(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

wow... so many posts?
Is the xmas gathering at feb mum place tom? or already finish? how was it?

porky, star, twinkle, Ilovesashimi,
How r ur babies?

Btw mummies,
I am ordering
Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics, Orange/Pineapple Flavor, 50 g Powder (1.7 oz)
--- good for immunity. I started giving baby since 3-4 days and thou baby cow's milk allergy she is fine so far. Want to order 2-3 more for my use. If anyone want to order do let me know. Can reduce shipping cost that way.

Its actual cost: US$17.24
Find more details here

Kindly let me know in 3 days time. If no response I will proceed to order for myself.

good morning mummies

today, yuan2 is having a fun time playing in the older infant area -- before other babies arrive... she is happily exploring and learning to crawl under an arch
at first her head touch the top of the arch and cannot move forward... instead of lowering her head/body, she "bash" her way thru *haha* this double bull har *tsk tsk*

bean, no worries
little bean is so cute -- can sway to the music while standing!! as for pulling hair, mayb she is curious to see a durian head -- spikey hair *haha*

sgpv, the xmas gathering is on xmas eve (2molo)...
adv_sports - yuan2 is so cute. she is having new adventures each day at the ifc.
btw, any chance of me getting a lift from you tomorrow? scared it will be difficult to get a cab tomorrow.
have fun at the christmas gathering..
me on hols also...back in my hometown...spending a few days with MIL n FIL...hope will end soon..not easy managing expectation of IL...i give my hats off to those who stays with IL..or baby taken care by MIL.

btw, has any one fed baby banana?
i fed my boy banana avocado yesterday coz i wanted to mask the avocado taste abit. he vomit twice...massive merlion...

my mistake coz i never introduce banana before and i start by mixing it with avocado..
is banana difficult to digest?
jaime - i did feed my baby banana. so far no problem. i gave him those small bananas. but never mix with avocado. either by itself or mix with cereal.
I think you should try the banana by itself first.. if your boy has no reactions to banana, then can mix. I heard some mums mixing/blending with BM.. avocado milk shake..
hihi... good morning mummies!!

wow.. need me to 'call' mums out else will become silent readers? lol..

do take care alright!

lil bean so cute.. hehehe.. dont worry abt her being boyish coz she has such ballerina mum!

feed those small banana coz its much sweeter and isnt cooling.. those that u see in supermarket is cooling.. feed banana on its own is better ba.. anyway my girl also dislikes avocado. i tried myself, i feel like vomitting also.. so i didnt let her try again..

cya all mums at feb_mum's place!!! looking forward!!

i can give u a lift.. but u have to carry greg and sit infront if u dont mind.. coz i will pop by my mum's place to grab something..
sgpv, thanks for asking. My gal did have diarrhoea yesterday (total 5 times) and her bum starts to get red again.

Called PD and he said to go back to lactose free formula for a few more days before introducing lactose formula. Its not the formula brand but the lactose that she can't tolerate cos I used both Enfa and Similac and yet she has the same prob usually on the 2nd day of full day regular formula.

My PD also said that I will need to repeat the process (i,.e. 5 days of lactose free then lactose formula) till my gal's stomach can take lactose formula.

With my gal having diarrhoea on/off for a month, I am now better prepared that I will automatically give her smecta and lactoral forte. But I feel that this can't go on for long cos I can't bear for my gal to have diarrhoea every 5 days and then feed her with Smecta and Lactoral Forte to control her diarhhoea.

Does any mummy has any similar experiences to share?
hi mummies!

it's been a long time since i post for advice on weaning. so far, brandon has tried barley & oatmeal cereals from HT & he loves them to bits!anyone has feedback on HT multigrain? what about bellamy's? has any of your baby tried it?

oh yes, i have a tin of similac (stage 2) and a tin of mamilgold (stage2) to let go (exp june 2011 & sep 2011) cos brandon is drinking nestle nan. self-collect @ commonwealth area. please pm me if you're interested.

btw, do visit my blog, http://prettylittlespace.blogspot.com ,for baby clothes (Carter's, Old Navy, Gap & OKB) & pretty bags. ;)
mummies, help! m running out of idea for toy to rent! so far, yuan2 can only stay in exersaucer/jumperoo for 15mins max...

