(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

porky, i nt sure if dr ad wan me to pop faster but maybe bb already fully grow able to pop now.. the first sentence he saw me is how come no news from me yet.. i dunno how to react lor.. lao.. he wont be in on 30apr so clinic is close for cck.. nt sure if he is going holiday got to make sure i dun give birth on that day haha.. if nt spoil his day..

porky, wah, waterbag burst is confirmed to deliver! my hubby oledi lined the bed with underpads -- so that won't wet the bed when waterbag burst
yuki, ya his clinic closed for 2days...cos of the labour day holiday mah..i see him on 2nd may..if u really pop on 30th april, u still can call him..hehe

adv, ya loh...wat if wet the whole bed middle of the night...headache ah
yuki, i ask abt the labour day and vesak day delivery liao...he say if choose TMC, no xtra charges...if Mt A have xtra changes...
sorry to disturb mummies, i\m mummy from march thread. received a brand Capella new car seat in box for baby's full month pressie but i already got one.

Model is Capella S-100, retail $149, letting go at $100, if interested pls PM me, thanks (Vivocity/Suntec)
yuki, erhm, not everyday change... mine is put under the bedsheets -- still usable for 2weeks... think 1 pack of 10 pcs is abt $10 -- not expensive...
congrats to all mummies who have popped - as i was reading that time - cannot remember who has someone coming over frm indonesia and getting the nyonya meneer telon oil? can count me in & pm me . . i m running out of stock liao
Hi Yuki,

There are 2 sizes so check them out first before u buy it. One size is 50cm X 50cm, the other one is 28cm X 28cm i think.. Cant really remember the measurement.
Exactly, we are still here...... Haiz! Hahah

Wow so zun waterbag burst in the middle of the night. Good !!Heard wet the bed not easy to clean leh.
apparently it burst at 2am..

and yes we are still here.. its getting quiet in the forum cos everyone is popping... lol.
Hey Yuki,

For the past 2 weeks Dr Adrian has been asking us how long we intend to wait before inducing. He say due to baby size it's ready to pop on my due date which is 27april, this coming monday.

But we're not keen to induce. I also feel like he keep rushing the birth.

SK: You seeing Dr Adrian at Seng Kang right? If you are definitely can't be me la, cos I see him at CCK.

I think the Ikea bathtub quite good value for $, not expensive. I bought a bath cradle from the Taka Baby Fair at a discounted price. You prefer one at the Kidsloft?
bed liner:
Actually you can get plastic sheets for bed in king or queen size from SpotLight. It's like boy bedsheets, just line before your mattress protector and bedsheet. Dun have to worry wetting the bed. We have all our bed covered with that since toilet training kids.
Yah, Abby. Im seeing Dr Adrian at CCK. Hehe.

Paging for Jul > Ya 5pcs underpads still available? Fickle-minded me thinking of getting from u leh.
bean, congrats!
now that ur little ballerina has popped, when will my little pianist/drummer pop??

came across this website that does customized t shirt with the ballerina shoe print on it. thought of u immediately.

take care

He also got ask me make sure baby kick 10 times a day. But my baby v.active, kick more than 10 times a day. Even kick daddy when he's almost going to fall asleep. ;p

My husband say sometimes when I'm sleeping he got feel baby kicking.

When are you due?

Dr Adrian didn't do any VE for me except 1 time when I leaked some watery liquid in the night and had a lot of discharge.

Don't know whether my next appt he will do VE since it'll be over my due date if i see him on thurs night instead of 27 apr (mon).
ladies, i'm still here man.! not dilated at all! gynae says may even be overdue bb.. if really bb don wanna come out, hv to go c-sec alrdy.

hmm ur hubby so li hai can feel bb kick when he sleeping oh.. ur is boy or gal?? my due date is 5may..
i keep on having watery liquid and yellow discharge also le but nv mention abt it to dr..
so ur due date is 27apr??


did doc say by when bb must come out if nt got to go for c section??
try to talk to ur bb ask bb faster come out lor..
oki, muffintop and myself are together with u in this waiting game.. some more our EDDs supposed to be approaching in less than a week...


i think i ask stupid question.. of course u see dr ad at cck haha.. he cant be in 2diff place in 1time .. ==! haha.. sorry ah..
