(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

re binder - i like! it's thin so doesn't feel hot wearing it, can wear whole day. at 1st, i had difficulty hooking the innermost hooks. but nw, no prob, always innermost hooks. tummy seems a little less protruding but i doubt it helps to reduce flabbiness. tink exercise still the best but i'm juz too lazy ;p

audrey, i received the binder liao..tks alot

adv sports, u have to lift up the chin to apply, if not, there will be more rashes...my #1 develop fungal infection on his neck n have to apply steriod cream to get rid of it...
Hi Audrey

Read on the forum that you are selling the binders. I am interested in the binders. Care to share with me a little more about them and how much is it that you are selling?

<font color="ff0099">haha yah i dun think the binder helps to reduce flabbiness. it helps to make the tummy smaller but yes, doing sit ups will make all the flabbiness go away!!

although i have lost my inches, i'm still a bit flabby at the belly area hahaha. and still applying firming cream to try firming that stubborn area up!


i have PMed u already
My 10th week boy seems to be drinking lesser now.... Lesser number of feeds and shorter interval per feed.... Is this something I should worry abt? Instead of 8 feeds 30 mins each per day, now 6-7 feeds 20 mins each

He was 5:5 kg at 6 week n should be above 6 kg now. Should I bring him see pd?

I exercise,do brisk walking with the binders on.
I feel that my tummy has reduced but still a bit flabby. I can hook on last hook on S size..wahahahha..so happy. I hav a little pertruding tummy before preggy,so I "kan kai" liao...left a bit to keep me warm...LOL
Hi mummy

Long time no post here.. but i stil read hor.. busy at work now..

Can anyone tell me where I can get blank flash cards?
I remember a mummy ever posted the address. Jotted it down but misplaced the paper

So long as bb is growing healthily, u shouldnt be concerned about it.. really..
i am very inspired to lose 7 inches like Audrey! It's true la, I started too late. Even for massage the best is within a week after birth.

Btw Audrey, I am looking for firming cream also - which one are you using? Any recommendation for that?

I do have the binder on everyday cos it's the most comfy one I have - I have tried 3 others. So definitely wont mind wearing it all day long!

I guess I am the big size type so have to be more patient lor.. sigh.

When I can hook on size 'S' - I will sure post it in this forum to inform everyone k - Jia You all!!
tinkles mum,
u r not alone. i've been on the last hook of M size for abt a week. it's still tight, so not trying the first hook of S size yet. still waiting for this hook to loosen up...
Hi rc_cola

The contact no is 65- 6273 5333.
Company: Hiap Moh.

1800 pieces of A5 (350gm) = $53 + GST
900 pieces of A4 (350gm) = $53 + GST

That was the price 1 year back.

Re: rejecting bottles
Have been trying all sorts of teats for the past 1 week. NUK silicon, latex, Pigeon peristatic and pigeon spoon..Baby still fuss a lot. This morning, she finally managed to drink 70ml using the NUK silicon. Hope tomolo will be a better day.

I m back to my pre-preg weight liao in 7 weeks!! so happy!!Aim to lose 5 more kg at least!! I am always at my slimmest when i m bfg!!
RE flash cards

Maybe the experienced mums can demonstrate the making of the flash cards during our outing on 27th July. Joyce, can you demo since you demo the sling so well the other time?

Re: under chin/neck cleaning/apply cream
you may try putting ur bb on tummy resting on ur thigh. this way, bb tend to lift up their head and hence can clean the neck/under chin area!

flash cards
See my FB video!

A bit lay chey to bring the cards as they are 11" by 11" leh..
Mass gathering

Date: 27th July
Time: 11-3pm
Venue: North East Function Room
1. Shers
2. Joyce
3. Lily
4. BB_may
5. Abby
6. juju78
7. audrey
8. Yuki
9. porky_jean
north east means along north east line.. its easily assessible by train.. as for bus, i'm not familiar coz i only know how to take train.. but i can check for those who r keen..

the date is decided by audrey who will do the organising because no more helper and i need to take care of 2 kids and help my mum in housework..
<font color="ff0099"> tinkles mum,
im using body shop firming cream
light blue bottle
dun worry u will get into S size soon! jia you!!!!

so we meet on the 27th (monday)..

food? r we catering or ordering in?</font>
can i join in the gathering? i missed previous one

i going bk to work on 30 jul...bb start infant tomolo....

so most probably i wun bring her along cos need to get her to get use with infant care.
Pooh Wei
Thanks so much

Hi Joyce
May I know roughly how many pcs do we need for the 11" x 11" size.. coz i believe this is only useful for baby stage (not very sure till how many months),
can enlightened me? :p
Adv_sports - OIC.. maybe tt's the main buffet menu!


