(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

hello mummies,
i'm back from bangkok! the shopping was really GOOD! hee.

my estate is very pram friendly so no prob wheeling it from the carpark to my place. you can fold the pram and leave it at the corridor. there should be enuff space outside. i have a baby mat in the house which can take some bbs. will be smsing you all my address shortly. let me know if you didn't receive anything from me.

juz a reminder on the gift exchange for bbs & tods - bring a $10 unisex gift.

joyce - i think i dun have your hp no. can pm me? tks.
ILove sashimi,

Really dont know how my girl is going to take it if it lasts so long. DId your girls have fever with the diarrhoea? Mine ran a temperature this afternoon and now we are still monitoring. This is so stressful- lao sai plus fever.

Porky, my pd prescribed a transparent oral fluid medication for her throat infection the last time and it seems to work quite well. Hope Jayden gets well soon.

Why is it that all children have to go thru so much when they are so young?
check this link

allergies can effect at different levels like
gastrointestinal - diahhorea, gas, vomit..
respiratory - wheezing, difficult breath, cough, bronchitis..
skin - ezcema, dermititis, rash, hives..
nervous system - fussiness, sleeplessness..
other symptoms - ear infection...

all above because of less antibodies in the baby body. I read in the above ILLL links that when you give formula milk to baby is equal to 8 liters of milk for adult body.

hmmm... finally most of the things my baby is facing is clear or can understand why it happen to my baby. But I am helpless that I cannot change anything or can change it in anyway now.

If baby faces any problem we know why it happen we can only relieve their pain by comforting and giving medicine. But apart from that we need to do preventive measures everyday.

I hope porky and star babies recover faster.
All I can say is dont worry, they will recover faster. Take it as experience on how to handle in future.

I feel PDs not all are exp. Every baby is different and they cannot tell their problem so diagnosis wise not all PDs are correct. Lot of research is going on and not all PDs are up to date. Try your best to let baby recover naturally so they get learnt how to fight w their illness.

One of our close friends who is also PD said parents worry too much that sometimes PDs give antibiotics which is not required. All these problems are common and they should recover by fighting and with less powerful medication.

Monitor baby temp. and give relevant medication dont go for antibiotic unless ur basic medicine doesnt work and too long w illness.

I had 1 tin of 400g of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (Expire on 23/07/2011) + $5 voucher off for 700g Mamil Gold Step 2 Newgen (Valid until 31/12/2009) letting go $9. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.


I don't know the difference between cooking pork together with porridge or use the soup base to cook porridge. Apparently the market auntie advised us to cook using soup base method, we did not ask why oso..

I read that yr gal started on cod fish, my boy also taking cod fish porridge in his IFC, the principal assures me that most bb do not have allergy.. so far he has started abt 1.5 months liao. so i think shd be ok right..

Star, have u bring yr gal to see doctor? Is it due to virus? or rotavirus? My boy ever had diarrhoea for close to 2 weeks. we switched to soy based FM and when he recover, slowly switch back to normal FM. Don't use baby wipe, use cotton wool and nappy cloth to clean her butt when she poo, to prevent the area getting too sore. Also, stop solid during this period.

Seems that alot of bb are falling sick recently.. am not sure is due to our weather, our too polluted air or too many virus going around??

twinkles sp, does yr gal had alot of phelgm when she cough?
yeah! she got a lot of phelgm. that's why i dunno is due to weather, virus spreading or what. so worried, need to see pd review again tonite.

now she started to protest in taking medicine. had a hard time feeding her medication.
Me! But they say I have congested breast instead of blocked ducts. Just pumped out until it feels clear , hand express n massage and ask baby to latch. It normally do the trick for me!
Hi I know of a Malay lady who is good in clearing blocked ducts and she charged 68 I think each time. She's good and I strongly recommend her. Usually u only need her once as long as u diligently do breast massage. Let me know if u are interested.
star, porky, twinkle, hope ur baby recovers speedily!

twinkle, yuan2 was coughing for 2mth+ and condition worsen till wheezing! PD put her on neublizer and increase dosage of ventolin to 2mg 3x per day... was advised to look out for fever n lethargic... she lost appetite but continue to be active n playful... i took leave to look after her at home -- as many babies were sick @ IFC... she got better after 1 week and fully recovered in another 1 week...

as recommended by mummies here, i rubbed ru yi oil on my palm n placed on her chest, back, sole -- wear clothes n socks immediately to keep warm...

