(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

SK: Don't worry, as long as the baby is healthy. A heavy birthweight doesn't gurantee health. Some babies gain weight much faster after they are born. Some more our womb only got limited space leh. :p

What do you mean by 'you're healf hearted when comes to choosing natural birth'?

lily: i want to faint! my bb is already 2.5kg at 35wks!! argh! have to go back in 2 wks to check on her wt again. n i kana warned dat im quite small sized so bb cant b too big for me.. went to see ur fb bt dunno which pix is the sheets!! hahaha!!
wah ! so many good news this morning !

i just wake up and cook some pork porridge...saw flommy posting and immediately sms her ! she is still waiting and feeling drowsy...

congrats to jacquise ! post ur little ger pix soon

jamie, u so early today ya ?
porky: me is jamie la.. hb went work. half day. sian. i woke up to pee then cant go back to slp. make me sian to go wee wee at nite.. then aft awhile, i became hungry. hahahha!!!
sk, oh...just saw ur post above...so dr woody's clinic is close next thurs due to lots of op...so many mummies chose 30th and 1st may to pop...i also seeing him on sat but at SK clinic..
jamie, haha...i also wake up to pee twice last night...so pissed off...cos lazy to climb up from bed mah...today is chu 1..i wake up after 12noon cos i cant eat pork in the morning...now happily enjoying my pork porridge
Abby > I leave it to fate loh, want to have natural birth but if bb insists of not changing position then I cant do anything. Let nature takes its course.

Porky, yea. I was told by his CCK Clinic nurse cos I intend to visit him on coming Thurs mah. Then need to choose either on Wed or Sat morning loh. Dr A also told me PH usually quite packed for ops. That's why he was suggesting me to book a date with him for C-sec in case no bed for me loh. Can cancel if bb decides to go V birth.

BTW, what's TPS means ah? Often saw this when talking abt KKH leh.
ya!! im still here man!!! this lil fellow is too comfy inside.! i hope he can come naturally... bt nt too long of cos. am alrdy in my 39th wk..!
nt early alrdy leh. next sat will be full term. if still dun come out will need c-sec...

the list need to past to someone with ltr edd and comes in often leh.. who want to take over!!!

me first time mummy.. having a boy.. but hoping to have a gal next round hee.. i like gal more.. i went to see dr ad on thurs then nurse told me 30apr clinic close so got to see him on 27apr night instead..
i couldnt sleep the whole night also nt only me plus my family also, cause too hot liao just now went back to sleep at 11am then hubby pull me at 2.30 for lunch lao..
xue, mine edd is later...but i dunno how to do the list leh...very idiot in this kind...

yuki, dont vote for me lah...i dunno how to do...ya last night very hot..on the aircon also feel hot...

aiyo, i thot of gg ikea to get the waterproof mat but my feet swollen liao..cant walk so much
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your well wishes!!

Am still in Mt A... Nigel has jaundice and since I'm on total breastfeeding, decided to stay 1 more day with him... Hopefully can bring him home to see Miko and Jade tomoro.. It's really tiring to bf every 3 hours but I guess at the end of the day it's worth it....

Congrats to all the mummies who have popped!

I have visited Ling who has pop yesterday... and now have 2 more kakis, Jacquise and Flommy:) The nurses here are wondering why am I always walking up and down... keekee... and they were so surprise to know that I'm doing visiting! It's a lot of fun!!!

Shers: My wound hurt til yesterday and I was down with a bad cough just after the surgery! Am still recovering frm the cough but am able to walk faster now...

Will come in as and when I can.... Jia you to all the mummies who are next to pop!!

hee yea very hot on both air con n fan liao still very hot turning here and there
the weather is so hot till i dun wanna go out..
hubby asking me to go movie, i look at the sun outside i sian half way ready.. ikea so big u confirm u wanna go? ur leg can take it??
miko, glad to see u posting again. so how is ur wound ? better already ? wah, so many of them pop at MT A...very fun leh, can go around visiting and chatting with each other...hehe..

yuki, actually ikea is very near my house only...yes is very big...i dunno can take it or not...hubby ask me dont go..rest at home..
juz woke up from nap and great to hear more "popcorn" news

many congrads to jacquise & flommy!
haha porky... i nt v gd in Microsoft lei.. and dun always come in here too,..

shit. today 2nd time diarrhea liao lei....been lidat for the past 1 wk... porky.. u hav this symptoms too?
yuki, invite me leh !

glenlyn, isit food posioning ? better call ur gynae and ask faster...i dont have loose stools...more like constipation for me...
mikojade, hope ur wound will heal faster and bb nigel will be fine soon! wow, sounds fun to visit other mummies

glenlyn, think i heard other mummies mentioned that having loose stools is a "sign" that BIG day is near
Porky: I just saw your multiply website. You not fat leh, why call yourself porky?

You born in 1978? You took your pre-wedding photos in the month I got married leh!
Yuki: Although I don't know the gender of my baby, but I sense it's a boy. My husband wants a girl.

Wah so gd your husband pull you to lunch. I'm the one who has to wake my husband up for lunch. Lol! Just ate not too long ago.

I slept a few hours only.
abby, ya me 1978...wow so coincident ah i took the photos in august leh...cos my favourite soft toy name is porky...hehe

yuki, accept ur invitation liao, now looking at ur photos
y u say u can sense its a boy?? base on ur stomach round or sharp? or the food u eat issit?? my syptoms all link to having a gal but when scanning show the result is a boy .. maybe try to catch a nap again later???
should say more and more give birth liao so cant come online now, and today is sat!!! its a day to go out shopping!!! but got to stay at home no strength to walk out of the house..

after birth must nu li slim down then take as much photo as possible haha i hate to look into the mirror so damn fat..

haha..ya so many popping already...i think u should be gg to pop also soon...then will be left only a few of us chatting liao...ya i hope to go shopping, metro got 20% storewide...but hubby ask me stay at home to rest...haiz...