These can be used upto 4yrs.. and can do addition/subtraction/mutiplication/division.. think total is 200 cards.

You may visit NLB to borrow the book "How To Teach Your Baby Math" by Glenn Doman.Janet Doman to find out more about this flash card thingy..
i think as they grow up the 11" x 11" wont be too useful rite?
my 2 yo is not fascinated at all by the flashcards now.. when i flashed to her bro, she told me MUMMY PLEASE SLOW DOWN hahaha...

maybe i really need to borrow the book to see how to make flashcards (especially the maths)..
will start with teaching my boy (hopefully my girl) the alphabets first.. then numeric figures..
Re: firming cream
I am using clarins extra firming cream.. work wonders.. flabbliness is almost gone

I just measured my waist few days ago, back to 68cm :p haha.. so now the only part that is BIG are my Bs kekeke!!
I dun use binder already, only wear tights at nite...
RC - u went back to ur waistline of 68cm?? over how long ah? You just wear the binder from Audrey and apply clarins firming cream? Any diet change?
Sorry for bombarding you with the questions... just very inspired by your achievement! haha.

Alphabets itself do not mean anything.. hence, suggestion is words instead of alphabets!

can use flash cards too, but size is 6" height, lenght depends on the words!

If anyone wants powerpoint Maths/Words, you may pm me!
<font color="ff0099"> joyce
yes i think order pizza will be the best.. because order KFC, abit hard to peel the chicken if we are carrying babies..

macs also can, its not difficult to eat a burger and carry baby at the same time..

canadian pizza 1 for 1? potluck will be quite troublesome for those taking cab n slinging baby..?</font>
U flatter me lar.. I dun do anything, not even massage..
Yup I have binder of my own..
just normal one buy from indo.. not those commercialized types hehe..
I think the tiredness of taking care of kids really help me to go back to previous size.. during these 2 months, i have been eating a lot!! I think if i dun eat a lot, i would probably has shrunken haha!!!

I think (my personal opinion):-
taking care of kids and bfing are the most effective way to lose those extra pounds.. coz bfing mummies are burning 500cal while the body is producing milk..
so dun ever diet, or the milk will be very thin (more foremilk) rather than the hindmilk and fatty milk..

Now that i am working, i realise my foremilk is getting more in quantity (used to be 90% contents hindmilk + fatty milk) and now.. foremilk is like 25% of total milk.. Stress is one factor i think..

hm.. start with flashing words? i do that now.. but then i would love him to also know A-Z independently ler hahaa (too optimistic)..
rc cola - agree with you on wt losing. i'm losing wt much much faster this time round compared to post-#1. i tink it's due to having to care for both a T2 and a bb. i'm oso bk to my pre-preggie wt, though tummy area still flabby.

not to scare the first time mummies, but it's really a lot more xiong having to handle 2, rather than 1. my hb say they dun add up, they multipy!
any mummies here using NAN 1? I hv a tin of opened NAN 1 to let go. opened on 2 Jul and used for only abt 5 feeds. Letting go coz bb is sleeping thru the nite and I no longer need to make FM for her in the wee hours. She's on full ebm now. Rest assured that contents are clean for I feed my bb with it afterall. Letting go at $10 oni. Pick up at bt batok/jurong/hougang ave 9. Pl PM me if keen.
<font color="ff0099"> tinkles mum
feb_mum's baby is the same as andrea, 1st of May baby.
andrea sleeps through the night for at least 10 hrs now.. and she started sleeping through for such long hours for 1-2 weeks already..

before that she slept through for about 6-7 hours..</font>
thanks Audrey - both of your babies are around 11-12 weeks old right? So they started sleeping longer around 10 weeks?