i juz rent this toy for yuan2 -- was delivered last nite... din let her try as it was her bedtime -- dun wanna her to get over stimulated :p this morning, she very gian but yet to let her try as need to rush off to ifc n office... it looks really fun :p hubby said this is such a boyish toy *haha*

any babies tried this before?

adv_sports - it looks very good. too bad greg already own a exersaucer and a jumperoo. otherwise, i would consider this too.
i'm letting greg "run free", i.e. i put him on his playmat and let him tummy crawl around. thinking of getting the playyard soon. will bring out the playpen too. don't think can "confine" him in exersaucer/jumperoo much longer. i think yuan2 need more space to move around and play with smaller toys like stacking rings and shape slotter now. she may not be able to slot or stack but will enjoy touching and throwing them.

prettylittlethings - my bb has been on bellamy rice cereal and now rice porridge. so far no problem. have not use HT cereals so can't compare.
Hi mummies!

Hhaha.. i'm one of those used-to-be-regular mummies who turned silent. been busy with work, most of my team mates on leave so I gotta hold the fort. am so excited about the gathering tmr!!

I think my baby is one of the few who LOVES avocado! She'll be very excited when she sees avocado mixed with her rice cereals and will finish them in record time.

Jaime: Did Justin vomit because he's too full? Banana and avocado are quite ok but probably too filling for lil' stomachs? my girl is okay with both (separately) leh.

Re: Meat for babies
Baby_may: We'd started feeding my girl pork porridge. My mum will scrap the pork (when raw) and it will become small pieces when cooked. She used slow cooker. At first my girl hated her pork porridge and we stopped feeding her after two tries. After that, my mum cooked with the pork porridge with pumpkin and spinach and she loves it. My girl had just started eating fish yesterday.

It seems that IFC babies are more sociable! My girl dun get to mix with babies much and the last time we went out with adv_sports and Yuan2, my girl just kept staring! so cute that Yuan2 and Jodie have friends to hug!

adv_sports: that looks like a fun toy! is it something like exersaucer? yuan2 gets bored with her toys easily? or she doesn't like to be stationary? get her a walker to zoom around?

alamak, seems like a few babies and mummies are sick! Do take care and recover soon!!
tiny_m - high 5! my boy also don't mix much with other babies. i think he is more interested in their parents. and he also likes avocado, can finish 2/3 of an avocado at one go.
haha! now still ok, 没有真感情,只有好奇心. else, daddy will sure jump!

lol! i will note dat too. actually i hvn't wear underwires since 2nd tri. wanted to wear a few times, but so painful dat i dun dare to wear.
Tiny M,
Yes, I think IFC does help baby to socialise more. Claire is also very antisocial. hahaha But its okie lah.. hahaha I think they will get over it when they go to playgroups in future..
Don't wear wired bra! Once I tried wearing out and when I got home, I had lumps in my breasts and there was a blue black underneath the boobs. scary!

Hi mums I'm selling my beco, anyone wants to buy pls pm me!

Merry christmas to big n small!
i dun dare to wear! i tried hooking it on to try at home only, cannot even tahan 1 min! how to wear? so sian... droopy boobs!
i hv a hard time to rent this toy -- coz safety 1st discontinued it n only 2 toy rental place hv it... condition of the toy is not new -- paint peel from wear n tear... anyway, juz wanna let yuan2 try for 1 month

shers, i dun hv high hope... but then, maybe i will get a surprise that she can stay in for more than 15 mins :p

ak, yup, it's like an exersaucer -- seat can turn 360deg
she only plays with the shape sorter for a while -- not interested... she prefers to crawl ard...

think yuan2 is experiencing separation anxiety -- now, she will cry when we leave her alone... wanna either me or hubby to play with her... nowadays, we cannot enjoy our dinner -- sometimes hubby need to carry her n eat...

tiny_m, my place too small, cannot let her sit in walker -- sure will bang on the sharp corners of furniture... plus, she will smash the big mirror @ our dining area *wacko*... haiz, my place not child friendly -- coz no bb when we engaged the interior designer...

wow, le xuan is trying so many new food... i hv yet to let yuan2 try meat/fish... maybe will cook over the long weekend...
ju & audrey: that bad ah? so far, i'm ok with wired bras but after a while, i still prefer my non-wired one, more comfy! but i dun get any lumps or whatever with wired *touch wood*

ak: 2/3 avocado is a lot! my girl is a small eater, i think she only eats 1/10 of an avocado at a time. my sis told me not to give too much (cos at one pt, we were feeding her that everyday) cos it has a lot of fats and she scared my fat baby will become even fatter! my girl also more interested in adults but she's getting really sticky to me and my hb these days. am trying to bring her to socialise with other adults this festive period!

