(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Adv sports: ur fren's game v funny! n the "winner" of e game even funnier!! Lol! My hb plays peekaboo w hailey. Those games tt dun use brain one. Guess men are usually lk tt. Nvm lo, hv a balance. With us is reading and educational toys, with the men it's brainless games. Lol!

jamie, yah, when we laughed till peng when we heard that.. and he still defend himself -- he helps his wife to solve the "problem" of keeping his son quiet *haha*

haha, u r right abt brainless games :p let baby experience different styles of parenting

shers, ur hubby is the same men kind *haha*
ya.. but on e other hand, my hb is also the educational man.. when he coaches shermin, shermin will really sit down and learn.. i'm ok with either so long that gives me sometimes..
my hb like to sing & dance wif jodie. haha! if jodie is in the right mood, she will be giggling lots! i think she likes to hear singing & be danced wif!
then i teach hb to talk in exaggerated tones wif jodie cos she likes dat.
plus, jodie likes to be entertained after some time in the exersaucer/jumperoo, dat's why exersaucer outside loo(in bedroom) & jumperoo in living rm. so either hb or me will entertain her

but then, if jodie not in the mood, nothing works!
Shers, no la B cup only. Nothing to brag or boast about

I think u mean 'saggy' cos 'shaggy' is another meaning. Lol.
cheescake - what I do was to drop the number of pumps every few days. Every 3-4 days, I will drop 1 pump and then eventually all. However in the process, you may feel some stinging pain like superly full pain.. but once endure till its time to pump will be ok ler. In addition, I also reduce the duration for each pump.. just pump to release the pain.

Maybe because my milk supply not much in the first place so I didn't take any medicine for that.
nth beats my hubby...he always make funny faces at kaiden...then kaiden will jus stare at him...like "WTH" n i will be like..."WTH" too...
Oh no.. you cannot drop just like that cause it may cause blocked ducts etc. You need to let your breast "know" that there is not much demand so it will slowly reduce one.
wah.. today forum so happening! too bad cant join in during office hr... zzz

hope mummies have fun at feb mum's pl tom.. post pics at fb

you can reduce the no. of pump then pump volume.. then slowly if full, just hand squeeze to relieve.. then will stop liao..
IloveSashimi / Ling
Oh I see.. haha.. thanks for your advice! Else I will end up with engorgement! So how long will it take for the milk supply to stop totally?
Dear mummies, merry Xmas in advance! Hav fun at the gathering later...take fotos ah

hope I can join the nextime round to know more mummies n cute cute may babies!
adv sport..i rented this before...then the rental company brought but it was spoilt..so brought back..n never bring it back again..
where did u rent it from? i totally forgot u mention...will rent again in jan...
let me know if yuan2 like it..

the rental shop at pasir panjang..can the baby try the toy at the shop/warehouse before renting it?
merry xmas and happy holidays to all mummies n babies!

win, hope ur girl like it

jaime, i rent from rent-a-toy... haiz, yuan2 dun like it
less than 5mins, wanna me to carry her out *faint* haiz, wasted -- rented 2 toys this month n both she dun like! next time, must bring her down to choose for herself...

yes, u can let baby try the toy before renting -- that's wat i like abt that rental place @ pasir panjang...
Dear mummies.... Merry xmas to all of us, e super n wonderful mummies and our precious babies out ther.. n not forgetting e daddys too...!!! hope u guys enjoy this festive seasons at feb mum's place n upload pix on FB k.. :)

Jamie_nov: hw r u liao..? all clear alrd? hope everyting is fine on ur end.. can understand hw painful it is..
Merry Christmas to everyone. Let this festive season light up your lives throught the coming months and everyday be Merry Christmas....

Do let us know the gathering news & pics...

I read some of your discussions on fb, not purposely but happen to read..

