bought the mamy poko liao..hehe.. Think the stocks are running out fast! :p

Re: Baby preference over parent

Chelsea seems more excited to see daddy than me also leh when we pick her from infant care..wahhaa... Though I am the main care taker at home.. Also dun understand y... But as long as she dun stick to my MIL I happy liao.. *evil grin* keke... My female dog at home also see hubby more happy leh.. See hubby the tail wag turbo speed, see me just wag tail then walk away -___-'' Dun know y..haha
Hello Mummies, I have been pretty quiet for a long while although I have been faithfully reading this thread. Work has been so busy.. but am looking very much forward to meeting most of you this coming Friday!!

Firstly Happy Birthday to all babies turning 1 this month. My gal turned one last week and I just can't believe that time really flies.

BTW, I have 2 cans of unopened Friso Soy (2 tins) and Enfalac LF (1 tin) formulas to give away. That time my gal has really bad diarrhoea for months (suspected lactose intolerance) and my hubby kiasu, bought extra to standby. Now that she seems to outgrow that prob, I intend to give them away so let me know if anyone wants it.
Hi mummies =)

just wondering if all May babies have already taken pneumococal jab?

My baby haven't take this jab yet...
I heard some babies will have fever after taking this jab.
I'm wondering if i should let him take the jab tomorrow before going to the May09 Babies Birthday Bash this Fri.

My boy saw his dad come to pick him home for weekend at my mum's place only wants him to carry, doesn't want my mum who is the main care giver and his mum who takes care of him on weekday evening. He'll refuse to let go my husband .....

musicalboxx, take the jab after this fri to play safe. My boy also need the MMR and chicken pox jab which is overdue by almost a month already!

My boy had his jab le.

No fever develop le. But it depends.
In the past he will have fever. But for his last jab he play whole day so active.

But its better to push back ur appointment since u wanna attend the birthday bash.
Just incase ur bb have fever "touch wood" then u cannot go.
Musicalboxx, my boy haven take the jab yet..intend to let him take on this sat aft the bash

lily, mayb u wan to check with ling ? cos she gave cod liver oil to kayden now
hi mummies, i hv 3pack Friso Gold 3 wanna exchange with Gain IQ..pls pm me if u can exchange with me. will send out by post. thanks
my boy got fever for the 1st pneumo jab.. so think u postpone to play safe..

i'm already giving my boy the cod liver oil (childlife brand)...

Rachel just took her last jab for pneumococcal last tuesday n also MMR n she's ok now. We decide give her MMR this round cos doctor at KKH saw us this year jan - april MMR case increase by 14x (got 28 case) compare with last year jan - dec 09 only 2 case. think better to let her take now then wait another 3 months. We just try giv her the best protection.

ling, juju,
thanks will order for rachel too.
wanna try strawberry one.

I heard frm my frenz that after taking MMR jab, their kidz hv red spots on the body. i'm quite scared. Did the KKH doc say anything on this after effect?
MMR is scheduled at 15 mths... you mean Rachel is taking the jab earlier? I'm a bit confused... MMR stands for measles, mumps and rubella so which one has an increase in cases?

I haven't given Esther the Pneumococal jab yet, thinking of postponing it until I send her to childcare next year...
jean, thanks
yuan2 had fun @ the photoshoot -- but we were so tired (trying to catch her attention n make her smile)... m too busy with my new project -- yet to find time to upload the studio pics...

re: jab
hmm, yuan2 hvn't take pneumococal jab yet... after 1 year old -- need only 2 jabs?

re : SMH May09 babies 1st birthday bash
mummies, i hv sent out an email reminder -- including my hp contact. see ya on friday
adv sports - i believe after 1 yr is only 1 jab. dat's wat the polyclinic told me the other day. gave rebecca chicken pox jab first, will go back for pneumoccocal jab next mth. now, rebecca has some rashes on her due to the chicken pox jab but according to polyclinic, it's normal. though they are not causing her any discomfort, do hope they go away soon. looking forward to seeing everyone again this Fri. btw, my hb is coming along.
the childlife brand is strawberry flavor. But only got the smell.. The taste is still the usual oily fish kind. Not sweet.

fever subsided after 2 doses within a day.