bean: but lil' bean attends kindermusik with other children still anti-social?
had to sell lot of good furniture at home. And those charming ceiling lights (convert to ceiling fan w tube lamps le) to make it baby friendly..
hi 5! jodie also hving separation anxiety.
now when we drop her off @ ifc, she will keep staring at us like we are deserting her like dat. once, she kinda slapped the caregiver's hand, dun wanna let her carry! gosh! after dat, we made it chop-chop, reach, pass over, kiss, run!
ju, aiyoh, can imagine jodie's shui wang wang eyes!

yuan2 is ok @ IFC -- usually happily play with her friends n toys... bochap me when i say bye bye to her... it's at home that she wanna us to accompany her...
yuan2 so guai & independent. maybe cos at home no frens bah. if got fren at home, dun think she wanna bug u & hb liao
adv_sports: I think yuan just learnt to crawl so will prefer to crawl around to explore. my girl too lazy or too fat to lift her tummy off the floor but we're not complaining cos can imagine the chaos if she starts crawling around! my place not baby friendly also, need to baby proof it soon.

Re: Separation anxiety
my girl is displaying this also. and she's very drama, when my hb at home, she'll whine and cry more cos she knows daddy will carry her. at night, she'll need me (and me only) before she can sleep. she'll cry when my hb and i go "gai gai" and leave her at home. But i'm very strict when it comes to dinner time. We'll put her in the high chair and she'll have to sit there until we finish dinner. Sometimes if she whines, we'll give her baby puffs to eat but no one can carry her out nor can she play with her toys. She knows my hb very soft-hearted so she'll look at him and whine but I told my hb, no eye contact with her at all. Only when she's in distress (like she die die also wanna be carried if she's very very sleepy) then we'll carry her for a while.
adv_sports - greg is very "xian shi". morning totally ignore me once he sees his babysitter, at night totally ignore her once he sees me.
same like yuan2, he expects to see me or hubby whenever he is home. and he expects us to watch him plays his jumperoo! what an attention seeker!
hi mummies ! i am logging in from kkh wireless @ sg !

lil jaeden is still in kkh but he doing well today...airway is cleared...throat ulcers less painful...but he still refused to suck from milk bottles...need to syringe feed him..last night was a battle...he cried every 15mins when put him to sleep...all the nurses here are quite friendly...they will come in to help when heard him crying...today got balloons and free gifts cos of xmas celebration

too bad we cant attend the xmas party at feb_mum hse...hope there will be another one for CNY !

lastly, thanks everyone for the wishes and concern in my fb..both of us will fight the battle tog..is tough but will get over it soon
Re: wired bra

Ju, Audrey,

I learned my lesson from being 2nd time mom who is stil bf, wired bra can wear – provided the wired dun press on your breast! It should be big enough to contain the whole breast. I have been wearing it for almost 2 months, touch wood, no lump and no blocked ducts.

Again, during Meg’s time, I wore, but.. the cup was too small (was wearing the bra while I was preg) and the wired pressed on my breasts, in the end always get inflamed breast and blocked duct.

Btw, I was taught by a fren who is stil bfg her 2.5 yo son and has been wearing wired bra for as long as she could remember..

Just sharing ladies.. coz I find wearing non-wired makes me feel so shaggy hahaha.. remember my size and unbalanced cup?? :p
porky, good to hear that jaeden is doing well
will hv another gathering when he recovers!

ju, erhmm, i think yuan2 is guai outside -- a little terror at home :p

tiny_m, wah, u very strict with ur girl! i m the soft-hearted one -- will carry her when she whines :p but hubby will carry her while i finish my dinner -- then he will continue his dinner...

aiyoh, dunno when yuan2 learns how to whine --- sound so ke lian that my heart melt... now super yang orh... and she like to pat pat me on the back when i carry her and lean on my shoulder :p think i more meaty then daddy, coz she dun do that when hubby carry her *haha*

ak, haha, greg is very smart
good for both u n babysitter -- else will b a tussle when u drop off and pickup @ babysitter...
yes, glad to hear jaeden is doing well. he must be happy to see the balloons! all brightly coloured!

