(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Just remember, starting solid should be happy time for both mummy & baby.. if she fuse, no point giving...

I/we stop giving if HX shake her head or clam her lips.. haha

Audrey, maybe can eat some supplements or just drink more milk!
joyce, i hv been rubbing olive oil on yuan2 hair since 4mth... din help to soften it

bean, wow, claire really can eat! when yuan2's milk intake drops further, i will intro 1 more solids feed..

audrey, a friend mentioned BLW to me...

if andrea dun like spoon feed, maybe u can let her try feeding herself?

yuan2 also no teeth yet :p
Hope I can join this round

jamie's plc gathering
21st jan 2010 (thurs)- abt 2pm onwards
pls add ur names!
1) jamie & hailey
2) porky jean
3) audrey & andrea (share cab frm north)
4) joyce
5) ling & kayden
6) mikojade & nigel & jen (can fetch max 3 frm train station bt cannot fit in any strollers)
7) okipoki
why dat week? sob sob... me cannot go cos will be in m'sia for holiday...

re: ring finger
i sort of lost preggie weight but dun look the same as pre-preggie. still cannot wear my rings. bleah!
juju: i dunno lei.. i jus randomingly choose a date! lol!! nvm, other time ba.. i'm gonna b sahm for quite a while still.. hahah!
Re: Eating little food

I tried some funny method to feed my gal with food. My logic: 1 teaspoon of Rice = More filling than 1 teapsoon of porridge. Feeding rice= less messy than feeding porridge. So...I feed my gal with rice+ soup. She will take abt 1 tablespoon of rice (equivalent to abt 3-4 tablespoon of porridge?)

I also feed her bread n baby bites. She loves bread. Can take a quarter slice? She seems to dislike cereal now. She can take max 2 tablespoon of cereal only!! So this lazy mummy cant be bothered to try cereal! Think she prefers adult food over baby food.

For jar food, i have only attempted once. The rest of the jar food are still sitting in the drawer. Her max appetite: 0.5 jar!! =P

Milk feed, my gal is like Andrea, she also latches as and when she loves it. Just managed to get her back on bottles!! She simply loves to latch all day long!! Until my MIL also ask me..drink milk again arh? Anyway, i dun watch my diet also. So i make sure that i take daily supplements like i did during preggy days.

Anyway, so long as babies are happy, sleeping well, healthy, weight is not a concern.

My #1 who is 27 months old is only 11 kg! She used to be drinking barely 500ml of milk each day. But since she is growing fine, let her be.

** Hehe..actually, the lighter they are, the easier it is on parents since we will feel less tired carrying them!!
Yah lily if u go we can share cab, or take train to jurong together hehe

Bean, yah I'll take more supplements hehe better buy soon if not andrea will be too thin!!

Adv, thanks for the website! Andrea still no teeth.. Good la. Scared to latch if she has teeth lol!

How do I let her feed herself? Oh my sure super messsy!!!
Hi dodo,
My tummy also have lotsa "creases" when squeezed. One layer of fats there. How to get rid of it huh? Do lotsa crunches and situps?

When i complained to my hubby abt the tummy fats..guess what was his reply? " There is suppose to be fats there to protect ur ovaries!".....lol

Hi Jamie,
Will love to go ur place but my school term will have started. Teachers cannot take leave during term time one...sob sob...Next time =P

Re: Gathering @ Central (Where east meets west?)
I dun mind opening up my place too. But it needs to be sunday lunch. My place is 2 min walk from Redhill Station.
hehehe .... Can bring hubby or not? Dunno he work at 21th or not cos that time he just reservist lei.

can .... if I go we go together lor.
Wedding ring > My finger swells after delivery. Sighz. Just went to LH to alter the size of ring to be the same as hubby's wedding band. LOL... waiting to collect it next week. Wedding ring still ok to wear.

Jamie > The date and time is confirmed yah? If so, I will take ML on that day to join in the gathering.
if the gathering is cfm... i got 10pcs of the pigeon disposable breastpad to gv away.. can let me know if any of u want.. can pass on that day..
else got to throw away...
You try to give her boiled carrot sticks? Let her hold and "bite" like baby bites?
or let her hold the spoon to feed herself. It will be a mess but that's how they learn..
lily: can bring, jus come ba! hahah! =D

bean: if gif carrot sticks and they bite it off, will they b able to chew or knw nt to choke on it? *paranoid*

sk: yup confirmed! come ba! ur 3 blocks away!!

ling: yup confirmed!

pooh wei: nx rd ba! =)

graceofgod: wanna come over too?

