(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Merry x'mas to all mummies and babies

Down with very bad flu so can't join the gathering at the last min.

Hope to join in the next mass gathering.. new year gathering or chinese new year gathering? :p

Haiz..my MIL wanted me to feed my gal with chocolate log cake just now cos my gal was drooling at it. Although me n my mum kept insisting that it is simply TOO sweet for a baby, she just kept asking me to feed her ..When i finally gave up...my hubby finally stood up n say "NO chocolate cake for baby!!" thank goodness. End up..we gave her plain bread!

My best Xmas gift this yr is that my gal accepted bottles again today, after 3 weeks strike!! 2 feeds of 80ml.. Good start n wish me luck!!
ling, thot u bring kayden there before already ?

poohwei, wah ur hb very good leh...i dont think my hb will say that infront of his mum...he will say just give loh...sign
my mum also asked me to gv my boy eat yest coz he kept staring at it when we were eating..told her no no no..

tt time is shave mah.. tis roound i want to trim only.. i tried to go HX then they tell me they nt v pro in trimming.. i nearly wan to faint... must make sure cut ok else cny not nice leh haha ..
tom i'm gg to united sq's vitakids so tot of cutting if got ok comments..
Ling, Junior League is not bad... My boy had his haircut there. Friendly hairdressers too...
Jamie, u feeling better? Rest well and take good care of yourself...

Yup, it is heartwarming... gd to have 2 kids now come to think about it
No regrets at all... I am waiting for the day when both of them can run around the playground on their own while I sit down on a bench and watch them!!! Hahaha!
anyone here got cadi forehead & ear thermometer?
mine dun seem reliable. this morn it reported jodie got normal temp, so we thot she jus felt warm. now rch hm (after a super long day), i chk still normal temp, so compare wif digital thermometer. end up jodie got 38.5 deg cel fever! i hope i din harm her by delaying panadol for so long.
is there anything i can do to feedback to cadi?
will jodie be ok? we did sponge her abit in the afternoon when she felt feverish, other than dat, most of the time she was warm only
Hey mummies, want to get some opinion. Is it ok to let our babies wear "shoes"? Cos I'm thinking of gettig a pair for cny. My gal is either bare footed or with socks (in Aircon plc)
graceofgod, porky,
tks.. later i will bring my boy go cut hair.. heehee...

my mum said only those soft sole can.. those hard sole hv to wait till 1 yr old.. my boy has been wearing those soft sole booties coz full mth gifts..
good morning mummies
happy boxing day!

juz like to thank feb_mum for hosting the great party! so cute to see the babies all grown up -- very difficult to take pics as they r roaming ard! and all the babies r so smiley -- had a rolling good time @ their 1st xmas party

firefly & graceofgod, nice to meet u

muffintop, haven't met u since our dinner gathering @ MS hotpot before we popped -- raphael is such a big boy now

juz to re-cap a few funny incidents :-
1) chang xuan cried out loud when le xuan pulled her curly hair -- mummy poohwei had to remove the red korea headband...
2) vera cried n pushed yuan2 -- mummy cheesecake asked baby vera not to push... but yuan2 was sitting on vera's leg *ouch* sorry, baby vera! yuan2 was changing direction -- she will crawl, sit, turn side n continue crawl...
3) i gave yuan2 a box of clorets -- she enjoyed hearing the shake-shake sound... and this box was passed among the babies
feb_mum, i think it was left at ur place...
4) chelsea's toy was passed among all the babies -- erhmm, yuan2 chew n drooled on it so much that i had to wash it! sorry, mummy ibite..
5) clumsy yuan2's daddy accidentally knocked shermin with his bum -- shermin fell back on the back of sofa but din cry.. sorry, mummy shers!
6) greg n chelsea had a crawling competition for baby biscuit -- chelsea won n greg cried (coz that's his baby biscuit)!
haha adv_sport, it seems so fun!!! i org a xmas party 2 wk ago for june mami but was at condo poolside so bb didnt have much interaction, it seems so much less fun than the one u all had on eve! my boy is born 3rd june. do u all mind i join here cos he's a big bro in june so thinking might be good to join may as well so i can foreseen ahead. i tk care of him alone though MIL at home we dont talk alot so i do my own research what to do w my boy, oh his name is jayden too :p
hahhaa... all the incidents r all funny! no worries abt your hb's bum bum on shermin's face.. whahhaa.. i found that funny also..