ah... i also feel very droopy. but i realised, non-wired bras remind me to pump. cos look too droopy & heavy!

wah... yuan2 so manja. hehe! she noe how to tug at heartstrings leh!

tiny m,
so strict. i bu she de. will carry. jodie's cries can be veyr heart wrenching.

so lucky. greg is smart!
Porky: Glad that Jaeden is getting better. old ppl say babies will grow up with every illness. Jaeden will be stronger and have better immunity after this! will definitely have more gatherings!

adv_sports: I'm very strict with meal times cos i dun want her to create a scene when we eat out. so must let her get used to it at home. in the morn, my mum also let her sit in the high chair while she eats breakfast and read newspaper. usually if my hb not around, she'll be easier to handle, not so whiny. my girl is super yang orh also, she'll cling on like a koala bear when we return from work, dun even want to go down. and she'll pretend to be scared of things so we'll sayang her.. hahah..
ju: i read a magazine that says if we dun let baby cry now, we'll be the one crying later. i only strict at mealtimes but other times i let her have her way. i have a colleague who's super strict lo, she'll lock her boy in the room if he refuses to drink milk and just leave him there to cry. she kept telling me not to be soft-hearted and must be strict or else baby will climb over us. i got no heart to do that..
Yes yes.. Who can ever forget how slim u are.. And ur ginormous boobs.. Overly voluptuous la no need to keep reminding..
Wah Audrey
U don’t sound very happy with me ler..
anyway, just sharing my thought if you mummies wanna wear wired bra.. no other meaning hor.. just in case I accidentally say something that other mummies don’t want to hear..
Re: underwire bra
It's ur personal if u wanna wear. For some no problems @ all bt for others lots of problems! Aft this incident, I tink I will still wear la.. Bt I won't nap or lie on my chest anymore! Will b more careful.. Tis is the first time I got problem wearing underwired bra. And happens tt my boobs quite full at that time.. Wat a big problem tis is!
okie mummies!!

bottom line is wear at your own risk - be it droopy or lumps..

xmas is a season of GIVING!!

another 2 more hrs before my super long weekend till next year!
ya hor.. luckily yrs not D cup like what audrey says.. else even worse.. *hugz* u will be fine! thats how wei da mums r right? all out for bfg
Yeah, what a good phrase “Wear at your own risk”

Enjoy your holiday!! Hope shermin enjoy the flight and of course Disneyland.. and for you, hm.. enjoy burning your pocket hehe (HK is a shopping paradise)

:p I just find a bit of anger in your reply.. anyway, it could be I am too sensitive

Ya dun wear to sleep, coz not comfy I think.
A lot of ppl say cannot wear, some wear some don’t so it’s personal. Personally I like non-wired bra but I dun like the shaggy look of wearing non-wired. Due to “ai mei” I will still prefer wearing wired bra when going out. Sometimes will get lumps, but normally it is cleared up by Kea..
tiny_m, yah, like ju, i also bu she de...

shers, wow, envy u
enjoy ur super long weekend!

usually, ard this time, i will send out an email to my colleagues n friends to wish them merry xmas n happy new year -- follow by "this is my last working day of the year" before i fly off for my ski hols :p

but m stuck at work this year -- coz hv a deadline next monday... may hv to work till dec 30
i hv annual leave to clear but cannot *argghhh*

nvm, hv the xmas party 2molo to look forward to

re: playing with baby
how does ur hubby play w ur baby? i asked a few colleagues n friends -- seems like men dun interact with baby...

one fren's wife complained that my fren only know how to play a game -- "who can sleep first".. and he is the one who fall asleep first *faint*

my colleague's hubby will carry baby and walk ard the house -- no talking with baby...

last nite, i was doing the dishes and ask hubby to play with yuan2... find it weird that so silent -- so pop out of kitchen to look at what they r doing... saw yuan2 crawling in my bedroom -- hubby juz follow closely behind...

for me, i prefer to interact/engage with baby by reading story books, play toys etc...

wat's ur take on this?

nice B and C.. LOL

yours the same as jamie? *peep*

no la.. this trip, i'm going with friends.. only jan then go with shermin.. of course will burn pockets! i dont mind! if mind, will have to stay in SG.. its a season of giving.. whahhaa.. so i contribute to the world economic! hahaha