Jamie's place gathering
21st jan 2010 (thurs)- abt 2pm onwards
pls add ur names!
1) jamie & hailey
2) porky jean & jaeden
3) audrey & andrea (share cab frm north)
4) joyce
5) ling & kayden
6) mikojade & nigel & helper(can fetch max 3 frm train station bt cannot fit in any strollers)
7) okipoki
8) lily & rachel & hb(maybe)
9) sk & charlene
re: HT orders
i nd to order as well. I can place the order and u guys can pick up frm my place, hopefully on gathering day itself? =)
ling, shall we hop on mikojade's car at the station ? dont bring stroller !

mikojade, pls reserve 2 space first ok bo ?? and 2 babies..hahaha

lily, i wan to order ! jaeden loves jar food now

audrey, i understand the fustration u had when bb make a mess during feed...jaeden always like to grab my bowl/spoon or put his hands into his mouth then rub all over his face, clothes and highchair...very headache loh every feed...then he dont like me to clean his mouth...but ifc feedback to me that he always behave when feeding there...
Jamie: I think I will join another day ba cos weekday a bit hard to get leave...

Re Ring: I can wear back my ring but got to push real hard to go in.. so in the end give up.. haha

Re Meals:
here my gal's schedule:
7am - milk 150ml
10am - cereal 6 tbspn and 150ml milk
1pm - 150-180ml
4pm - 3/4 bowl porridge and 150ml milk
740pm - 210ml milk

Recently just increase the solid and realise that she's taking less milk (she used to take mi 180ml milk per feed) so starting tomorrow, am gg to reduce solid and increase back the milk since milk is suppose to be the main source of nutrient.

Re Weight: I still have 6 more kgs to shed to pre pregnancy
my gal already 7 mths liao, I guess Im doom... stuck with the flabby fats (esp my tummy) cos ppl told me if cant lose by 6 mths then meaning "fixed" liao.. sob

Re Feeding: My gf once taught me that we should set rules when feedng bb so that they learn to eat at appropriate times and fix place instead of running around with kids when they grow up. I m quite convinced for that so I followed accordingly. Since day 1 I will put my gal on high chair and start feeding her. It started with lots of praises in order to get her to eat. My gal "perform well" under praises,. haha.. so each mouthful she takes, I will say " good gal" in some exaggerated tone so I guess that kind of encuorage her to eat more. keke..

Originally I started with playing with her in order to get her to eat but apparently I realise that becomes a habit and she will want that each time so I stopped doing that and stick back to "good gal". Now after 2 mths, we only need to say good ga" occasionally cos shes always readily to open her mouth (it became a habit for her cos we always feed her the same time)

I agree with mummies that if bbs are not so interested in solid, can always start late. Mine started at 5 mths (on the exact day she turned 5) cos PD finally gave the nods. My gal has been eyeing for food for a long long time (each time she will swallow saliva) so when we give her solid the first time round, she takes it readily.

Perhaps you can try to get your bb to watch you and your hubby eat dinner or lunch. Bbs beig curious will eventually want to try it out and you'll know they are ready to take their solid..

Re teething: when my gal starting teething, I also realised that she drinks very little milk - down to 100/120ml and she will bite the teat very hard halfway through the milk and stop drinking altogether. But after a few weeks, its back to normal. PD said as long as bb drinks min 600ml a day would be fine. So sometimes in order to nake up for 600ml, we will give more feed during the day.

Sorry for the long post - just wan to share personal experience
Jamie: Hailey is too young to start carrot sticks.. wait till shes older like 9 mths onwards ba.. right now can give thicker texture. My gal also has 2 teeth and if the porridge is slightly lumpier she will seem to be choking.. so Im still slwing gettig her to "chew" her food..
hello mummies,
wah, another gathering in the west ah? would love to join but like wat poohwei said, term would have started, and dat means MADNESS! would be quite difficult to predict if sch schedule allows me to meet up. can i gatecrash if i happen to be free dat day? ;p

lily - when are you ordering ht? i wan to hop on too.

audrey - rebecca oso makes a big mess too. she refuses to put on the bib and she likes to grab at the bowl or the spoon. and then halfway during the feeding, she will put her fingers into her mouth. basically, feeding is a super messy process. initially, she oso fusses when she's fed solids but slowly she's getting the hang of it. took abt a mth or so, now she can finish half a bowl of cereal with 1 puree cube. juz got to be very patient and try again and again. hang in there!

i got a playpen and a pkt of pigeon milkbags to let go cheap cheap. any mummy interested, pl pm me. tks.
Jamie: I read online that babies as young as 6 mths can start on finger food. This is the baby led weaning that Adv Sports is talking about.
Carrot sticks should be okie cuz it will be very soft after cook and the babies will just use their gums to mash it. It encourages them to chew.
I gave Claire sliced pears to eat and she will munch munch then chew chew.. some swallow some spit out. haha Its a mess lah, but its how they will learn.

if jamie can order so we order with her lor ... pick up when gathering. Yes, Rachel now also like jar food ... 1 bottle finish for 1 meal
She like Peach Banana Muesli, Island Fruit Jumble n Harvest Time Vegetable Dinner frm HT n Pear with Rice, Apple n Mango frm Only Organic
Thats y I think wanna order since can get 15% disc.
ilovesashimi - have a 2nd one, sure lose weight, hahaha. aft my #1, my bone structure expanded and hv this stubborn 2-3kg dat refused to go away. aft my #2, lose all the weight and even the hips and chest went bk to pre-preggy. but of coz, the tummy became flabbier than b4 with ugly creases and folds. i guess you win some, you lose some. hee.
Ilovesashimi: yup, for nw hailey n me are both happy w her baby bites. Hee!