Anyway for some mummies, i thot we are frens but apparently we are not. i never know the public discussion can be this nasty. Anyway I hate ppl bitching about ME.. it is simply so ridiculous and childish..
Precisely! This forum is about sharing parenting tips and childcare information. So we should just stop boosting about how big we are, how thin we are, how clever are our babies, how much BM we have...
This is not targeting at anyone but just my own thought.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Thanks FEb mum for hosting the party and the door gift!
Thks feb_mum for hosting e party! Not forgetting the nice door gift!!

Mummies!! Merry merry xmas to yourself, babies n family! We have been through so much since preggie stage till our babies r turning 8th mth!! Stay connected

Looking forward to the next mass gathering!
whats fb?
I agree w bean and rc_cola. I join forum to share my baby health issues n her painful days. And also to get info on some parenting issues. Currently me nor my baby got any friends to meet & chat. Its nice to hear about other babies and cute lil things they do.
My baby is not IFC so I guess not much sociable but thats ok as long as her health is good.

So how was the gathering overall. all mummies might be busy handling all babies at one place
Yeah so pls stop boasting about how slim u r, how unbalanced n big ur boobs r, how marvellous ur kids are, how ntuc food does wonders for them, how fast they can call mama papa, or watever because it will make those plus-sized mummies or those with insufficient bm feel like shit.

Its so damn irritating when u give ur advice, but u have to add in "u know my size... Unbalanced cup.. Etc etc.."

We r here to help each other, make each other feel better, not to show off n compare babies.

Stop boasting n things won't be so nasty. Take it to facebook, don't ruin the mood here.
wow sounds like quite fun at the gathering...too bad i miss it this time...hope to join the next mass gatherings !!!

yes..i do agreed with bean and audrey...this forum is for us to discuss and help each other if we hv met issues abt our babies...not bitching abt each others waist size, boobs size or how wonderful ur ILs are...i think all these stuff are not necessary to be discussed here....
rc, frens who can be true tell it to ur face tt u are hao lian. fakos be ur fren today and bitch abt u the next day (or prob even on the same day). so now u knw.

i tink porky said wat i feel too. bt this shld prob stop cuz it seems to be getting out ofhand. seems lk everyone's taking an opprotunity to do some slamming ah..

on the bright side, MERRY XMAS FELLOW MAY MUMMIES!!!!
Hi Mummies!

Merry Christmas to all
I enjoyed myself at the party today... Thanks for all your sharing

Jen, my boy started when he turned 6 month,later than my girl (started after full month) cos he had a heart problem that we needed to monitor...
All is well so far, both of them are sleeping together in the same room now... and they are getting used to having each other around
Quite sweet to hear #1 singing to #2 when they both wake up in the morning
Ummm.... Just wan to share my thoughts. Been reading but haven't post as often.

This recent incident calls for understanding and respecting each other. all of us comes from different background, age, and we may not even be friends based on our personalities. But lets not forget that we are here and know each other because our edd was May and our bbs are born in Apr/May 2009. That's why we all started chatting and sharing our experience and opinion. Sometimes our sharing may hurt others but that's natural with sharing in public domain. U can't please all. Lets not get personal.

Think as proud parents, we all want to share in bb victory n milestone but this can always result in anxiety on other parents.. Like myself, there are times when I worry when I see other bb faster, can talk, can crawl.. But take it with a pinch of salt. We must be thankful that our bb are healthy, shares special moments with us...

This is the season to be jolly! Lets forgive.
have a blessed Christmas, May mummies. And enjoy celebrating this first Christmas with your lovely babies!
Merry Christmas to mummies & babies !
Hope All of you enjoy your first Christmas with your babies as much as I do.

Feb-Mum: Thanks for hosting us all ! We all enjoy ourselves. Would be nice if your 2 darlings could join us next round.
Ah...saw the pics at the xmas gathering yesterday on FB. So happy to see so many babies catching up with their "folks" on the playmat. Haha. Pity that I needed to work full day yesterday.

Will try to join the next gathering, merry merry Xmas to all! :D