yuan2 also dislike taking medicine -- so we mix with water and feed thru bottle... she also cough with phlegmy sound -- i will put her on all fours and use a wet wash cloth to clean her mouth -- u will be surprise to find mucus... they r too young to know how to spit out -- so try to clean their mouth after cough -- prevent them from swallowing back...
hi adv sports,

so how's yuan2 now? fully recovered already?

my gal is also active and playful. but now reduced in the milk feed. luckily, she likes to take the cereal, so i increase her cereal feed in order to keep her full.

thanks for the tip, i will try to use wet cloth to clear her phlegm from her mouth.

the IFC also have a few babies falling sick before my gal fell sick too. the teachers there also busy to feed medication to the infants. is it due to the weather?
afternoon mummies

mia for the past few days due to right eye kana 'boxed' by my daughter & was referred to A&E in NUH for treatment. haiz.

wonder why nowadays babies are so 'violent'. mummy just want to carry her & she hit me, sob sob.
twinkle, yes, yuan2 has fully recover for come to 2 weeks... we still monitor her condition -- will get kan cheong when we hear her sneeze or cough :p

oh, try to dilute the milk(if FM) so that it is less heaty... and try to feed bb more water... was advice to avoid giving fruits for the time being...

actually, i gave her less solids(partly no appetite) -- to let her body fight out the virus instead of digesting food... i feed her milk more often -- it was a battle each time as she drank 60ml and push the bottle away

PD said it is due to the weather change... haiz, first time parent so very gan cheong... but prolong coughing is not good -- so gotta monitor closely...

win, oh dear, ur gal so strong!! 'box' mummy till need to go A&E??!! sayang2!

jamie, gosh, sounds bad -- hope tmc can clear ur blocked ducts! u take care!
hi adv sports,

my gal drank abt 100ml then she pushed the bottle away. so we fed her cereal to last her thru the nite. she is on a few medication, hence taking the medication around the clock.

by the way, did the pd give any medicine to standby if (CHOY! CHOY!) the wheezing sound is back? sorry, i'm asking because the pd ask her to go back for review tonite. i want to know for more info.
Thanks sgpv, will go and get it during weekend though i know how pack it can be.. I used to shop @ midnight in mustafa.. less crowded..keke..

Star: luckily my gal dun have fever when shes having diarrhoea or at least I din realise it. ACtually I am a very blur mummy one.. the last time when gal having fever in the middle of the night - it was actually my hubby who discovered it cos she kept crying and refused to be put down to bed. I have to carry her the whole night.

Porky: I really feel bad for you when the pd and nurses are so unhelpful. ARrgh.. How's your boy now? Hope your boy getting better. You must take care, we all understood how stressful it can be when bbs are unwell.

I do agree with SGPV on PD's experience. My gal was on medicines overdose the last time she was coughing. My pd prescribed 3 oral cough syrups and 1 nasal drop - the dosage also quite hight - about 1.5ml each med - which didn't made my gal feel better. In fact, she kept coughing.. though dry cough. When seek 2nd pd opinion then realise that she doesn't need any med at all as long as it doesn't disturb her sleep.

Apparently my gal took too many med and also too much quantity for NOTHING!!
adv_sport & Papaya

ya her fingnernails had caused a big scratch on the cornea of the eye. so painful to open the eye & tears flowing non-stop.

lucklily we hv kep her nails short otherwise duno wat can happen.

past few days like a blind woman, just eat & sleep.

now in the midst of recovering & today back to office. vision still blur & feel giddy @ times.

1st week of jan will go back for review.
that sounds really bad!! did the doctor say that your vision will slowly recover?

my bb's nail is very sharp too. she goes around scratching everyone, including herself. but her nails is pretty short!
hows yr shopping trip? must have enjoy yrself.. good to have ME time!! cya on eve!! thanks for organising!!

this forum has become more and more quiet.. where r all the regular mummies gone to??

doc say no worries on my vision in long term, but this vision blurness will cause inconvenience during these 2 weeks so still gota take care & hopefully the review next mth will be gd.
i need someone to lead me on!! whahhaa.. no la.. nowadays so serious topic.. and i have nothing to contribute so i keep quiet lor..
twinkle, nope, pd din give any medicine to standby... she took 2ml ventolin n 1.5ml rhinatinol(maybe wrong spelling)... hubby n me prefer yuan2 to recover by herself than overdose with medicine...