Re: stroller
No nd la! Come my house can let them roll ard or sit ard on playmat. =D

Re: HT orders
Pm me ur orders! =D
ling, ok then we dont bring strollers !

jamie, on ! i will send u my orders..then i no need bring jar food for bb on tat day..my bag will be lighter..hahaha

lily, wah rachel tried quite alot...i forget all the types that jaeden took before..lol..i also wanna get "Only Organic" but quite ex leh..
Feb_mum:thanks for the advice but intend to hold and wait till my gal settle at night leh.. so tiring that need to work and also take care at night. But hubby started to take over the nightcare .. keke cos once I goes into the room to try to calm my gal, she will immediately be awake and want to play and I have to rock till the cows come home.. imagine doing that at least twice in a night. faint...scary...
if u need it fast, can get fr carrefour.. the HT jar is selling $2.10 vs the online $2.30(before 15%).. x by a bit la...

Re. pork porridge
can put minced pork into porridge? this is just for flavour only rite?
llovesashimi, my bb dont like to sleep on pillow...when i put him on pillow aft he fall asleep..he will shifted his head onto the mattress again..
huh if bb dont open mouth to eat cannot force meh.. i cheat him ok or not..? he always wants his btl be it milk or water so i will give him the btl n slip in a sp wn he open mouth.. sometimes i use pacifier wn he's cranky. my boy love baby bites too, i giv him a pck everyday but i taste it, my mouth v dry after that, n the ckn taste abit like our chicken flavor biscuit or potato chip. but dunno what else to fed so let it be...can they eat corn flake?

anyone also has prob feeling jar food? my boy mk the vomit face.. i tried also it's abit sour. i tried to mix in cereal he will eat if i dont mix alot. but we suppose can feed direct right?

i hv prob feeding jar food to my boy initially at 6mth.. ate 1-2 mouthful.. gv vomit face n dun eat.. recently, i tried again, he will eat leh... maybe u try other brands/flavor??
thanks ... some I can buy frm cold storage first.

I buy "Only Organic" at City Square Mall the shop name Four Seasons.

I tried before ... Feed jar food to my gal also giv vomit face but I keep on trying n try many many brand n taste at last she can eat half bottle HT Cabana Banana then Peach Banana Muesli.
whenever my mum is free to feed andrea, she always sit quietly and will finish about 2 tbsp of cereal/porridge. but when I FEED, its a big big big big mess and the cereal flies everywhere except her mouth. zzz!

i have a bit of OCD so i cringe each time i see dirt n ants. haha. yes andrea likes to put her fingers in her mouth and it'll be all sticky n dirty. den she'll wipe on her face, and wipe on mine as well.

wah bueh tahan so dirty!!!!!! lol.

ok we go together la, see anymore north mummies, we share cab or take train together.

do u still have the breastpads? if not its ok. yay can see handsome kayden hhahaha
i feed andrea baby bites by breaking it into pieces, i don't let her hold it herself cos i am a bit of a OCD person and hate crumbs. very bad rite......... lol.
Audrey, me le.. can go together.. but, I will be rather late as I will take half day, reach home already nearly 2pm, you all want to wait for me or not?
Re: jar food
Hailey loves jar food! She doesn't tk home made stuff as well as jar food. Find it much easier to feed her with jar food. Bt at home I much prefer to give her home made stuff so every meal is also a mess. Lol!
wat HT jar food flavours are good ah? i see all so delicious-sounding and packaging all so cute! but everytime i see the wide variety, i don't know which one to buy, so i don't buy haha!
re: gathering @ jamie's
wow! another gathering that i will have to miss
sighs, wish i could go, really do want to catch up with the mummies here.

i will try my best to join in the next one! hopefully its wkend or PH. i'm starting work 4th Jan

hey, u're absolutely right! my waist was so much thicker after #1, but for #2, its just saggier

but i'm not so lucky to lose all the weight. need to lose 3kg then will be back to pre-preggy. it does seem impossible and i've given up on my jelly belly. i don't like to diet and i've stopped b-feeding. weaned MA off when she hit 8mths, and my SS dried up SOOOOOOOOOO fast.

i've got the annabel karmel book. used alot of the recipes there

Audrey: as a guide, I usually choose those fruis/vegs tt I won't buy frm mkt or supermkt. Eg: sweet peas (too much work la) or peach.. Buy those mixed veg/fruits type ones also very wu hua! Lol! So auntie! Bt mk sure andrea not allergic to any of the individual fruit/veg types before giving ok! =D
