(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

the most to wait for another wk after edd. bt hv to see water lvl as well... #1 has been flipping up my top and asking didi to come out already.. lol..

yar lor... nxt wk is our bb full term already. getting more n more tired...

Yuki: My husband feel the kicks when he's about to fall asleep or when I'm sleeping but he's still awake. Not when he's sleeping la. ;p He's the kind that can't even hear the alarm clock.

We don't know the gender of our baby. We want it to be a surprise. Yup edd 27apr.

Do mention about the watery liquid and if the discharge has a foul smell. Better to check.

Maybe we're going to the clinic on thurs instead if baby hasn't come out by 27 apr. Don't want to hear him ask us to induce again.

Most 1st time mummies can be 2 weeks past due date then give birth. But he seems like the doctor who is keen to faster induce.

dr ad is on leave clinic close on 30apr le.. dun waste ur time going down ==!
so ur husband and u are ok for both gal and boy?? last night i keep on having the feel on water leaking but keep checking, got nothing leh.. lao whole night keep checking only then my hubby sleep till like log..


my mother and sister have being talking to my stomach telling bb to come out quick, they wanna play with him. haiz.. all of us on waiting game..
morning girls! update! jacquise who doesn't post but still reads, has jus popped last nite on 25april 0358am.she is a healthy 2990g and 49cm long! her waterbag burst ytd evening.. do update the table! thanks xue!
HI JAmie,

U are so early today ! Jacquise had a fast labour..... she say dun be heroine... go for epi !

I am so stress now...Timing seemed running out... she was still telling me next appt wif J Wong is monday.
next one is thurs 30th Apr bcos next day is PHols. U got any idea if pop on PHols TMC got extra charges on room rates?

Finallly went ikea to buy my BB drawer. I told BB not to come out so sonn cos daddy need to fix her drawer and confirm her name. muahaha...

When is yr next appt with Khi ?
firefly: haha. i dunno lei! u nvr check with ah wong! tell daddy to mai tu liao! everyone seems to b popping liao! ah khi wanna see me on 8th may. rmb i told u, she say by then is "safest" for bb to pop cuz 37 wks liao. then say wanna check bb's wt lor. ur appt nw is wkly? mine jus turned fortnightly.
hmmm... 8th May is my actual EDD but doubt i can tong by then as everyone's popping and I am already dilated liao.

Better plan where and wat to do this FINAL countdown weekend.
Morning Mummies,

Flommy ... Jia you u be the next one

I forgot that time who ask me want to buy fitted sheet moo moo for the cot ... Got 3 colour now : blue, yellow n green. I bought 2 for baby green n yellow. So cute
jamie, i realised alot of mummies seem to pop ard midnite timing...

jasquise's bb is of good weight and length..

is her labour long??

i only rem that her bb name is called 'SARAH'
i havent.. later i will go KP and let my gal try the buggyboard 1st.. most likely i will ask audrey to get for me..
hih, i jus woke up and saw jacquise sms,.. congrats to her man... :) firefly_leslie i thnk ur turn next wk since urs dilate 1cm on last thur liao...

all the best, mummies....
lily: sounds cute, are thr pixes of the moo moo sheets? i think i missed it when u guys talked abt it last time..

shers: hmmm she mentioned she started pushing abt 2 n sarah came out abt 4am. yea alot popping at the "am" timings. =)

flommy: wru nw???

Huh! How come public holiday eve the clinic close? Guess we have to see him on 27april then. Only slept this morning then woke up a few hours later...don't know why cannot sleep...
jamie-thanks dear! feelin' groggy fm e epi. im hungry!! gynae got e nurse 2 reserve lunch 4 me!! but epi cant eat too soon, wil throw out everything de.
Wow, the guessing game seems fun leh. Who are in the line to pop now?

Jul > No prob. I am trying my luck only. :D

Abby > Jia you! I talk to my bb everyday too but also leaving it to her to decide when she wanna come out to meet her parents. I almost half hearted when comes to choosing natural birth.

Think my baby is still kinda small. My mum was passing the comment that mother so big size and bb so small size. Think no correlation mah.
dont worry too much ... we the same. My baby only 2.3kg leh at 37wks 4 days. Gynae say I can pop anytime now when I ask him about baby size he say no need to worry as long as baby healthy when come out u can make her chubby he say
Flommy > Jia you Jia You Jia Jia You k! So excited for you. Ayoh.

Abby> Was told that Dr ADrian's clinic is closed on next Thurs cos he seems to have heaps of Ops to do on Thurs and Friday. Thought of seeing him on Thurs then no choice got to see him on next Sat. Think it's also my last visit to see him to decide what method to deliver.

Lily > Exactly, few days ago I was not feeling bb's movements so much but past couple of days she's quite active esp in the afternoon. So happy for you and you be seeing ya lit one soon.