win, aiyoh, fingernail scratch!! sound so painful!

shers, alamak, i also wondering y u so quiet :p

ok, let's lighten up the mood -- here's to share a cute incident... this morning, i was spending some time with yuan2 @ IFC... she crawled towards a younger infant and they started to "yak" and use their hands to touch each other's face
then yuan2 moved forward, put her hand over the girl's shoulder and hugged her -- their faces stick side to side -- sooo cute! i wish i had my camera with me!!

think yuan2 can be a big sister now

so painful that i cried & she keep staring, why mummy crying so badly.

ya shd snap it down, so sweeeet. btw how old is yuan2?
haha! so cute. reminds me of andrea & jodie at vivo city dat time

did shermay & jodie hug dat day @ taka also? i can't remember liao
yuanx2 is so cute!!! yes!! she is ready to be lil sister!! faster go home and make!! go go!! whahhaa

yes! shermay was touching jodie. in fact, they r touching one another.. both of them have this cheeky grin on their face.. cute! one thing for sure is shermay is super curious abt jodie's pacifier!!
win, can imagine the pain.. luckily hubby n i wear specs -- yuan2 hv pull it off a few times! she's coming to 8mth old
my dress hv no pocket -- so i dun carry hp with me

ak, not so soon lah... need to "recuperate" *haha*

ju, babies r so cute hor
wonder if yuan2 will do the same to the boys :p i was worried she will be too rough and beat the girl instead of sayang... but the caregivers said yuan2 likes to mingle with her friends -- be it younger or older
Ilovesashimi, replied ur email!

Adv sports: yuan2 so sweet! Knw hw to socialise! Haha! ya they prescribed antibiotics.. And massaged my boob.. Nw pumping can see yield liao.. Bt fever still here..

Win: thx!
haha! cos shermay dun use pacifier, right?

ya lor! ifc told me jodie got bfs there! the bbs there also like jodie's pacifier, keep wanting to touch!
My gal on 2nd day of regular lactose formula and today she started to poo more - so far twice and the 2nd one a bit watery.. scared gg to start diarrhoea again.

Has any mummies' who bbs recovered from diarrhoea and am able to start drinking lactose formula?

Seems that my gal may have to go back to lactose free formula.. sob
ak n shers, u 2 think alike hor...

shers, not time to knock off yet :p

ak, haha! no lah, yuan2 tried to touch greg gor gor but he not happy -- think he was jealous that u offered his stroller's toy to yuan2 :p

jamie, yuan2 like to play with other babies
gd to hear that u feel better after visiting tmc... hope ur fever will subside soon...
u better now? guess u have to keep on pumping to relieve.. but nipple will be sore.. so keep it moisturise..

mr adv_sports will 'complain' if greg touchy yuanx2.. hahhaa..

ya lor.. tried to give her pacifier b4 but she doesnt like.. must be curious abt jodie's pacifier.. so cute! let them hug hug again at feb_mum's house!
next time dun do the same thing le... so dangerous! make hailey drink more!

haha! see if they still wanna hug hug dat day
try harder okok?? maybe u can have 'made on xmas day' bb!! whahhaa..

sooo... its not yuanx2 doesnt want to hug.. its greg who refused!! yuanx2 so proactive already.. ask greg not to be shy ok? hahah
ju, wah, jodie has "bfs" @ IFC -- so popular ah :p

think babies are attracted to pacifier :p little bean also aim for yuan2's pacifier when they played together last weekend -- little bean dun use pacifier...

my 9mth-old nephew thot yuan2 took his pacifier and tried to pull hers off *faint*

an ang mo baby @ IFC is using the exact same pacifier as yuan2 -- she has a pacifier clip secured to her clothes... yuan2 will crawl to her and pull it off! gosh, luckily, the caregivers saw it and remove the pacifier from the girl...
Shers: high fever of 39.7. Nw still hovering ard 39 deg.. Tink I knw hw u felt when u kp getting engorged.. Sigh..

Ju: I told myself nv to lie on the boobs when wearing underwire!!

wow.. one moment the forum is so quiet and the next moment its so lively! hahahaha

Yah lor.. i think Little Bean is the most unsociable baby around.. she is only interested in climbing up and down and standing up... hahaha

And yes.. she pulled Yuan2 mei mei's pacifier and also tried to pull her hair! haha Sorry ah Adv Sports.. lil bean is like that.. so boyish and rough.