So nice to meet you too. Kayla and i enjoyed ourselves too. Perhaps we west side mummies can meet up at nearby malls sometime. Or if there is another CNY gathering soon ?

Hope Porky jean can join us next round
Can mummuies advise if our bb's passport photo (taken outside ICA) will be accepted to make passport?
SK - those photoes taken outside ICA can be used. there are some guidelines on the photo for passport at their website. http://www3.ica.gov.sg/apples/faq/photo_image.html

adv_sports: i don't remember greg competing with chelsea over the biscuit but i remember greg snatching raphael's toy and he screamed when i pulled him away. what a rascal greg is! sorry, raphael and muffintop.
Haha, ak, Raphael and Greg made peace after that, remember?

thanks to ak n A* for accompanying me n bb.. I remember the real name but forgot the nick. is it fireflies?

Advsports, ya, been long since we met!
hi mummies,

my boy is down with flu.. running nose, cough with phlegm and wheezing sound. Can advise me what to do? Bought him to the PD today and gotten some medicine but the cough seems to get worst. Any other ways to make him feel better and cough lesser by not relying only on the medicine?

Ya my nick is firefly ... thanks for the lift too ! We din exchange numbers. I pm u le...


We had fun but would be better if hailey and u were there. Lets have another one soon. your place big enough. quite a gd idea.
Jamie > IF the gathering at ya place, I will come eh! haha. (of course if timing permits).

AK > Thanks. That helps alot!
Cos my hubby's friend's photo taken outside ICA got rejected and ended up took one at ICA and got accepted.
if take out ica, then jus follow the guidelines posted for fotos can le. main thing is white background, see all features, space around the face (for cropping), can see until abt neckline, then shld be ok. the next obstacle is to shrink the foto to be able to upload onto ica pp application page
good morning mummies!

ak, my hubby took a pic of greg n chelsea chasing the biscuit
hv prob with fb photo upload -- will upload the pics soon

createjoy, sure, welcome to join in

jling, my PD told me to monitor yuan2's condition for the following 2 weeks -- cough will get worse on the 5th-7th day and then get better after the worse is over... watch out for fever n lethargy...

i stayed home to look after yuan2 -- no air-con (as IFC is fully aircon)... diluted FM to make it less heaty... no fruits... her appetite reduced drastically -- from 200ml to 60ml per feed.. had to feed more often... after the worse is over, her appetite slowly regained and back to 200ml per feed...

oh, do rub ru yi oil on palm n place on ur baby's back n chest -- to help ease the cough while sleeping...

haiz, yuan2 started coughing again after xmas
n hv slight running nose... luckily we had the long weekend to keep her out of air-con... much better and able to sleep thru without coughing last nite

hope ur baby get well soon!
Good morning mummies..

Back to work after a busy eating long wkends.... nobody at my dept except me.. haha..

Adv_sports, you can capture so many wonderful incidents at the gathering.. well done!

I also will join West/East side gathering.. haha.. I'm in the North.. so quite convenient for all locations.. :p

Not forgetting to Thanks Feb_mum who host the gathering and help me carry Hui Xin while I eat..
Good morning !

Thanks for the nice pics your HB took of Kayla. Hope to see u soon.

Today our babies are 8-month old ! time files !
Happy 8th month to Greg & Kayla
btw, mummies.. any1 stil cant wear back their wedding ring????? i alrd lost al my preggie weight... but ME still can't!!!!! i thnk my finger's bone was enlarge ba.. then is it time to go to the shop and alter? or shld i wait further? i heard the shop pple says abt 6mths time, if u stil cant wear means u nid to pay $ n ask for ring alternation liao.. isit true...? any1 can advice? pls help.. :-(
east side gathering is at where ?

glenlyn, u so slim already still cant wear ur ring ?? cannot be bah...my fingers size did not change much after preggy leh...

YES, porky.. i still cant wear.... so sad lor... i got 2 rings.. one is engagement, one is wedding band.. both also can't lor...!!! sianz...

east side gathering, dunno lei.. cos muffintop was asking ma..