Jonas is 8 weeks this week - hoping he will sleep longer but so far still the same
<font color="ff0099"> tinkles mum
does jonas sleep in the day? cos andrea doesnt.. maybe 1 hour in total in the daytime..</font>
u can understand me hor hahaha.. yup, it's multiplication and not addition when u are having more than one kids!
so good that yr bb sleeps thru.. mine stil an alarm clock..
try the clarins firming cream, it really works compared to during my #1..

every bb is different.. some bb just sleep thru and some dont until they are older (my girl slept thru in her 2nd months and now sleeping like a piggy for 12 hours + 2 hours nap).. so long as bb is happy, healthy and not cranky, u should feel happy already..

I also pump 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and late afternoon), latch on only after work.. it's the same, in anycase your body needs to produce milk, whether it is latching or pumping rite?

i envy u! :p
<font color="ff0099"> rc_cola
thanks! but my girl doesnt slp in the day so i have to entertain her all day.. so daytime i cannot rest! tiring man..

but i have bedtime routine for andrea..
i will change her into her pyjamas, turn on the aircon, turn on the same lullaby cd every nite n dim the lights.. n read to her 1 chapter of her bedtime devotion while she latches on.. den she'll slp liao..

i do this every single night since june til she gets used to it.

after i finish my body shop cream i will try clarins :p</font>
<font color="ff0099"> rc,
does the clarins cream make ur skin feel hot? the body shop one i use makes my tummy feel hot .. as though i apply ru yi oil haah.</font>

Yup it's good to let bb have a bedtime routine.. and repetitive routines will stick on till they get older and easier to fall asleep in the future..

For my bb, about 8pm or 8.30pm i will change him to his pj, and then play with him for awhile, get him to lie down on the bouncer while i prepare my girl for sleep (wash face,hands,feet, change pj, make milk, brush teeth), and prepare myself for sleep (pray, make milk for myself, brushteeth), after that will escort both to the rooms, both wear sleeping bags, then off light (girl will help herself with milk) and i latch bb.. after that all 3of us zz usually around 10pm... oops. i must remember to put bb back to cot before i fall into deep deep sleep hahaha!
mummies, i m puzzled... juz now, i m almost done with pumping when my bb wakes up from her nap... she dun wanna let me continue pumping -- no choice i latch her on... amazingly, she still can suckle for 10-15min each breast... she seems satisfied and now playing herself... any clue how come still hv milk when my Bs r almost empty?
adv_sports, b is never empty, just that there will be less milk inside. Maybe your girl is just comfort sucking and abit of milk is enough for her? Anyway, baby suckling is the best breast pump, so she can still extract whatever the pump didn't.
RE sleeping through

My boys also has been sleeping through for alot of weeks now. But I am afraid he will go hungry without milk for too long. So normally I will try to give him his last feed at 10pm even though he may be sleeping before that. Then morning 630am I will wake him up for milk even though he may be sleeping. Even if he just fidget at around 5am, I will prepare milk for him. Yesterday after his 730pm feed, he fell asleep at 9. I woke him up at 10 for his last feed, but he is too sleepy to finish his milk. Only 90ml out of 130ml, I have to throw away 40ml. Then at 6am, he starts to look for his pacifier, so I make milk for him (only 1/2 hr earlier)
re sleeping - i believe in being as fuss free as possible. my bb actually can sleep in day and still sleep thru the nite, but she will also have cranky days when she doesn't want to sleep in the day. normally by evening time, she's oreadi zonked out. after last feed around 8.30pm, she will juz sleep until 5+ in the morning, which is good enuff for me since i wake up at that kind of timing when i return to work. i basically juz feed her and put her back in the cot and she falls asleep. she's quite an ez bb.

for my #1 when she was a bb, i sleep train her around her 3rd mth. she would wake up around 3+ but i realise she didn't really drink much. so i started pushing back her timing for milk to 4, then 5 and finally 6. she juz settled into it after a while.

rem i mentioned earlier that my #1 was willing to sleep in the kids room now to 'accompany mei mei'? i used to have to sleep there too and leave the room after she has fallen asleep. now, we've managed to train her to go to her room after the story telling and juz sleep. i'm so happy dat i dun hv to go in there to pretend to sleep liao. hurray!