Re. Mmr
read before tt it may cause autism but seem like it is not fully proven tt they r related. Any experienced mummies can comment on tt?
morning mummies !

adv, mummy & daddy more tiring during photoshoot while baby is having loads of fun..hahaha

febmum, i called up GP last evening..he said aft 1yr is 1 jab. then 2yr tk another jab..

any mummies know where can use medisave for the pneumoccocal jab ?
porky - tks. ya, now i recall. my #1 took only 1 jab coz she took it when she was 2. i know polyclinic definitely can use medisave.
morning mummies =)

yup, PD says after 1yr old is 1st jab then 2yr old 2nd jab.

I have finally decided to let my JiaLe take the pneumoccocal jab end of this yr instead.
Next jan sending him to childcare at Cherie Hearts.

Think I will let him take MMR at 2yrs old...

I didnt give my son cod liver oil, is it good for toddlers?

adv sports, yuan yuan took photos at which studio?
expensive mah?
jasC, yes ! i just called up my family clinic. can use medisave

but now i super confuse liao...my family clinic say aft 1yr old needs 2 jabs..2 months in-between

then i call another GP..she say 1yr old tk 1 jab only..then 2yr old tk another jab...

mummies, pls enlighten me !
btw, my family clinic charge $170 per jab..no GST and consultation fee..can use medisave up to $300 only..balance top up cash and needs admin fee $10.80
Rachel after take the jab ok until now no red dot or fever. Actually take at 15 months but the doc at KKH explain to us now they allow after 1 year can take cos the case lor.

We gave Rachel pneumococcal at 4 months total 3 jab until 1 year. Each jab $160.5 incl gst. consultation $40+.

N will give her take chicken pox jab at 15 months.
I have been sending my boy to PD clinic Blk 139 Tampines for all jabs. Pneumococcal is $150 per jab and only accept cash only, no baby bonus, medisave and NETs. For chicken pox cum MMR (2-in-1)is $110 per jab.

I think I'll let my boy take the chicken pox jab first, will take the MMR later, latest by 2 year-old.
sei, thanks for sharing ! will check out the locations that is nearest to my place..

jasC, my family clinic is $120 for combine chixpox & mmr..

lily, consultation $60 at polyclinic is so exp...
Hi Lily,

For Pneumococcal jab, you let Rachael take total 3 jabs before she is 1 yr old right? I thought then there is a need for booster jab at between 1-2 yrs old if bb completes 3 Pneumococcal jab below 1 yr? My boy completes 3 Pneumococcal jab by 8 months. But I don't know when shall I let him take the booster jab. Reason being, I go and read up on vaccinations after all these jabs taken then realised the scary side of it..

Now MMR I am thinking of letting him let single shot of Measles 1st instead of combine MMR and will try to delay till he is close to 2.

btw, Measlies is it 'Chu Pia' as what Hokkien used to called? Any mummies know?

Also, for the 5-in-1 or 6-on-1, a booster jab is also needed at 18th month right?
Hi Ling, thanks!

I shall go and read today ST.

Yes, I did read about it on the net that the Doctor is charged with criminal law. When I asked my boy PD abt MMR, she also told me this. My PD said the link between MMR & autism is totally nonsense. But she said if I prefer single shot, have to inform her so that she can bring in the stock before the jab.. She also clarified that the jabs are without mercury.

btw, anyone born in early 1970s know whether are we vaccinated against measles when young? Cos I asked my mum, she dont't know what vaccine we have gotten as bb, she just follow the schedule blindly, when its jab time, just take jab! I vaguely remembered I did have measles as kid if it is 'Chu Pia' lor.

hi musicalboxx (musical_box),

u sending ur child to cherie hearts ah? my client open one lei.. heard he said newly open right? which branch u sending? :) isit gd?
